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2.2 Bonding structure - How bonds relate to structure - Low demand – Questions

Q1.Gold, silver and bronze medals were made for a competition.

 Photograph supplied by iStockphoto/Thinkstock

(a)     Draw a ring around the correct answer in each box to complete each sentence. 


(i) Gold is found as a pure metal in the Earth because gold is reactive.




(ii) Gold is an element because all of its molecules are the same.



(b)     The atomic number of silver is 47.The mass number of a silver atom is 108.

Use this information to work out the number of protons and neutrons in a silver atom.

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Draw one line from each particle in List A to the correct number in List B. 

List AParticle

  List BNumber







(c)    Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.

(i)      What is an alloy?



(ii)     Medals made of copper or bronze cost the same.

Bronze is used to make medals instead of pure copper.

Give one reason why.



(Total 6 marks)

Q2.Scientists in the 16th century used the symbol shown in Figure 1 for gold.

Figure 1



The scientists thought platinum was made from gold and silver, so they used the symbol for gold in the symbol for platinum. The symbol for platinum is shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2



(a)     Gold and platinum are elements.

Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

(i)      An element contains only one sort of 

atom. ion. molecule.


(ii)     Elements are different from each other because they have different numbers of


ions. molecules. protons.


(b)     Complete the following sentence.

Modern scientists call a mixture of gold and silver an alloy.

An alloy is a mixture of ____________________ .(1)

(c)     The formula of the compound silver oxide is Ag2O

Give the name and number of the atoms which have joined together to make the compound Ag2O

Use the Chemistry Data Sheet to help you answer this question.







(Total 6 marks)

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Q3.The drawing shows a container of a compound called magnesium chloride.


(i)      How many elements are joined together to form magnesium chloride?


(ii)      Magnesium chloride is an ionic compound. What are the names of its ions?

_________________________ ions and _________________________ ions(1)

(iii)     How many negative ions are there in the formula for magnesium chloride?


(iv)     Complete the sentence.

          Ions are atoms, or groups of atoms, which have lost or gained

_____________________ .(1)

(v)     Suggest three properties which magnesium chloride has because it is an ionic compound.

Property 1 __________________________________________________________


Property 2 __________________________________________________________


Property 3 __________________________________________________________


(Total 7 marks)

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Q4.The uses of elements depend on their properties.


          (a)     Carbon and iron are both elements. What is an element?



(b)     Complete the sentences by crossing out the words that are wrong. The first one has been done for you.


(c)     In the box are the names of three metals.

copper       iron       sodium

          Which one of these is not a good metal for making the cooking pot? Give a reason for your answer.

Metal ______________________________________________________________

Reason ____________________________________________________________



(Total 5 marks)


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Iron ore is the main source of iron.

(a)     This was the headline in a newspaper.

‘Village protests against quarry’The dotted line ( ---- ) on the map is drawn around the area from which a company wants to quarry iron ore.


(i)      Give one reason that the company could give for the need to quarry the iron ore.



(ii)     The people who live in the village do not want the quarry because it would decrease the value of their homes.

Suggest two other reasons why the villagers do not want the quarry.

1. ____________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________


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(b)     Iron ore contains the compound iron oxide, Fe2=O3.

(i)      Iron is extracted from its oxide in the blast furnace.

Complete the word equation for the extraction of iron.

iron oxide + ____________________________ → iron + carbon dioxide(1)

(ii)     This diagram represents pure iron.


Use the diagram to explain why pure iron is described as an element.





(iii)     Pure iron is relatively soft. The iron from the blast furnace is hard and brittle. The diagram below represents iron from the blast furnace.


Use the diagram to explain why iron from the blast furnace is hard and brittle.





(Total 8 marks)

Q6.Bricks made from silica (silicon dioxide) are used to line furnaces that operate at high temperatures.

Part of the structure of silica is shown in the diagram.

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          Use words from the box to complete the sentences. 

covalent          giant          low          small


           four          high          six          weak

One reason for using silica to make bricks for high-temperature furnaces is that silica has

a _____________________ melting point.

Silica has this property because it is a _____________________ structure in which each

silicon atom is joined to _____________________ oxygen atoms by

_____________________ bonds.(Total 4 marks)

Q7.Metals and their alloys have many uses.

(a)     Dentists use a smart alloy to make braces that gently push teeth into the right position.

What is meant by a smart alloy?



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(b)     Pure copper is made up of layers of copper atoms. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.


          Why are the physical properties of brass different from the physical properties of pure copper?





