Web Site Analysis - Search Ranking Help

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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  • 8/7/2019 Web Site Analysis - Search Ranking Help



    OverallThe overall score for thiswebsite.


    AccessibilityHow accessible the website is

    to mobile and disabled users.


    ContentThe quality of the content ofthis website.


    MarketingHow well this website ismarketed online.


    TechnologyHow well designed and built thewebsite is.

    Good / bad points

    Few w ebsites link to this w ebsite, making ithard to f ind

    At least 6 links are broken

    The w ebsite is not W3C compliant

    This website does not rank we ll in searchengines for selected keywords

    Most images don't have defined sizes

    100 webpages found

    This website appears fully spiderable

    All of this website uses Google Analytics v2to monitor visitor behaviour

    On average this website appears to beupdated every 6.7 days

    This we bsite appea rs optimised forprinting

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    Website Analysis

    SEO Report brought

    o you by...

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    Some images do not specify alternativetext

    112 files are missing.

    This website is ranked 268,984th in the worldfor popularity

    This site appears to use one page designthroughout

    This w ebsite is quick to use

    URLs are very we ll formatted

    This site uses CSS for layout throughout

    This website handles all chopped URLs

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    Very poor



    No pages are W3C compliant.

    The website could experience problems working on some webbrowsers, and may be difficult or impossible for users with certaindisabilities to operate.

    W3C compliant Number of errors

    Very poor



    This website does not rank w ell in search engines for selectedkeywords.

    Results outside of the top 10 are of limited value, as they do notappear on the first page of search results.

    You can review your placement for each keyword below.

    Recommendations Consider whether the keyword website link is viable. There isexceptionally high competition for this keyword (1,210,000,000results).Consider whether the keyword link tools is viable. There is a lot ofcompetition for this keyword (633,000,000 results).Consider whether the keyword website format is viable. There is alot of competition for this keyword (257,000,000 results).Consider whether the keyword traffic to website is viable. There isa lot of competition for this keyword (215,000,000 results).Consider whether the keyword protect website is viable. There is alot of competition for this keyword (209,000,000 results).Consider whether the keyword website traffic is viable. There is alot of competition for this keyword (160,000,000 results).Consider whether the keyword website structure is viable. There isa lot of competition for this keyword (114,000,000 results).

    Consider whether the keyword domain protection is viable. Thereis a fair amount of competition for this keyword (85,100,000results).Consider whether the keyword url format is viable. There is a fairamount of competition for this keyword (73,100,000 results).Consider whether the keyword website ranking is viable. There is afair amount of competition for this keyword (72,300,000 results).Consider whether the keyword seo Services is viable. There is afair amount of competition for this keyword (69,800,000 results).Consider whether the keyword website score is viable. There is afair amount of competition for this keyword (64,600,000 results).Consider whether the keyword broken link checker is viable. Thereis a fair amount of competition for this keyword (52,900,000results).Consider whether the keyword keyword analysis is viable. There isa fair amount of competition for this keyword (22,000,000 results).Consider whether the keyword seo optimization is viable. There is

    a fair amount of competition for this keyword (20,800,000 results).Consider whether the keyword link checker is viable. There is a fairamount of competition for this keyword (15,600,000 results).Consider whether the keyword how to hyperlink is viable. There isa fair amount of competition for this keyword (13,200,000 results).Consider whether the keyword Google SEO is viable. There is a fairamount of competition for this keyword (11,500,000 results).Consider whether the keyword link va lidator is viable. There is afair amount of competition for this keyword (7,960,000 results).


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    100 found (only showing top 10)

    Search engine Keyword Rank Number of results Score

    Bing > US websiteanalysis

    5 Bing won't say

    Bing > US url format 6 Bing won't say

    Yahoo > Global websiteanalysis

    9 143,000,000

    Bing > Global websiteanalysis

    9 Bing won't say

    Yahoo > US websiteanalysis

    9 143,000,000

    Bing > US Google SEO 38 Bing won't say

    Bing > US website score 39 Bing won't say

    Bing > Global Google SEO 42 Bing won't say

    Bing > US domainprotection

    46 Bing won't say

    Google >Global


    Not found 20,800,000

    Very poor


    A large amount (19.2%) o f links in this site could be def ined


    2659 links use duplicate text to point to different pages. Linksshould not repeat the same text to link to different pages. Usuallythis is a problem where a link is non-descriptive (e.g. 'More').

