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Berga (province of Barcelona). CATALONIA

29th October - 7th November 2012 (departure on Thursday 8th of November after breakfast)

Living together in the Mediterranean. YiA 3.1 Training&networking seminar Oct-Nov 2012 Page1 of 10


The seminar will be held in Casanova de les Garrigues, around 130Km north of Barcelona-city, and 10Km from a town called Berga.


We will meet in Barcelona- city on Monday 29th of October between 17:00h and 18:00h at SCI-Catalonia offices.

Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya95, Carme Street 08001 Barcelona. In the city centre. Close to Rambles. Metro Liceu (green line)Tel.: +34 934 417 079

If you arrive earlier you can leave your luggage there and go for a walk.

To go from Barcelona to Berga we’ll take public transport (coach) all together at 18:40h from a Bus stop (it is NOT a Bus station!) in Ronda Universitat, 50 (fifty) meters from Plaça Catalunya, close to a Post office (See the map below). The name of the COACH company is ALSA. You must be there at 18:30h the latest. In this case, please send an SMS to Josep-Miquel’s mobile.

Just in case you arrive later : In case you miss this coach, the next and last one is at 20:00h, and the following day at 09:40h and at 11:00h. But PLEASE, BE THERE IN TIME!

Useful Mobile numbersJosep-Miquel Alegret: +34666571835Ingrid Danckaerts: +34625344655Yorgos Konstantinou: +34658641797

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How to get to SCI Office from the airport: The cheapest and quite-fast way is by train (RENFE) to Plaça de Catalunya (around 20 minuts) and then walking down to the Rambles or taking the metro (green line) to “Liceu” (one stop). The fastest but most expensive way is the Aerobus (5,65€) to Plaça Catalunya

How to get from your Airport Terminal to the Airport Train Station:Airport train Station is in front of the Terminal 2 Arrivals Hall

If you land in TERMINAL 1: Shuttle (free) to Terminal 2 + trainIf you land in TERMINAL 2: Just in front of the arrivals Hall

Saving money...If you are at least 3 people or plan to visit Barcelona, we recommend you to buy a T-10 , 1 ZONE (10 journeys, 9,45€). It costs less than half of a single ticket (2 €) and can be used by more than one person at the same time with no limit of time.

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We expect to arrive in Berga around 20:40h, and then we’ll go by private car from there to “Casanovas de les Garrigues” LODGING

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The site is in the mountains, around 1.200 m high. Bring warm clothes!!.

The house has got 7 double bed-rooms (4 with 2 single beds and 3 with a double-bed) and other bigger rooms. If you are a couple, please tell us in advance in order that we can place you in the rooms with a double bed. The rest of the participants will be lodged in the other rooms or at the homes of two members of Irenia (Yorgos and Josep-Miquel, we live nearby).


The house is provided with a big kitchen, microwaves, and everything we will need.

A person will cook the main meal (that will be dinner around 19:00h) and will prepare the cold lunch for us. Please, tell us if you have or follow a special diet (vegetarian, vegan, halal, etc).

The timetable suggested is:

Breakfast: At 08:00h. We’ll have to organize ourselves. The idea is that every day a country will be in charge of preparing it. There’ll be all the usual ingredients (milk, coffee, tea, cheese, bread, fruits, cereals, salamis, jam, etc. but if you want to prepare a special breakfast from your own country, you are more than welcome to do it. In that case, please tell us in advance about the ingredients you may need. (Note for Jordanians and Palestinians: “zataar” is not available in Catalonia), (note for Romanians: the same for “mak”, bring some! ”)

Lunch: At 13:00h. We’ll have a light lunch (cold buffet, salads, sandwiches, etc).

Dinner: At 19:00h. Since there’ll be a person cooking for us we can decide the menus. Therefore we have to make the most of this opportunity. Please send us in advance the recipe of the dish you consider the most popular from your country or region.

Tea&coffee breaks. On a self-service basis

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HOME WORK. Things that you must prepare before coming


Each organization will have approximately 30 minutes. We recommend using a Power Point or Prezi (www.prezi.com)


• What do you do?

• For how many years?

• With which institutions and in which context do you work?

• With which people/groups of people do you work?

• How many people are in your organisation?

• Which kind of status and structure do you have?

• In which other international projects are you / have you been involved?

• How do you finance your activities and projects?

