· Web viewThe word medicine comes from the Latin word...

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It is a science, art that deals with

healing, prevention of

Disease, health welfare and in general

of the human body.

The word medicine comes from the Latin word "medicinam" from mederi which

means "cure, take care, medicate".

And esque if we talk about medicine is a science as said before very extensive

involving various branches, specialties that together result in the overall care of the human

body, resulting in our care and often these disciplines very complex descendants and of a

high degree of understanding and therefore a high level of study.Later we will talk about

some of its branches or specialties of medicine in addition to their study time, since it is not at

all simple and much less something that could be done as we would say to "there it goes".

Our plan to develop it will be;

First, what kind of questions can help us have a better project on the subject:

Generally the most frequent questions are;

What were your beginnings?

For serving us?

What is it about?

How does it help us?

How much time does it take to study?

? ... Among other issues.


After this we will gradually describe what are its branches, the study time involved in

these disciplines and in general we will be talking about a specific topic that calls me the

attention that is, biomedicine but we will be talking about its disciplines in general.

We will also talk about some of the most important patents or discoveries in the

course of their development of this science.

Since ancient times the great purpose of medicine has been to cure the various

diseases, maintain a stable health and if it is possible to prevent the disease, throughout

history and the different stages have adopted various features according to their time, it has

also changed the attitude towards man and his body and the assessment he has made of his

health and of the disease.

So that the exercise of this profession has led to a vocation towards the detailed

service that as time passes has led to the need to develop different qualities as they are;

Always be willing to help others

Necessary and sufficient knowledge about the origin and nature of diseases, as well as

their main characteristics.

Skills and skills to exercise healing.

The power of observation and analysis to determine what it is facing.

Hence the ideal model of the doctor has changed from one period to another.

Primitive medicine in trying to explain diseases adopted a mythical-magical explanation,

which would resort to the bad intentions of someone who wanted to harm the patient or

simply accept that the Illness is a punishment of the sinful patient. So the solution was

magical or religious therapy, to eliminate evil, reassure the offended deity or expel the devil.

For this reason, the doctor of primitive society had to be a doctor, priest and sorcerer.


Practically what was in the primitive time or what was done was to expel the demon,

what we know today as witchcraft, charlatans, etc.

Since antiquity there has always been doubt whether medicine is a science, art or

trade, thanks to the eighteenth-century Industrial Revolution-England favored the large

amount of scientific contributions that resulted in the transformation of medicine from an

almost personal art to a science based and subject to the laws of objective character.

And the truth as all science several specialists, philosophers gave their opinion about

what it means to them by making their perspective known with important phrases;

"Medicine is a science full of uncertainty and an art full of possibilities". Sir William


"Much of the medical art is being prepared to observe." Hippocrates

"Medicine is not only science but also art, it does not consist in preparing pills and

poultices, but it intervenes in the same vital processes, which it is necessary to know in order

to modify them". Paracelsus

"The practice of medicine is an art, based on science." Sir William Osler.

"In medicine, science tends to predominate over art, if a correct perspective is

maintained, both complement each other." Scientific advances should not be disregarded,


although these render their greatest fruits when applied after art has initiated the search for

the solution of a problem ". Garfield G. Duncan

Beginnings of the history of medicine in Mexico:

influences and relations with the foreigner (1935-1960)

In the process of institutionalization of the

history of medicine in Mexico, two medical

historians stand out: Jose Joaquin Izquierdo and

Francisco Fernandez del Castillo, but their effort

was not isolated and perhaps not original; Therefore,

in this paper we try to provide a general overview of what in this sense happened in the

national and European context through some examples, and thus identify some points of

relationship between Mexican medical historians and their colleagues abroad.

With the beginning of the 20th century, in the international environment the history of

medicine advances towards its institutionalization; thanks to the initiative of the pioneer in

the history of medicine Theodor Puschmann, the first department of histira of medicine

founded in the University of Leipzig in 1905 arises under the direction of Karl Sudhoff, who

is due the beginning of the "overcoming" of the positivist consideration of medicine's past ".

From here radiated the influence of the path traced by Puschmann: towards the USA (1st

Institute of the History of Medicine by William H. Welch in 1929 at the Johns Hopkins

University), and in the postwar period, the interest in the history of medicine was spread in

England (Wellcome Institute), as well as in other countries.

At the same time, the history of the medicine of religion begins to be studied through

research on little-known and previously explored documentary collections, as well as the

publication of bibliographies and biographical works.


