€¦  · Web viewGimnazija Poljane’s logo with a bird on the column of knowledge. Example: The...

Post on 19-Jan-2021

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HAIKU na temo večjezičnostiWe speak »štajersko«,Our souls became united,When we both said »čuj«.Eneja Golob, Živa Kecelj

We are different,Yet we speak a special oneThat defines us all.Jadran Jakopin, Jan Žlajpah, Pavel Ahačič, Luka Vindšnurer

Many languagesDifferent from each other Yet so similar Martin More


V klasičnem 2.B smo pri latinščini z dijaki obravnavali antično Emono: umestili smo jo v kontekst sodobne Ljubljane, jo povezali s prizadevanji arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika in se ob tem dotaknili tudi vprašanja tradicije, ki se nadaljuje in živi v sedanjosti. Dijaki so tudi obiskali stara emonska najdišča in jih oživeli v sodobnih in priljubljenih selfijih.




Poljane’s Urban Dictionary

11:14 (noun) The longest minute of your life (one minute before lunch).Example: It has been 11:14 for the last 10 minutes.

208 (noun) A hell hole where you are trapped for 45 minutes, getting your brain roasted, but you still fail the test.

Example: I was in 208 so my brain doesn’t work anymore.BNK (noun) An event around the time of Christmas where professors and

students show their talents.

Example: We should hurry to get the tickets for BNK, because they always sell out quickly.

BUREK 1 (noun) The best kebab shop in town (located near Poljane).Example: We go to BUREK 1 to eat some delicious kebab almost every day.

Dan! (noun) A hello or a certain geography professor, depends on who you say it to.

Example: 1. A: Dan! B: Dan! 2. A: Dan! B: What?Grb(coat-of-arms)

(noun) Gimnazija Poljane’s logo with a bird on the column of knowledge.Example: The Poljane grb isn’t on the new school hoodie.

Himna (noun) A song that represents Gimnazija Poljane and that was recently


(anthem) renewed.Example: The new version of poljanska himna was supposed to be performed by ex-Poljane student Bojan.

Kodeks (code of ethics)

(noun) A list of values. Its purpose is creating and maintaining good relationship between students and teachers.

Example: Students are introduced with the kodeks of Poljane on the first day of school.

Krst fazanov (noun) An interesting and unique event, where we welcome FAZANI.Example: KRST FAZANOV was canceled this year due to COVID-19.


(noun) An Instagram account where you can spend hours reading funny or weird quotes that were overheard in the hallways of Gimnazija Poljane.

Example: A part of our conversation ended up on Overheard Poljanci account, it is honestly pretty funny.

Poljane staircase (noun) A butt building exercise.

Example: Kim Kardashian must have walked the Poljane staircase to gain that butt.

Poljanfest (noun) An event that is actually fun. Includes sports events, such as volleyball, football etc.Example: We had so much fun at POLJANFEST.

Predsednik razreda(class president)

(noun) A dictator who says that they believe in democracy.Example: He became the class president by threating others.

Reditelj (noun) 1. Oppressed working student, used as cheap black-boarded labour force. 2. A cheap workforce designed to withstand inhumane conditions such as a classroom.

Example: Teacher: “Who is reditelj this week?” The class: “complete silence”


(noun) An Instagram account where you can find your soulmate that you saw in the hallway during the second period, and gossip about the stuff that bothers you.

Example: Did you see that I was mentioned on Tinder Poljane account, I feel so honored.

Zelene poljane (green Poljane)

(noun) Taking care of nature and only using natural sources.

Example: A: Do you grow any plants at home? B: Yes, I take zelene Poljane very seriously.


2.D: pouk italijanščine v skupini z ruskim jezikom in pouk ruščine v skupini z italijanskim jezikom



Predstavitev: ime, narodnost, šola, starost, tuji jeziki, značaj, kako preživljam prosti čas, kaj imam rad in česa ne maram…


seznanitev s cirilico, predstavitev, pozdravi, kaj rad počnem, naročanje pijače v kavarni in nakup spominka.

Dijakom je bilo všeč, da so imeli priložnost spoznati tudi jezik, ki se ga sicer ne učijo. Takšne aktivnosti so dobrodošle, čeprav bi za utrditev osnovnih fraz potrebovali več časa. Je pa dobro, da izkoristimo potencial učiteljev tujih jezikov in dijakom ob Evropske dnevu jezikov ponudimo tudi kratke tečaje jezikov ali jih vsaj na splošno seznanimo s posebnostmi jezika, ki ga sicer poučujemo.

