We, the parish of Saints Mary and Mathias Catholic Church ... · Fall Cleanup 2019 - Oct. 27th This...

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We, the parish of Saints Mary and Mathias Catholic Church, WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST

Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761

From the Pastors Desk October 27th, 2019 At each and every Mass,

we begin by acknowledging

that we are sinners. We

pray, “Lord have mercy.”

We say, “I confess to al-

mighty God and to you, my

brothers and sisters, that I

have greatly sinned.” As we continue our “Response Abil-

ity” message series, we will be taking a look, this week, at

our need to pray with hearts that are humble. We can

enter into prayer convinced of our own righteousness, or

we can enter into prayer, pleading with God to have mer-

cy on us.

One of my favorite images of the Church, given to us by

Pope Francis, is that of the Church as a field hospi-

tal. Christ is the Divine Physician who heals us and binds

up our wounds. Jesus is the ever present healer who is

always eager to lift us back up again when we have fallen

into sin (in particular, in the Sacrament of Confes-

sion.) When we come to realize that our lives would be

lost without a Savior, when we come to discover that Je-

sus is our life-long friend who is always at our side, then

we will have a pure and humble heart and entire into

deeper intimacy with God in prayer.

Formed.org Feature: Lectio- Prayer- by Dr. Tim


With the clear teaching and artistry of the Augustine Insti-

tute's Lectio series, Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the dis-

cipline of Lectio Divina to show you how to make prayer

an effective effort of love and intimacy. In six video ses-

sions, Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God captures the se-

cret to opening our hearts and minds to Scripture as the

means to hear from God and then respond in conversa-

tion, basking in his presence and resolving to live in and

through his love.

If this is your first time logging in to formed.org, go the

website and then click on the “Sign Up” icon. Next, click

on the, “I belong to a Parish or Organization” icon and find

our parish: Saints Mary & Mathias, Muscatine, IA. Then,

you will be able to create a username

and password..

ADA 2019-2020 Total pledged 63,417.00 Were at 55.44% of our goal

Keep up the good work.

October 27th, 2019 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 2

This Week G=Gannon, Ch=Church, C=Council/


AOP=All Our Parishioners, SG=School Gym

October 28th 12PM-Noon Rosary-CH 4:30-5PM-Reconciliation-CH 5:15PM Special Intention -CH 6:30-8PM-Parish Council Mtg.

October 29th 7AM-Daily Larry & Dorothy Kaska -CH 8:30-9AM-All School Mass– with Bishop Zinkula –School 5:15-6PM– Chant Schola Practice-G 6:15-7:30PM-Praise Band Practice-CH 6:30-8PM-RCIA Class-Emmaus RM 7:30-8:45PM-Adult Choir Practice-CH

October 30th 7AM-Daily George Lindle -CH 7:30-8:30 AM– Touched by Faith 6:30-8PM-Seeds of Faith-G

October 31st 7AM-Daily Sp. Intention Birthday Bless-ing for Ben Nietzel)-CH 7:30AM-8PM– Adoration-CH 5:30-8PM– Alpha Series-Mazz Center

November 1st 7AM-Daily Mike Siering-CH 7:30AM-5PM-Adoration-CH 12-1PM All Saints Mass– Elaine Amfahr-CH 5:30PM All Saints Mass– Kay Easterla– CH 7-8PM Hispanic Choir Practice-G

November 2nd Fair Trade Weekend

7:45-8:45AM– 1st Saturday Confessions-CH 9AM -1st Saturday Mass– Mike Siering 9:30-10AM-1st Saturday Baptisms 3:45-4:45 PM– Reconciliation– CH 5-6PM– Mass– Coletta Logel-CH 6pm– Fair Trade– G 5-9PM School Auction– School Gym

November 3rd Fair Trade Weekend

8AM Mass– Lucille Flanders– CH 10AM Mass– AOP-CH 12:30PM Mass- Francisco Rivas y Difun-tos de la Familia Franco

Mass Intentions

Please call the Parrish office if wanting to set up 2020 Mass Intentions If you send a note to request an intention, please include your name and phone number, as were wind-ing down 2019 please make sure

your mass intentions are paid.

