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1- 4-27 Name: Tamaki Hashino

End of Year Reflections: ROI REPORT (Return On


Active Learning SummaryTask/Activity Time


TimeTerm 2

Reflection Comment

Attendance & Listening

14/14 25/25 It was nice to join the class without taking a break.

Basic Thinking skills(unit 1~3)


It was difficult.

Advanced Thinking (unit 4~6)

4h+4h There are more difficult words than those learned in the previous term, and knowledge has increased.

Pronunciation 2:24 3:16 Sometimes it was difficult for me to differ from what I thought it was like this.

Vocabulary 352 402 There were a lot of difficult words.Writing 1:56 2:07 It was hard to think and write

sentence yourself.Typing 11:50 13:10 It was fun, but sometimes difficult.Reading (SQ3R) 29.5 32.6 It had long time to complete and very

hard.Listening (KWL) 48.6 52.3 I like to listening the best so it was

fun.Connections 20mi

n25min From a lot of things it turned out that

sentences were established.Summer vacation speed reading & questions

75.1 I thought it would be difficult to read long sentences.

Winter vacation speed reading & questions

64.2 There were lots of fun stories to read.

Team project 4 I thought I could tell everyone’s opinions with everyone in the team.


Reflections (daily journal & reports)

1.5 2.3 I thought thing important to do every day.

ICT: PC, internet, etc. 6:23 7:52 I could skill up to use PC and typing speed.

Message/Comment: I got acquainted with English ability and P usage throughout the year.

Active Learning Graph HERE


14/14 3h+3h 2:24 352 1:56 11:50 29.5 48.6 20min25/25 4h+4h 3:16 402 2:07 13:10 32.6 52.3 25min

Critical Thinking: Basic Thinking Skills Knowledge~Applica

tion SkillsExample

1. Classifying A: Apple ,Orange ,strawberry ,BananaB: soccer ,baseball,ski,swim

2. Distinguishing Between Real & Imaginary

Car vs. UFO

3. Distinguishing Between Fact & Opinion

O: I want to go to shiretoko.F: It belongs to Japan.

4. Understanding Through Definition & Example

Word.: carsDefinition : We are see it everyday.Two example:Toyota,BMW

5. Outlining & Kinds of vehicles: cars, bike, Ship, airplane, Helicopter


Summarizing6. Comparing &

ContrastingSquirrel and hamster: They both have soft hair.They both small.

7. Identifying Structure Pig= cvc timber=cvccvc aunt=vccc either=vvccvc8. Identifying Steps in a

ProcessMake a cake: To buy material. Mix the material. Bake them. To decorate.

9. Identifying Figural Relationships

1 2 3 4 5 6 70


Walking time

10. Comparing Word Meanings

Wonderful not = worstCry not= laugh

11. Identifying Main Ideas An alien exists

It is fals.

12. Identifying Relationships

I will die if I jump off the fifth floor

13. Ordering Objects Elephant 1 Zebra 2 Mouth 314. Estimating I'm about to get about 5 liters in that glass.

15. Anticipating Probabilities

There are two cats. One is black and the other is brown. The black cat has blue eyes and the other has red eyes.

16. Inferring It is an electric appliance used by many people. Then we can get

lots of information. You can also see the face of a favorite

entertainer. It's called TV.

17. Changes in Word Meanings

Word: luckyPrefix: unNew word: unluckyMeaning: Not lucky

Critical Thinking: Advanced Thinking Skills Analysis Skills Example


18. Judging Completeness

1. What is happening in the picture?Three children play kakurennbo.

2. Where is it happening?It’s in the park.

3. Are any more people expected?No.

4. Why is likely that someone’s home is nearby?They are near house’s children.

19. Judging Relevance of Information

Make a clothe.1. cut felt2. buy felt R3. To iron

20. Distinguishing Between Abstract & Concrete

1. phone, iPhone2. Flower, blossom3. Pen, Stationery4. Amusement park, USJ

21. Judging Logic of Actions

1. You want to wipe your face.Towel

2.You must write letter right now.Letter set

3.You want to cut a cake.Knife


22. Identifying Elements of a Selection

Some children are riding an attraction. They are enjoying.They can feel cool and fun.

