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20122012 - 10Approaching Destruction - 2012-10-24 10:10

night sky (Photo credit: Ha-Wee)

The cloud approaches in the night.  A cloud which appears as the night sky to those who witness its approach.  Who notices?  Who pays attention? With blind eyes they look.  Though their ears hear they do not recognize the noise.  The air begins to move; taken toward the coming storm.  And alarm begins to fill the minds of all men. Sparkling sparks mimic the stars.  No technology perceives the impending doom.  Death approaches silent and unstoppable. Rebellion against the Holy will of God has blinded their eyes.  They refuse to listen to the Holy words which can save them.  Hands filled to over flowing with pleasure and every wicked thing, the people live in alarm.  As they refused to speak of Holy things, so now they refuse to speak of what is coming.  And the mystery of approaching doom escapes their understanding.  "It will not be given to them" is the statement from Heaven.  Understanding and preparation is removed from the face of the earth. Those who see perceive through eyes born of God.  Those who hear have yearned to hear the Word of God.  They will endure in peace, for they were told long ago of this storm's approach.  Today is the day for preparation.  Prepare to receive the salvation of your souls. Let us give praise to the Glorious Judge of all creation.  Not one of His Holy Judgments will lend itself to the blame of wicked men.  His enemies will be utterly swept away with a simple nod of His Glorious head.  And the will of God, that Holy and Perfect will, carries His people into that Blessed Rest.  Praise to the Lord Jesus for His faithfulness to the Father. By His Grace.

Warning - 2012-10-26 08:33

On this day of Sabbath for me I appealed to the Lord.  May His mercy be shed upon this servant to relay His word. "Blood will flow.  Like a river it will flow upon the earth.  Even now the enemy amasses its weapons of destruction.  Rantings and railings against the Holy throne of God abound.   And they take delight in the prospects of the blood they will shed. The men of blood wander about their lives without knowledge of what is coming.  As was written before, they hear the strange noises of this amassing.  But they do not understand its implications.  Like cattle they eat as they please without the slightest notion that their death is being plotted by evil men.   The father of lies enrages them with unholy encouragement.  Lies fill their hearts, minds and mouths.  And they form boasts worthy of hell itself.  The joy of murder is in their hearts, and there will be no stopping to the war they will wield against their enemies." Oh men of this earth, you children of blood, I beg you to hear my plea to you.  Turn from the works of you hand and seek the face of the Loving and Living God.  Repent of the things of sin and seek what is holy and sure.  What has been prophesied from ages past is about to be unleashed.  Where will your feet stand when it begins?  Where will you run to escape what is gathering against you?  Every man's way is plainly seen by the Lord.  Even the thoughts of your heart are open and clear before His perfect eyes. He is mercy to those who seek repentance.  He is full of compassion for those who allow themselves to seek His will.  We are not created

to seek our own pleasures.  We are created to serve the Living God in spirit and in truth.  But you will not have any of this.  And for this reason the war is assembling in a distant place.  Do not think any will escape.  Do not think that the works of your hands will save you from what is sure to come.  Jesus alone is the answer.  He has pleased His Father and opens His Holy hands to receive all who will humble themselves, pray, and seek His face. This alone is the day of salvation for all men.  There will not be another offered.  While we inhabit these sacks of blood is the only place where mercy will be extended.  Once you have passed from this place you are sealed forever in what you have received here.   I implore you to seek out the salvation that comes from the Son of God.  Only those who have washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb of God will be saved.  Accept His invitation to walk into the consuming fire that is the judgment of God.  Purify yourself by submitting to His Lordship. I have been blessed to share this message.  It pleased Him to share this with us.  Do not spit in the face of what is God's.  Consider with the utmost sobriety what has been delivered.  I tell you what I have heard.  And appeal to you to respond.   Why would we willingly die? By His Grace.

The Annual Testimony - 2012-10-26 11:30

English: Fall leaves in Eugene, Oregon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)The trees have lost their leaves now. The crumbling signs of a bountiful harvest produced in better times. The children find great innocent joy as they play among the piles of testimony. Even puppies laugh with voiceless mouths as they frolic in the stacks. But the adults simply sweep them away as if a nuisance. A stark reminder of knowledge they have gained as they have lived their years. Purity will soon cover the ground; white and formidable landscape. A promise yet to come regarding how purity will obscure and receive the harvest from that time of growth. A Holy harvest approaches and is marked faithfully every year.

The Speachless Scream - 2012-10-26 11:58

mother wailing for 'lost' son (Photo credit: James Buck)The mournful wailing of a mother who has lost her child. Chills run up the spine that a human can make such a sound. A man stands with his mouth open but no sound comes forth. His wife taken in the prime of their lives. Horrors bring horrible answers from those most horribly afflicted. But has anyone heard the moans of God for the lost souls of this pitiful place of sin? Who has seen his mouth open, that lovely mouth which speaks words of Life? And who has testified that He is pained at the loss of that rebellious soul who could have held God's promise in a perfected hand?

