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November 6, 2020

Ben's Bin

For the first time in decades (with the exception of 2000), we do not know who was elected on election night.  There are lawsuits, recounts, projections that are retracted or delayed, and charges of abuse and countercharges of delay.  We may think we know, but there is no certainty.   One thing is for certain, we want and need a leader to lead us today.  There are riots in our cities, high unemployment, fear of another covid surge.  The desire for leadership showed in over $14 billion dollars spent on the election by candidates and their supporters.  In contrast, South Carolina’s churches take in approximately $5.1 billion in income in a year.  How much good could have been spent if we took all the negative adds and turned them into giving people a hand up from their despair?  I may sound a bit negative, but I am numb to the negative ads that seem to pop up everywhere.  $14 billion breaks the record on political giving and it shows an increasing desire for temporary political power. As you know, many of the ads have been divisive instead of building up our country.      One day, the real leader will set everything straight.  There will be a judgment on corruption and deception.  Under His leadership true love and peace will reign.  We look for the righteous leader to come and justice and mercy to reign.  We not only look for it, we pray for it, work for it, sacrificially give for it.  May His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.  I invite you to give to the Lord through LMPC.  We are reaching more people than ever before- about 4,500 hits per week on our service and we have doubled those who watch our service all the way through or attend.  We are reaching people at a high level as we start a daughter church.  We are a leader in helping the hungry by our USC/Clemson food drive, snackpacks ministry to children, and now our Food Box with Oak Grove Presbyterian.  I invite you to give to a bit of eternal good that happens right now by giving to the church.  Stewardship Dedication Sunday is 11/15- please drop your pledge card in the basket or click this link to pledge now. 


Please stop by the narthex in the Sanctuary and pick up your2020-2021 Stewardship Packet. 

LMPC ONLINEClick here for all the information, details and links for our electronic ministries


FOOD BLESSING BOX MINISTRY We have begun our socially-distanced way of helping the hungry through our Food Blessing Box.  We are encouraging groups to sign up to fill the box on Sundays.  If your group would like to fill the box, let Blaine Hill or Ben Sloan know or sign up on our SignUpGenius page: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f45a4a829abf85-oakgrovelmpc.

Dear Parents,      Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them.”   Some of the disciples thought that bringing the children to Jesus was not important.   But Jesus thought that it was- and He took time to pay them attention and bless them.       The blessing of Jesus is, I believe, more important than any other blessing given by a human.  This blessing is more important than the blessing of an earthly coach, an earthly teacher, an earthly relative.  The blessing of Jesus is an eternal blessing.  One day our children will not be able to run or play but the Bible says, “train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it.”  No one else will train your child in the ways of Jesus like the church.  The church reinforces parental teaching about Jesus.  Children who go to church are 300% more likely to keep the faith than those who do not.      We are beginning to open Sunday School, nursery and children’s church.   We actually started on Rally Day and have had no problems to date.  In fact, our Day School went all summer with no real Covid issues in the school itself (one teacher got it outside of school at another job- but even then the class she taught did not get it).The Supplemental School met for a month with no issues as well.  While no one can promise a germ free environment, we can promise we are making things as safe as we can.        This Sunday Melinda Rogers will oversee the children’s program that starts in the Multi-Purpose room of the Children’s Ministry Building.  Zeta is overseeing the youth Sunday School in the gym.  There are several adult classes meeting by email (Bible Survey), zoomed (Jesus Seekers, Journey and Quest), and in person (Quest and Lake Disciples combo).  Melinda will be zooming the Sunday School class starting 10/25.  We will take a break on our anniversary Sunday 11/1, but start back full swing 11/8.  We will also have children’s church (those under 1st grade), after the children sermon (those under 6th grade), along with nursery keepers starting 10/25.     Last Sunday it was a joy to see so many of our children and families back in the sanctuary for worship.   Both 8:30 and 10:30 worship services will be in the sanctuary starting 11/1.  We will rotate pews between services, and will ask people remain socially distant and wear masks.  So far, our people have complied well.        Here is a promise we are claiming for LMPC:  “I will restore the fortunes of the tents of God’s people; the ruins and buildings will be rebuilt and filled properly.  From them will come songs of thanksgiving and rejoicing.  I will add to their numbers and bring them honor.  Their children will be as in days of old and their community will be established before me.”  (Jeremiah 30:18,19).  Thank you for taking part in the fulfilling of this dream.  Sincerely, Ben Sloan and The Christian Education Committee