1. Where does this story take place?It takes at amusement park.

2. Who are the characters in the story?Some children.

3. What would be a good title for the story?Enjoy Amusement park

23. Judging Story Logic a. She saw it helped a cat.b. The cat had been drowned in the river.c. The girl walking near river.d. Neither the cat nor the girl went home safely without injuriesC→B→A→D

24. Recognizing Fallacies Foot is to walk and hand is to touch something.Synthesis Skills Example25. Communicating Ideas BFN→Bye for now AFK→Away From Keyboard26. Planning Projects Safety confirmation necessary when using fire with cooking.

1.Turn on the light. 2.Cut the vegetables3.Wash the hand 4.Check to see if there anything burning around.


27. Building Hypotheses

1.What was he do?He surfed in the sea.2. Did he go for a short time or a long time?He went for a short time.

28. Drawing Conclusions

A cow and a pig are fighting in the ranch and the pig is

winning although the cow is strong, and the cow hit the tree, the tree has collapsed.

Circle the correct sentences.1. This story about two people’s story.2. This story is in the ranch’s story.3. This story is grow the pig’s story.


29. Proposing Alternatives

1. Use as a pillow2. Touch3. Hold and relax

Evaluation Skills Example30. Testing

Generalizations1. These animals breathe in the lungs. Lion, cat, dog, Hedgehog →T2. These dishes are Japanese food. Nikujyaga, misosuop, pizza, shogayaki →F

31. Developing Criteria Circle the cat that you would choose on the basis of the criteria.1. The cat must be white.2. The cat ears are hanging.3. The cat have blue eyes.

32. Judging Accuracy


The boy went to buy some bread. Mom asked me to eat bread, but I just wanted to eat cream bread and he bought it. Bread is delicious. As I ate on my way home, I was scolded by my mother when I got home.

1. Draw a line(red) in a sentence you do not need.33. Making Decisions You must choose the one you like or do fish or barbecue.

→ I do fish.34. Identifying Values The man never told lies. →Honesty35. Identifying the Mood

of a StoryRun around the grassland with friends, eat lunch, ick flowers, lay around all day long. → exciting

Knowledge Expansion: All your learning…

Homework Topics Learned? Main point+Comment/Connect1. Engineer 1 Thomas Edison’s achievement. For example, he

made the electric light.2. Light & Vision 2 It is about humans eyesight. How to the perception

of color.3. Food & Nutrition 2 Farmers were able to use the United States of

agriculture in full by the old days of the American government.


4. Food & Nutrition 4 I thought the difference between food problems in developing and developed countries was very sad.

5. Science 1 The development of civilization has much greater power than human beings can imagine.

6. Science 3 The greatness of those who are exploring the limit of the universe’s endlessness and the atom’s smallness.

7. Science 4 Some atoms are complicated and others are not complicated, and we learned that the weight is completely different from molecule to molecule.

8. Science 5 Alfred Wegener's efforts to give up got to know a big history.

9. Machine 1 I thought that James Watt who found a new way of making a vacuum is amazing.

10. Mind 1 That the brain consists of more than 10 billion cells and that people cannot live without the brain.

Summer vacation topics

Learned? Main point/Connect/comment

1. Life in the South Pacific Islands

I learned Pacific Islands the weather is warm.In the past men were eating the food made by a woman.

2. Jainism I thought poor Jinian people were sorry because Buddhism was more popular than Jainism.

3. Fa Hien I learned that the strong feeling of keeping believing without giving

up is important.

4. Willem Iskandar I learned to do something for people, not for his own sake. And I

thought that there was not Indonesia now if he was gone, I thought

that it was amazing to first make a textbook.

5. The Inuit I thought that wisdom and way of life of Inuit people should be left

as tradition without end in modern times.

6. Asoka I thought Asoka is very bad people. The war is the worst things.

7. Diponegoro I thought that the technology of construction of the people of the old

Diponegoro was amazing.