(c)     Nearly all zinc is obtained from ores that also contain lead. The metals zinc and lead can be extracted by reducing their oxides using carbon.


(i)      Choose one element from the box below to complete the sentence about the reduction of zinc oxide.


lead                nitrogen             oxygen

Zinc oxide is reduced by carbon, which takes away _____________________to leave zinc metal.


(ii)     The melting points and boiling points of lead and zinc are given in the table. 

Metal Lead Zinc

Melting point in °C 328 420

Boiling point in °C 1740 907

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The furnace operates at a temperature of 1200 °C.

Suggest how the lead metal and zinc metal are separated in the furnace.





(Total 6 marks)

Q8.This barbecue burns propane gas.


          The diagram represents a propane molecule.


          (a)     What is the formula of propane?


(b)     (i)      Draw a ring around the name of the particle represented by the symbols ○ and × in the diagram.

                                        electron               neutron                  proton(1)

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(ii)     Draw a ring around the type of bonding that holds the atoms together in a propane molecule.

                                        covalent               ionic                       metallic(1)

(c)     Under high pressure in the cylinder propane is a liquid.Liquid propane evaporates easily to form a gas when the tap on the cylinder is opened.

          Draw a ring around the correct answer in each box to explain why propane evaporates easily.


Propane has ahigh

lowboiling point because it consists of



(1)(Total 4 marks)

Q9.Firework rockets contain fuel and potassium nitrate.


The potassium nitrate provides oxygen for the fuel to react.

(a)     The table shows how a student worked out the relative formula mass (Mr) of potassium nitrate.

Some of the numbers are missing.

Relative atomic masses (Ar): N = 14; O = 16; K = 39. 

Name of atom(symbol)

Numberof atoms

Ar Mass

potassium (K) 1 39 39

nitrogen     (N) 1 14 14

oxygen      (O)   16  

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The Mr of potassium nitrate = 101

(i)      The mass of oxygen is not shown in the table.

Draw a ring around the correct mass of oxygen. 

16 32 48


(ii)     Draw a ring around the number of oxygen atoms in the formula of potassium nitrate.


1 2 3


(b)     When the fuel reacts with the oxygen an exothermic reaction takes place.

What does exothermic mean?





(c)     The fuel contains carbon. Carbon reacts with oxygen to make carbon dioxide.

Which two statements in the table explain why carbon dioxide is a gas at room temperature?

Tick ( ) the two statements. 

Statement Tick( )

It has a giant structure  

It has a low boiling point.  

It is made of small molecules.  

It is made of ions.  

(2)(Total 6 marks)


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Metal is bent and shaped to make a car body.


The diagram below represents how atoms are arranged in a metal.


Which two statements in the table best explain why the metal can be bent and shaped?

Tick ( ) the two statements. 

Statement Tick( )

The atoms are in layers.  

The metal is shiny.  

The atoms can slide over each other.  

All the atoms are linked by strong covalent bonds.  

(2)(Total 2 marks)

Q11.Welding blankets are placed under metals being welded. They protect the area under the welding from hot sparks or molten metal.

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Some welding blankets are made from silicon dioxide.

(a)     The table lists some properties of materials.

Two of these are properties of materials used to make welding blankets.

Tick ( ) the two correct properties. 

Property Tick ( )

High melting point  

Reacts with sparks  

Not flammable  

Low boiling point  


(b)     Silicon dioxide has a giant structure. The diagram shows a small part of this structure.

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Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence. 

    a few

(i) Silicon dioxide has a high melting point because some


of the atoms are joined to other atoms.(1)



(ii) Each oxygen atom is joined to three silicon atoms.




(iii) The bonds between the atoms are ionic.



    easily broken.

(iv) These bonds are very strong.


(1)(Total 6 marks)

Q12.The diagrams represent the structures of five substances, A, B, C, D and E.

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(a)     Give one substance, A, B, C, D or E, that: 

(i) has a very low boiling point


(ii) is a compound


(iii) is a metal.


(b)     Draw a ring around the type of bonding holding the atoms together in substance C. 

covalent ionic metallic


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(c)     Explain why substance E is soft and slippery.





(Total 6 marks)

Q13.Iron is extracted from iron oxide in the blast furnace.

(a)     The equation for one of the reactions in the blast furnace is:

Fe2O3  +  3CO         2Fe + 3CO2

(i)      Complete the word equation for this reaction. 

iron oxide + carbon

monoxide   ________________  +  ________________


(ii)     Oxygen is removed from iron oxide in the blast furnace.

Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence. 