    Note that it is possible to change the text a link points to withoutchanging the appearance of the link. For example, Read more couldbe a valid link, if you add a description to it.

    Recommendations Ensure that all links either use appropriate link text, or specifyappropriate text in the attibute for the link where this is notappropriate.


    Weak links

    Duplicate tex t links

    Too long links

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  • 8/7/2019 Web Site Analysis - Search Ranking Help


    3 found

    Photo Name Description Influence Hits

    Randi Thornton SEO Google Guru,Randi ThorntonMaking AffordableSEO a Reality withFree SEO Report,SEO Programs, andPowerful Website

    Builder. RankingsMatter.

    1 24

    Bellingham SEO SEO and SearchMarketer Located inBellingham.

    0 2

    SEO Blog New s SEO Streaming blognews

    0 2

    Most popular pages

    37 found (only showing top 10)

    Page Sample tweet Tweeted Hits Score Clickthrough

    AffordableSEO is Finallya Reality ::SEO GoogleGuru

    From SEOGoogle Guru -this is worthreading -http://bit.ly/cx358O

    7 6 15.28 83.3%

    Real EstateOptimization:: SEO GoogleGuru

    Real EstateOptimization:: SEO GoogleGuruhttp://tinyurl.co/mqpat6

    2 3 14.43 200.0%

    SEO GoogleGuru

    MovedWebsite forspeed! Whatdo you think?http://ping.fm/2aSxk

    5 4 13.97 75.0%

    Real EstateOptimizationStudy :: SEOGoogle Guru

    New RealEstate SEOStudy from@seogooglegurinterestingstuff here.http://bit.ly/aXS50

    3 3 13.88 100.0%

    Social MediaQoute :: SEOGoogle Guru

    Social MediaQoute :: SEOGoogle Guruhttp://bit.ly/1sLISa

    1 2 13.86

    SEO T rainingProgramDetails

    SEO TrainingProgramDetailshttp://bit.ly/cvwKz3

    2 3 13.78 200.0%

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    Page Sample tweet Tweeted Hits Score Clickthrough

    SEO T rainingEvents thatare nowaffordable

    seo trainingAFFORDABLEhttp://ff.im/-eLsLe

    3 4 13.77 150.0%

    AffordableSEO T imeline:: SEO GoogleGuru

    Affordable SEOTimelinehttp://ff.im/-gMz7j

    2 3 13.55 200.0%

    SEO Tools ::SEO GoogleGuru

    SEO Toolshttp://ff.im/-bRpi4

    2 2 13.55 100.0%

    seo services seo serviceshttp://ff.im/-eJn5E

    3 4 13.52 150.0%

    Owner's tweets

    100 found (only showing top 10)

    Photo Content Score Links to site?

    Check out BingTweets about seogoogleguruhttp://bit.ly/H8x0C #bing. Should i be happy orsad for 77 results? YOURS??? OPINION?


    Real Estate SEO Study Discussion http://ff.im/-4yQWe


    Requesting an invite for Tweetboard Alpha(http://tweetboard.com) by @140ware, for mysite: http://SocialMediaRE.com


    HEY! Who can provide me with a logo for thissite: http://socialmediare.com/ a social medialearning platform? Site is not ready for public!


    Are you using @MrTweet yet? Besidesrecommending you to relevant folks, he also helpsyou discover them as well!http://mrtweet.com?v=12


    I favorited a YouTube video -- Affordable SEO.What You Can Expect. http://youtu.be/pAVT2NG2s8o?a


    Online Courses - Social Media SEO Labshttp://ff.im/-eMVnV


    revolutionary recruiting with social mediahttp://ff.im/-5dv4I


    Just added myself to the http://wefollow.comtwitter directory under: #seo #internetmarketing#google


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    Photo Content Score Links to site?