8. Death Ceremonies in Bali

It is unavoidable to bake some people because it costs money to

burn people but I thought it was a bit cruel.

9. Jayaprana I thought that it was truly the lowest person to have killed a lot of

people by selfish selfish despite the king got married Asoka.

10. Buddhism I thought that religion such as Buddhism etc was developed and

spreading with human beings and it was wonderful.


11. James Brooke I hate studying, but I thought that it was amazing that the old people

who came out of this story were working with interest in their


12. Hong Kong I respected the love of the people of Hong Kong people in the past.

13. The English Language

I learned that English is still used by people because the words

were short and easy to understand in the times when Latin was

considered to be the best.

14. Rabindranath Tagore Because there were people like Tagore, I thought that the children

who lived in this area long ago knew the pleasure of learning.

15. China Even though China did not have enough technology in the past

even though population was large like in the past, I thought that the

present China was completed by the efforts of old people.

16. King Mongkut of Thailand

Thailand is a free country, but there are rules well in freedom, I

thought that there is a free country right now because I keep the

rules properly.

17. Abullah Writes about a War

I thought that courage is wonderful when Abdullah made something

like the current reporter in the middle of war.

18. Stamford Raffles Thanks to Raffles, who started the zoo for the first time in the world,

now people thought that animals could be seen in the zoo.

19. The Maori I thought it was terrible that I had invaded New Zealand and tried to

rule colonies.

Super English Topics

Learned? Main point+Comment/Connect

1. The Tournament of Roses

I learned there are various festivals in the world, and it is nice to have been kept playing various themes every year.

2. Mark Twain I learned that he is the author of Tom Soya’s adventure.

3. Copernicus I thought that it was amazing to prove it by chanting the Giant Rebellion in a time when technology was not well developed.

4. Oxygen at High Altitudes

I learned that alpine diseases must be given when mountain climbing.

5. Pepper I learned how to make black pepper and white pepper is different. I was surprised that the fruits used are also different.

6. Seven Days in a Week

I learned that one week is seven days is the optimal number of days for human beings to live.


7. Communication Satellites

I did not know at all what the communication satellite was, so I thought that mankind’s technology was amazing knowing that it was a satellite for wireless communication.

8. Dinosaur Footprints I did not know anything about dinosaurs at all, but I learned about the history of the footprints of dinosaurs , and it made me really interested.

9. The Washington Monument

I learned that it is made of about 36,000 domestic rocks such as marble, granite and sandstone, I thought that I would like to go see it one.

10. Icebergs I learned that the iceberg has melted due to the influence of global warming, so I wanted to reduce the use of electronic equipment as much as possible and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

11. The Penguin I learned the meaning of penguin’s name.12. Weightlessness I wanted to learn how the state of weightlessness

would occur and experience it once.

13. Robin Hood I did not know about Robin Hood at all, so I was wondering if it was a real person or just a character in fantasy.

14. Venus and Earth I learned that Venus and the Earth learned that it is a very similar planet, but there are many different parts, alike.

Favorite topic Which? Why?Basic Thinking skills 2.

Distinguishing Between Real & Imaginary

It was fun to think about imagine something.

Advanced Thinking skills

19. Judging Relevance of Information

I was fun to rearrange sentences.

Term 1 topics 11. Mind1 I want to know humans brain.Term 2 topics 19. Children

Nationwide Getting

I like to play yo-yo so I was fun to read the story about yo-yo.


Hyper over New Yo-yo

Summer Vacation 5.The Inuit I am interested in Canada’s history.

Super English 11. penguin It was fun to read and know the origin of the name penguin.

Vocabulary Unknown#

K1 144K2 394Homework stories (Edison~)


AWL Sublist 1Academic short stories (14)



Speed Reading& Pronunciation




Vocabulary BAR Graph HERE

K1 K2 Homework stories

AWL Sublist 1 Academic short stories



Vocbulary Graph

Unknown Words

(average) (average)P1 – K1 stories (summer) 112 101.7P2 – Homework stories 50.48 82.73P3 – Japan Stories 96.4 101.5

P4 – Super English 62.3 94.56


1 2 3 40