Starting next Sunday, I will start collecting gently used books for our LMPC Kids Book Share Library.  Please have your child grades pre-K to 5th grade bring in any already read or unwanted books to put in the tub in the back of the sanctuary.  I will be putting them on a bookshelf in the old sanctuary.  Your child can come and get a new book to read.  I will make an announcement as soon as the library is ready for use.  Encourage your child to donate and pick a new book to read! I am really excited about this new adventure, and I hope it will prompt the kids to read more.


Children’s Ministry Messages from Ms. Melinda

 10-25-    Zoom Meeting for Multi-aged Sunday School group:               Use this information each Sunday at 9:30 until Nov. 29th.               At that time, we will meet in our classrooms.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us05web.zoom.us/j/7916293043?pwd=YlJuS0dvREhVdlNPUWpWNHhLWVBydz09

Meeting ID: 791 629 3043Passcode: LovingGod1 11-7-  3’s, 4’s, and 5’s Sunday School Picnic.  Information to come later.11-14-  1st and 2nd Sunday School Picnic.  Information to come later.11-21-  3rd and 4th grades Sunday School Picnic.             Information to come later.11-22-  Pick up Advent Packets from church.  Information to come later.


To view the Children's Ministry Newsletter Click here. 

Adult Christian Education 

Unified Adult Class             9:30 Sunday                 Fred Yandle Zoom ID# 813 8733 1164                 yandlefl@att.net                (803) 528-9505Reading through Coronavirus and Christ.  Jesus Seekers                                  9:30 Sunday                 Dr. John FergusonA lively conversation as they read through the Book of Acts. Disciple Bible Study                          10:00 Thursday                 Rev. Blaine HillZoom ID#669 804 8490              bhill.lmpchurch@ gmail.com     (803) 422-0049Reading Paul's Letter to the Philippians. You are welcome to participate when you are available. Bible Survey                              Email based                     Ruthanne Nicholson                                                  N2chasran@aol.com                 (803) 609-0741Ruthanne emails out a lesson each week until the class can resume gathering to read through scripture. Mom's Bible Study                        Bi-weekly                                    Amy Cook                                                        killoycook@gmail.com         (803) 260-2718A group of moms of young children who connect each week to encourage each other and a brief devotional. 

ONLINE SERMON STREAMINGHere to watch on the church website.Here to watch on YouTube.Here to go to the church Facebook Livestreaming page.The sermon is also available to watch through the church phone app.

Click Here to view the 8:30 and 10:30 worship bulletin 

Due to the difficulties of singing together at this time, a summer handbell choir is being formed to enhance our worship.  We will stand apart and wear masks as we ring.  Rehearsals are in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:30 pm on Wednesdays evenings.  Please consider joining us.It is helpful if you can read some rhythm but you do not have to be a professional music reader or have ever rung before, just willing to learn!  Call Janet at (803)240-9447 for more information and to sign up!

GIVING AT LMPC-    We have stopped a lot of things here but one thing not stopped is ministry.  We have tried to keep our staff working and on payroll while applying for the Payroll Protection Program.  Staff has returned to working in the church office. Ben (727-3476) and Blaine (422-0049) will take your calls any time about pastoral concerns.  We are, limited in what we can do (limited as family members from hospitals and nursing homes) and even what people would allow us to do.   While we have no in-person Sunday School classes, we are have several online devotionals and Bible Studies.      The church is also looking for ways to serve others.  We gave a thousand dollars and hundreds of pounds of food to We Care (through your missions giving), and another  thousand to Samaritan’s Purse when they set up the hospital in Central Park.  There was a choir from Uganda visiting in SC singing in some of our presbytery churches.  They were stuck here because of the coronavirus.  Our church helped pay for their food and basic needs as they stayed at Camp Fellowship.      There are multiple ways to give.  Of course you can mail your check in (2721 Dutch Fork Rd. Chapin, SC 29036).  For members who pledge, the address is on the back of your giving envelope.  You can drop your check off at the painted mailbox outside the church office.  You can give online through www.lmpchurch.org/giving. You can also text your gift by texting 803-403-1069.  After you have set this up one time, you can just text the number and reply the amount (eg $100) and it will give to where you designated it last time.  Ultimately we give not to the church but in return to God for His many gifts to us.      