The Catholic Daughters will be

selling caramels on November

16th and 17th after the masses.


For PEACE in our hearts, homes and country.

Please join us 30 minutes before each Mass during the month of October to recite

the Rosary.

ALSO ! Did you know that over 25% of the U.S. Military is Catholic??

Rosary makers from our parish along with the HolyLand Military Rosary Ministry

are offering beautiful colored beaded Rosaries. These are available for a suggested

$5 donation and are located at the (back) main entrance to the church. 100% of

proceeds fund Rosary supplies for our Military.

Did you Know? A Walk through the Mass: Prayers of the Faithful

Following the Nicene Creed, we remain standing for the Prayers of the

Faithful otherwise known as the Universal Prayer. We pray precisely be-

cause the Lord commands us to. He encourages us to ask and we shall re-

ceive, seek and we shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to us (See

Matthew 7:7). Sometimes you might hear someone ask the question, “Why

should we pray if God knows everything and God is in charge of the uni-

verse?” We pray because God gave us free will. Even if God does not an-

swer our prayer the way we would wish him to, our prayer grows our heart

and reminds us of our utter dependence on the Lord.

The Knights of Columbus will be

conducting their Campaign for

People with Intellectual Disabilities

(CPID) collection before and after

the Masses the weekend of Octo-

ber 26 and 27. Please be generous

and enjoy a Tootsie Roll (or two).

Book of Remembrance

For the month of November, we remember

our beloved deceased in a Book of the Re-

membrance, which is located in front of the

Marian alter in the church of san Matiás.

The names of those who have died this year

are in the book. If there's anyone else you’d

like to remember, you can add them to the


Celebrating Baptism

Celebrando el Bautismo

Valeria & Jorge Pesina Jorge Pesina, &

Karina Ceniceros

Supporting our VETERANS with the Mili-

tary Rosary What: Fundraising event to fund making Rosaries for active Military and Veteran’s. Rosaries are made

locally and sent to Military Chaplains around the world. For more info, visit holylandmilitaryro-

sary.org --Where: ‘Boonies On The Avenue’, 214 Iowa Ave. Muscatine, IA. When: Veteran’s Day,

Monday, November 11th from 5p-11pm Why: Can’t lose supporting this cause! It’s a win-

win, 20% of all food sales go to The Holy Land Mili-tary Rosary supplies, which are donated directly to between 60-80 Military Chaplains ‘round the world,

and to Military families here in the U.S.

Many Thanks!!

Another successful Beef and Noodle fundraiser!

Success comes from everyone doing their share, and all the help we had

from the Knights and many who just pitched in. Mary Jo Lake made certain

that all the decorations were perfect, and the decorations were beautiful.

God’s blessing to all the helpers and everyone who came to the dinner.

The Eric Blair Family

The Jim Weigand Family

October 27th, 2019 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 3


October 26-27, 2019

Some dates:

October 28 Lectio Divina with Kent Ferris @ 7:00-7:45am in Gannon Hall. We will be reflecting together on

the Mass readings for the following weekend

October 29 Bishop Zinkula will be celebrating the All School Mass at Saints Mary and Mathias at


October 29 RCIA Class—“Sinners, Saints and the Mercy of God”-Sister Cheryl/Bishop Barron—6:30pm

(Mazzuchelli Center)

October 30 Religious Education Classes for Grades K-10

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29TH: Bishop Zinkula will be at Saints Mary and Mathias Catholic School Gym to

celebrate the All School Mass at 8:30am. ALL are WELCOME!!


Saints Mary and Mathias Safety Committee: Lt. Tony Kies, Officer Whitni Peña, Linda Depuydt, Fr. Troy, Dave McKasson, Jim Cottrell, Jim Miller, Maria Frausto, Kevin Custis, Annie Thompson-Almeida, Mike Morgan, Robin

Edwards, Michael Taylor, Rachel Pohl (ex officio member—Rachel is trained to be a parish nurse), Tim Peters, &

Sister Cheryl (chair)


Monday, November 4th at 6:30pm in Gannon Hall, all of our ushers will gather for usher training.