• Please make a short presentation of one of your past projects you are particularly satisfied with

• Idem for a project than you are not satisfied with

• Tell us something about a new project you may have in mind and would like to implement and for which you would need support

• SWOT analysis of your organization

• What do you think you could bring to the network we are setting up?

• What would you get from network?

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INDIVIDUAL HOME WORK (TO BE DONE BY EACH PARTICIPANT)o Individual presentations: Each participant will previously send a PDF or similar

with a mini personal and informal presentation including a funny picture that reflects your character, favourite food, favourite phrase, something you would offer to the rest (massage, etc.), something you would like to be offered, topics of discussion, etc.

o Individual registration . In order to make the list of participants, please go to this link and fill in the data required, feel free to add whatever you want


In addition, for our social evenings and dinners, please bring or prepare:

o Popular tales, myths or stories from your own country to tell to the resto Popular songs and/or dances from your countryo Board and Playground/street) games o And don’t forget, for our dinners: a recipe of a dish you consider typical from

your country

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DAY 1. MONDAY, October 29th:

Morning and afternoon: Arrival in Barcelona city Late afternoon departure to Berga (120 Km from Barcelona city) by public transport

(coach, around 2 hours trip) and from Berga to the meeting place (Casanova de les Garrigues, 10 Km from Berga) by private cars.

Late Evening: Welcome, registration, dinner and icebreaking games.

DAY 2. TUESDAY, October 30th

Morning and afternoon: Presentations by organizations (30 minutes each) and cooperative games (10 ', each organization should bring one co-operative game from its country) between two presentations each (a total of 5 presentations)

Evening: social event, getting to know each other better in an informal way. Bring along some board games, sweets, films, ...whatever.

DAY 3. WEDNESDAY, October. 31st

• Morning: Continuation of presentations by organizations (3 presentations)

• Afternoon:

o Presentation of the seminar, what we’ll do and overall methodology (60 ')o Training on Methodologies: Cooperative games and parachutes games

• Evening: “Castanyada” (Chestnut party)” a very popular Catalan tradition before Halloween arrived at our shores

DAY 4. THURSDAY, November 1st

• Morning: Training on Methodologies:

o Board games (Entreterres) o Life stories (Parallel Lives)

• Afternoon: short presentation of what each group has done

• Evening. Discussion about Hot Topics (feel free to suggest anything you’d like to talk about):

Arab spring New social movements (outraged) Crisis, what crisis? Catalonia, next state in Europe?

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DAY 5. FRIDAY, November 2nd

• Morning. Training on Methodologies:

o Storytelling. Introduction and Overview: Cariad Astles and then Split in 2 or 3 groups to work and prepare a performance:

o Teatrefòrum; o Puppetso Story telling

• Afternoon: Each group presents its performance

• Evening: Free to decide together whether to go to the nearest town, etc.

DAY 6 SATURDAY, November 3rd

Morning Training on Methodologieso Iconographical Analysis. General Introduction or (simultaneously) 3 parts:

Working with images. How to work with daily life images from the Mediterranean

A very Spicyal Sea. A workshop for 9-10 years old children about Mediterranean diet and cultures combining several methodologies.

Drawing a Giant Map of the Mediterranean. Using performances to do intercultural education

Afternoon Meeting local youth movements. Berga local network(to be confirmed)

DAY 7 SUNDAY, November 4th

Morning: Visit to Berga: Patum Museum (UNESCO World heritage local festival), etc.

Day 8. MONDAY, November 5th

Morning: Training on Methodologies o Simulation and role-playing games

Fali-Fala. About encounters of cultures Fair-unfair?,

Afternoon: Evaluation of the seminar.

Day 9. TUESDAY, November 6th .

Building the Network

Morning:. 3 working groups.o How to use the material o Which methods are feasible for each of us o Pooling

Afternoon: Plenary. Setting up a 3-year working program:o Discussion of future actions: contents

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o Defining responsibilitieso Etc.

Evening: Farewell dinner

Day 10. WEDNESDAY, November 7th

Morning: Breakfast and departure to Barcelona city (Bus leaves Berga at 11:00h and arrives to BCN at 12:45h)



• Board games:

o Entreterreso Irene and Alio An unchosen trip

• Role play and simulation games:

o Fali – Fala o Fair or unfair


o Parallel Liveso Our new neighbours




o Images of the Mediterranean ARTS WORKSHOPS – GAMES

o An “spicyal” sea o Images of the Mediterranean.o Drawing a giant map of the Mediterranean region

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