WCL328 - Windows Intune for the Enterprise David Nudelman Senior Consultant – Microsoft MVP OCSL -...

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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WCL328 - Windows Intune for the Enterprise David NudelmanSenior Consultant – Microsoft MVPOCSL - UK



The Evolution of WorkWindows IntuneCase #1 BYODCase #2 External WorkersCase #3 People Centric Q&A

Modern work

The Evolution of Work

Nomad – Hunter

The Evolution of Work

Neolithic Revolution

The Evolution of Work

Industrial Revolution – workforce specialization

Challenges in managing the Mobile Revolution

Geographical dispersionLack of hardware standardizationApplication sprawlBYOD – non corporate machinesLack of visibility

Windows Intune

Manage Software Updates Distribute Applications Help protect devices from malware/vulnerabilities Track hardware and software inventory

Windows 7 Enterprise

Software assuranceMDOP – Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack

What’s new?

People-centricMake software applications available for users to download to their computers and deploy policies to users.Enable users to add PCs that need to be managed by Windows IntuneCreate groups that have dynamic membership queries

What’s new?

Mobile device enabledAutomatically discover mobile devices that access corporate data through Microsoft Exchange ServerCreate mobile device access rulesLet users access and install internal line-of-business software applications that you make available for their mobile devicesWipe data from lost or stolen mobile devices

Windows Intune Console

Windows Intune Portal


Active Directory SynchronizationExchange and Office 365



Windows Intune Overview

Case #1

BYOD – Bring Your Own DeviceEnforce security and updatesManage information and security settings of mobile devicesSecure other PCs that access corporate resources (Directors’ home PC)Ipads, Android Tablets, etc.

Case #2

External workersEnsure that External PCs connected to your network are secureConsultants, contractors, temporary workers

Case #3

People CentricTarget configurations per device and per userPre-approve what users can installUsers can enrol PCs and Devices

Track Resources

Resources for Developers http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps

Windows 8 is ready for Businesshttp://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enterprise/products-and-technologies/windows-8/default.aspx

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack:www.microsoft.com/MDOP

Microsoft Desktop Virtualization: www.microsoft.com/dv

Track Resources

Springboard Series: www.microsoft.com/springboard Explore > Plan > Deliver > Operate > Support for

Windows 7 and Windows 8MDOPDesktop VirtualizationWindows IntuneInternet Explorer 8, 9 and 10

Track Resources



Download the Windows 8 Release Preview Today


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