Izdelek dijakov :

»V DRUŽBI Z RUŠČINO«! (Pisali smo v latinici, saj za cirilico potrebujemo kar nekaj ur) Katere besede so ti bile najbolj všeč?

Sabaka, koška, matrjoška, ljublju, paka.

Kako pozdraviš in se posloviš?Privjet, paka, da svidanija, zdrastvujte, dobri djen.

Kako se predstaviš? Kako povprašaš po imenu?Minja zavut… Kak tibja zavut?

Kako bi rekel »me veseli«?Očen prijatno.

Kako rečeš »hvala« in »prosim«?Spasiba, pažalsta.

Kako poveš, kaj rad počneš?Ja ljublju čitat… slušat muziku,

Rad bi pil sok/čaj/kavo/... Kako boš naročil?Prinesite, pažalsta sok, čaj, kofe.

Kako boš zahteval račun?Prinesite, pažalsta, ščjot.

Rad bi pogledal »babuško«. Kaj boš rekel?Pakažite, pažalsta, matrjošku.

Kako vprašaš, koliko stane?Skolka stoit?


Kako boš rekel, da boš kupil?Ja pakupaju.

O ruščini sem izvedel…,da učitelje kličejo po imenu in očetovem imenu, osnove za sporazumevanje, da je veliko bolj podobna slovenščini, kar se tiče izgovorjave, veliko novega, kako se reče mačka in abeceda.

sam menim, da je….zanimiva, lep in uporaben jezik, te osnove, ki smo se jih naučili morda pridejo kdaj prav, znanje cirilice je nasploh zanimivo.




A dictionary of (un)translatable wordsLanguage learning can be tricky at times. Especially when it comes to culture specific vocabulary. However, a little bit of creativity can sometimes get us out of the pickle.

300 kosmatih medvedov (phrase)

300 hairy men

Used instead of a curse word when there are children around.

Ex.: 300 hairy men, I stubbed my toe!

Ali imaš rep? (phrase)

Do you have a tail?

A phrase you say when someone doesn't close the door behind them.

Ex.: Close the door, do you have a tail?

Ali sediš na ušesih? (phrase)

Are you sitting on your ears?

A phrase you say to someone who doesn't listen or who is getting on the professor's last nerve.

Ex.: Why aren't you listening? Are you sitting on your ears?

kozolec (noun) goater or goatroof

Used for drying hay, grain etc.

Ex.: We should put some hay on the goater.

kremšnita (noun) our yellow cream cheesecake

The woobly desert, which we thought was called cream cheesecake, but we guess not ...

Ex.: We love eating our yellow cream cheesecake on Bled.

Naučil te bom kozjih molitvic! (phrase)

I'm a G.O.A.T and I'll teach you some prayers.

When you want to prove to someone that you are better than him/her. *G.O.A.T. stands as an abbrevation for »Greatest Of All Time«.

Ex.: Do you think that you are better than me? I'm a G.O.A.T and I'll teach you some



pogača (noun)

carro bread

Simple bread that is sprinkled with different ingredients (e.g. salt, cumin, cheese …). The English translation comes from the pattern on the bread’s crust.

Ex.: My grandma made delicious carro bread.

Pojdi rakom žvižgat! (phrase)

Go and blow the crabs’ whistle (baby, whistle baby).

A phrase ou say when you want to express furstration with someone.

Ex.: Don't be so annoying, go and blow the crabs' whistle, baby.

potica (noun) pathetica

Pastry known for its pathetic flavor and various fillings. It is usually eaten around holidays.Origin: from path (sl.: pot) and -ica. It got its name from its pathetic flavor.

Ex.: Look! Mom made pathetica for Christmas.

povodni mož (noun)

aqua man

Wanna be aqua man, but because he is from Slovenia, he doesn't have enough possibilities to become a real and well-known superhero.

Ex.: We were watching a movie about aqua man, it was an American superhero film.

pručka (noun)

mini step-on chair, also churchy bench or churchy chair

A wooden piece furniture used for sitting or stepping on to reach something that is high. The Slovene word is a diminutive form of the word “pruka”, which means “church bench” or “pew”.

