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What is knowledge?

What is the tripartite view of knowledge? (3 marks)

What is a necessary truth? (3 marks)

Define propositional knowledge. (3 marks)

Define reliabilism. (3 marks)

Describe the difference between ability and practical knowledge. (5 marks)

Describe the idea of infallibilism. (5 marks)

Outline the no false lemmas condition. (5 marks)

Describe the ‘fake barn’ analogy. (5 marks)

Describe Virtue epistemology. (5 marks)

Give and explain an example Gettier uses to criticise the JTB theory. (12 marks )

Explain the difference between two criticisms of the tripartite view of knowledge. (12 marks )

What are the differences between the three main types of knowledge? (12 marks )

In accordance to Zagzebski, explain what the relationship between knowledge and essence. (12 marks )

“The tripartite view of knowledge is the only formulation of how knowledge is formed” to what extent do you agree with the statement? (25 marks)

Can knowledge only be propositional? (25 marks)

Is the tripartite view accurate? (25 marks)

Perception as a Source of Knowledge

Direct realism


What is scepticism? (3 marks)

What is direct realism? ( 5 marks)

Arguments against direct realism

Outline the argument from illusion (5 marks)

Outline Russel’s (and Berkeley’s) argument from perceptual variation (5 marks)

Outline the argument from hallucination (5 marks)

Outline time lag argument (5 marks)


Outline the argument from illusions and how a direct realist would respond to it (12 marks)

Outline the argument from perceptual variation and how a direct realist would respond to it (12 marks)

Outline the argument from hallucination and how a direct realist would respond to it (12 marks)

Outline the time lag argument and how a direct realist would respond to it(12 marks)

Indirect realism


What is the external world? (3 marks)

What is a mind independent object? (3 marks)

What are sense data? (3 marks)

How does Locke define an idea? (3 marks)

What is Indirect realism? (5 marks)

How does Locke define secondary and primary qualities? (5 marks)

In what ways are primary qualities ‘utterly inseparable’ from a mind independent object, and what allusions are does Locke use support this idea? (e.g. lukewarm water, infinitely divisible, perceptual variation) (12 marks)

Arguments against indirect realism

How might we be sceptical about the existence if mind independent objects? (5 marks)

Outline Berkeley’s argument against Russel’s claim that the external world is the ‘best’ hypothesis, which claims ideas cannot be material objects (5 marks)


Outline Locke’s counterarguments against being sceptical of the existence of the external world (The involuntary nature of our experience, The coherence of various kinds of experience) (12 marks)

1- Outline Cockburn’s counterargument against being sceptical of the existence of the external world (The coherence of various kinds of experience) (12 marks)

1- Outline Russel’s counterargument against being sceptical of the existence of the external world (The external world is the best hypothesis) (12 marks)

Berkeley’s idealism


Outline Berkeley’s idealism (3 marks)

How might Berkeley’s idealism support indirect realism? (5 marks)

Explain how Berkeley’s idealism differs from indirect realism (5 marks)

Arguments for

Outline Berkeley’s counterargument against Locke’s primary and secondary qualities (5 marks)

Outline Berkeley’s argument for idealism from perceptual variation (5 marks)

Outline Berkeley’s master argument (5 marks)

Arguments against Berkeley’s idealism

Outline Berkeley’s argument for idealism from perceptual variation and how an Indirect realist might respond (12 marks)

Outline Berkeley’s master argument and how an Indirect realist might respond to it (12 marks)

3- Outline Berkeley’s idealism and how the arguments from illusion and hallucination challenge Berkeley’s views (12 marks)

3- How might idealism lead to solipsism? (12 marks)

3- Outline Berkeley’s idealism and how his assertion that God to has sensations might be rebuked (12 marks)

1- How convincing is direct realism? (25 marks)

2- How convincing is indirect realism? (25 marks)

3- How convincing is Berkeley’s idealism? (25 marks)

4- Is the world as it appears? (25 marks)

5- Assess the view that all that exists are minds and their ideas (idealism). (25 marks)

Reason as a source of knowledgeWhat is innate knowledge? (3 marks)

What, according to Locke, is an idea? (3 marks)

What, according to Leibniz, is innate knowledge? (3 marks)

What is a necessary truth? (3 marks)

What is the distinction between intuition and deduction? (3 marks)

What, according to Descartes, is a clear and distinct idea? (3 marks)

Explain Locke’s argument against innate knowledge? (5 marks)

Outline Plato’s slave boy argument? (5 marks)

Explain Locke’s argument against innatism in which he claims the mind is a ‘tabula rasa’. (5 marks)

Outline and explain Hume’s fork. (5 marks)

Explain Descartes’ argument for the cogito. (5 marks)

Outline Descartes’ trademark argument. (5 marks)

Outline and explain Locke’s reasons for rejecting innatism? (12 marks)

Outline two of Descartes’ arguments for the existence of God. (12 marks)

Outline the ontological argument and explain Gaunilo’s criticism of it. (12 marks)

Outline and explain Descartes’ two step argument that shows proof of the external world. (12 marks)

Explain how Descartes argues that we can gain a priori knowledge through intuition and deduction. (12 marks)

How successful are Descartes arguments for the existence of God? (25 marks)

How convincing are Locke’s arguments against innate ideas? (25 marks)

Assess the view that we are born with knowledge that can be revealed through reason (innatism). (25 marks)

How should propositional knowledge be defined? (25 marks)

Limits of K nowledge

What is reliablism? (3 marks)

What is the veil of perception? (3 marks)