Podcasts from Lake Murray Presbyterian ChurchWeekly sermons and special events in worship on the web and on iTunes.Weekly follow up for The Journey Sunday School Class on Simply Stated by Blaine Hill on the web and on iTunes here.Sermons and the  missional training podcasts from Foundation Church on the web and iTunes.  

Birthdays for the Week

November 6Gerry BrossardMargaret EdwardsSpencer LovelaceHillary LundyTodd Oswald

November 7Bonnie AmmonsKandi DiggleJordan Ridgeway

November 8Callahan CoxAlina CuttinoDon DicusMike RohmanJohn WinfieldKeith Wright

November 9Martha LavigneMze Wilkins

November 10Ann LocklierPenelope SchubertCameron Scruggs

November 11Louisa AdamMae DunbarEmma GibsonAddy HoodMary Jim Howe

November 12Gene CrockerLaura DardenKay McMillanHunter Shealy


Web Calendar

     Upcoming eventsNov 7 –   PW Mini Bazaar 9-12Nov 8—  Confirmands Meet Session; Session &                 Diaconate Meet Nov 10—Presbytery Zoom MeetingNov 11— Veterans Day Service 6pmNov 15— Dedication Sunday OCC Shoeboxes                    DueNov 25— Thanksgiving Eve Service 6pmDec 5 – Justin Pepper Teens & Tweens Gift Drive ThruDec 17 – LMPC Day School ProgramDec 24—Christmas Eve Services 5pm and 7pm 

Give online!

Prayer RequestsHealth workers, first responders, and essential workers; protection and healing of our land; *Ann Abrams; *Neva Loftis; Matt Wass, brother of *Cynthia Shepard;  *Keith Wright;  Marion Meetze;  *Mary Goodwin; *Manita Craft;  Betsy Dix; The family of *Bill Bigler; *John Ferguson; *Ryan Brown’s family upon the passing of his mother; *Cynthia Morrow; *Phil Trefsgar; *Shirley Kirby; *Nancy Shealy’s brother Rick Floyd; *Fred Yandle;  *Mary Hoskins;  Bernie Johnson, mother of *Mark Johnson; Joslyn Stinchcomb; Mike Jordan, friend of Debbie & Rick Pascal; Ann Summer; Ted Vaugh; *Ann Sullivan; *Jim Palassis; Joyce Hyatt; *Charles Blau; Valerie Ross; Gage Jeffcoat; Paul Yohn; *Allison Jasinski; *Jane Kirby; *Harmon Reed; *Josh Baxley; Jack Turner; *Beau Bonvillain; *Kristin Paschall; *Kathy Payne; *Jim Algar; *Charles Casebeer; Bill Blume; Larry Rudder; Jackson Diehl; *Erma Kaminer; *Marty Milam; *Tommy and Marcia Warren; Merle Norris; *Earl & *Loretta Guilford; *David Ayer; *Jane Branch; Jean Stancil; *Dick Wilkins; *Alyssa Mott; *Daniel White; friends and family members serving in the military *Dylan Meetze; Grant Frick; *Chase McCathern; *Drew McCathern; *Alex Shuler; (*members) 


1. Check the announcement in the bulletin each week.

1. Read the monthly newsletter.  Print copies are available in the narthex. 

1. We are glad to email it to you as well.

1. Sign up for the weekly enews (sent each Friday but the first of the month).  Click here to enroll.

1. Facebook. We have an official church facebook page and a facebook group.

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