    YouTube - What do you do guaranteed?:http://is.gd/rwWi (via @twitturly)



    Image usage Most images (50.5%) don't have defined sizes, all images are ina w eb friendly format.

    Defining an image size allows the webpage to display layoutcorrectly before loading all of the images. Not specifying an imagesize often causes the layout of pages to change as the page loads.

    This is not a critical issue, however we recommend image sizes aredefined wherever possible.





    Only some of the pages in website w ill appear clearly in searchengine results. Some ref inements w ould encourage more peopleto visit this site.

    A website can control most of the text that appears in search engineresults, seen below. Well chosen titles and descriptions for eachpage will encourage people to click on your entry in search engineresults, increasing the traffic to your site.

    Search Engine Results

    100 found (only showing top 10)

    - Search Engine Result Issues Importance

    SEO Packages | Serious OptimizationSavings

    SEO packages offer additional savings.

    Pick the one that matches your needs.

    Website analysis, SEO training, reports,

    tools, new website builder. ...


    Description is too long.

    Learn Why Organic Search is BestMethod for SEO Marketing.

    Organic Search and how it compares for

    SEO. The cost of an organic SEO project

    can be substantially less than paid search.

    Learn how to get found on ...



    Description is too long.

    SEO Training. Learn SEO from aExpert. Affordable.

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    - Search Engine Result Issues Importance

    SEO training for website owner to do it

    right. Learn SEO from the Google guru.

    Implement tactics for higher rankings.

    Affordable and Powerful.


    SEO Tools | Smart OptimizationResource

    Useful SEO tools help you benefit from

    SEO Optimization and impact your profits!

    Learn what you need to know to change

    your website search rankings.



    Buy SEO. Affordable Search EngineMarketing.

    SEO packages allow you to pick the perfect

    one that matches your needs. Affordable

    SEO just became ridiculously smart. Find

    out more here.



    Website Analysis Ranking TrafficSEO Report Tips

    Website Analysis personalized ranking

    report with SEO tips based on findings.

    Increase website traffic, visitors, ranking

    and generate revenues here.www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analysis/

    Improve Your Website Score withSmart SEO Tips

    Website Score identifies optimization and

    ranking problems. Critical SEO Tips and

    Tools. Learn what really matters for search

    optimization rankings.



    Website Ranking | Take Yours Up |SEO Ranking Report

    Your website ranking can have a dramatic

    impact on your bank account. Revealing

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    tips and advice. Smart.



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    - Search Engine Result Issues Importance

    Keyword Analysis | SEO KeywordTool Revealed

    Keyword analysis is critical for SEO online

    marketing success. Doing it right will impact

    your website ranking for specific terms. Do

    you know how?



    Website Traffic | Learn to IncreaseYour Traffic to Website

    Website traffic will change your profitability.

    Learn how to increase traffic to website

    and make yours the go to destination. Out

    preform competition.




    Readability This website has an average reading age of 19. A person w ill needabout 14 yea rs of formal education to understand the w riting in thissite.

    You may find some of your content is unnecessarily difficult tounderstand, and would benefit from being written more clearly.

    Pages by reading age

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    Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease Gunning-Fog Index



    Overall this site has a fair amount o f visual interest. Pagesgenera lly look similar to each other.

    Not every webpage of every website needs to look visuallycompelling. However, for a number of websites this is an importantand competitive concern.

    You can view a list of the most and least interesting pages below.

    Most interesting score Least interesting score

    Page visual interest

    100 found (only showing top 10)

    Page Visual interest Uniqueness Importance

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-packages/ 7% 7%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-services/o 36% 29%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-training/ 39% 32%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-services/t 40% 29%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-packages/ 6% 3%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analys 12% 8%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analys 51% 36%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analys 50% 42%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analys 47% 35%

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analys 50% 35%




    A significant amount (43.6%) of images do not have a lternativetext specified for use rs w ith visual disabilities.

    The website may be harder to use for some disabled users, andtherefore in violation of legislation in many countries (e.g. UK, US,Australia).

