Web 2 WIKI Technologies Exam View Pro© - Technology Publishing Exam View Pro© tests on-line...

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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•Web 2•WIKI Technologies•ExamView Pro© - Technology•Publishing ExamView Pro© tests on-line

•GoogleDocs for generating tests

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Wordle or ‘word clouds’ for Web 2’


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License

• A webpage with an Edit button• Easy to use• Perfect for collaborative learning

Wiki is designed to be easy and fun You can focus on getting things done with

students, teachers You can get started with a wiki very

quickly Wiki can hold many pages, each of which

with pictures, videos, discussion forums, documents, spreadsheets, and more.

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Great motivator for students Easy to monitor Allows for creativity and innovation Encourages participation of all students Promotes communication between students,

teachers, and parents A new, interesting way to learn

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License

Page 1 Page 2

Space 1

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Space 2

Page 1 Page 2

Space 3

User Account

• User Account: Your identity on Wikispaces, consisting of username,

password, and e-mail address• Space: A wiki on which you can collaborate• Page: Each space can consist of multiple pages

Click the Edit This Page button at the top of your wiki. Write the text you would like on your page. You can format it with bold, underline, italics, headings, and more. Once you are done editing, click Save.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License

Click Edit This Page. Highlight the text you would like to link and click on the earth icon in the

toolbar. Another window will appear allowing you to create a link to another page in

your space or another website. Click Ok.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License

Click Edit This Page. Click the icon that looks like a tree. Browse your computer for the image you would like and click Open. Upload the chosen picture or file. Place your cursor where you would like the image on the page. Double click the image or file to place it on the page.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License

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ExamView Pro© - Test Generating Software

• Create:• Placement Tests• Review Tests• Progress Tests• Module Test•Endterm Test

Why do we need this technology?

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Innovations:1. A2-Elementary2. B1-Pre-Int3. B2- Int4. B2-C1-Upper-Int5. C1 - Advanced

ExamView Pro - quickly creates tests of various formats:

paper tests (off-line)

Internet tests (on-line)

online (LAN-based) tests.

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With ExamView Pro’s unique features you can:

QuickTest Wizard. This software provides step-by-step instructions that lead you through the process of building a test

Test Builder Choose this software if you want to create a new test from scratch. The program will start, prompt you for a test title, and display a new (empty) test. Then you begin selecting questions from

Question Bank to include in your new test. You can save tests you created. After that you can print it, add/edit questions, or change the layout in the Test Builder module.

Your own Question Bank (or database) or use the Question Bank Editor. You can add up to 250 questions of varying types (up to 13) such as multiple choice, true/false, essay, completion, etc. (total - 13 types)

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To learn more about publishing an Internet test:  

ExamView Test-Hosting Service

Publisher Test-Hosting Services

Publish Tests to your own Website

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1: Create a Test from Scratch

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2: Name your test

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3: Select question type

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Publish Online

Save as Test

Save to Word

4: View the Finished Test

Add a Question

Edit a Question

Scramble Questions & Answers

Reorder the


Add a Graphic

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File – Export –



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GoogleDocs – ‘Cloud Computing’ GoogleGocs are easy to use Useful tool for ELT Wealth of resources for ESP (Google

Forms, Google Reader, iGoogle, Google analytics, Google Calendar etc)

Google Toolbar is being constantly upgraded

Many more features

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Example of SITE or WIKI




WIKI-wetpaint 2008-9 SU HSE http://ict4elt.wetpaint.com/ http://minatsict4ilt.wetpaint.com

WIKI-pbworks 2009-10 SU HSE

Google sites 2010 School 1359


Google sites 2010 SU HSE http://kuzmina.pbworks.com/w/page/11856596/FrontPage

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Thank you…

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