Monday, November 4th at 7:30pm in Gannon Hall, all of our ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, parish staff and members of the wider parish will gather with Lt. Tony Kies and Officer Whitni Peña. Lt. To-

ny Kies and Officer Whitni Peña are part of our Muscatine Police Department, as well as, members of Saints

Mary and Mathias. They will share with us some Emergency Procedures regarding intruders,

disgruntled individuals, weapons-training regarding an active shooter, and other safety proce-



Fall Cleanup 2019 - Oct. 27th This year’s Fall Cleanup is scheduled for Sunday Oct 27th at

1:30 pm. All students 6th-12th grades and their families are

invited to help clean up the church grounds. The Cleanup will

be followed by a bon-fire and S’more Roast

FORMED.ORG (Online Faith Formation Resource)

*Sign Up

*I belong to a Parish or Organization *Enter Parish - SS Mary & Mathias

*Create a New Account (name and email address)

CATHOLIC MESSENGER With this year starting to dwindling down, if you haven't al-ready paid for your subscription of the Catholic Messenger

we ask that you do so. Also if you would like to be taken off and or added to the list for the Catholic Messenger please let

Denise or Maria know by calling the parish office, sending an email or putting a note in the offering basket. That way we

can up date our records.

Veteran’s Day breakfast Sts. Mary & Mathias Catholic School will be holding a Veteran's Day

program & breakfast for all veterans on Monday, Nov. 11th from

8:30-9:30 a.m.

If you are a Veteran, or know of any veterans, please call the school

between the hours of 8:00-3:00 daily at (563) 263-3264 to register

for the breakfast! We look forward to honoring our Veterans who

have done so much for our country and

the world.

When: Monday, Nov. 11th, 8:30 a.m.-

9:30 a.m.

Where: our SMMCS school gym. Handi-

capped parking is available in the back of

the school.

October 27th, 2019 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 4

7:30-8:45PM– Adult Choir Practice– CH Readings for the Week Upcoming Events

Readings for the Week of October 27, 2019 Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-18, 19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 Monday Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5; Lk 6:12-16 Tuesday Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday Rom 8:26-30; Ps 13:4-5, 6; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lk 13:31-35 Friday Solemnity of All Saints Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Saturday The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day) Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Rom 5:5-11; Or Rom 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 Sunday Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 11:22—12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14; 2 Thes 1:11—2:2; Lk 19:1-10

November 4th 10-11:30 AM Prayer Shawl Group-G 12PM– Noon Rosary-CH 4:30-5PM– Reconciliation-Ch No 5:15-Mass– Fall Clergy Overnighter 5-10PM– Safety Usher Training-G

November 5th No 7AM Daily Mass– Fall Clergy Over-nighter 6:15-7:30PM– Praise Band-CH 6:30-8PM-RCIA Class-Emmaus Room 7:30-8:45 PM-Adult Choir-Ch

November 6th 7AM Daily Mass- Wray Siering 7:30-8:30 Touched by Faith Group –CH 6:30-8PM– Spellman Small Church Group-G

November 7th 7AM Daily Mass-Cathy Zellmer –CH 7:30-8PMAdoration-CH 6-7:30PM-Alpha Series-Mazz Center

November 8th 7AM Daily Mass-Larry & Dorothy Kaska-CH 7:30-5PM-Adoration-CH 10-11AM-Sunnybrook Mass 7-8PM– Hispanic Choir Practice-G

November 9th 3:45-4:45PM-Reconciliation-CH 5PM Mass-Gary Richmond– CH

November 10th 8AM Mass-Dennis Runyon –CH 10AM Mass -Virginia Hanson –CH 10AM-2:30PM– Bake Sale for Dance Marathon– G 12:30 PM Mass– AOP-CH

November 11th 10-10:30 AM Lutheran Homes Mass 10-11:30AM-Prayer Shawl Group-G 12PM-Noon Rosary-CH 4:30-5PM-Reconciliation-CH 5:15-6PM- Tony & Marilyn Tomet-ich-CH 5-11PM– Military Rosary fundraiser-Boonies on the Avenue 6-8PM– Catholic Daughters Mtg.-G 6:30-7:30PM– Hispanic Committee Meeting-Mazz

November 12th 7AM Daily Mass-Dorothy Kaska 5:30-7PM– Liturgy Team –G 6:15-7:30PM– Praise Band-CH 6:30-8PM-RCIA Class– Emmaus RM.

