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Post on 19-Jul-2021

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A. Ted. B. Paul. C. Lisa.
2. What will Jim do next?
A. Go to a party. B. Buy some wine. C. Go back to the office.
3. When will the speakers land?
A. In eight hours and ten minutes.
B. In four hours and forty minutes.
C. In three hours and thirty minutes.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Getting old. B. Dressing suitably. C. Buying old clothes.
5. What is the woman like?
A. She is forgetful. B. She is generous. C. She is honest.
A. He attended some classes.
B. He worked at a restaurant.
C. He traveled around the world.
7. What does David do now?
A He's a student. B. He's a waiter C. He's an assistant.
A. At school. B. At a store. C. At home.
9. How will the girl find out what she needs to buy?
A. She will go online.
B. She will call her friend.
C. She will ask her teacher.
10. How many things did the girl bring to the boy?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
11. Where did the boy have the accident?
A. On the way back home.
B. On the way to an airport.
C. On the way to the hospital.
12. What did the boy dislike about the hospital?
A. The doctors. B. The food. C. The nurses
A. Doing an interview,
C. Preparing to join the tai chi club.
14. Why did the woman join the tai chi club?
A. She needed to lose weight.
B. She liked slow-moving exercise.
C. She wanted to do something different.
15. What exercise docs the woman dislike?
A. Yoga. B. Tennis. C. Basketball.
16. What happens after the woman does tai chi?
A. She feels her mind is confused.
B. She feels too tired to go to work.
C. She feels quite ready to do other things.
A. He is retiring.
C. He just received an award.
18. Who organized the party?
A. David. B. Craig. C. Anne.
19. What type of job might the speaker have?
A. He was a fireman. B. He was a doctor. C. He was a professor,
20. Where does the speaker probably plan to go next?
A. To Australia. B. To China. C. To Spain.
In 2000, when I was around seven years old, my parents, sister, brother, and I were coming back from a T-ball game. There, in our driveway, we saw two adult geese and a small gosling ,The adults were startled by our return and flew away, but their baby was still too young to fly and couldn't follow. Hours passed, and night fell. The tiny little thing was wandering around our yard, unaware of what could happen.
And then another morning. And still another. Each morning, we would try to drive the goose over to his parents, who kept coming back to our yard. He wouldn't go to them, though, and they wouldn't come close enough to collect him. My sister Joanna decided to call the little guy Peeper, because he would follow us around the yard making a peeping noise, nonstop.
Almost a year passed. My family filled our days with feathery hugs and my dad would throw Peeper up into the air so he could fly a circle around the house.
One evening, my uncle came, and my dad wanted to show him Peeper's circle. He threw him up in the air, but this time, Peeper just flew off. Everyone was very, very sad. We looked for him for days, calling his name, but he didn't come back. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family.
Geese are very loyal, and never forget their first home. Even so, it came as a total shock to me when, in 2019,an aging adult goose came to my home. At first, I assumed it was just another goose. After two weeks of the goose coming back repeatedly, it became clear to me that this wasn't a random goose. My old best friend returned, 20 years later.
People desire connection with the natural world. Through Peeper, I have learned so much about myself and about the nature of love.
2 1. What does the underlined word “startled" in paragraph 1 mean?
A. Moved. B. Attracted, C. Confused. D. Frightened.
22. Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?
A. Peeper left our family a sweet memory.
B. Peeper's peeping noise made the family annoyed.
C. My lather would throw Peeper into the air to drive him away.
D. The adult geese flew away because they didn't love Peeper any more.
23. What is the best title for the text?
A. Dad Trained Goose B. The Love for Nature
C. My Goose Returned Home D. A Friendly Goose
LONE TREE, colorado-patanjali Rao, a 15-year-old Colorado high school student and young scientist, who has used artificial intelligence AI and created apps to deal with social problems, has been named Time magazine's first-ever "Kid of the Year".
Time says Rao stood out for creating a world-wide community of young inventors and inspiring them to go after their goals. Rao insists that starting out small doesn't matter, as long as you have a passion for it.