Love Apparent to All - 2012-10-26 19:55

Seasons (Photo credit: *~Dawn~*)What is this place we inhabit?  The seasons change in their faithfully instructed time, with variations, yet surely differing.  The stars remain steady enough to mark the faithful seasons. Trees, flowers, mosses, and bushes remain after their own kind produce their fruits.  Snow is faithfully white, rain is always water.  The seas remain within their commanded boundaries.  Clouds appear, drift, and obey the command of the atmosphere.  So many aspects of creation to mention. And why is all this about and within us?  Because God was pleased to create this "Place of Testing".  It was sufficient to test the faithfulness of His Son Jesus.  And it is sufficient to test the faithfulness of His Son's Bride. Let us, therefore, consider what wonderful opportunity is upon us.  That we should be, by His Grace, counted as worthy to be refined through the same sufferings which fell upon His Son.  And let us consider His very great promises concerning such

people.  Let us not perceive any hatred for those things which come against us.  Rather let us embrace each item, large or small, as if it were a kiss from the Holy Lord Most High who determined to love His creation into that perfect rest. By His Grace.

A Prayer for Today - 2012-10-28 11:49

Forboding Malibu Creek State Park (Photo credit: jasoneppink)Holy Father in Heaven, we give You Glory for Your Holy ways.  We observe the choice You are setting in our path.  The choice of freedom or oppression hangs before our path as if a fragile cliff.  With one gentle move of Your Mighty hand America will encounter one or the other. We consider ourselves in light of this pending choice.  We are the sum of what we have done; to abandon Your Holy commands to one extent or another.   Or we have failed to employ our whole heart, mind, soul and strength in the pursuit of Your Ways.  But we are also a people filled with hope at the generous gifts You have given us.  Each one of us having attained a certain filling of Your Holy Spirit, and each one accountable to You as to how we have employed "The Faith" You have graciously given us. To each You present this choice.  To the holy of Your people You rightly expect more.  To the sinner just entering into Your Gospel You rightly expect more.  And to all Your people You have said "Straighten your path.  Display to Me what you desire.  The choice belongs to My people.  And I will act accordingly."  As it has been eternally written:  13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7) We see the choice looming before us and we ask that You clearly waken Your people with eyes and ears that only You can give.   Guide us all in this matter that we may act wisely before Your Holy Throne.  This prayer is presented to You who are a consuming fire of Holiness, purity, and love.  And we sign this petition with the Holy Name of Your Blessed and Faithful Son, Jesus.  Amen.

The Reflection of Heaven Among Men - 2012-10-28 12:37

All things of men are but a shadow of the heavenly things.  Whether rebellion or holiness, we see the state of heavenly things directly before our eyes.  Yet this is inverse of the ways of heaven.  Where heaven is populated with what is Holy more than that of rebellion, man is immersed in rebellion more than holiness. Look around you.  Consider this with wisdom and react accordingly.

Two Bottles - 2012-10-29 09:38

English: Pontiled soda or beer bottle excavated in New York City. The cobalt colored antique bottle is embossed "J.H Yale - Middletown, CT" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A room full of bottles.   A warehouse also filled with bottles.   The warehouse sits in the city square.   The room is in a temple far removed from the city. Men are born and given the bottle of their parent's choice when the child is old enough to understand language.   Most are presented that blue bottle   from which they are enticed to drink. The contents are sweet to the tongue.   But in time the child's teeth rot from its use.   Their bodies begin to waste away.   Their hope for health is dashed as if they were trying to swim near jagged rocks along a violent coast. But the men of the temple proclaim throughout the city of the healing power of the red bottles they are sent to distribute.   Some take from those men, open the bottle, and taste of its contents.   The flavor is bitter to the tongue., and causes convulsive facial expressions.   So bitter is the contents that men who taste it frown, cry, and wail at first.   And we shall not be able to put voice to the pain endured by those who drink this liquid regularly.   But its healing power soon manifests itself in those who continue to drink as they have need. Some taste the red bottle's contents and throw the bottle away, preferring   to return to the warehouse from which their parents have delivered them their portion at first.   To these the temple is a place of poisons. Others remove

themselves from the city, for their sustenance remains locked away too far to travel when in need.   And the city slowly becomes void of their company.   They have come to understand the difference between the effects of both bottles.   Their choice abides within them toward health. Woe to the city whose god is self.   Woe to those who prefer the sweet and deadly drink of the sinful nature.   Blessed are they who have desired to enter that life of promise.   Blessed are they who drink from the provided Gift of God.   God has been pleased to divide what is true and what is false.   Though the healing is painful at first, life is worth every uncomfort.Psalm 11 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

Filthy Hands - 2012-10-29 10:03

Holy Hands (Photo credit: richard.aguilar)The people, those who call themselves children of the Most High God through Jesus, have cried out for blessings.  They have gathered to themselves riches of this world and hidden them within their houses.  They have amassed great wealth which glows putrid within their homes.  They cry out for healing while they hold tightly to all that is an abomination to the Lord they beseech. How do we consider that God will turn and bless that which He has condemned?  How can we hope to please Him while we do the things He hates? And now a judgment is considered against these people.  A wicked bend is in their hearts.  They will not receive the blessing they seek.  But a blessing of purification will be sent.  Will they notice?  Will they understand?  Will they throw down all they hold so dearly and fall toward God with repentance?  We will be witnesses to their response.  And God will watch intently to see their hearts. Do not ask for peace within your members.  Ask for righteousness.  For the ones who hunger and thirst for what is Righteous will be filled.  While those who hunger for reward in this world will go hungry. "Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided

between God and the world.  Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy.  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor (due season)."  (James 4: 8-10)

