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Post on 30-May-2020

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Children,

I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves during this worrying time. Remember to mind your own mental health and well-being. If ever school work gets too much, leave it aside for the day and go off and do something that you and your child enjoy doing. The RTE school hub is a great resource too and your child will definitely benefit from some of the lessons from it.

Thanks very much for your emails and pictures. I really appreciate all the effort that you are putting in and try not to worry if you don’t get everything completed. You can only do your best in this current situation. I have included some mindfulness activities that your child may like to do over the course of the week at the very bottom of this document also.

Remember I am available during the week at should you need me, wish to have a chat or send on one or two pictures of your child’s work.

A big happy birthday to my April children, I hope they all got lots of presents and had the best day.

Enjoy the long weekend and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Anna O’Hanlon

School Work for the week of 27th April


1. Irish Bua na Cainte: Éadaí Ceacht 4.

Focus on the vocabulary – geansaí (jumper), léine (shirt), bríste (trousers) Phrase for the day – Tá _________ air. (He has a _______ on) Poem:

Cluichí (games). Complete the any or all of the following activities:

2. English - Jolly Phonics: new sound /oa/ as in oak Revise all letter sounds covered so far (flip through the sound notebook and write in any sounds that

are missing from it). Introduce new sound /oa/. Look at the picture. Ask your child to predict what they think will happen

in the story. What animals can they see? Do they know anything about goats? Do they know of another story with goats in it? I wonder what kind of tree that it is… It starts with /oa/…

Read the story - A bad-tempered goat lives in a field at the side of a road. He gets very cross if any other animal comes into his field. Mona and her brother, Jonah, often walk past the field and talk to the goat. One windy day, Mona and Jonah are going to the park to have a picnic and sail Jonah’s model boat. As they pass by, they can see the goat is very cross. He is stamping his hooves and snorting beside an oak tree, which is blowing in the wind. Up in the tree are two cheeky robins and a squirrel. The robins have been flying down and stealing oats from the goat. The goat charges at the tree and butts the trunk as hard as he can. CRASH! The tree falls on top of the goat. “Oh!” say Mona and Jonah. They run to get the farmer, who comes to rescue the goat.

Questions – Describe the goat. How do you know he is bad-tempered? Why does he get cross do you think? Did you ever get cross like the goat before? What makes you cross? Can you name the boy and the girl in the story? Do you notice anything about their names? Yes, they do rhyme! You are right. What is the weather like? What are Mona and Jonah going to do? How do Mona and Jonah know that the goat is cross – What is he doing? What animals are up in the tree? How many robins are there? Do you know anything about robins? Is the goat happy with the robins, why not? What does the goat do? What happens to the tree? How would you feel right now if you were the goat? What do Mona and Jonah do at the end of the story? What does the word ‘rescue’ mean? Can you put it in a sentence?

Sing song: Show the children the action for /oa/ (bring a hand over the mouth as if something has gone wrong). Youtube song - /oa/ at 7.07 -

Show your child how to write /oa/ like below. Tell them that this is a new sound. It is not /o/ or /a/ but /oa/. The letters ‘o’ and ‘a’ are best friends and they stick together in words like: oak, goat, soap, coat, float. When you see these two together, you must say ‘oa’ and don’t sound them out individually: oa – k. Have your child write the letters in the air, on the table with their finger, on the palm of their hand, on your back, etc. Use playdough, salt dough, pasta shapes, squirt out the letters using washing up liquid, etc. (Anything multi-sensory). Then get your child to write letters with a pencil (to make it exciting later on once they’ve gotten that hang of it and have the letters in the right order they could use nice markers, glitter pens, etc if you have any available). Remember to encourage lots of oral language possibilities – when they form /oa/, get them to tell you a word that has the sound /oa/ in it and to put the words into sentences. You can accept words like rope, as technically it does have the sound. You can explain that it is spelled differently if you like.