    Also 0.1% of text equivalents do not appear to be appropriate (forexample, reading "click here" to blind users).

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    Content is reasonably well matched to the desired keyw ords fo r thissite.

    6 keywords ("how to hyperlink", "tw itter seo" , "tw itter a nalysis" ...)appear to be targetted by this site, but are never mentioned once in thetext content for this site. To score highly, desirable keywords should befeatured extensively in your text content.

    The website does not contain enough text which matches the keywords thewebsite is being promoted for. To rank highly in search engines it isessential to include substantial text content on the topic of the desiredkeywords, and emphasise those keywords properly.

    Overall appropriate emphasis has been given to keywords using pagetitles, headings and links.

    Desired keywords

    40 found (only showing top 10)

    Score Frequency Emphasis Comment

    4.4 2.3 There is a very high amount of compet ition for this keyword(about 20,800,000 webpages)

    2.7 2.8 There is a lot of competi tion for this keyword (about 7,220,000webpages)

    1.4 1.4 There is a lot of competi tion for this keyword (about 7,460,000webpages)

    1.1 1.1 There is a very high amount of competition for this keyword(about 36,600,000 webpages)

    1.4 1.9 There is a very high amount of competition for this keyword(about 24,700,000 webpages)

    2.3 3.4 There is a very high amount of competition for this keyword(about 41,900,000 webpages)

    1.3 1.3 There is an extremely high amount of competition for thiskeyword (about 180,000,000 webpages)

    1.4 1.5 There is a very high amount of competition for this keyword(about 56,900,000 webpages)

    3.0 2.8

    5.3 4.5 There is a very high amount of competition for this keyword(about 27,500,000 webpages)

    Most optimised keywords

    100 found (only showing top 10)

    Keyword Frequency Emphasis Strength

    seo 53.5 47.6 243.8

    website 32.5 26.5 138.4

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    Keyword Frequency Emphasis Strength

    google 21.4 18.2 94.2

    search engine 14.2 10.2 54.8

    seo google 9.2 9.6 47.6

    google guru 9.0 8.6 43.5

    seo google guru 8.0 8.6 42.5

    google seo 6.9 5.2 27.7

    seo training 5.3 4.5 23.2

    search engine optimization 5.8 3.7 20.5


    Broken links 6 links appear to point to pages which do not exist. 6 links aredefinitely broken.

    Note that some pages could be redirecting from the missing page

    using a 'dirty' method, e.g. a Javascript reload or Meta Refresh. Thepage would not appear to be missing to average web browsers, butthose without the required technology (e.g. Javascript) would beunable to access the content.

    All links responded with appropriate headers, which will help ensurethey appear in search engines and to users behind proxies.

    Broken links Incorrectly handled links


    6 found

    - Page Links to Type

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-pac www.seogoogleguru.com/what-is/ Host not found

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website- www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-anal Host not found

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website- www.seogoogleguru.com/keyword Host not found

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website- www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-repo Host not found

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-serv www.seogoogleguru.com/web-mar Host not found

    www.seogoogleguru.com/blog/ www.seogoogleguru.com/author/S Host not found

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    Popularity This website is ranked 268,984th in the world for popularity(source: Alexa). In the last 3 months, this website has becomesignificantly more popular.

    This is reasonable and shows the website is fairly well visited.

    Alexa gathers relative popularity information on all websites from asample of browser users. Alexa's traffic rankings are for top leveldomains only (e.g. domain.com) - separate rankings are not possiblefor subpages within a domain (e.g. www.domain.com/subpage.html)

    or subdomains (e.g. subdomain.domain.com).

    Popularity rank 3 month change


    Link states Links always change appearance w hen they are hovered over.This aids usability by clarifying what areas of the screen areclickable.

    Links change appea rance w hen they have been visited. This aidsusability by showing users where they have already visited.

    Links change appea rance w hen selected 13.8% o f the time.Focused links are links which the user has selected, for example byclicking on them or selecting them with the keyboard. For peoplewho are unable to use a mouse, focused links are their primarymeans of seeing what they have selected. For optimal accessibili tyit is recommended to distinguish focused links - for example, bychanging their colour.

