Web-based learning: An overview of factors affecting students\' motivation and learning experience

Post on 25-May-2015

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Here is a slide show on factors affecting students\' motivation and learning experience



The rapid advance of Internet technology is creating exciting opportunities and challenges for teachers at all levels (Bates, 1999; Levenberg & Major, 1998; Schifter, 2000; Van Dusen, 1997). Web enhanced instruction has become standard practice in most institutions of higher

learning in Western countries (Allen & Seaman, 2003; Waits & Lewis, 2003).The academic community, especially in

higher education, has adopted and used the World Wide Web as one of the feasible delivery methods for learning


Schrum and Hong (2002) suggest seven dimensions related to the students’ success in Web–based learning: (1) access

to tools; (2) technology experience; (3) learning preferences; (4) study habits and skills; (5) student goals and purposes;

(6) lifestyle factors; and, (7) personal traits and characteristics.

Statement of Problem

Findings from research on Web–based learning are often inconsistent. Some studies suggest that Web–based courses can be as effective as traditional FTF courses (Carter, 1996; Moore and Thompson, 1997). However, other studies on web–based learning have revealed that students prefer face–to–face (FTF) traditional method of learning environment than web-based learning environment (Easterling, 2001; Kember, 1989).


To identify how students’ characteristics and behaviors impact their motivation & learning experience within web-based learning.

To identify how instruction in web can motivate students.

To gain knowledge regarding how students learn within the web environment.

Guided Questions

What are impacts of student’s characteristics and behaviors on learning experience within Web-based learning?

What are factors influence students’ motivations and learning experiences within web-based learning?

- Do learning styles have impacts on students’ motivations with web-based learning?

- Do technical experiences (such as internet, e-mail, software, computer) influence students’ motivation within web-based learning?

Does instruction in web motivate students in learning process?

Does web-based learning environment helps students in learning process






1- Variation and Curiosity

2- Relevance

3- Challenge Level

4- Positive Outcome

5- Positive Impression

6- Readable Style

7- Early Interest

Many researchers have been arguing the need for Web-based learning environments that extend the opportunities they afford the students (e.g. Collis, 1997; Duschatel, 1997). These researchers have been guided in their thinking by learning theories, which stressed the need for, and value of, learning environments that provide active and engaging activities for students. Students should have the opportunities to construct knowledge rather than just being exposed to the transmission of knowledge.


For successful learner outcomes in Web–based courses, both instructors and students must recognize that instructional, learning

styles and learning strategies must adapt to the characteristics of the online learning environment. It requires increased engagement among all participants, with students regulating their learning and instructors

becoming active facilitators (Howland and Moore, 2002).

For Web–based courses, students and instructors must modify their view of the learning environment by steadily moving away from passive,

one–way interaction for learning to self–regulated and social learning activities. With this movement, educators are challenged to integrate

innovative instructional activities that encourage student engagement and ownership of the learning process. This change may not be an easy

conversion for most students because they may have to change learning strategies that were appropriate before distance education. In

turn, educators will need to continue their endeavor in improving instructional strategies while students learn to take a more active role in

their learning.


1- D. Becker and M. Dwyer, 1998. "The impact of student verbal/visual learning style preference on implementing groupware in the classroom," Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, volume 2, number 2 (September), at http://www.aln.org/publications/jaln/v2n2/v2n2_becker.asp, accessed 6 November 2005.

2- Hong, K.S, Lai, K.W, Holton (2003). Students’ satisfaction and perceived learning with a web-based course. Educational Technology and Society.

3- Jun, W, Gruenwald, L (2001). An evaluation model for web-based instruction. IEEE Transactions on Education, 44 (2).

4- Kim, K.S, Moore, J.L (2005). Web-based learning: factors affecting students' satisfaction and learning experience Peer-Reviewed Journal On The Internet.