You are great Parishioners! Thank you so much for responding to Bishop Zinkula

and me, your pastor, in making a pledge to the ADA. We need only $50,966.00 to

meet our goal. You will find fliers and envelopes at the church entrance. Please do

your part so that we can all “ pat ourselves on our backs” for another success.

Daylight Savings is upon us

Remember to set your clocks back an

hour starting on November 3rd

All Saints Masses November 1st

7Am at St Mathias

12PM with students at at St Mathias

5:30 PM at St Mathias

Anointing Mass November 13th

Confessions at 10AM at St. Mathias

Mass at 11 AM at St. Mathias, and a lunch-

eon to follow after mass in Gannon Hall

Life Line Screening, the nation’s leading provider of preventive health screenings, will offer affordable,

non-invasive and painless health screenings at Saints Mary & Mathias Catholic Church-Gannon Hall on


A package of five screenings to identify risk for stroke, heart disease and other chronic conditions will

be offered:

Carotid artery ultrasound to identify plaque buildup in the carotid arteries, a major risk factor for


Abdominal aortic aneurysm ultrasound to identify presence of an enlargement in the largest blood

vessel in the body

An EKG to identify the presence of atrial fibrillation, which increases the risk for stroke

Ultrasound of the lower legs to look for plaque buildup known as peripheral artery disease

Ultrasound of the shin bone to identify risk for osteoporosis

These 5 vital screenings are offered for only $149 and take 60-90 minutes to complete. If you register

today, you will receive a $10 discount.

Register by calling toll free 1-888-653-6441, visit www.lifelinescreening.com/communitycircle, or text

the word "circle" to 797979.

October 27th, 2019 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 5


Monaguillos: Vanessa Garcia, Cecilia Ocampo,

Vanessa Madrigal

Lectores: Anahi Ceniceros, Mayte Juarez

Hospitalidad: Melissa Najar, Lilia Najar, Jared Lopez, Ulises Rodriguez, Saul Ocampo, Consuelo Casillas

Vino Sagrado: Veronica Ochoa, Lizbeth Torres

Alegrese el corazon de los que buscan al Señor. Busquen al Señor y seran fuertes; busquen su rostro sin descanso. Cfr. Sal 104, 3-4


En todas y cada una de las Misas, comenzamos reconociendo que somos pecadores. Oramos, "Señor ten pie-

dad." Decimos: "Confieso a Dios todopoderoso y a ustedes, mis hermanos y hermanas, que he pecado mucho". Al continuar nuestra serie de mensajes "Capacidad de respuesta", miraremos, esta semana, a nuestra necesidad

de orar con corazones que son humildes. Podemos entrar en oración convencidos de nuestra propia justicia, o podemos entrar en oración, suplicando a Dios que tenga misericordia de nosotros.

Una de mis imágenes favoritas de la Iglesia, dada a nosotros por el Papa Francisco, es el de la Iglesia como un

hospital de campo. Cristo es el Médico Divino que nos sana y ata nuestras heridas. Jesús es el sanador siempre presente que siempre está ansioso por levantarnos de nuevo cuando hemos caído en el pecado (en particular,

en el sacramento de la confesión.) Cuando nos damos cuenta que nuestras vidas serían perdidas sin un Salva-dor, cuando venimos para descubrir que Jesús es nuestro amigo de toda la vida que siempre está en nuestro lado, entonces tendremos un corazón puro y humilde y entero en la intimidad más profunda con Dios en el rezo.