    This site appea rs to be using an old approach for fo cused links(active links). This approach only works in old versions of InternetExplorer (7 and older) - all other browsers do not support it.

    Recommendations Specify a distinct focus CSS pseudo class for all links, whereverappropriate.Note that the active CSS pseudo class should be complimentedwith the standards compliant focus style for modern browsers.

    Hovered-over links


    Focused links


    Visited links


    Active links


    Speed This website is quick to use (on a 2Mb broadband connection).

    On average pages take 3.3 seconds to download on a 2Mb broadband

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    Good connection.

    112 files in this website are missing. This may cause problems withpages in this site.

    Time to download

    Pages by filesize

    100 found (only showing top 8)

    Page Size Files Est. seconds Importance

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-pack 406.9k 37 2.8

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-servi 582.5k 42 3.9

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-train 748.9k 52 5.0

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-servi 503.1k 39 3.4

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-pack 450.1k 38 3.1

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website- 542.7k 47 3.7

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website- 544.8k 43 3.7

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website- 547.0k 43 3.7

    Very good

    Flash usage Flash animation w as found on 96.0% of pages. All Flash wasused appropriately.

    Search engines and users without Flash should be able to makesome or full use of this website.

    Flash detection w as not found on this website. Users withoutFlash would not be handled appropriately (note: it is possible - but

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    unlikely - that an unrecognised means of Flash detection is beingused).

    Pages by Flash usage

    Pages using Flash

    Pages requiring Flash


    Freshness This site appears to have been updated recently (today). On average,this site appears to be updated eve ry 6.7 days.

    Up-to-date content creates a positive impression of a website and givesvisitors more reason to visit often.

    This analysis is an estimate, based on dates mentioned within thewebsite - the same dates that real visitors will see, such as article datesand blog comments. Only the appearance of up-to-date content isconsidered, not images or page designs.

    Average updates Most recent update

    Perceived age

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    URL format Overall, URLs are very w ell formatted.

    An effective URL format has many benefits: webpages are morelikely to appear highly in search engines, are easier to exchangesocially, and easier to understand for users.

    Good web addressese.g. www.seogoogleguru.com/section


    Use natural languageSeparate words with dashesUse lowercaseAvoid query parameters unlessneededAvoid file extensions

    Bad web addressese.g. www.seogoogleguru.com

    /example pg.jsp?id=124

    Are not understandable byusersSeparate words withunderscoresMix uppercase and lowercaseUse query parameters wherenot neededUse file extensions


    100 found (only showing top 10)

    Score Page Recommendations Importance




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    Score Page Recommendations Importance









    Headings All pages w ere found to use correctly defined Headings.

    This is a crucial step towards optimising this website for searchengines, and ensuring accessibility for users with disabil ities.

    Some Headings (1.6%) w ere found to be empty, or incorrectlydefined. Empty or invalid Headings are of no value to searchengines and make a website less accessible.

    Pages w ith Headings Bad Headings


    Amount of


    100 webpages w ere found and tested. All pages contain ameaningful amount of text content.

    Not all pages need to contain extensive text, but a reasonablevolume of substantial, relevant text content is crucial for goodperformance in search engines and helps to serve users.

    Recommendations Develop more substantial content for this website, particularlycontent that would attract visitors.

    Page breakdown

    Pages w ith substantial content

    Pages with some content

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    Pages w ith neglible content


    Analytics Every page in this website is using Google Analytics v2.

    This is excellent and should allow for a complete analysis of visitorbehaviour.

    Analytics used

    Breakdown of pages using analytics.




    There are no apparent signs that this domain name is beingabused by domain squatters.

    If this website attracts high volumes of traffic you may wish topre-emptively register potential mis-spellings of your domain names.For most websites, this is not a practical concern.


    Printability All of this website appears to be optimised for pr inting.

    Wherever possible, a website should define specific stylesheets forprinting. Printable stylesheets allow for extensive control over theprinted version of a webpage, for instance removing navigation andadjusting the layout to fit. They are faster and remove the need formaintaining separate versions of a webpage (e.g. "Click here to printthis page").