Seeking Encouragement - 2012-10-29 11:11

lips (Photo credit: kavehkhkh)My God, what would give me joy?  As I consider what You have shown Your servant regarding the coming judgment, what would give me joy? I would be joyfilled to hear Your Holy name on the lips of all Your people.  Even if they spoke of Your ways with half a heart I would find encouragement. It is impossible to ask You to relent.  For all Your ways are Holy and Your judgments beyond reproach.  And I would not have the people die for lack of knowledge.  Thus a purification is necessary. There will be wailing and misery.  So be it.  But I seek encouragement.  To know that they will receive knowledge of Your ways.  That Your name would begin to leak out of their clamped lips, as even if drewl from a mad man.  To hear Your precious and lovely name escape their lips, as a snore escapes from the lungs of he who sleeps. I seek that encouragement of Your Holy Spirit which has found a place to grasp within the wayward of Your people. By His Grace.

hiwaychristian (2012-11-03 08:32:10)I will say this: We also know this weak link within us. It is our duty before God to secure that weakness for the sake of His name. It is the tendency of the church today to admit that weak link and embrace it as if it is acceptable to have weakness. That is not the way I read the Gospel. "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed." I find no acceptance of weakness within that saying.dieta (2012-11-02 19:32:30)

We all have our Achilles' heel, that weak link in our spiritual chain that Satan knows all too well. We'll go days, months, even years staying strong and faithful, avoiding it at all cost. Then, without warning or intent, we stumble, falter and succumb to its siren song. In those moments when Satan bogs us down in the quicksand of weakness, guilt and shame, God reminds us that failure is never final with the Father's forgiveness. If you have stumbled or fallen in your faith, God stands ready to forgive. He always does. Now, forgive yourself!

The Command of Yearning - 2012-10-30 15:19

It has been popular to attribute the entirety of salvation to the work of God.  In one fashion this is absolute and true.  For He alone is to be desired.  He alone is Righteous, pure, and eternal.  What lacks, quite often, in this formulation of thought regarding the entirety of salvation, is the work of man. It is reserved by the Rule of God that man should play an essential part in his own salvation.   It is given to man to yearn for God.  This is the part we are commanded to play in the salvation of our souls.  And this is the very part that is horribly lacking among men.  If it is commanded and is lacking what shall be the outcome of those who rebel against this commandment of God? Men prefer to yearn for the things of this world.  These are lazy in their approach and shall not receive blessing.  And because of this worldly yearning heaven will not be granted to them.  The Righteousness of God does not inhabit the wickedness associated with the things of this world. Therefore let us put aside all the yearning after the things of this world and fall on our faces to learn what it means to yearn after the Holiness, Righteousness, Purity, and Godly Love which waits to embrace every soul who will humble themselves and seek His face with that commanded yearning.

preachercarter (2012-10-30 15:30:32)One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. preachercarter.wordpress.com/Yearning « Shafiq Haider Virk (2012-11-03 15:39:42)[...] The Command of Yearning (hiwaychristian.wordpress.com) [...]

A Lesson Learned - 2012-10-30 15:42

English: The portuguese Throne room in Ajuda Palace, Lisboa, Portugal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)In the town there was a scuffle.  A slight moment of time when chaos appeared then quickly vanished. Two brothers were caught by three of the King's guards.  They resisted a moment.  Then were subdued without mercy or waste of effort on the part of the mighty men sent to retrieve them. Word was run to the King that these brothers had been captured and were being brought to his throne room.  "Bring them in just as they are", declared the King.  Preparations were made to receive them. The two were forced into the King's presence and charges were read against them.  They had been hiding in this place and that for over a year. The King sat up straight on his throne and asked the first, "What do you have to say to these charges?"  Then he put his body at rest and waited to listen to the words of the condemned man. "All that was said against me is true, my Lord King.  And I have done far more things than those charges which your herald has spoken.  I have no means to clear myself from your mighty grasp.  And I have heard that all your judgments are swift and just.  So I appeal to the great mercy that has been spoken through all your land.  It is said you will have mercy on whom you desire to have mercy.  And you will condemn any you choose to condemn.  I can say no more without betraying my lack of intelligence Lord."  This was the reply of the first of the brothers. The King looked at the other brother without moving his head.  "What do you say for yourself?  Are these charges true which have been spoken against you?" In reply, the other brother simply frowned at the King.  Looking at all assembled there, he simply spat on the