The iron oxide is





(b)     The diagrams represent pure iron and iron from the blast furnace.


               Pure iron                            Iron from the blast furnace

(i)      Draw one line from each statement to the correct explanation.

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(ii)     Explain why iron from the blast furnace is harder than pure iron.

Use the diagrams on page 4 to help you.





(Total 7 marks)

Q14.A sodium atom and a fluorine atom react together to form an ionic compound.

Figure 1 shows the electron arrangements in the atoms and the ionic compound.

Only the outer shell electrons are shown.

Figure 1

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(a)     What is the name of the ionic compound shown in Figure 1?

Tick one box. 

Sodium fluorate

Sodium fluoride

Sodium fluorine


(b)     What type of force acts between the ions in an ionic compound?

Tick one box. 






(c)     What are two properties of ionic compounds?

Tick two boxes. 

Conducts electricity when molten

High melting point

Low boiling point

Small molecules

Weak bonds between particles


(d)     Describe what happens when a sodium atom reacts with a fluorine atom to form an

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ionic compound.

Use Figure 1.









(e)     Figure 2 shows the structure of the ionic compound formed in the reaction.

Figure 2

Suggest one limitation of using Figure 2 to show the structure of this compound.



(Total 9 marks)

Q15.Tablets to cure indigestion contain a mixture that has been designed as a useful product.

(a)     Complete the sentence.

Choose the answer from the box. 

catalyst formulation hydrocarbon solvent

Tablets to cure indigestion are an example of a ____________________ .(1)

The table shows the substances in one tablet. 

Substance Mass in mg

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Sodium hydrogencarbonate 64

Calcium carbonate 522

Magnesium carbonate 68

(b)     The total mass of these substances in the tablet is 654 mg

What is the approximate fraction of magnesium carbonate in the total mass of these substances?

Tick one box. 


(c)     The tablets also contain sugar.

Suggest why.



(d)     Sodium hydrogencarbonate cures indigestion by reacting with acid in the stomach.

What type of reaction is this?

Tick one box. 





A student adds an indigestion tablet to dilute hydrochloric acid.

(e)     The gas produced is bubbled through limewater.

The gas turns the limewater milky.

Name the gas produced.


(f)      Water is also produced.

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Which two statements are reasons why water is a liquid at room temperature?

Tick two boxes. 

Water has a boiling point of 100 °C

Water has a gaint covalent structure

Water has a melting point lower than room temperature

Water has delocalised electrons

Water is made of ions


(g)      Calcium chloride is also produced.

•        The formula for a calcium ion is Ca2+

•        The formula for a chloride ion is Cl–

What is the formula of calcium chloride?

Tick one box. 

CaCl Ca2Cl CaCl2 Ca2Cl2


(h)     The tablets are stored in glass bottles.

The flow chart shows part of a flowchart for recycling glass.

Complete the flow chart.

Choose the answers from the box. 

crushed electrolysed frozen melted oxidised

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(2)(Total 10 marks)

Q16.This question is about compounds of fluorine.

(a)     A fluorine atom has 7 electrons in the outer shell.

Figure 1 shows part of a dot and cross diagram of a molecule of hydrogen fluoride (HF).

Complete the dot and cross diagram in Figure 1.

You should show only the electrons in the outer shells.

Figure 1


Figure 2 shows the boiling point and melting point of oxygen difluoride (OF2).

Figure 2

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(b)     What is the state of oxygen difluoride at –200 °C?

Tick one box. 

Aqueous (aq)

Gas (g)

Liquid (l)

Solid (s)


(c)     What change of state occurs when oxygen difluoride is cooled from –220 °C to –230 °C?

Tick one box. 






Potassium reacts with fluorine to produce the ionic compound potassium fluoride (KF).

Figure 3 shows the transfer of electrons during the reaction.

Figure 3

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(d)     Describe what happens when potassium reacts with fluorine to produce potassium fluoride.

Write about electron transfer in your answer.













(e)     Potassium fluoride is an ionic compound.

Explain why ionic compounds have high melting points.

Use the following words in your answer:•        attraction•        energy•        ions.











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(Total 13 marks)

Q17.This question is about structure and bonding.

(a)     Figure 1 shows part of one layer of graphene.

Figure 1

Which element is graphene made from?

Tick one box. 






(b)     Each atom in graphene has one delocalised electron.

Complete the sentence.

Choose the answer from the box. 

act as a lubricant be used as a fuel

conduct electricity dissolve in water

Delocalised electrons allow graphene to __________________________ .

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(c)     Which structure is a fullerene?

Tick one box. 