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    Optimised for pr inting Best practiceAll content pages in the site shouldhave print-specific styles definedusing CSS. Use this stylesheet tohide navigation and other irrelevantareas of the page (such as Flash,which doesn't print).


    Redirections No client-side red irections were found on this website.

    Client-side redirections generally break the Back button - when usersclick Back they are stuck on the current page. This can frustrateusers and prevent them from finding their way around a site.




    The f irst 100 pages of this website have a shallow page structure.The average page is 1.5 clicks aw ay from the homepage.

    The deepest pages are 2 clicks away from the homepage.

    Not all pages in this website were tested, so this information may not berepresentative. For more accurate details, re-test this site with a highernumber of pages.

    Note that client-side redirections (e.g. Meta Refreshes, Javascript) countas 'clicks' to a page. These should be avoided where possible as theyslow down the load speed of a website, particularly for homepages.

    Average d istance


    Maximum distance


    Click distance

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    Pages by path

    10 found

    Path Pages

    www.seogoogleguru.com/ 100

    www.seogoogleguru.com/tag 55

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analysis 12

    www.seogoogleguru.com/category 10

    www.seogoogleguru.com/blog 6

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-services 5

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-training 3

    www.seogoogleguru.com/website-analysis/link-checker 3

    www.seogoogleguru.com/seo-packages 2

    www.seogoogleguru.com/build-website 2



    This w ebsite appear s fully spiderable via conventional methods.

    This is a crucial first step for any website, as it ensures searchengines, users with disabilities and users without Javascript enabledcan access all of the pages. This will help search engine rankingsand accessibility.

    It is poss ible that some part of this website is non-spiderable, butthat the means used to access that content is beyond my ability todetect it. (For example, a login area that I don't have details for).You can optionally choose to add these sections yourselves. Readthe Help for more information.

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    Spiderability Spiderable pages


    Stylesheets This website correctly uses Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) f orlayout for all pages.

    Websites built using stylesheets are generally faster, moreaccessible and easier to maintain. Stylesheets have been acceptedbest practice since 2001; any websites not using them now areusually extremely out of date, or poorly written.

    External stylesheets are used throughout. External stylesheets areconsidered best practice for ensuring sites are maintainable andquick to load.




    This website handles 'chopped' UR Ls correctly.

    A chopped URL is where part of an address is cut off at a forwardslash, for example reducing w ww .example.com/ news/ acticle1/to ww w.example.com/ news/ . Handling these chopped addresseswill aid both users and search engines visiting this website. Usersmay experiment with chopping parts of the URL out manually,particularly if they are using a popular plugin like Google Toolbar,which allows them to do this with a single mouse click. Some searchengines also experiment with chopping up URLs to explore morepages.

    Not scored

    Cookies This website does not appea r to use cookies at all.

    Cookies are used to persist information from one page to another.They are widely used to track users and some interactiveapplications, such as e-commerce websites. Not requiring cookies isperfectly acceptable.

    Note that cookies set using Javascript cannot be detected here.

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    Not scored



    One page design was detected. All pages appe ar to have thesame consistent design.

    This does not mean all pages look exactly the same, only that allpages appear to have a consistent appearance. You can monitor thistest to check for unexpected variations in design, for example if apage is broken, or not updated following a redesign.

    Different designs

    One found

    Screenshot Example Name Pages %

    www.seogoogleguru.com/se Design #1 100 100.0%

    No of designs Design distribution

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    How summary scores for this report were calculated.


    Overall Score The overall score for this website.

    This is a summary score, comprised of all other tests weighted forimportance. It can be useful as a quick, rough indicator of how good

    this website is - however for a full understanding you should reviewthe individual tests listed below.