Formed.org característica: Lectio- Oración- por el Doctor Tim Gray

Con la enseñanza y el arte claros de la serie Lectio del Instituto Agustín, el Doctor Tim Gray utiliza magistralmente la disciplina de Lectio Divina para mostrarle cómo hacer de la oración un esfuerzo eficaz de amor e intimidad. En seis sesiones de vídeo, la

oración: Búsqueda de intimidad con Dios capta el secreto para abrir nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes a la escritura como medio para escuchar a Dios y luego responder en conversación, gozando de su presencia y la solución para vivir en y a través de

su amor.

Si es la primera vez que inicia sesión en formed.org, vaya al sitio web y luego haga clic en el icono "Registrarse". A continuación,

haga clic en el icono "Pertenezco a una parroquia u organización" y encuentre nuestra parroquia: Santos María & Mathias, Mus-catine, IA. A continuación, podrá crear un nombre de usuario y una contraseña.

Unas Palabras del Padre


CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS Domingo 27 de Octubre - * Rosario antes de Misa @12pm, Misa a las 12:30pm

Lunes 28 de Octubre - * Confeciones @4:30pm, Misa a las 5:15pm

Martes 29 de Octubre - * Misa @7am, Misa @ 8:30am Escuela

Miercoles 30 de Octubre - * Misa @7am, Doctrina 4pm y 6:30pm, Estudio Biblico @6:30pm Centro Mazzuchelli

Jueves 31 de Octubre - * Misa @7am, Adoracion 7:30am hasta las 8pm

Viernes 01 de Noviembre - * Misa de Todos los Santos @7am, 12pm, 6:30pm, Adoracion 7:30am hasta las 5pm

Sabado 02 de Octubre - * Confeciones @7:45am, Misa @9am, Confeciones @3:45pm, Misa @5pm


¡Son grandes feligreses! Muchas gracias por responder al

Obispo Zinkula y a mí, su pastor, al hacer una promesa a la ADA. Sólo necesitamos $5966 para cumplir nuestra meta.

Encontrará folletos y sobres en la entrada de la iglesia. Por favor, hagan su parte para que todos podamos "una palmada

en la espalda" para otro éxito.


Lun. Oct. 28 - Alicia Rivas - 320 W 8th St. @12pm

Mar. Oct. 29 - Belinda Lopez Mie. Oct. 30 - Maria Ramirez - 2107 Lincoln Blvd. @1:30pm

Jue. Oct. 31 - Norma Torres - 801 Poplar St. @ Vie. Nov. 01 - Mahiely Lopez - @5pm

Sab. Nov. 02 - Ramona Casillas - 410 Van Horne @12pm Dom. Nov. 03 - Igleisa San Matias @12pm

Se les invita a todas las persona que esten interesadas en re-

zar un Rosario en sus casas, por favor hablen con Maria Ramirez para fechas disponibles en Noviembre.


*Día de Todos los Santos—Viernes 1 de noviembre *Misa a las 7:00am - San Matias *Misa a las 12:00pm (con estudiantes) - San Matia *Misa a las 5:30pm - San Matias

*Todos los Fieles Difuntos el Sabado 2 de noviembre, Misa a las9:00am

October 27th, 2019 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 6

ORACIÓN DESPUÉS DE LA COMUNIÓN Que tus sacramentos, Señor, produzcan en nosotros todo lo

que significan, para que lo que ahora celebramos en figura lo alcancemos en su plena realidad. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.


Algunas Fechas:

28 de Oct. Lectio Divina con Kent Ferris @ 7:00-7:45am en Gannon Hall. Reflexionaremos juntos sobre las lecturas de la misa

para el siguiente fin de semana.

29 de Oct. El Obispo Zinkula celebrará la Misa De Todas las Escuelas en Saints Mary y Mathias a las 8:30 am.


29 de Oct. Clase de RCIA - "Pecadores, Santos y la Misericordia de Dios" - Hermana Cheryl / Obispo Barron - 6:30pm (Centro


30 de Oct. Clases de Doctrina para los Grados K-10


Comité de Seguridad de Saints Mary y Mathias: Lt. Tony Kies, Officer Whitni Peña, Linda Depuydt, Fr. Troy, Dave McKasson, Jim Cot-

trell, Jim Miller, Maria Frausto, Kevin Custis, Annie Thompson-Almeida, Mike Morgan, Robin Edwards, Michael Taylor, Rachel Pohl (ex

officio member—Rachel is trained to be a parish nurse), Tim Peters, & Sister Cheryl (chair)


Lunes 4 de noviembre a las 6:30pm en Gannon Hall, todos nuestros Ministros de Hospitalidad se reunirán para el entrena-

miento de inicio.