Blending – Get your child to sound out and read the words below. Remind them that /oa/ are stuck together! No more ‘o’ and ‘a’ on their own! This could be a little tricky at first. Don’t forget that they

will take a while sounding out - oa – k. Help them by stretching out the sounds, very slowly at the start, gradually getting faster. You may need to give them a clue sometimes. Get them to put

the words into sentences when done. For extra work, they could nearly write the sentences using Look at, Here is, etc… Or label pictures… Remember to use lower case letters unless writing a name or at the start of the sentence.

oak goat oar

loaf road coal

soap toad foal Ask your child to read the following sentences:

Sofia has an oar.Rory likes the loaf.Seán gets the soap.Jade has a foal.Jamie Waters gets the coal.Lauren can see a goat.William is on the road.Jamie Hart likes toast.Róisín gets into the boat.Darragh likes goats.Karl will go on the road.

Lily-Mai has a loaf.Kieran was on the boat.Clodagh likes the foal.MJ scores a goal. Worksheet to complete. Encourage your child to try their best. Give them plenty of praise. Remind

them to keep their handwriting nice and neat; sitting on the line; sized appropriately; keep a space between words; Check also for pencil grip – shark fingers (like the song) and that they have their helping hand flat on the page. Please have your child write a sentence at the bottom using one of the /oa/ words.

Paired Readers for daily reading

Parents have free access to Collins Big Cat readers. Follow the link below for access.

Stick with the Pink A band section - There are 22 titles in here. Your child can choose two of these books to read for the week.


*________________________________________________________________ Sight words for the week – the same as last week, i.e. I, he, she, me, my, you, the, are, it, is, in, me,

was, likes - and the Wandsville vocab i.e. everything, sits, down, what, mess, oh, no, table, etc.

New vocab – some, come, when, your, see, will, all.

3. Maths Revise numbers 0 – 8. Choose your child’s favourite video song for 8 from last week. Teach the number rhyme:

Capacity:- Vocabulary: full, empty, fill.- Explain the terms full and empty to your child.- Fill up a glass and ask them whether it is full or empty.- Empty out the contents and ask them the same question.- Get your child to show you full/empty containers.- Let them explore themselves by filling and emptying containers (You could get a basin for

this and let children free play also or in the bath)- Complete worksheets below:





4. History – School Then and Now

Ring/video call your grandparents (or uncle/aunt) and ask them about school when they were growing up, i.e. Where did they go to school? What was the name of the school? How did they get to school? Can they remember any of their teachers’ names? What was their favourite subject in school? Did they ever get into trouble in school, etc? What did they do? Did they have interactive whiteboards like us? What did they have? What did they use to write with? , etc. Tell your grandparent about school nowadays. Tell them what what’s changed and stayed the same.

Look at the two pictures below. Ask your child to point to the old picture. How do they know it’s the old one? What can they see that’s different/the same between the two pictures?

Complete the worksheet below. Draw a picture of your Granny/Grandad in school in the top box and write a sentence about them, i.e. Look at my Grandad or My Granny liked Maths, etc.Draw a picture of yourself and your classroom/school at the bottom and write a sentence about you, i.e. I like school or Look at my school, etc.


School – Then and NowMy Grandparent


*______________________________Tuesday 28/04/20

1. Irish

Bua na Cainte – Éadaí Ceacht 5 (Comhrá 5.1) The new vocabulary is shown below. (Got to the clothes press (wardrobe) and get…)

Show yesterday’s poem again Play the following games

2. English

Jolly Phonics – sound /oa/ Revise all sounds from /s/ to /oa/. Make sure your child is certain of all. Remind the children of yesterday’s story. Show them the picture again and re-read the story and

continue to check for understanding by questioning. Revise over the formation of /oa/. Get your child to make /oa/ in all the different multisensory ways

spoken about already. See if you can think of new ways. I would love to see pictures! Write /oa/ using a pencil on a page, copybook, etc. Ask your child to think of words with /oa/ and put

them into sentences. Get your child to read the following words/sentences. Remember some children will find this

difficult so please be patient, help out and provide plenty of praise.

goat boat coat toastoak soap float soakroad toad moat cloakDarci likes toast.Caragh has a boat.Ryan looks at the road.

Niamh has an oak tree.Cailín Róis has a coat. Lenka can float.Grace has soap.Sophie has a cloak.Lilly looks at the toad.Emily can soak the coat.Erin was eating toast.Maeve wears a cloak.Jamie Balfe can see a road.Millie likes the goat.Max sits in the boat.Ella can see a goat in the boat!

