Weathering project 1

Post on 25-May-2015

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By: Theresa

What is weathering?

-worn away or broken down into smaller and smaller pieces. There are mechanical, chemical and organic weathering processes.

when water hits a object it applys force on that object. When that happens some part of the object might fall off, this is called weathering.


1.Take a ball of dirt and put it in a tub.

2.Get some water

3.Poor the water on the pile of dirt

4.Watch what happens

Organic weathering

Organic weathering happens when plants break up rocks with their growing roots or plant acids help dissolve rock.

Mechanical weathering

Mechanical weathering physically breaks up rock. One example is called frost action or frost shattering. Water gets into cracks and joints in bedrock. When the water freezes it expands and the cracks are opened a little wider.

Chemical weathering

Chemical weathering decomposes or decays rocks and minerals. An example of chemical weathering is water dissolving limestone.


Weathering can use rain water wind ice and many other things for weathering. Everything in nature that we see has been weathered.

There are only 3 types of weathering