gleaming white polished marble floor of the King's throne room.  He said no other word. No trace of change came over the King's face as he motioned to one of his strong warriors to come forward to him.  The warrior leaned toward the King and a whispering was had between the two.  After that the warrior took his place next to the two brothers. The King drew a short breath.  His face still calm and completely in control of what was happening.  He finally spoke to the first brother.  "You have wisely called on my mercy.  And mercy you will receive." Then, again without moving his royal head, he looked toward the second brother.  "You have been found guilty as charged."  This is all that came from the King's mouth.  And with a gesture from his hand, the warrior raised his sword and swung with vicious speed.  So fast was the judgment employed that no one

in the room had time to watch it happen. The second brother's head fell and bounced off his right foot.  It landed about 3 feet from his falling body.  As the body slammed the floor the first brother watched in horror at the finality of this judgment.  Emotion had not even had time to develop.  His eyes wide in every form of surprise a man can muster, he simply stood and stared at the pool of blood which came from that which had been his brother only a moment before. While the first brother stood transfixed by horror and fright, the King arose.  He walked around the "mess" with regal steps.  He came to the first brother and put his hands on his shoulders to turn him from the sight of his dead brother. And as tears developed in the King's eyes he spoke these words to the man, "You have asked for mercy.  And it is my heart to have compassion on those who call to me for help, regardless their transgression to my laws.  I have set you free from every crime that has been read against you." With saying that, the King leaned forward with tears running down his cheeks.  He brought his face close to the brother and kissed him on the forehead.  "Go now and leave the things which have brought you here.  You are a free man." The brother was led gently from the throne room and ushered into the sunlight.  At the head of the steps he was released with smiling faces of those who had dragged he and his brother to this place moments ago. ____________________________________ This is a parable which the Lord gave me this morning.  It's meaning is clear.  But let us consider that the swiftness of promise is equal from the Lord.  Death is sure to the enemies of God.  And surely mercy is granted to those who humble themselves to accept their sentence.  May the Lord Jesus receive praise for His Glorious deliverance of this story.  It is He whom we praise with all our soul.  And it is He who will remain the King of Kings. Amen.

The Holy Puzzle of God - 2012-10-30 15:44

An icon from icon theme Crystal Clear. Русский: Иконка из темы Crystal Clear. Česky: Ikonka z ikonkové sady Crystal Clear. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Men create puzzles for themselves.  These puzzles test and stretch their abilities, both mentally and physically.  Games of various kinds are created for this purpose.  Some games created by man lend that certain aspect of the threat of death to them.  And these games are reserved for the “mighty of heart” among us. With this in mind I ask you to consider the following:  Man is a puzzle created

by God to test His mind and strength.  Consider His Patience, Mercy, Righteous Judgment, and His Perfect command of all things at all times for eternity. He created man and gave this creation a will to choose.  Then He applies Himself to watch them, draw them to a knowledge of Himself, and provoke those chosen toward all things perfect. While men may encounter a puzzle and finally admit they are not able to complete the tasks required, this is not so with God’s puzzle.  He has had in mind, from the first, the finishing of this puzzle He has created.  And He will accomplish that for which He began this place of testing. Now I see and freely admit that I have been mistaken in light of this revelation.  I have called this place we live a “place of testing”.  And from our perspective this is true.  However it is not complete to say that only man is being tested.  God has created a test worthy of His Majesty.  And for this reason all praise will be given to Him at its completion.  Who else is capable of solving the puzzle the Lord has created?  Even the Lord Jesus gives honor to His Father by admitting there are certain things the Father has kept for himself. Let this revelation provoke us to renewed praise for what the Father of Life has done.  Let this give a glimpse to the reasons for the praise we will give and witness when we appear before His Glory.  For now the “living puzzle” presents praise as best we can.  At its completion there shall be a united and vibrant shaking of heaven at the sound of perfect praise.  Thus will the puzzle be complete. For this I say, “Come taste and see that the Lord is Good.  His mercy endures forever.  He is First in all things and amazing to behold (even through eyes blinded by virtue of our position among the pieces of His Holy Puzzle). Amen.

2012 - 11Pride of Man - 2012-11-01 09:57

Abbey in a foggy autumn morning (Photo credit: digsim)To what shall the pride of man be compared?  It is like this:  "I will put forth my hand to grab a shaft of sunlight.  And after grabbing it I will hold it tightly and call it mine."And to what shall the Glory of God be compared?The heavens are telling of the glory of God ; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.  (Psalms 19:1) Can, by this comparison, we perceive the folly of the pride of man? By His Grace.