Considering these antecedents, from the third decade of the mentioned century, in the

Mexican environment it is observed that the activity of the medical historians - that is to say,

those interested in the history of their profession - begins to have greater development, laying

the foundations for the history of medicine It will become an independent discipline, which

will take place at the end of the fifties. In this respect, I return to what German Somolinos D

'Ardois affirmed when recalling that since the death of Dr. Nicolas Leon, in the year of 1929,

Mexican historians they take their own individuality, isolate their studies from other branches

with which until then they were more or less imbricated. Until the time of Don Nicolas Leon

we have seen how medical historians carried out their studies simultaneously with works in

fields such as anthropology, ethnology and archeology, history in general.

It was like this: "historians are freed from other disciplines and feel safe, they open

the way and they go through it with their eyes fixed on a single objective: the history of

medicine". This new condition will give rise to the history of medicine being built in an

independent discipline process in which some Mexican doctors participate as promoters and

protagonists; contribution that cannot be subtracted from its general context and that in many

aspects cannot be qualified as original.

Taking into account the above, what is sought in this area of research is to seek the

relationship between some foreign medical doctors and Mexican doctors, Jose Izquierdo and

Francisco Fernandez del Castillo, whose documentation is in the Historical Archive of the

Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM.

“Two Mexican doctors before the history of

medicine: José


Joaquín Izquierdo and Francisco Fernández del Castillo

According to the briefly indicated background, I

I will focus on two medical historians who were influenced

by the pioneers and renovators of the history of the medicine of

other countries, which does not mean that there are no other names

with similar merits. However, these figures, I consider them

Representative in the subject that occupies us, since they contributed to:

The constitution of the history of medicine in a discipline.

The institutionalization of the history of medicine in

our country.

The activity of the poblano physiologist José Joaquín Izquierdo

(1893-1974) in the development of the history of science and of the

medicine in Mexico, it was really an exceptional case in its

weather; his historical-medical work helped to understand the

processes of building medicine as a science, from

different scenarios, always striving to give the story of

medicine a place within the framework of the history of science, with

rigorous and particular methods and techniques for your research,

thus contributing to the professionalization of the discipline.

For his part, Dr. Francisco Fernández del Castillo (1899-


1985) -child of historian, and nephew of Ángel de Campo,

Micrós-, contributed to the institutionalization of the history of

medicine in our country, by promoting the creation of a

entity dedicated to the subject, within the university organizational chart: the

Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine.

With its written production, widely spread among the

medical guild mainly, rescued primary sources, and

He presented episodes, institutions and characters of the future

of medicine in Mexico.

Of different personalities, both doctors made a

Prominent career as teachers and researchers in

the Faculty

of Medicine of the National Autonomous

University of Mexico.

From Dr. J.J. Left it's worth remembering that you gathered the profile

as a teacher and researcher, since as a physiologist

he was an advocate of teaching and practice in the laboratory; its

activity as a professor he practiced in other institutions as

the National Polytechnic Institute and the Military Medical School,

besides the UNAM already mentioned. Your interest in the history of

medicine, it occurs almost in parallel that his dedication to

physiology. "He wrote eight books and more than 300 published articles

in leading national and foreign journals on the history of

the medicine and history of Mexican science in the local fields

and national. His works show the skillful management of sources


bibliographic and documentary, as well as a careful and rigorous

critical apparatus ".

It must be emphasized that Izquierdo enjoyed international recognition, and before the

outside, the quality of his work as a researcher and professor was always his letter of

introduction. I belonged

to numerous national and foreign Academic Associations,

and at the same time that he started to investigate about the history of

the medicine of his country, he was concerned about creating spaces for

discussion of the historical-medical topics. Those who lived together

with Dr. Izquierdo, remember that he offered the Library

Department of Physiology -which he directed-, located in the

old School of Medicine, to meet, discuss and comment

with colleagues and interested parties, topics of medical history on occasion

from the visit of a foreign teacher, from a publication, etc.

He also provided the bibliohemeroteca of this Department,

a rich specialized pool that he formed thanks to his insistent

requests and exchanges of publications with professionals

domestic and foreign.

The historical production of Izquierdo began in 1921 with the

Publication of an article on The State College of Puebla.

For his part, Francisco Fernández del Castillo entered

1926 to the faculty of the National School of Medicine for

start a long career as a teacher, School where since

1951 until his death, he taught the history and philosophy course of

Medicine. In 1954 he was head of the Department of


History and Philosophy of Medicine that he himself founded when

Dr. Raoul Fournier Villada was the director of the Faculty of

Medicine. In 1957 he participated in the establishment of the Society

Mexican History of Medicine.

In the memory of his colleagues, Fernández del Castillo is recognized as a promoter

of the history of medicine. It says one

source that "became interested in this area precisely because it was

knowledgeable of the fundamental duties and disciplines in the

doctor's training. " Starting in the forties, it begins

enter Societies of History of Medicine from abroad.7

Regarding his written work, since the fourth decade

of the twentieth century, the contributions of Fernández del Castillo

they could be read in medical journal magazines like the magazine

Medicine, and the Medical Gazette of ”.