    Derived from

    28 found

    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    W3C compliance 1

    Search placement 1

    Links 1

    Incoming links 1

    Twitter 0.5

    Image usage 0.5

    Search engine results 1


    Visual interest 1

    Alternative text 1

    Content keywords 1

    Broken links 1

    Popularity 1.75

    Link states 0.75

    Speed 2

    Flash usage 1.5

    Freshness 2

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    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    URL format 0.8

    Headings 1

    URL chopping 0.25

    Amount of content 1

    Analytics 0.5

    Stylesheets 1

    Spiderability 1

    Site structure 0.5


    Printability 1

    Cookies 0.5

    *An Extra penalty is applied where a particular test score is so bad, that it has a far greater impact on awebsite than the Weight usually allows. You should read about each individual test to discover more.




    The quality of the content of this website.

    This is a summary score, comprised of other tests weighted forimportance. It can be useful as a quick, rough indicator of thequality of this website - however for a full understanding you shouldreview the individual tests listed below.

    Derived from

    10 found

    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    Links 0.5

    Search engine results 1

    Readability 1.5

    Visual interest 1.5

    oogleguru.com -

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    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    Alternative text 0.25

    Broken links 0.5

    Freshness 2.5

    Headings 0.25

    Amount of content 2

    Site structure 0.25

    *An Extra penalty is applied where a particular test score is so bad, that it has a far greater impact on awebsite than the Weight usually allows. You should read about each individual test to discover more.




    How well this website is marketed online.

    This is a summary score, comprised of other tests weighted forimportance. It can be useful as a quick, rough indicator of theInternet Marketing of this website - however for a full understandingyou should review the individual tests listed below.

    Derived from

    19 found

    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    W3C compliance 0.25

    Search placement 2

    Links -0.1: Poor use of link textcompromises the natural SEObenefits of content in this site


    Incoming links 2


    Search engine results 1.5

    Alternative text -0.2: Alternative text is an easy winand fundamental step for SEO withno side effects


    Content keywords 2

    Broken links 0.5

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    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    Popularity 2

    Speed 0.5

    Freshness 2

    URL format 1.5

    Headings 1

    URL chopping 0.25

    Amount of content 2

    Stylesheets 0.25


    Redirections 1

    *An Extra penalty is applied where a particular test score is so bad, that it has a far greater impact on awebsite than the Weight usually allows. You should read about each individual test to discover more.



    How accessible the website is to mobile and disabled users.

    This is a summary score, comprised of other tests weighted forimportance. It can be useful as a quick, rough indicator of theaccessibility of this website - however for a full understanding youshould review the individual tests listed below.

    Derived from

    17 found

    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    W3C compliance 1

    Links -0.7: Poor quality links makenavigating a site extremely difficultfor many users


    Image usage 1

    Search engine results 0.5

    Readability 1

    oogleguru.com -

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    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    Alternative text -0.3: Alternative text is afundamental requirement foraccessibility that is easy toimplement with no side effects


    Broken links 1

    Link states 2

    Speed 0.8

    Flash usage 2

    URL format 0.9

    Headings 1

    Amount of content 1

    Spiderability 2

    Stylesheets 1

    Redirections 0.75

    Site structure 0.5

    *An Extra penalty is applied where a particular test score is so bad, that it has a far greater impact on awebsite than the Weight usually allows. You should read about each individual test to discover more.




    How well designed and built the website is.

    This is a summary score, comprised of other tests weighted forimportance. It can be useful as a quick, rough indicator of thequality of this website - however for a full understanding you shouldreview the individual tests listed below.

    Derived from

    18 found

    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    W3C compliance 1

    Links 0.5

    Image usage 1

    oogleguru.com -

    29 10/6/2010 11

    Website Analysis SEO Report.... Get Your at http://www.SEOGoogleGuru.com

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    Score Test Extra pena lty* Weight

    Search engine results 0.5

    Alternative text -0.1: Alternative text is easy toimplement and crucial for searchengine placement and accessibil ity


    Broken links 1

    Link states 1

    Speed 2

    Flash usage 1

    URL format 0.5

    Headings 1

    URL chopping 0.25

    Stylesheets 0.75

    Spiderability 1

    Site structure 0.5

    Analytics 0.5

    Printability 1

    Redirections 0.75

    *An Extra penalty is applied where a particular test score is so bad, that it has a far greater impact on awebsite than the Weight usually allows. You should read about each individual test to discover more.

    oogleguru.com -