Web 2.0 Tools: Take a Leap into 21st Century Learning

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Web 2.0 Tools: Take the Leap into 21st Century


Presented by Courtney Phillips

.Sergio. Cliffs of Moher – panorama. CC BY 2.0.


Identifying Character TraitsSOL 1.9 :The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts. (f)

Identify characters, setting, and important events

Culminating Activity

Describing Contributions of

Famous Americans

SOL 2.4: The student will describe how the contributions of selected individuals changed the lives of Americans, with emphasis on (c) Abraham Lincoln

A “hook” for a new lesson

VS.7: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the issues that divided our nation and led to the Civil War


CoversVS. 7: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the issues that divided our nation and led to the Civil War.

VS. 8: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the reconstruction of Virginia following the Civil War

Raymond, Nicolas. Gettysburg sunset cannon – hdr. CC BY 2.0.

Creating: 3d shapes. (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwSDfiy2Q_0

3D ShapesSOL 2.16: The student will identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid geometric figures (circle/sphere, square/cube, and rectangle/rectangular prism).

Depolo, Steven. Colorful wooden blocks children's museum macro April 17, 20114. CC BY 2.0.

Understanding: Blabberize - arctic animals. (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB_bFwFw_2k

AnimalsSOL 4.5 The student will investigate and understand how plants and animals, including humans, in an ecosystem interact with one another and with the nonliving components in the ecosystem. Key concepts includea) plant and animal adaptations;d) habitat and niches

Werner22brigette.Polar-bear-559499_1. CC 0.

Book Trailer or Book ReviewSOL 2.8: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. (H) Summarize stories and events with beginning, middle, and end in the correct sequence.

Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen book trailer. (n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxuWvxOIbYA

Cockburn Libraries. New curved shelves in children's library @ Coolbellup Library. CC BY-NC-2.0ND.

Are you prepared to take the leap?

.Sergio. Cliffs of Moher – panorama. CC BY 2.0.