The previous paragraphs tell us about how two Mexicans in a certain way introduced

medicine to Mexico with foreign help institutionalizing forms, places of help in addition to

dedicating themselves to a single activity and growing first in England from there to Europe

and with help to Mexico and from there to the rest of Latin America.

Clearly that was like an introduction in a certain way as it was that medicine came to

our country and thanks to those who were also possible that it was the ones that had to be

done to focus on one science and not on several.


Changing a bit of context as we know the World constantly changes in all aspects;

socially, ideologically, way of life, new risks, deaths and diseases etc, that is why within

medicine as a result of these changes has the need to be updated, new disciplines have arisen

since if this did not happen we would have serious problems besides that we would be

vulnerable, for that reason I will present the disciplines or the different branches of medicine

and a brief explanation about what their specialization is;

Anatomy Pathology: branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis of biopsies,

cytologies and necropsies

Anesthesiology: branch of medicine that studies and deals with perioperative


Angiology: branch of medicine that studies the vascular system and its diseases

Surgery: branch of medicine that aims to cure diseases by operation (manual


Dermatology: branch of medicine that studies skin diseases

Stomatology: branch of medicine that treats diseases of the mouth of man

Etiology: part of medicine whose purpose is the study of the causes of diseases

Foniatria: branch of medicine dedicated to the diseases of the organs of phonation

Gastroenterology: branch of medicine that deals with the organs and digestive tract,

and their diseases

Geriatrics and Gerontology: branch of medicine, which studies old age and its

diseases, Gerontology is the science that studies age and the phenomena that characterize it

Gynecology: branch of medicine that studies the

diseases of women


Hematology: branch of medicine dealing with blood and hemolymphopoietic

organisms and their diseases

Venerology: part of medicine that studies venereal diseases or sexually transmitted


Urology: branch of medicine that treats the organs and urinary tract, and their diseases

Toxicology: part of the medicine that studies poisons

Therapeutics: part of medicine, which teaches the precepts and remedies for the

treatment of diseases

Radiology: part of the medicine that studies radiation, especially X-rays, in its

applications to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases

Psychiatry: branch of medicine that deals with the mind and affective states, and

mental illness

Proctology: branch of medicine that deals with the rectum and its diseases

Pediatrics: branch of medicine that is responsible for the health and diseases of


Otorinolaringología: branch of medicine that studies the ears, nose, rhino pharynx,

pharynx and larynx in addition to their diseases

Orthopedics: branch of medicine that studies bones, joints and their diseases

Oncology: part of the medicine that studies tumors

Obstetrics: branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium

Nosology: part of medicine that aims to

describe, differentiate, and classify diseases

Neurology: branch of medicine that treats the

Nervous System, and its diseases


Nefrologia: branch of medicine that treats the kidney, and its diseases

Legal Medicine: branch of medicine applied to issues of law and criminology.

These are just some of the branches that come from medicine in general, because as it

was said as new diseases change or emerge, new branches come out fulfilling the requirement

to cure or prevent those needs.

The truth is that medicine is one of the most important sciences because thanks to this,

we have a good health that is derived from the different existing branches and that in the

future they can exist being that way, that Medicine is a great way of learning and of many

knowledge that over the years discover new things, improving and adapting to the needs of

our life and our conditions.


Now we will talk about a topic that I really like and call me attention and I mean

Biomedicine and they will say or wonder what I find interesting. From what I have heard is a

combination of mechatronics and obviously medicine, together they make possible the union

of a robotic protosis to the human body, and that is something that in my opinion is incredibly


It even seems to be taken from a

science fiction film what can be achieved

with this branch of medicine.


The concept of biomedicine can be a bit confusing if we consider the etymology of its

word. This is structured by, bio, life and medicine, so it can be considered as the field of life

based on the perspectives of health sciences related to medicine.

What does biomedicine study?

Biomedicine is the discipline responsible for applying principles of the biological

sciences to the field of health sciences. It is often distinguished as the research field of

medicine, so that its applications can be seen in all the specialties of it.

In the research sector, this specialty stands out for its remarkable abilities in

biochemistry and chemistry, since it covers the principles of both disciplines in the field of

pathology. Therefore, its application can or is usually related to the development or

optimization of new drugs or drugs. medicines that allow more efficient treatments and meet

the needs that arise in the public health sector


Angiology 4 years

Surgeon 6 years and a half or 7 years

Dermatology duration 3 or 4 years

Gastroenterology: 3 years

Neurology 4 years.



12 abr. 2012


por XM Barbosa - 2011