Of Compromise and Folly - 2012-11-02 08:42

folly (Photo credit: Leo Reynolds)This is a personal testimony regarding compromise and folly.  The issue is large.  But I will strive to limit the words. I had been a "leader" in a Church setting once.  This Church group had a social service outreach.  And as I administered its various functions I noticed that there were many compromises with truth within it.  It was in this setting that I came to understand that there was a whole lot of power and money to be made on the backs of those who have no money and no power. Through the guise of helping man has made a violent mockery of charity.  And I am quite aware that this is a problem that will not be fixed in this place of testing.  We wait for the True Leader of True Charity to appear.  And under the singular rule of the Son of God we will see purity. The source of corruption within all charities is compromise.  I was told I was far too black and white in my approach to leadership in that Church group.  And it was this aspect of my mind that caused me to resign.  I can't say if it was wise to remove myself from the grip of such an endeavour.  For every dark room needs a light to see. (I am not praising myself here as you will see.) I make full confession here that I am a fool.  Now the reason I say that is that I am not adept at the art of social compromise as most people are.  That is why I am also a loner, or perhaps better said a social isolationist.  I cannot compete in the games the world demands we play.  So I opt out of as many of those games as I possibly can. There are wise men who can play the games with a bend toward righteousness.  But I am not one of them.  Because of my straight forward approach to what is true I often get into arguments with almost everyone.  I will say it again so that there is no misunderstanding, "I am not a righteous man because of my approach."  There is no one righteous, not one.  And I am not writing this to make myself into something I am not. With that forward I will now launch into what prompted me to write this in the first place. Though I am often put to great sadness because of my lack of wisdom in the affairs of men.  And though I am bruised within my soul for the harm I do to my fellow man with such arguments, I have found something of great value that is worthy of mention. Compromise is the oil which keeps this world from becoming a vast blood bath.  It is impossible to look at the world and not notice that.  And men praise the one who is the most adept at this art.  Needless to say, I don't get much praise from

men. But it is the foolish of this world who will receive the praise from God.  It is those souls who are bent on rebellion against compromise that will receive the praise of the Father in the form of salvation.  How can I say this with certainty? "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5)  Those who compromise with the darkness of corruption in this world will be considered artful players here.  But what will be their case when they appear before the Most High God?  With what justification will they give account of what they have gleaned from the praise of men? "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." (1 Corinthians 1: 27)  For the very reason I have mentioned above, God has been eternally wise to take those who are not willing or able to "play the game".  And for this reason alone I will find reason to boast of my folly among men.  Though I do not boast for the sake of pride.  But I boast because this is the very instrument which has brought me to a saving knowledge of Jesus. So if I own anything worthy of praise (Ownership is a very curious way of describing that which God Himself has gifted me in this manner.  For no man has anything good that wasn't given to him from God.) I have my folly. I am horribly saddened that this folly results in so very many arguments with my fellow man.  And to the point of sobbing I cannot repair that aspect of my life.  For truth will naturally contradict lies.  And as much as my fellow men rely on lies to compete against one another truth will cause hardship between us. I cannot apologize for what God has called Good.  And I cannot rightfully praise lies.  So I am forced by the wisdom of God to remain black and white in my assessment of life.  I will always be the outcast.  But this is to my advantage.  I will always be the one least invited to social gatherings.  But I am forced to appreciate that this is to my advantage. I'm done trying to explain this now.  It is my sincere desire that this post has helped anyone who marvels at my apparent verbal violence.  I do not desire to be the outcast.  But how shall it be avoided if I desire to please the Most High God? By His Grace.

Margaret (2012-11-02 12:51:43)ditto....... And yet, we must remember what the LORD told Elijah in 1 Kings 19:18 --- "Yet I will leave 7000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him." Somewhere out there are the "7000". "Seven thousand" plus the LORD makes good company --- not to mention all those already in heaven, along with all the angels.

Aliens in New York City - 2012-11-02 15:19

Alien (Photo credit: richiesoft)Aliens disguised as caring humans have taken over the city of New York City.  The aliens came from the planet Liberal many years ago.  They have been patiently waiting for a disaster to strike the city.  And at the advent of this trauma they planned to withhold food, water, and necessary elements of human need.  While they waited they made sure that the people of that city turned over all their trust and preparedness to the Aliens.  So that when the time came the people would be as utterly vulnerable as they could be. Don't think I am poking fun at their plight.  Take a look around you and identify all the other Aliens which have crept in among us.  From the halls of the Church to the school class rooms, these Aliens from the planet Liberal have set their claws into society.  They are waiting for just the right moment to subvert truth. Think you're safe from their grasp?  Think again!

The Law of the Land - 2012-11-03 08:09

1 Peter 1:23 | Born Again Through the Living Word of God (Photo credit: UnlockingTheBible)There is a body of laws which the world demands all it's citizens obey.  I will recount them as I have heard them spoken by perception of the ways of man. 1.  You shall love money and the work of man's hands. 2. You shall not make accusation against any man for the love of money or the work of man's hands.

3. You shall be allowed to love your version of God, but you are forbidden to love the Living God. 4. You shall not proclaim any of the Living God's precepts among your fellow men. 5. You shall receive whatever benefit you can grasp, understanding that we retain the right to take it from you.   And there are many other laws which the world employs among its members.  But these laws are primary. The Living God does not recognize as valid any of these laws.  And those who submit to their lordship do not find themselves submitting to the laws of the Living God.  There is a distinction between what is pure and what is evil.

