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Post on 24-May-2020

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Bonus ball– Wed 8 May; no 59 – P Wilmot; Sat11 May; no 11 D AndersonCollection – Holy Family - £266.63; Headcorn - £193.67

COFFEE MORNING –The next one will be Thursday 13th June.

DEVOTIONS - We return to the regular schedule for devotions ie. 1st Sat of the month at 9.30am and 2nd Friday of the month at 7.30pm.

PARISH LUNCH – Tues 4 June, 12.30 at The Walnut Tree, Yalding ME18 6JB

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK – Please remember in your prayers all those known to us who are ill, especially Richard Martin, Peter Hawkins, Ernie Carter, Win Donlon, Nora McLellan, Brigitte & Michael Aris, David Elphee, Rosemary Enright, Jean Driscoll, Daphne Newman, Cliff Bacon, Robert Alway, Anne Stephenson, Maria Holas, Stephen John, Ade Madarikan, Jorge Leitao Esteves, Tina Kibble, David Holt-Goldsmith, Pauline Wilmot, Katie Venters, John and Eleni Cotton and Jeanette Kokkinos.

MASS FOR THE SICK – There will be a Parish Mass for the Sick on Saturday 1st June at 11am. This is for anyone who needs healing, whether it be physical, mental or spiritual. If you need transport or know of someone who does, please advise us so that we can ensure that everyone can benefit from this most important Sacrament.

JIMMY DONLON RIP – passed away Wednesday 15th. Please pray for him and his family.

EMMANUEL EBOMUCHE RIP – also passed away during the week. Please pray for him and his family.

AISLING HAWKINS RIP – died during the week, aged just 17. Pray for her.

ANNIVERSARIES – Please pray for the repose of the souls of Mary McCann, Patrick D’Arcy, Margaret MacAskill, John MacDonald, Michael Otsteill, Winifred Standen, Anna Condon, Robert Brislee, Matthew Howell, Joan Ross, William Brennan, John Condon, Mary Murphy, Violet Kember and John Sheehy.

Holy Family

Holy Family RC ChurchBicknor Road, Park Wood

Maidstone, Kent ME15 9PSTel: 01622 752637

Website: Priest – Fr. Desmond

St Thomas of Canterbury

5th Sunday of Easter – Year C.


Sun 19 May 10:30am MASS Kevin Connors RIP


Tue 21 May 9:30am MASS Recently deceased parishioners RIP

Wed 22 May 7:30pm MASS ST RITA of CASCIA – May Terry RIP

Thu 23 May 9:30am MASS

Fri 24 May9:30am MASS10am EXPOSITION


Sun 26 May 10:30am MASSConfessions on Saturdays 5-5.30pm before evening Mass.

ST THOMAS OF CANTERBURYSat 18 May 9:30am MASS Thu 23 May 9:30am MASS

Sun 19 May 9:00am MASS Fri 24 May 9:30am MASS

Mon 20 May 9:30am MASS Sat 25 May 9:30am MASS

Tue 21 May 9:30am MASS Sun 26 May 9:00am MASS

Wed 22 May 9:30am MASS Confessions after 9:30am Mass on Sat.

Entrance Antiphon: O sing a new song to the Lord, for he has worked wonders; in the sight of the nations he has shown his deliverance, alleluia.

CONFIRMATION 2019 – Applications are now invited from young people in Year 9, and above, who wish to join this years Confirmation Programme, working towards receiving the Sacrament in October of this year. Please see Fr Desmond for an application form or if you have any queries. We really need forms back by the end of May.

BRITISH HUMANITARIAN AID – Once again we will have a visit from Philip Edmonds from BHA to collect our donations of clothing etc after Mass on Sunday, May 19 following our jumble sale.Ukraine remains very much in need of help for the very poor marginalized people. Please consider if you can donate extras such as toiletries: soap, toothpaste & sanitary towels. Money towards the cost of transport (which can amount to thousands of Pounds) will be very welcome and can be handed to Margarita or me, Agnes. Mark your envelope – BHA. Thank you.

RCIA – The new course will be starting soon and so far we have 2 inquirers. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic or finding out more about the Faith we profess talk to Fr Desmond or myself.

CHURCH SOUND SYSTEM – The new system has been installed! Now we have to pay for it! The final total will be around £4400. Perhaps you could let us have your opinion on the new system, especially if you use the induction loop system. As previously advised we intend to treat the clearing of the debt as a Parish Project and to hold certain fund raising events which we hope you will support. A number of people have indicated to me that they would like to make a donation. If you use an envelopes with your name and address on then we can claim Gift Aid. THIS ONLY APPLIES IF YOU ARE A TAX PAYER!




PRAYER & PRAISE – Thursday 6th June, starting at 7.30pm at Aylesford Priory. Come and join Hilary, Margarita, Peggy and Dave and others for an evening of sung and spoken praise, silent prayer and worship.

GUILD OF CHURCH FLOWER ARRANGERS – A branch has been running in Maidstone since 1984 and has proved to be of benefit to those arranging flowers in churches of all denominations and of great interest to all flower arrangers and those wanting to learn. They meet 4 times a year at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Summer. Each Meeting is held in a different church with a professional demonstrator doing a number of arrangements in the containers used by that church. In addition there is the AGM in September. We invite anyone who is interested to come along to our meetings and, if inclined to join – Annual membership is only £5. Entry to demonstrations is £3 to members; £5 non members. Further information from Mrs Pat Wallis, 29 Valley Drive, Loose: Tel 01622 746025 or website - Next meeting is Monday 3 June, 7.15pm at St Mary & All Saints, Boxley. You can talk to Peggy Arnold from our Parish who is a member for more details.

A Poem – from an anonymous parishioner, aged 12.

Didn’t you love me, didn’t you care, didn’t you notice I was there?

How could you be so thoughtless, as to take me from my bedAnd then be really happy and glad I’m gone instead.

Was it that daddy was your baby, so there wasn’t room for meOr wasn’t there any daddy, no daddy you could see.

Was there not enough money to buy me all my thingsInstead the only gift you gave was the gift of silver wings!

I flew up to heaven, like an angel bird;I didn’t think a thought or say a word.

So have a good life mummy; have a good life dad.I’m the unborn baby that you had!