Rao's sense of invention started early. At age 12, she developed a portable device to discover lead in water. She has also created an app called Kindly that uses artificial intelligence to help prevent cyberbullying . It allows teens to type in a word or phrase to find out if the words they are using arc bullying and lets them decide what they are sending.
She said that "Work is going to be in our generation's hands pretty soon. So if no one else is going to do it, I'm going to do it.”
Rao has partnered with schools, museums, and science, technology, engineering and math organizations, and other societies to work for thousands of other students.
In a world where science is increasingly questioned or challenged, Rao insists that devotion to science is an act of kindness and the best way that a younger generation can better the world. “We have science in everything we're involved in, and I think the biggest thing to put out there is that science is cool, innovating is cool, and anybody can be an innovator," Rao says.
"Anybody can do science.”
A. She has created apps to deal with mental problems.
B. She has set a good example for the younger generation.
C. She has been named Time magazine's "Youth of the Year”.
D. She thinks that only the younger generation can better the world.
25. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Time waits for no man.
B. Ups and downs make one strong.
C. Passion and devotion help to promote excellence.
D. Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.
26. From which is the text probably taken?
A. A newspaper B. A diary. C. A travel brochure. D. A history book.
Sustainability ,one of the biggest topics of the last decade, has become the ray of hope to protect the planet. It's a topic we can't ignore and we must act now in a more sustainable way.
What does that mean for the world of technology? E-waste is one of the planet's biggest contributing waste problems.
Not only e-waste, but the materials that go into tech products are part of the problem. Take the smartphone industry for example, dozens of metals, minerals which have to be taken from the earth including 16 of 17 rare metals go into making phones. And with demand for mobile phones bigger than ever, it's a problem that needs to be solved.
With a challenge comes an opportunity, and there's already some progress happening-great news for those of us wanting to be more sustainable with our tech. People used to turn their noses up at the idea of a second-hand product, but there's been a huge increase in demand for refurbished tech .For example, refurbished smartphone sales in the US have risen by 28% in the last 12 months while brand new sales have fallen by 21%.
Many communities are making an effort to deal with e-waste as well. Cities, schools, or churches will sometimes hold events to collect e-waste and send it to recycling centers. Some companies even offer buy-back programs where people will be given cash if they turn in old devices.
So the next time you want to deal with your e-waste, whether a smartphone, a laptop, an MP4 player or other, consider the more environmentally-friendly choices. It is possible to be sustainable with your tech after all.
27. What is the main purpose of paragraph 1?
A. To explain what is sustainability.
B. To introduce the topic of the text. .
C. To give us an example of sustainability.
D. To show different topics of sustainability.
28. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. E-waste is the biggest waste problem.
B. E-waste can't be dealt with in the end.
C. People act in a more sustainable way than before.
D. People would choose second-hand products in the past.
29. Which of the following can be e-waste EXCEPT?
A. MP4 players B. e-books C. laptops D. smartphones
30. Which word best describes the author's attitude to sustainability?
A. Doubtful. B. Unclear, C. Negative. D. Supportive.

Chinese is one of the two world languages with over a billion speakers. While the Internet has referred to English as the most used language, Chinese still holds the top position as the most used mother tongue. 31 Just think of how many more people you'd be able to talk to after learning some Chinese!
There are five traditional forms of Chinese calligraphy. These are considered classical arts and representatives of Chinese art styles. 32 It first appeared during the Zhou Dynasty and is still popular among calligraphy artists today,
33 This makes it quite difficult for non — native speakers to tell words from sound combinations .When you add in the tones, it adds up to make Chinese one of the most difficult languages to listen to and understand.
Various factors contributed to making Chinese one of the hardest languages to learn for foreigners. _34 Usually, you must learn 3,000 characters in order to be considered fluent enough to read the morning newspaper. However, the language consists of tens of thousands of characters that make fluency a difficult task.
When you're walking around China, you might be surprised at the amount of words you're able to pick up quickly. Thanks to an increase in exposure to Western culture, Chinese has many loanwords, or words borrowed from English, in use today.