Solidarity of Soul - 2012-11-03 08:52

Cover of The Book of Enoch"Approach not integrity with a double heart nor be associated with double-minded men: But walk, my children,  in righteousness which will conduct you in good paths, and be truth your companion." (from the book of Enoch) Solidify your mind and make haste to acquire what is good from He who is Good.  The day will soon come when the door will close.  Grasp this with urgency within your heart.  From the day the Lord appeared among us till now, this has been the message delivered through the generations.   Though the world has determined to divert from righteousness, may all God's people strive all the harder to acquire the blessing of truth which comes from God. By His Grace.

robind333 (2012-11-03 09:34:59)I read the Book of Enoch which revolved around his visions...A very enlightening book. Thank you for sharing and many, many blessings to you...Robin

Three Iniquities - 2012-11-03 09:13

SIN (Photo credit: robswatski)Three iniquities I perceive.  Three times man shall proclaim his rebellion from God.  Two have come to be.  One must appear. The first rebellion came before the flood and was answered with death from the Lord. The second rebellion is present and shall receive the same response from the Lord. There is a third rebellion to come against the Lord.  This rebellion will usher in the Lordship of Jesus, the Son of the Most High God. Three times man will state clearly that it desires none of God's commands.  Each time more severely will man stand to proclaim. And at the consummation of the third, the Lord will answer with finality. Know the times in which we live.  Be wise and stand apart from those who call down death upon their heads.  Understand that the Lord is not willing for any to perrish.  But He will certainly answer their desire to die if that is what they prove before His Holy Throne.

What is the Meaning of This? - 2012-11-03 09:52

"In Mecca, the house of one of Mohammed’s wives has been demolished to make space for public lavatories. His birthplace may disappear, too, as part of King Abdullah’s scheme to complement the skyscrapers and shopping malls with a Grand Mosque fashioned from the same materials as a multi-storey car park in Wolverhampton."  http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/damianthompson/100187644/the-saudis-are-bulldozing-islams-heritage-why-the-silence-from-the-muslim-world/What comes next?

Greedy Salvation - 2012-11-04 08:58

Ornament (Photo credit: Thom Watson)A man held a fragile glass ornament in his hands.  The glow from it filled the man and prompted him, beyond his own ability, to proclaim all its beauty.  As the man walked through the market place he was witnessed by all for his words spoke of a beauty beyond the people's perception.  The way he spoke roused their hearts.  And many were desirous to own what he spoke of.  Soon some of the people had found a similar orb of fragile glass.  And they too spoke of the beauties it provoked them to witness. Then one of the people approached the first man and said to him, "Give me that ornament."  "I cannot give it to you" said the owner.  "Then I will rip it from your hands!  For I perceive that it is to be desired."  At that the man took the ornament from the owner and held it in his own hands. His eyes grew wide.  His face became as one who had tasted an entire handful of dill.  His body convulsed at the impact from the orb.  And quickly he gave it back to the owner.  "This is a LIE!"  He said with lungs full of the air he had sucked at his convulsion.   "This man speaks lies!"  He began to turn to the people to proclaim what he perceived to be the truth.  But out of the corner of his eye he witnessed the reaction of the man as he took back what was his. A glow of warm peace enveloped him.  A beaming smile of love covered that man's face.  And he began again to speak softly of the loving embrace he had from ownership of this ornament.  This stopped the greedy man.  He turned once again to the owner.  And with a slightly different voice said, "Give me that orb." At the second and softer request, the owner gave the orb willingly.  The greedy man took it once again.  This time there was a distaste upon the greedy man.  But it was less intense.  For he understood that he had not understood.  And now he was willing to endure what came.  If only he might also have what the owner possessed. --------------------------------------------- He has granted sin to flourish in this Place of Testing.  By His wisdom He has created this place to test His own power to heal.  His Glory abounds among the men of sin.  And Healing is in His hand.  By jealousy He has caused many to fall before Him and confess.  By pride

of man He has transformed many to be His children. How great is the wisdom of He who lives forever!  That He should create this among us.  And how beautiful, beauty beyond words, is the Living God in Christ Jesus His Holy Son!  That we who have tasted that He is good, should be used to entice the greedy by their very greedy ways.  All praise to He who Heals eternally.  He has done this!  And it will be our lot to praise Him for His Beauty forever! Amen!

He IS! - 2012-11-04 09:28

Corcovado jesus (Photo credit: @Doug88888)He has set me apart to proclaim with power that which is His.  All Glory belongs to He who has set my feet in "The Way".  Nothing I own is mine, but has come from He who owns all. By His will He grants.  And it will be His to receive praise for eternity.  For He has set this captive free from the bonds of wickedness and sin.  He has raised me up by His gentle hand and seated me among His knowledge.  It is Jesus who has done this.  Nothing I have was mine to attain.  But what He has given will not be taken away. All His words live forever.  His words are living.  He is not stagnant or still.  He is eternity alive.  And all who are embraced by the Holy Love of God in Jesus will testify the same.  May His Glory shine within all He touches.  May the testimony given bring Him praise and souls.  May the eyes once shielded be opened.  May the ears which have not heard be released to hear.  And may He add to His bounty by the grace He has given to His servants. Praise is His alone! By His Grace.

Christians Anonymous | He IS! (2012-11-04 09:58:39)[...] Corcovado jesus (Photo credit: @Doug88888) He has set me apart to proclaim with power that which is Source: Holy Spirit Blogs [...]

