We are the Dataverse Community!...

Post on 24-Jul-2020

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We are the Dataverse Community!


Community Meeting 2016

185/185 registered

Dataverse Update Part I

Using Dataverse Part 1

Dataverse Repositories I

Using Dataverse Part 2

Dataverse Update Part 2

Tools connected with Dataverse

Dataverse Repositories 2

Day 1(Monday, July 11) Day 2 (Monday, July 12)

Reception, Poster Session


Closing Remarks, Reception

Ops Training




Developers1/2 Day

Privacy Workshop

Day 3(Wednesday, July 13)

Interested in contributing to the

Dataverse open-source software?

Take the survey:https://goo.gl/ZlT90L


•Want to take notes during the meeting?Public Google Docs, linked from the agenda

• If you have a poster, give it to someone at the registration table or one of the interns

•Transportation to IQSS reception: buses will be ready at 5:15pm


The Research Behind Dataverse

Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.Chief Data Science and Technology Officer

Institute for Quantitative Social ScienceHarvard University


Part of international initiatives and working



$1000 challenge award for proposing the

Amsterdam Manifesto on Data Citation Principles


Created by a group representing 30 data organizations around

the world

2015 2016

Data Citation Implementation Pilot


Data Citation Implementation PilotForce11 and NIH BioCaddie

Findable Accessible Interoperable and Reusable

Working Group on FAIR Data Management Plans

Research Grants and Collaborations

Privacy tools to share sensitive data Data provenance

SBGrid and Biomedical large-

scale data

Social Science Big Data

Journal articles connected to data Data Privacy

Current Grants

Integration with the Research Lifecycle

Each data survey connected to a dataset in Dataverse

Catherine Zucker, Alyssa Goodman

Impacting science, changing the way we do


Publishers support sharing data

Journals with mandatory data policies, 24 times more likely to

have replications materials

Journal Editors support sharing data

Research Communities support sharing data

Funding Sources support sharing data

Some still resist ...

You will eventually share your data.

Resistance is futile.

We are the Dataverse Community.