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Post on 13-Mar-2020

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Motion Activity Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Pre-Activity Review:

Where is the furthest you have ever been away from home before?

How far away was that in miles and how long did the trip take in total?

Figure out your average speed by doing distance traveled/time.

Follow up: I bet that speed you just wrote was not in standard units silly! I bet you’re really angst-y and want to immediately convert that to kilometers/hour don’t cha! Use the dimensional analysis table to do just that. 1 Mile has 1.609 Kilometers 1 Hour has 3600 Seconds

= km/h = m/s

This is the average speed, but did you go the same speed the whole way though the trip? Did you make stops along the way? Did you have transfer flights? Think back to that trip and plot a velocity vs time graph for your trip with x-axis being time (in hours) and y being your speed in m/s. You may have to do a few conversions.

Now estimate a graph of your total distance traveled over time.


on (k



d (k



Time (hr)

Time (hr)

My Speed in MPH:

miles 1 hour

Motion Activity Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Activity 1: (Teacher does one demo first to show an example)

We will talk about what it means to move. Can you explain how to get somewhere? Write in the space to the Right of the graph how you think Mr. Dorsey would have to move to match the graph.

Now he will try to match it.

How did Mr. Dorsey do? How good was your description on how Mr. Dorsey should move? Would you like to change your description and try again? Do so in the space below.

Activity 2: Now You do it!!!

It’s time for you to try and match some graphs! To start, pick someone to be first to try and match it! Maybe this is where your rock, paper, scissor skills can come in handy. The person who is picked to go can’t look at the graph to try and match it, they have to go only from your description.

Write here a description on how they should move to match the graph.

Did they get it on the first try? ________________. If not, you may have to come up with a way to let your partner know when to start and stop walking? Redo it and draw on the graph what your best attempt looked like.


on (m




Time (s)

Time (s)

Motion Activity Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Now let’s do this one! Let another person go this time and try. Write how you will explain to them how they should move to match graph.Draw your best attempt.

Now try to draw your own position time graph. Now in turns share yours with the group and try to match it! Let an instructor know when you are trying to match your own graph!

Activity 3: How fast were you going?

Let’s think about three graphs ago? Answer the following questions given the graph. Where would you start________

Where would you end _________

We’ve talked about average velocity before, can you calculate the average velocity you were going?


Now find the velocities on each part of the graph and write them on the lines. (Find the slopes)

Is the speed constant at all points of the graph? ____________

How do you know? __________________________________________________________________


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on (m


Time (s)

Time (s)

Time (s)

Motion Activity Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Now I just want to see you all have to run around a bunch. Call me crazy, but I think you’ll have fun with this too! This one is a little harder, but I want you to pick someone to go first and try once, then let someone else try. Keep going until you think you have it and then show a teacher!

Start at the origin, or the zero meter mark. Continue after you get it.

How far away from the sensor were you at the points marked on the graph. Write the position on the


You just did your first velocity vs. time graph! Turn up your data collection frequency to max. Where should you start and how should you move to make the velocity time graph below? Tell me to the right of the graph. Follow your suggested method and then draw what your graph looked like over this one.

Where do you think you should you start? _________How should you move to make the velocity time graph to the left? Try it and then retry until you get it close. Write the description here. Then graph it over the one on the left.

Where did you start to make it work? _____

The area under a Velocity vs time graph measures the change in position.





Time (s)





Time (s)

Motion Activity Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Where is the closest to the detector you could start without running into it? ________________

If you had matched the graph perfectly, where would you have ended your motion? ____________

If time allows, set up an acceleration vs. time graph. Let everyone in your group try out making a graph. Comment here about what you tried and what the resulting graph looked like.