The Wall of Truth - 2012-11-04 10:03

English: Wall of church of Naantali. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)There is a wall which lays hard against the mass of men.  It is a wall of truth.  He who built this wall has done so from the stock of men. He has carved out stones from the hardened hearts of men.  And He has positioned each stone of truth at the very place in this wall which pleases Him to set it.  God has done this among us.  Who are we to complain regarding the testimony of another stone of truth which appears in the very wall in which we are set? Where is pride allowed or even condoned within the ranks of God's people?  Where does envy belong?  For we are all of those who have received the truth from He who cannot lie.  Let us instead be humbled by this understanding.  Cease your attacks against your brothers for the sake of envy.  There is no blessing to be had among those who rebel.  Blessing belongs to the humble of heart. "This word is spoken to all so that there might be understanding among My people." By His Grace.

silver account (2012-12-03 02:45:17)I’ve been tutored by some fine faithful men in my past, and I’m grateful for their teaching on the Bible as well as their instructions in how to study the Bible. But as I matured in my faith and continue in my walk with the Lord I’ve come to rely

solely on His teaching. This is what is referred to as spiritual discernment. The Holy Spirit is more than willing, even eager, to place God’s truth into every believer. But when that believer puts up a stone wall because of presuppositions and prejudices the Holy Spirit becomes greatly hampered.gold price (2012-12-04 02:51:02)What kind of 'god' is Satan? A false god! Does the Watchtower claim, if I do not join them in hymning Satan's real deity, I'm denying he exists? Let me make haste to say Satan is a real being...but he is not a real god, no more than the prince of Tyre and the king of Babylon vainly imagined themselves to be. The Watchtower Society are not the first he has convinced of his real deity; he has followers aplenty: both men and demons, the powers of the air, follow in his train: "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:..." (Ephesians 2:2). But hail him as god all they will, all demons and men his children, that will not make him a god in truth, no more than will worshipping king Nebuchadnezzar make him what he madly claimed to be.

Trust - 2012-11-04 10:38

Holy Spirit Stained Glass (Photo credit: hickory hardscrabble)What has been given to Christ's bride is precious and pure.  He says to me to counsel my brothers and sisters to trust.  It is by faith that we endure what is to come.  Therefore I urge all of us to trust. Though we do not understand, trust.  If He has given it will be blessed.  Only trust. We have been told to speak for His name's sake.  We have been urged by our leaders to testify.  And we have not understood the message.  This understanding is missing from among us because we have failed to walk in His Holy ways.  We have spurned the power of the Holy Spirit which He has given us.  And by this spurning we have failed to testify with power. Take to heart what I have said at His beckoning.  If you do not understand what I have said here, then approach the Lord who has bought you by His Holy Blood and ask what you will.  Understanding will be given to those who desire to serve.  Only trust.

Christians Anonymous | Trust (2012-11-04 11:18:41)[...] Holy Spirit Stained Glass (Photo credit: hickory hardscrabble) What has been given to Christ’s Source: Holy Spirit Blogs [...]

The Traitor - 2012-11-05 09:27

English: Captain rank insignia for the United States Navy during the Civil War. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)The commander came to the captain.  "There is a traitor in your ranks."  The captain felt the shock within his bones.  How could integrity remain when a spy had been among them? "Who is it?" The captain asked in a whisper, for he did not even know if the traitor had accompanied him into the conversation with his commander. "He is very close to you.  He is privy to all your intelligence.  He even listens hard when you think you are alone.  He is dressed perfectly as one of you.  And though he is among your ranks you would not recognize him if I were to point him out." The captain was astonished at these words.  "Then what shall we do sir?  We cannot disband all my men for the sake of this evil man." Now the commander said something even more unexpected.  "I cannot advise you regarding what to do.  I can only warn you that he is there.  And that you are hopelessly blinded to his presence." The captain was now frightened for the sake of his charge and integrity before his commander.  "How can I hope to serve you with this man among my ranks?  Without your help I will surely become a liability on the battle field!  Why won't you help me identify and discharge this man?" "I cannot help you captain.  For the traitor is your pride of position.  You are blinded by his presence, though your men all know when he steps in front of you.  I tell you about it because it is causing troubles in our army.  But what can I do to help you in this?" ________________________ How shall be pride be dealt with?  It is an animal within us.  And when he appears our eyes are covered.  We do not know where he comes from nor when he appears.  I have asked the Lord regarding this.  "How shall this be dealt with?  How shall we find victory over what we cannot perceive?" By the words of man I present the answer.  "The food of pride is praise.  As often as we seek it we feed our enemy.  If we wish to starve our enemy to death, stop seeking praise.  This is the reason we are warned to flee from he who compliments us.  Such men are called flatterers.  Though we intend to starve our enemy (even the enemy of God among us), the flatterers will offer food for their friend."

Announcement - 2012-11-07 14:36

I do not have time now.  But I will speak soon regarding the advent of President Obama's re-election and what this means for the Lord's people.