Complete the worksheet below and write a sentence. (My boys and girls know I love sentences!! )



3. Maths

Recite the Nursery Rhyme from yesterday (One, Two Buckle My Shoe, etc). Number work – Revise numbers 0 – 8. Do a count forwards and backwards like with the rockets

from last week. Start a count from 0 – 8 and say you’ve forgotten to count properly and can they help you, i.e. 0, 1, ___, 3, 4, ___, 6, _____, 8, etc. See if they can tell you what numbers you forgot. Do this a few times with different numbers missing.

Next, write down a few number lines for the children 0 – 8 with a few numbers missing. See if the children can write in the missing numbers. Then ask your child to write the numbers in sequence all by themselves without copying.

If you have lego or other manipulatives that stack, ask your children to show you a tower of 2, 5, 7, 8, 1, 4, 3, 0, etc. Show them a tower of 8 and ask them to make the same. Ask them how do they know they’re the same? (When placed together, they are at the same level). Count and check. Do this with other numbers.

Addition work using your towers of numbers – i.e. Show me a tower of two and a tower of three. What do they make when you add them together? Get them to say the entire sum back to you not just the answer, i.e. 2 and 3 make 5. Do this a few times and make different sums. Only go as far as 8 as your answer.

Sequencing numbers alongside tower stacks: Ask them to put a tower of lego beside each number in their correct order. Something like the first picture below except stacking their towers to match the number sequence 0 – 8. If you don’t have lego, use something else like the second picture.

I would love to see pictures of this hands-on activity if you have the time . No worries at all if you don’t.

Complete worksheet below – children highlight all the 8s they can see and then write their 8s on the bottom line.


*_8__________________________4. Religion

Grow in Love programme

Once set up, click on the picture like below. Once that is done click on theme 7: The Church.

Go into Number 1 – Places to Pray. Show your child the first two videos – Vox Pop and The Church a Place to Pray.


1. Irish

Bua na Cainte – Éadaí: Ceacht 5 – Comhrá 5.2 New vocab – Always have your child repeat each phrase after the characters.

Recite the poem from Monday. Play the following games to go with the lesson:

2. English

Oral Language Lesson from Over the Moon Unit 8 – Go to the Oral Language Poster. Link to digital library -


The Teacher’s resource pages are included below to aid you. Follow the instructions on the last page of instructions when asking your child to complete




3. Maths

Capacity – full, empty, fill, liquid Same instructions as Monday Use things like water, pasta shapes, etc. to fill containers. Show examples of containers that are full and empty around your house – empty/full flower vase,

empty/full tin of beans, etc. Complete Worksheet below. If you have water play out (basins, bath full, etc), keep this out for next lesson. (Science –

floating and sinking.



4. Science – Floating and Sinking

Video explanation - Twinkl powerpoint on floating and sinking - Floating and sinking video on youtube: Ask your child if they notice anything about the word float. Worksheet to aid you with your floating and sinking estimations. Write a sentence underneath, i.e. ________

can float.


Thursday 30/04/20

1. Irish

Bua na Cainte - Éadaí Ceacht 6 Recite the poem from the first day.

Focus on the following vocabulary:

Play the following games:

2. English

Ask your child what they remember about caterpillars from last week. Read/listen to “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Video link to story - Movie version - Remember all the reading strategies from previous lessons – predicting, connecting, visualising,

questioning, etc. Stop the reading of the book every so often and use those strategies to check for comprehension and to encourage higher order thinking in your child.

Go through the days of the week with your child and see if they can remember what the caterpillar ate on each day. (Take peaks at the book has he eats so much!)

If your child was the caterpillar, what would they eat and how many? Complete worksheet below.

3. Maths

Mental Maths – Count to 8, backwards from 8; Number problems – Niamh has 3 ice-creams and Darci has 4 ice-creams, how many do they have altogether, etc.

Revise formations of numbers 0 -8. Capacity – vocabulary: Full, empty, fills, less, more, least, most. Show children different containers and ask them which containers they think holds more or less. Investigate whether children were correct. Ask children what they remember from floating and sinking yesterday. Complete worksheet below.


4. Physical Education

Cosmic Yoga (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) -

Friday – No school and long weekend – YAY!! Have a lovely long weekend everybody and mind yourselves!