El lunes 4 de noviembre a las 7:30 pm en Gannon Hall, todos nuestros acomodores, lectores, ministros eucarísticos, personal

parroquial y miembros de la parroquia en general se reunirán con el Teniente Tony Kies y el Oficial Whitni Peña. El teniente Tony

Kies y el oficial Whitni Peña forman parte de nuestro Departamento de Policía de Muscatine, así como miembros de Saints Mary y

Mathias. Compartirán con nosotros algunos procedimientos de emergencia con respecto a los intrusos, descontentos de per-

sonas, armas y entrenamiento sobre una pistola active, y otros procedimientos de seguridad.




GUARDAR LA FECHA Celebración del Día Mundial de la

Juventud sábado, 26 de Octubre, Misa a las 5pm. Celebrar los mu-

chos dones de la Iglesia Joven! Quédese después de la misa para

galletas y refrescos en Gannon Hall donde usted puede ver todo

lo que ofrece el Ministerio de la juventud aqui en Santa Maria y


VISITAS AL HOSPITAL Avise a la oficina parroquial o a los sacerdotes si sabe de alguien

que está en el hospital o en un Acilo de Ancianos y le gustaria una visita.


Lunes a Viernes

8am a 5pm (Denise)

8am - 3:30pm (Maria)


Para el mes de Noviembre, recordamos a nuestros queridos difuntos en un Libro de Recuerdo, que estara ubicado en

frente del altar Marian en la iglesia de San Matiás. Los nom-bres de los que han fallecido este año están en el libro. Si

hay alguien mas que quisieran re-cordar, pueden agregarlos al libro.





Con una convivencia

despues de Misa en Gan-

non Hall. Los esperamos!


Estamos buscando ministerios litúrgicos para nuestra Misa de Medianoche que sera Bilingue. Si está intresado, póngase en

contacto con María en la Oficina Parroquial.


Recuerden que el 03 de Noviembre termina el hora-

rio de verano. Favor de atrazar sus relojes una hora el sabado por la noche.

Ss. Mary & Mathias Parish Office

215 W. 8th St.

Office: 563-263-1416

FAX: 563-263-2782


8 a.m. - 5 pm M-F

Administrative Assistant

Maria Frausto - habla español


Denise Collier


Coordinator of Music and Liturgy

Annie Thompson-Almeida


Pastoral Staff Rev. Troy Richmond, Pastor


Rev. Hai Dinh, Parochial Vicar hdinh@marymathias.org

Dc. Dennis McDonald 563-213-0214


Principal - Ben Nietzel


Faith Formation - Sr. Cheryl Demmer


Youth Minister - Tommy Fallon



CALL 563-263-2321

Ss. Mary & Mathias Catholic School &

Mazzuchelli Faith Formation Center

2407 Cedar St.

School: 563-263-3264

Rel. Ed: 563-263-3848

Fax 563-263-6700

Administrative Assistants

School - Christine Compton


Faith Formation - Molly Shellabarger


Ss. Mary & Mathias Business Office

Business Manager - Konrad Wilke


marymathias.org Twitter: @ssmarymathias Facebook: Search SS Mary & Mathias myparishapp



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Mass Schedule 1st Saturday-1er Sabado 9:00 am Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am Sunday en espanol 12:30 pm Monday 5:15 pm Tues -Fri 7:00 am

Misa día de la Semana Lunes 5:15 pm Martes -Viernes 7:00 am

Reconciliation (Reconciliacion) Mon. (L) 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Sat. (S) 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm 1st Sat. (1º S) 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Parish Leadership Contacts

Parish Council President

Laurie Ludman


Finance Council President

Kevin Zeimet


Board of Ed President

Dave Meloy dmeloy@slhlaw.com