Blood to Blood - 2012-11-08 16:42

I woke to look around me at the state of affairs in America.  The President (the first of us all) has been re-elected.  Sadness fell on me like a smothering blanket.  As the choice of this election was between freedom or oppression, the people have chosen oppression.  And I drove through the night with tears which found no eyes from which to fall.  Dryness appeared where once there was a joyful spring of living water. I was aghast at the number of our citizens who supported the liar.  Those who fell for wickedness as if it were a god.  Those who desire their own sin before the needs of their fellow men or even that of God.  I am appalled at their lack of knowledge to divide between what is true and what is false. Greed, pleasure, ease of life, and an unholy trust in all that is unholy has gripped them in an iron grip of death.  They think they are gaining freedom.  But the freedom they desire is bondage to lies, corruption, and every wicked thing man has ever devised to rebel against the Holy God who gives them life. Then the Lord came to comfort me in my sorrow.  He spoke only a few words and my soul was lit with joy.  “Blood to blood”, came His words.  “As it was begun in blood so shall it be sealed with blood.”  These things have come to pass that those words might be fulfilled.  Who is he who will render the blood of Jesus’ people?  Isn’t it he who hates the very concept of the word Holy?  Therefore they must appear.  NOW THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS, THE GLORIOUS CHRIST OF GOD, SPROUTS TEETH! They will revel in their perceived victory.  They will marvel at the liar they now support.  But this liar will turn on them with detachment.  He will have no pity on those who now think they are bound to receive all good things from his hand.  Their joy will turn to absolute loss of hope for the things they expected to give them life. During their celebration the Lord is building His people into that Holy Faith which was at first.  Listen to your brothers and sisters speak of the Lord with a renewed interest.  The smell of putrid sin is carried on the breeze.  Even into the inner rooms the whisper of horror begins to murmur.   The sense of urgency is beginning to come to the sleepy minds of my family in Christ Jesus.  And I am encouraged to witness this marvelous transformation begin. When the joy of sin dissipates from the corrupt they will turn in a violent desire to know what is true and lasting.  They have desired what they have gained.  And when it appears to them that their desire is false, they will desire what is true. As God’s people begin to endure persecution

the “awakened” corrupt will witness my family’s plight and how they stand with courage, even joy, to receive what is dealt to them.  They will ask and we will answer with the hope that is within us.  Though we continue to speak of what is true and good, there will be an asking. Many will believe and come to a living faith in the Son of God.  Many will hear and believe, but when shown what they must do they will be too weak in their soul to strive with the Saints.  They will turn again to all their old ways and will encourage one another to more violence against the Lord’s people.  They will even vent their hatred on one another.  And thus, “Blood to blood” will come to pass. Now, my beautiful brothers and sisters of “The Way”, gather yourselves and turn away from her.  She is full to overflowing with sin.  And as you embrace even a slice of her ways you will embrace her sins.  Judgment is coming upon the entire earth, from the sins of Cain to the present wickedness, the judgment is coming.  Therefore depart from her ways.  Count yourself dead to the things of this world and seek with great earnestness the strength we will need to survive in our faith at the coming persecution. I cannot urge you beyond these words, my family in God.  If we stand it will be by His strength.   And make no mistake in this:  He who does what is right is righteous.  He who is holy is he who divides himself from all that is unholy.  He who loves with the Love of God rebukes himself and makes right judgments regarding sin and righteousness. Where does the strength to do what is righteous, holy, and pure come from?  Do you not know that prayer is essential to such strength?  Look at your desire to pray.  Enhance it to a fire.  Let the desire in you grow for a love of God’s ways.  Stop looking to the world for the joy of your heart.  Was not Lot’s wife turned to a pillar at such longing?I have sought the Lord’s blessing that I might give account of what has just happened.  Darkness has set over America with finality.  Do not suppose there is a resurrection of what was before.   A new darkness is now appearing.  And it will not be taken out-of-the-way.  Prepare to glorify the Lord Jesus with your dedication and even blood.As I wrote these things, I wrote by faith.  All things are of faith from first to last.  Even your reception of these things will be of faith or not.  But now I will recount something I think of value to all my brothers and sisters. I appeared before the Lord to ask if there was anything false in what I wrote.  “All things are come from faith among my people”, was His reply.  Then I spoke before Him of our sins as a family.  I confessed for us that we were taught some of our lazy approach to His Holy ways.  But that even in this the Holy Word of God has been before us.  We joined in the lies willingly that we might benefit from the things of this world. Then I turned my attention to my own sin (or at least what I perceived as a sin).  You see, my family, I drive truck for a living.  The freight I carry is not necessity.  I do not build tents to keep people sheltered.  I do not produce or provide clothing or food of an essential nature.  I deliver trinkets of sin this world creates so that the people of this world might cover themselves with displays of pride.  And in this I find no joy. His reply was that this is the way of man to earn a living according to where the Lord places him.  This is among men and is not counted against any one of us.  There are trades which are wicked and should be abandoned.  But such things as are involved in the machinery of America are not counted against His people. I mention this because I know that as we come alive

in the Spirit of God such things will come to mind.   As we strive to rid ourselves of every wicked thing, we will encounter that question regarding our source of employment.  And with this word I strive to put at ease false accusation of our trades which the Lord Himself has granted that we inhabit.  I will not have the wicked one accuse my brothers unjustly.  And I will not have them suffer under lies. By His Grace.

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Edited: December 31, 2014