What is philosophical scepticism? (3 marks)

Explain the distinction between local and global scepticism. (5 marks)

Outline Descartes argument from illusion. (5 marks)

Outline the brain in the vat argument. (5 marks)

Outline and explain Locke’s concept of an external world. (5 marks)

Explain Berkley’s response to scepticism. (5 marks)

Outline and explain the argument of Descartes evil demon. (12 marks)

Outline and explain Descartes dreaming argument. (12 marks)

How convincing are Descartes’ three waves of doubt? (25 marks)

How convincing are the responses to scepticism? (25 marks)


What is Psychological Hedonism? (3 marks)

What is Hedonistic Act Utilitarianism? (3 marks)

What is the Felicific Calculus? (3 marks)

Explain what Bentham means by Utility? (5 marks)

Explain Mills understanding of the term Utility. (5 marks)

Explain Mills distinction between higher and lower pleasures. (5 marks)

Why is it important for Utilitarian’s that we can, in principle, achieve happiness. (5 marks)

What are two reasons why Mill felt that some people could not achieve happiness? ( 5 marks)

Explain Smart’s interpretation of the distinction between higher and lower pleasures? ( 5 marks)

Explain why Nozicks uses the Experience Machine Thought Experiment. ( 5 marks)

Explain why Mill’s proof may commit the fallacy of composition. ( 5 marks)

Explain Mills concept of Justice. (5 marks)

Explain preference utilitarianism and one objection to it. ( 12 marks )

Explain Rule Utilitarianism and one objection to it. ( 12 marks)

Explain Mill’s proof of Utilitarianism and GE Moore’s objection to it. (12 marks)

Explain the objection to Utilitarianism based on the Tyranny of the Majority and one objection to that argument. (12 marks)

Explain the objection to Utilitarianism based on Rights and liberties and one counter argument to that objection. (12 marks)

Explant the objection to utilitarianism of partiality and one counter objection to it. (12 marks)

Kantian Ethics

Explain what the term Deontology means. (3 marks)

What, according to Kant, is a maxim? (3 marks)

Briefly explain what Kant understands by the term Good Will. (3 marks)

Explain the distinction between acting in accordance with duty and acting out of duty. (5 marks)

Explain how Kant moves from the Good will to the idea of the Categorical imperative. (5 marks)

What is the distinction between a categorical and a hypothetical imperative? (5 marks)

What is the distinction Kant makes between contradiction in conception and contradiction in will? (5 marks)

Explain Kant’s second formulation of the Categorical Imperative. (5 marks)

Why does Kant think people have intrinsic worth? (5 marks)

Briefly explain a rejection of Kant based on conflict of duties. (5 marks)

Explain why Kant does not understand that being motivated by love or kindness is morally valuable. (12 marks)

Explain how Kant’s deontological ethics can be applied to the question of whether we should ever tell lies. (12 marks)

Virtue Ethics

What is justice (according to Aristotle?) (3 marks)

What does the word Eudamonia mean? (3 marks)

What is practical wisdom? (3 marks)

How does Eudamonia distinguish itself from happiness? (5 marks)

Explain how Aristotle believes that eudemonia is our final end. (5 marks)

Explain Aristotle’s concept of Function. (5 marks)

Explain Aristotle’s concept of Virtue. (5 marks)

What is the doctrine of the mean (for Aristotle)? (5 marks)

Why is the idea of habit important for Aristotle in his ethical thinking? (5 marks)

Explain the skill analogy that Aristotle uses for how we acquire virtues. (5 marks)

What is the distinction between voluntary action and moral responsibility? (5 marks)

Why can we now, according to Aristotle, have practical wisdom with virtue and vice versa? (5 marks)

Explain the idea that the doctrine of the mean provides no assistance when deciding how to act. (5 marks)

Explain the analogy drawn between virtues and skills within Aristotelian ethics. (5 marks)

What does Aristotle think about the Human Soul and in particular the Rational Soul? (12 marks)

Explain why Aristotle thinks that pleasure is not the only good – write down three objections and replies. (12 marks)

Explain the objection that virtue ethics provides no guidance to someone who is not already virtuous – think about the problem of circularity. (12 marks)

Meta Ethics

What does the term cognitivism mean? (3 marks)

What is Naturalism? (3 marks)

What is Non Naturalism? (3 marks)

What is Mackie’s Error Theory? (3 marks)

What is Ayer’s Emotivism? (3 marks)

What is the Frege-Geech objection of Emotivism? (3 marks)

What is Intuitionism? (3 marks)

Briefly explain why Aristotle thinks that pleasure is not the only good. (3 marks)

Why might good not be cognitive? (5 marks)

Explain GE Moore’s objection to Naturalism. (5 marks)

Explain the importance of Hume’s Fork in this debate. (5 marks)

Explain the is ought gap and the naturalistic fallacy. (5 marks)

Explain how John Searle’s promise thought experiment might address the naturalistic fallacy. (5 marks)

How does WD Ross develop Intuitionism. (5 marks)

Explain why emotivism is a non-cognitivist theory of ethical language. (5 marks)

25 markers for Moral Philosophy

Utilitarianism is correct.

Kantian Ethics is correct.

Virtue Ethics is correct.

Eating Meat is morally acceptable.

Stealing is never morally acceptable.

Lying is always morally unacceptable.

Simulated Killing in computer games is morally wrong and harmful.

Good is a moral property.

How successful is W.D. Ross’ Intuitionism?

How successful is Mackie’s Error Theory?

How convincing is utilitarianism as an account of what makes an action morally right?