Ex.: Can you pass me the crunchy chair because I`m going to work on the garden and I want to sit on it.

škarpa (noun)


A small wall usually made of stone.

Ex.: There is a lowwall between ours and the neighbours’ garden.


šmentana muha (phrase)

almost cream fly

Used when expressing anger. It is often used instead of a swear word.Origin: sounds like “smetana muha” (cream fly), thus “almost cream fly”.

Ex.: My friend John got an F on his exam, almost cream fly!

žganci (noun) little gray brains

Slovenian traditional food that looks like gray brains. Not a lot of people like its taste and texture. But a small amount of people that does, also likes ocvirki.Ex.: Let's go on a hike and reward ourselves with a plate of little grey brains.

žlikrof (noun)


Spodonuts are a traditional Slovenian food. They are dumplings filled with mashed potatoes and can be eaten alone or as a side dish.

The word “žlikrof” (spodonut) is made of the words “žlica” (spoon) and “krof” (donut). By translating these two words into English and putting them together we get an English translation. These two words are used, of course, because spodonuts are filled with something (like donuts), and are the size of a spoon.

Ex.: I ate a lot of spodonuts yesterday.


Languages and personality

Languages have always played a vital role in my life. As a child I was exposed to many cultures since I attended an international kindergarten in Vienna. In a manner of speaking, I was forced to learn German otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to communicate and fit in with the other kids. I admit it was a struggle at the beginning but I got through it with the help of my parents. At one point I was actually better at German than my parents.

After four years of living in Vienna it was time to return to Slovenia and adapt to my mother tongue once again. Since I spoke Slovenian with my parents at home it didn't make such a big difference, however, I still felt like I couldn't express myself properly, meaning that phrases I wanted to use in German wouldn’t have the same meaning in Slovenian or just made no sense at all.

After five years in Slovenia it was time to move countries again, this time to Belgium. My English had always been somewhat OK since I had always been in touch with it almost every day at school or on the Internet. In Belgium I grew accustomed to speaking English every day as well as hearing French and Flemish in stores and public places. The thing is that French was never really forced upon me. I could live and do everything I needed to do with just English. It reached a point where I started thinking and dreaming in English.

This tendency slowly became so routine that it caused me to forget my mother tongue little by little. I knew that after another four years I would have to re-adapt to using


Slovene so I took some courses to revise Slovene grammar. Again it felt as if I couldn’t express myself and couldn’t find all the words I needed. For me, languages are a very important means of expressing yourself and can also change your personality to a certain degree. It is intriguing to think about the fact that you can sort of switch personalities when speaking another language. When you have created good memories in a specific linguistic environment, it is nice to think about and relive those memories by speaking that specific language.

Lara Vrečar, 2. F


V 2. g razredu smo pri angleščini v okviru Evropskega dneva jezikov iskali »lažne prijatelje« (false friends), primerjali angleške in slovenske frazeme (English – Slovene idioms) in ugotavljali, kako mladi v slovenščini uporabljajo angleške besede. Spodaj je nekaj slik, ki prikazujejo delo razreda.




HAIKU na temo večjezičnosti

French, German, Russian,Languages all around us,We should learn them fast.Maruša Vovk, Ivana Kadič, Maja Aurora Keber

The English languageAt first, it was mystery Now - not anymore.Liam Pavčič

Languages are the Voices of the world, learn them Before they are gone.Bor Žužek

Birds in the woods, quite Educated, quiet but Know all our whispers.Ajda Brnot, Maša Zemljič, Eva Gerbič

REISEN NACH DEUTSCHLANDWaiting for my plane All different words I hearI don’t get a thing.Liza Potisek, Gaja Bajželj, Ema Seražin

MEETINGBlooming cherry treesUnderneath two people stroll“Guten Tag!”, “Bonjour!”Liza Potisek, Gaja Bajželj, Ema Seražin

LATINO LOVERSummer evening chatWith a stranger from the beachOh, to speak Spanish! Liza Potisek, Gaja Bajželj, Ema Seražin


Dancing of the mouthI don’t know how to speak FrenchBut my tongue sure does.Matic Urankar Kosec, Katja Tič, Neža Stopar Špringer, Ana Buh