Figure 2 shows part of a large hydrocarbon molecule.

Figure 2

(d)     Which two elements are in all hydrocarbons?

1. _________________________________________________________________

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2. _________________________________________________________________(2)

(e)     Complete the sentence.

Choose the answer from the box. 

an atom a metal a polymer a salt

The large molecule represented in Figure 2 is __________________________ .(1)

(f)      Complete the sentence.

Choose the answer from the box. 

attract bond slide vibrate

Metals can be stretched into wires

because the layers of atoms can __________________________ .(1)

(Total 7 marks)

Q18.The picture shows a student filling in a multiple choice answer sheet using a pencil.

 © Cihan Ta?k?n/iStock

The pencil contains graphite. Graphite rubs off the pencil onto the paper.

Diagrams 1 and 2 show how the atoms are arranged in graphite.

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(a)     Use the diagrams to help you explain why graphite can rub off the pencil onto the paper.





(b)     Draw a ring around the type of bond which holds the atoms together in each layer. 

covalent ionic metallic

(1)(Total 3 marks)

Q19.The picture shows a student using a pencil to complete a multiple choice answer sheet.

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                                                                         By albertogp123 [CC BY 2.0] , via Flickr

The pencil contains graphite. Graphite rubs off the pencil onto the paper.

Diagrams 1 and 2 show how the atoms are arranged in graphite.


(a)     Use Diagram 2 and your Data Sheet to help you to name the element from which graphite is made.


(b)     Use Diagram 1 to help you explain why graphite can rub off the pencil onto the paper.




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(c)     Draw a ring around the type of bond which holds the atoms together in each layer. 

covalent ionic metallic

(1)(Total 4 marks)

Q20.A drill bit is used to cut holes through materials. The cutting end of this drill bit is covered with very small diamonds.


By Wanderlinse [CC By 2.0], via Flickr

Draw a ring around the correct word in each box. 


(a) Diamond is made from nitrogen atoms.




(b) Diamond has a giant structure in which some of the atoms are joined together.




(c) The atoms in diamond are joined together by ionic bonds.

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(d) In diamond each atom is joined to three other atoms.




(e) Diamond is suitable for the cutting end of a drill bit because it is shiny.


(1)(Total 5 marks)

Q21.This label was on a container of graphite lubricant.


Super GGraphite Lubricant

Super G forms a thin anti-friction film on metal surfaces. It provides good lubrication when metal parts rub against each other.

(a)     Give one reason why a lubricant is used when metal parts rub against each other.



(b)     The diagram shows the arrangement of atoms in graphite.


(i)      Draw a ring around the type of atoms in graphite.

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                      aluminium                      carbon                       silicon(1)

(ii)     Graphite is a good lubricant because it is slippery. Use the diagram to explain why graphite is slippery.






(Total 4 marks)

Q22.This drill contains an electric motor.


          The diagram below shows the main parts of an electric motor.


          The carbon contacts are made of graphite. Springs push the contacts against the copper ring.The carbon contacts conduct electricity to the copper ring. The copper ring rotates rapidly but does not stick or become worn because the graphite is soft and slippery.

(a)     Using this information give two properties that make graphite suitable for making the carbon contacts.


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(b)     (i)      Draw a ring around the correct word in each box to complete the sentence.

         Each carbon atom in graphite is joined to 





other carbon atoms by







(ii)     Tick ( ) the statement which explains why graphite is soft and slippery. 

Statement Tick ()

It is made of layers of atoms.  

It is made of small molecules.  

It is an ionic compound.  

(1)(Total 5 marks)

Q23.This question is about giant structures. Diamond, graphite and silicon dioxide all have giant structures.

(a)     The diagrams show the structures of these three substances.

Draw a line from each structure to its name.

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(b)     Complete the sentences using words from the box. 

       covalent                   four                  hard                 ionic

          shiny                      soft                  three                 two

(i)      Diamond, graphite and silicon dioxide have high melting points because all

the atoms in their structures are joined by strong ________________ bonds.(1)

(ii)     In diamond each atom is joined to ________________________ other atoms.(1)

(iii)     Diamond can be used to make cutting tools because it has a rigid structure

which makes it very ________________________(1)

(iv)    In graphite each atom is joined to ________________________ other atoms.(1)

(v)     Graphite can be used to make pencils because it has a structure which makes

it ________________________(1)

(c)     When a diamond is heated to a high temperature and then placed in pure oxygen it burns. Carbon dioxide is the only product.

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Name the element in diamond. __________________________________________(1)

(Total 8 marks)

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