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WEEKOF: 11/23-11/27/2020 TEACHER’S NAME: Katelynn and


Day of the Week

CC Goals being


(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes-

Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)

Play focus

[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY- this does not include art, writing, literacy]


Nov. 23, 2020

Last week we were learning about the different food groups we eat to stay healthy. On Thursday and Friday this week we will not be in school because it is Thanksgiving. For many families Thanksgiving is a time when we see family members that may not live with us and we have a large meal to celebrate things we are thankful for. Today we will be reviewing and create our healthy plate. We will be learning about the foods that may be traditionally enjoyed by families on thanksgiving:

Turkey or chicken (Protein)

Corn, potatoes, squash, carrots, beans, green salad (Vegetables)

Music and Movement: food hokey pokey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvpYEjS2ZwM&t=39s

Pretend Play: Pretend to go food shopping for your family’s holiday meal. What foods do you need to buy? Encourage your child to push a cardboard box through the kitchen as their shopping cart in the store. What needs to go in their shopping cart.

Fine Motor/Manipulatives: Make curved lines on a piece of paper and have students use their connect cubes or Legos or some buttons or rocks to place them on the line

Rice or bread (grain)

Butter, Milk, or Cheese (Dairy)

Writing: Work on drawing simple shapes on your white board or pieces of paper. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month / h/ m/s/t. Work on writing/tracing students' names.

Science: Using pictures from a magazine or grocery store flyer cut out some pictures of foods from the different food groups we have been learning about and have them sort them onto their healthy food plate

Art: Make our Healthy Food Plate for Thanksgiving. What thanksgiving foods have we learned about today that we can create or draw and place on our healthy food plate for each food group.

Turkey or chicken (Protein)

Corn, potatoes, squash, carrots, beans, green salad (Vegetables)

Rice or bread (grain)

Butter, Milk, or Cheese (Dairy)

Apple sauce, cranberry sauce, Apple pie, (Fruits)

Literacy: Books- students will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books /Tt/.

Book suggestion: https://www.getepic.com/app/read/67602

Spanish: https://www.getepic.com/app/read/15725

Phonics: This week’s letter is /Tt/. Go over how to make the letter sound with this video: https://www.turtlediary.com/video/t-sound.html

Play the Bounce Patrol to for the letter of the week and review its sound:


Math: Students will continue to work on counting different objects for 1:1 correspondence, to tell how many (verbally or by pointing to the correct number). Students will work with plates or designated mats for objects to work on seeing visually which plate or matt has more or less objects on it. With help from a parent students will count objects to tell how many on each plate, then the parent will help them identify which plate has more.


Nov. 24, 2020

Yesterday we learned about the kinds of foods we might see when we get together with our families to have a Thanksgiving dinner. today we are learning about Thanksgiving and how it can be a time to get together with family and celebrate things we are thankful for.

What does it mean to be thankful? – Talk to students about what it means to appreciate things and be happy to have them.

How can we show we are thankful? – We can use kind words and say please and thank you. We can use nice hands, give hugs, and be helpful to show we

Music and Movement: Super Hero Yoga Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDA8TbzOcms

Pretend Play: Pretend to be preparing the house for family to visit. We are thankful to have a home and should help keep it clean to show that we are thankful. Encourage your child to help clean some areas and things in the home that they are thankful for to help make the home ready for the holiday. Some ideas might include wash and putting away toys. Helping sweep or vacuum. Helping wipe off table.

Art: Students will make a thankful turkey by painting or tracing their handprint. Then students will work on cutting skills to cut out feathers with words of things


What are some things we are thankful for? – One that we learned about yesterday that we can all be thankful for is our family. We can be thankful for the food we get to eat, the house we live in, the clothes we wear, the toys we get to play with, our teachers and the people who help us learn and stay safe.

they are thankful for to glue on their turkeys.

Writing: Work with your child on following directions for stopping and starting. Make

a large dot or draw a star in the shape of a square and +. Give your child the direction to draw a line down and show them where to start and stop to make the shapes.

Literacy: Books- Your child will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week. Letter /Ss/.

Book suggestion (English): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/57267

Book suggestion (English and Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/68578

Phonics: This week’s letter is /Tt/. Review the letter name of the letter and the letter sound with your child.

Help students create a tree for the letter /t/. Help students cut paper squares to build the letter /t/. Draw a /t/ on a piece of paper for the student to glue their squares on. Encourage student to make the /t/ letter sound as they glue on brown squares to form the /t/. For verbal students have them practice letter sound to get more of the squares they cut. When they made the /t/ students can use a green crayon or marker, tissue paper or paint to give the /t/ leaves.

Math: Students will continue to work on counting different objects for 1:1 correspondence, to tell how many (verbally or by pointing to the correct number). Students will work with

plates or designated mats for objects to work on seeing visually which plate or matt has more or less objects on it. With help from a parent, students will count objects to tell how many on each plate, then the parent will help them identify which plate has more.


Nov. 25, 2020

No School- Holiday

Please take some pictures of the family members that live in your homes with your child and send to Teacher Katelynn. Please let me know how they are related to your child. When we return on Monday we will be starting our Unit about who we live with and where we live.

Music and Movement: Teddy Bear Yoga Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAdvS12luzA&list=PLh6hKQmd775jiPAsFZXp3HidaZogIugpN

Pretend/kitchen Play: To cook a holiday meal for your family. Use bowls and pots and pans and spoons. Help your child pretend they are cooking and stirring different foods. If willing you could use dried rice and or beans, and water in different pots, pans and bowls to incorporate a more sensory and fine motor pretend cooking play experience.

Fine Motor/Manipulatives: Help your child work their fine motor skills using their clothing. Lay pants on a table and help them work on pushing the button through the hole in the pants. Work on having your child use their pincer grasps to move zippers on their backpacks.

