Web 2 Zero marketing

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Web 2.0 opens up a new are of marketing, the inclusion of the audience, the social feedback systems, the trust into the unknown out there . The Net Gen client, so different from all the generations before. Memberfeeling in todays marketing. Digital footprints everywhere for successful branding. Viral marketing through movies, games. Content becomes king. Twitter the latest killer application, the why, the how and the now. Web2.0 contributes as well to image building


Web2.0 Marketing

Web2.0 marketing or how to develop business in web2.0


Web 2.0 opens up a new are of marketing, the inclusion of the audience, the social feedback systems, the trust into the unknown out there . The Net Gen client, so different from all the generations before. Memberfeeling in todays marketing. Digital footprints everywhere for successful branding. Viral marketing through movies, games. Content becomes king. Twitter the latest killer application, the why, the how and the now. Web2.0 contributes as well to image


Web2.0 marketing

Post content material on collaboration web 2 pages

• Create a presence in– Myspace, wikispaces, multiply, facebook, twitter,

ning, squidoo • Upload marketing slides to slideshare and

tag them correctly• Upload marketing vdo to youtube and others

and tag them correctly• Your management should network in

business network tools like xing, plaxo • Upload best images to Flickr and Facebook

and tag them

Include more the client

• Use their comments and feedback

• Use their words, success stories

• Use their pictures

• Create a member or we-are-family feeling among your clients/ audience and your company/ product / service

• Give them the feeling of inclusion even exclusivity

Use facebook and monitor feedback as well as use it as a marketing tool, upload images,

vdos etc, get clients active

Another reason why Blogs are top for your marketing

Almost in real time

Check Forum entries

Check News entries

Upload all relevant presentations to slideshare (web2.0)

10Mio have watched this


Viral Marketing, not only movies

You tube, use it as a marketing tool, upload promotional vdo and slideshows

Add your business vdo to all possible Web2 vdo pages



IMI in Web2.0 movies

Such many footprints would not be possible without web2.0

Success needs some persistance

It works only through

Same with Flickr, upload cool images and tag them

Google image search

Truveo Macro

How important is all that for your business? (sample Vietnams REX hotel)

More maps mashupsShowcase best trips

Build your own campaign


Monitor if there is something NEW relevant new in Web2.0

First go for the TOP

Check through all Web, a good start is go2web20.net

Create as many digital footprints as possible

And always again link them from within your website(s)

LUKAS RITZELEntrepreneurship