The origin of Chinese comes from the discovery of the famous Oracle Bones and what is believed to be the earliest symbols of Chinese. These bones were first used in the Shang Dynasty. With such a rich history, Chinese has obviously experienced many changes and influences due to wars and cultural shifts .35 .
A. Ancient Chinese characters were used 3,000 years ago.
B. However, the language still existed and continued to grow.
C. In 2010, the number of Chinese native speakers totaled 955 million people.
D. People who wish to study Chinese must put in years of work to reach fluency.
E. Thanks to its unique sound system, Chinese is filled with similar sounding words.
F. The world's most natively-spoken language, Chinese, still remains a puzzle to the West.
G. The most popular calligraphy style is the Seal Character style developed by the Han people.
Chris was born in a cardboard box with three other kittens. He was in a smaller cardboard box marked "free kittens" when Emily 36 him and took him home. After that, he loved boxes. He would be 37 a box to sleep in. Chris slept in different boxes, even in Emily's sock drawer, if she left it 38 . He didn't just sleep in boxes, though. He also enjoyed sleeping in the bedroom of Emily's dollhouse with 39 everywhere. Emily's mother suggested Chris need an 40 house of his own, but Emily thought little of it.
One day, Emily came home from school and she searched everywhere, but no Chris. 41 . she found the big cat 42 himself inside her mom's new glass vase. His fatty body almost 43 the vase. "We have to 44 the vase to get him out!” Emily cried. "No," said her dad, “If the vase is broken, the glass pieces might 45 Chris, maybe we can 46 butter to the inside of the vase and pull him out.”
Emily's mom buttered a lot inside of the vase and her dad tried to 47 the unhappy cat out. but they 48 . Realizing the 49 . situation, Emily suggested visiting a 50 Soon they were at his office with an 51 . frightened, buttery cat in a vase. The vet had Emily and her parents 52 in the hall while she gave Chris a shot to make him sleepy.
An hour later, Chris was brought out to his 53 family. Not only Chris, but the vase was still in one 54 ! The next day, Emily brought home a refrigerator box and made it into a rocket ship. Now Chris sleeps in it and dreams of 55 space mice.
36. A. bought
B. in search of
C. in honour of
D. in place of
What will post-pandemic ()travel look like? People are anxious 56 (get) out of their houses, but they may not take the plane as their first choice.
One way is a good old-fashioned road trip. Recently, many states 57 (relax) their rules on tourism, so they're encouraging people to move around within their home state to help promote local 58 (business). A road trip in one's own car allows for a sense of control. 59 is easy to get home when you need to, and you know whose germs ()are in your space.
Also, with post-pandemic comes the golden age of camping. That 60 (be) because travelers will be nervous about crowds and dying to avoid them. It will result in an increasing number of visitors to 61 (nation) parks, mountains, beaches, and other places 62 crowds are less likely to go. In this case, people choose to camp while keeping social distance, 63 (use) their own cars, and spending less money.
Whatever travel will look like, health is 64 major concern in everyone's mind. Meanwhile, people are sick of being indoors, so it's likely 65 tourism will reflect a growing need to promote good health while getting outside.

66. D great difficulties in moving the temples, the Egyptian government made it by
turning to other countries for help.
67. The success or I of the plan depends on your own effort.
68. He spends at least four hours a week as a v . helping the elderly in a nursing home.
69. The room was filled with smoke, and it was becoming hard to b .
70. Hearing that her son returned from the army, the mother put down her work at hand and went home i .
71. The teacher finally the pupil's rude behaviour in the class.
72. Julie is planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou, one of the top tourist across the nation.
73. Once you are .to video games, you'll find it hard to get rid of it.
74. Sadly, only one fourth of the passengers on the bus .the accident.
75. The welcome unit is specially . for freshmen at senior high school.

He .the history class project and explored the local temple which can
the Song Dynasty.
A soccer player should not to fall down in a game it helps his team.
There was a time he three times a week to keep fit.
Only when younger generations their own actions a country be full of hope.