Art: Help your child draw the table where they eat. Is it a rectangle, oval, circle or square? How many table legs do they need to draw?

Writing: Work on drawing simple shapes on your white board or pieces of paper. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month / h/ m/s/t. Work on writing/tracing students' names.

Literacy: Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care,

turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Tt/.

Book suggestion (English and Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/18480

Phonics: This week’s letter is /Tt/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Students will walk around their homes with an adult to help with identifying objects in the home that start with our letter of the week.

Math: # of the week is: 3

Write 3 on a piece of paper – have your little learner work on the direction “give me” (toy or item/block)” – Count as they hand you objects to 3 or have them try to count on their own.

You can create 2 sets of 0-10 flash cards:

lay out a field of 3 and ask your little learner to point to a number

or match.

Switch out numbers and repeat with new numbers. (recommend starting with match. If your little learner is able to successfully match all the numbers move to point. If your little learner is verbal, you can hold up number while asking “what number is this”)

Thursday Nov. 26, 2020

No School- Holiday

Please take some pictures of the family members that live in your homes with your child and send to Teacher Katelynn. Please let me know how they are related to your child. When we return on Monday we will be starting our Unit about who we live with and where we live.

Music and Movement: Action song “Na Na Na, I’m so Happy” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUXk8Nc5qQ8

Pretend Play: Help your child use recyclable materials (such as boxes, plastic containers, egg crates) as cars or use car toys and pretend that they are a family driving to visit other family members for a holiday meal. Who is in the car? What are they taking with them? Would they be spending the night or driving back home? Pretend to drive them to where they are visiting then pretend to do what they will do on this holiday visit with their family? Use small people like toys or spoons as your pretend family members.

Art: Help your child draw something that they are thankful for. Ask them to point or tell you a person or toy that they like, are happy they have.

Writing: Work with your child on following directions for stopping and starting. Make

a large dot or draw a star in the shape of a square and +. Give your child the direction to draw a line down and show them where to start and stop to make the shapes.

Literacy: Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Tt/.

Book suggestion: https://www.getepic.com/app/read/18060

Spanish: https://www.getepic.com/app/read/17960

Phonics: Students will work with a parent on the computer or ipad to do an interactive phonics game: https://www.turtlediary.com/game/identify-object-with-phonics.html for the letters being reviewed this month (h, m, s, t). Scroll to select the letters in the link that we want to work on.

Math: Math: # of the week is: 3

Write 3 on a piece of paper – have your little learner work on the direction “give me” (toy or item/block)” – Count as they hand you objects to 3 or have them try to count on their own.

You can create 2 sets of 0-10 flash cards:

lay out a field of 3 and ask your little learner to point to a number

or match.

Switch out numbers and repeat with new numbers. (recommend starting with match. If your little learner is able to successfully match all the numbers move to point. If your little learner is verbal, you can hold up number while asking “what number is this”)


Nov. 27, 2020

No School- Holiday

Please take some pictures of the family

Music and Movement: Party Freeze Dancing Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UcZWXvgMZE&list=PLwbX73LCvo7AA0glKXAbvX5-alOziRhWD&index=9

Carpet time: Blocks/building: Help your child use building blocks or recyclable materials (boxes, egg crates, plastic containers etc.) to build the house/ apartment building they live in.

members that live in your homes with your child and send to Teacher Katelynn. Please let me know how they are related to your child. When we return on Monday we will be starting our Unit about who we live with and where we live.

Art: Help your child draw or make playdough people of their family members that live with them at home.

Writing: Work on drawing simple shapes on your white board or pieces of paper. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month / h/ m/s/t. Work on writing/tracing students' names.

Literacy Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Tt/.

Book suggestion: https://www.getepic.com/app/read/15670

Book suggestion (English and Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/18468

Phonics: Students will pull objects or picture/ drawings of objects out of a bag and match objects to the letter and letter sound they start with by sorting them onto letter mats while they review the letter sounds for this month

h- toy hat, horse, heart shape, drawing of a house

m- marker, mitten, mask, mouth

s- snake, shoe, scissors, drawing of sun, sock

t- drawing of turkey, tree, triangle shape, turtle, train toy

Math: Math: # of the week is: 3

Write 3 on a piece of paper – have your little learner work on the direction “give me” (toy or item/block)” – Count as they hand you objects to 3 or have them try to count on their own.

You can create 2 sets of 0-10 flash cards:

lay out a field of 3 and ask your little learner to point to a number

or match.

Switch out numbers and repeat with new numbers. (recommend starting with match. If your little learner is able to successfully match all the numbers move to point. If your little learner is verbal, you can hold up number while asking “what number is this”)

Social Emotional- Review Week 10 by looking at Daily Social Emotional Letters. Focus words for week 10: Surprised/ Scared Common Core Goals:CC Domain 1 – PK.AL.FS.1: Actively and confidently engages in play as a means of exploration and learning – a. Interacts with a variety of materials through play.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects – e. Uses buttons, zippers, snaps, and hooks and loops successfully

CC Domain 3 – PK.SE.6: Understands and follows routines and rules. – b. Engages easily in routine activities

CC Domain 4 – PK.CLL.AC.1: Demonstrate that they are motivated to communicate – a. Participates in small or large group activities for storytelling, singing, and/or finger play.

CC Domain 4A– PK.AC.1: Demonstrates motivation to communicate – c. Listens attentively for a variety of purposes.

CC Domain 5– PK.CKW.ScientificThiknings.6: Acquires knowledge about the physical properties of the world – a. describes, compares, and categorizes objects based on their properties.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – a. Identifies sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – b. Compares and contrasts different sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – c. Uses descriptive words to discuss sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures.