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University of Mumbai

A Project Report


“Touch and Transfer Using Red Tacton”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the

University of Mumbai for the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering


Muneer R. AhmedRoll No. 01

Akash D. PatelRoll No. 01

Under the guidance of

Prof. Muhib A. Lambay

Department of Computer Engineering




This is to certify that the project entitled “Touch and Transfer Using Red Tacton” is a work of “Muneer R. Ahmed and Akash D. Patel” (Roll No. 01 and 26 ) submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of Engineering” in “Computer Engineering”.

(Prof. Muhib Lambay) (Prof. Muhib Lambay) Project Guide Project Co-ordinator

(Prof. Prashant Rathod) (Dr. N. K. Rana) Head of Department Principal

Project Approval Certificate

This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled “Touch and

Transfer Using Red Tacton” by Mr. Akash Patel and Mr. Muneer

Ahmed” is approved for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in

Computer Engineering, Theem College of Engineering, Boisar.


1) …………………

2) ………..………..




We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our

own words and where others’ ideas or words have been included, we

have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. We also

declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic honesty

and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified

any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. We understand that any

violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the

Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have

thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not

been taken when needed.



Muneer R. Ahmed

Akash D. Patel

Roll No. 01 and 26


AcknowledgmentWe would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my guide Prof.

Muhib Lambay for the help, guidance and encouragement, he provided during

the Dis- sertation work. This work would have not been possible without his

valuable time, patience and motivation. We thank him for making my stint

thoroughly pleasant and enriching. It was great learning and an honour being his


We would also take this opportunity to thank our project committee members

Prof. Sachin Narkhede and Prof. Abdul Rais for their guidance in this project. Their

willingness to share their experience and spontaneous suggestions encouraged us

tremendously to pursue our project.

We are grateful and deeply indebted to Prof. Muhib Lambay, PG

coordinator of Computer Science Department, HOD Prof Prashant

Rathod, in charge of Computer Science Department and the entire team of the

Computer Science Department. They supported us with scientific guidance, advice

and encouragement; they were always helpful and enthusiastic.

We take the privilege to express my sincere thanks to our Principal Dr.

N. K. Rana for providing the encouragement and support throughout my work

and last but not least I like to show my gratitude to my family for their kind


Muneer R. Ahmed

Akash D. Patel


Now a days electronic devices become smaller and lower in power Requirements,

and they are less expensive. we have begun to adorn our bodies with personal

information and communication appliances. Such devices include cellular phones,

pagers and personal digital assistants and many more. But currently there is no

such method for these kinds of devices to share data. Networking these kinds of

devices can reduce functional I/O redundancies and allow new Conveniences and

services. We all are well aware of types of network i.e. LAN, MAN and WAN,

but if this network is shifted towards human body, means if the network lies within

the human body then such type of network is called as Human Area

Network(HAN). This paper describes a new era of technology, a technology we

call Red Tacton. redtacton gives a whole new meaning to the term networking. It

makes the human body as a communication network.

For transfer of the data, Red Tacton uses human body as a medium. It

uses IEEE 802.3 standard to have a data rate of up to 10Mbps. Its transmitter

uses the bodys minute electrical field to transmits messages in the form of

digital signal. The human body send most of the electricity to the receiver, as it

senses, Voltage change in the electric field, the receivers decode them to receive

the data. The chips which will be embedded in various devices contain

transmitter and receiver built to send and accept data in digital format.

Keywords: Red Tacton, bodys electrical field, transmitter, receivers, half



Table of Contents

Abstract i

Table of Contents iii

1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Survey 32.1 Existing system 32.2 Drawbacks of existing system 32.3 Principles And Strengths Of The Technology 42.4 What is Red Tacton? 5

2.5 Features 5 3 Proposed System 7

3.1 Earlier System 7 3.2 Working 7 3.3 How Red Tacton works? 8 3.4 Applications 9

3.4.1 One-to-one: An alarm 93.4.2 Intuitive Operation: Direct exchange of Data 103.4.3 Personalization: Conference System 103.4.4 Security Application: User verification 11

3.5 Comparison with Other Networks 12 3.6 Advantages 13

4 Software and Hardware Specifications 14 4.1 Hardware 14 4.1.1 Bluetooth Modem 14

4.1.2 ARM 7 14 4.1.3 Power Supply 15 4.1.4 An amplifier 15 4.1.5 Pad 15

4.2 Software 164.2.1 Keil 164.2.2 Eagle 164.2.3 Java ME Platform 16

5 Conclusion 17

6 References 18


List of Figures

3.1 Circuit Diagram 93.4.1 An alarm 93.4.2 Direct exchange of Data 103.4.3 Conference System 103.4.4 User verification 11

3.5.1 Optical Fiber Communication 124.1 Software and Hardware Specification 15



Chapter 1


Communication, the core of Mans existence began with smoke signal then with internet mails. Later telephone and newspapers came into existence. Means the transmission of data took by both wired and wireless network but now whats next? Imagine a world without wire and wireless. In short, transfer of data occurring through human body (Human Area Network)named Red Tacton.

Intra Body communication is the key concept in Red Tacton. This concept of communication was primarily proposed by IBM in 1996. IBM stated that with the small minute electric fields present in human body, the transfer of data can take place. However the speed with which the data could travel was almost at speed of 40 bits per second. This was the major limitation. Later in the year 2005, a company in Japan named Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) located in Tokyo, discarded the limitation using photonic electric field sensor. Electric field communication system described in this paper has a transmitter block which provides emission of an alternation current (AC). This AC current signal is modulated from the electrode. At the receiver end another electrode demodulates the weak input signal and then recovers the data. [2]

Just imagine when such type of technology is used and implemented within an organization, then the major benefit which is obtained is security. Relevantly, high through put, authentication of valid candidate in the company and initiation and completion of the data exchange within short period of time is a boost to the human race to implement this technology. In short to have advantage over other


networks Red Tacton is playing a one man show.[1] Cost required for network setup is affordable as this technology has various benefits discussed above. Currently, Red Tacton is giving a tough competition to Bluetooth, Zigbee, Infrared. Meaning of Red Tacton: Tacton:- (touch-act-on) i.e. action through touch. Red is the auspicious colour of Japan. Hence named Red Tacton.

Red Tacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the sur- face of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. It is completely distinct from wireless and infrared technologies as it uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a Red Tac- ton transceiver. Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. Red Tacton works through shoes and clothing as well. When the physical contact gets separated, the communication is ended [1].

Using Red Tacton enabled devices, music from a digital audio player in your pocket would pass through your clothing and shoot over your body to headphones in your ears. Instead of fiddling around with a cable to connect your digital camera to your computer, you could transfer pictures just by touching the PC while the camera is around your neck. And since data can pass from one body to another, you could also exchange electronic business cards by shaking hands, trade music files by dancing cheek to cheek, or swap phone numbers just by kissing. Touch and action gives Tacton, and word Red a warm colour to emphasize warm and cordial communications. This technology was developed by Japanese Company Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.


Chapter 2

Literature Survey

2.1 Existing System

T.G. Zimmerman was the first person to study the use electric field as a medium of transmission of data through human body amongst various wearable devices that was attach to the body [2]. T.G. Zimmerman worked in IBM Company. He demonstrated the human body as a signal carrier between the computers and proposed electric-field technology using AC electric field at range of 0.1 to 1 MHz He created a prototype that could transmit the data of up to 330 KHz speed but he kept the frequency range between 0.1 to 1 MHz Because of this range noise within the environment attenuated the frequency spectrum range and speed for data transmission was decreased. Ultimately, Zimmerman stopped further development in this technology and used wireless techniques like wifi to send the data.

2.2 Drawbacks Of Existing System

1. Range of communication was within few centimetres.

2. Data was transmitted at about only 40 bits/s [3].


3. It has no compelling applications that arent already available.

4. It is very costly.

2.3 Principles and strength of technology

A model of the distribution of the electric field around the human body Here, the human body is standing above the earth ground, and both the transmitter and receiver have signal and ground electrodes. An AC field can be transmitted to the body’s surface if the transmitter is capacitively coupled to the body so the electrode is isolated with an insulating layer. If the AC signal is in the 510 MHz band, the body can be treated essentially as a conductor, and for the most part, the AC electric field induced by the transmitter does not radiate into the region of space around the body, but is transmitted over the bodys surface and escapes to the earth ground. Communication is achieved in the receiver by detecting this AC electrical field before it escapes to the earth ground. However, part of the AC electric field induced on the body returns to the ground on the transmitter, and a significant part escapes directly to the earth ground. The field distribution also changes continuously as the person moves, so the receiver must detect a signal that is very faint and unstable, which is a challenge for ensuring stable communications. First, we describe the key factors for the transmitter and receiver with reference to a simple equivalent circuit model.

Floating capacitance changes continuously with body movements. To get effi- cient induction of a stable AC electric field, we need to control the effects of this floating capacitance. We introduced a variable reactance circuit into the output stages of the transmitter: when there is resonance between the floating capacitance and the reactance circuit, the induced signal is maximized. We also added a func- tion enabling the reactance circuit to follow changes in this floating capacitance as the body moves, resonating with it. Similar to the transmitter, the receiver is elec- trically floating with respect to the earth ground, as shown in Fig. 8. If common mode noise is introduced, it has a strong effect because the impedance balance between the signal and ground lines is poor. To detect the weak AC electric field arriving at the receiver electrode, it is important to somehow control common mode noise. To do this, we created a differential structure in the initial stage amplifier of the receiver and developed technology with a careful design from the receiver electrode to the positive input of the initial stage low-noise amplifier and from the ground electrode to the


negative input terminal to achieve an equivalent differential structure. In this way we were able to reliably remove common-mode noise at the initial-stage amplifier and improve the signal-to-noise ratio, creating a highly sensitive architecture able to amplify the weak signal. Using the basic tech- nologies described above, we were able to efficiently modulate the near-body field and implement a receiver that can reduce ambient noise to develop a near-body quasi-electric-field communications technology that achieves the quality required to offer communications services and operates at a minimal transmission power level.

2.4 What is Red Tacton?

RedTacton Technology was introduced by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Cor- poration (NTT). TACTON- meaning action triggered by touching and RED - It is an auspicious color according to Japanese culture for warmth. It is a technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission. The study of Human Area Networking

1. RedTacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. It is completely distinct from wireless and infrared.

2. A transmission path is formed at a part of the human body which comes in contact with a RedTacton transceiver. Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication.

3. Using RedTacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the user are linked in several combinations according to the user’s natural, physical movements.

4. Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fin- gers, feet, face, legs, skin or torso. Red Tacton works through shoes and clothing.

2.5 Features

RedTacton Technology has three main functional features:

1. Touch: Touching, sitting, walking, stepping, gripping and other human

movements can be the used as triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping the equipment, or obtaining data.


2. Broadband and Interactive: Bandwidth does not deteriorate even with du- plex operations and

also simultaneous access by many users. Duplex, inter- active communication is possible at a maximum speed of 10Mbps. This is because the transmission path is on the surface of the body; transmission speed of red tacton does not deteriorate in congested areas Where many people can communicate at the same time.

3. Any media: In addition to the human body, there are various conductors and

dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may be used in combination.


Chapter 3

Proposed System

3.1 Earlier system

The drawbacks were reduced by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Company in Tokyo, Japan. They made use of photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells are clean source of energy. NTT company used this cells to increase the voltage of minute electricity of around 0.4 v to 4-6 v [2]. Photonic electric field sensors played an important role in Red Tacton. It has an OP-Amp Comparator that compares the electric signal from transmitters human body, sig- nal going towards the earth and the signal of receivers human body. Photonicelectric field sensors support one point contact that is independent of the ground. After comparing, the data is transmitted at up to the speed of 10 mbps. NTT company used these important feature to fabricate intra body communication re- ceiver operation for its HAN technology. Communication is possible through any part of body i.e. legs, hands, feet, trunk, fingers.

3.2 Working

Red Tacton induces weak electric field on our body. As other transmission tech- nologies, Red Tacton also uses a transmitter and a receiver [4]. Transmitter block has a transmitter circuit and a data sense circuit which keeps different records of


transmission and reception by detecting inputs and then outputs the control signal to respective mode to ensure a duplex communication. The receiver block has a detector circuit and an electro optic sensor to sense the input signal from human body and respond accordingly.

Steps of working

1. Transmitter induces weak electric field on the surface of the human body.

2. Block of Receiver senses this change in the electric field.

3. Red Tacton relies on the principle that properties of electro optic crystal could vary according to the change in the electric field.

4. Changes in the properties in the electro optic crystal is detected and so Red Tacton converts the changed result into the electric signal of the receiving circuit.

fig. 3.1 Circuit Diagram

3.3 How Red Tacton works?

Using a new super-sensitive photonic electric field sensor, Red Tacton can achieve duplex communication over the human body at a maximum speed of 10 mbps. The Red Tacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body. The Red Tacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric


field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter[2]. Red Tacton detects changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and converts the result to an electrical signal in an optical receiver circuit. The transmitter sends data by inducing fluctuations in the minute electric field on the surface of the human body. Data is received using a photonic electric field sensor that combines an electro-optic crystal and a laser light to detect fluctuations in the minute electric field.

Transmission Steps

1. The Red Tacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body.

2. The Red Tacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter.

3. It relies on the principle that the optical properties of the electro-optic crystal varies according to the changes in the weak electric field.

4. It detects the changes in the optical properties of an electrooptic crystal using a laser beam and converts the result into an electrical signal in a detector circuit.

3.4 Applications

3.4.1 One-to-one service: An alarm

When a customer in medical stores touches a wrong bottle of medicine which is not prescribed to him then an alarm starts triggering from the bottle. This triggering is possible because of the Red Tacton device present inside the bottle. The alarm triggers only when the user touches the bottle reducing the false alarm which can be triggered from the proximity.These can prevent any accident that will harm the patient and it will sense through the transmission of small electric field which will generated by our body.


Fig. 3.4.1 An alarm

3.4.2 Intuitive Operations: Direct exchange of data

Direct shake of the hands between two people with inbuilt Red Tacton devices creates a medium ot transfer the data between two person. When the physical contact is separated communication ends. By using this any file or folder or image can be trasmitted to a second person without acknowledge to any other person.

fig. 3.4.2 Direct exchange of data

3.4.3 Personalization : Conference SystemAn electrically conductive sheet is embedded in the table. A network

connection is initiated simply by placing a lap-top on the table. Using different sheet patterns enables segmentation of the table into subnets.


fig. 3.4.3 Conference System

3.4.4 Security Application: User verification

Carrying a mobile Red Tacton capable device in one’s pocket, ID is verified and

the door unlocked when the user holds the doorknob normally. Secure lock administrati-

on is possible by combining personal verification tools such as fingerprint ID or other

biometric in the mobile terminal.

fig. 3.4.4 User verification


3.5 Comparison with Other Networks

The positioning of Red Tacton with respect to existing communication technolo- gies. The focus on ubiquitous service has brought about the shortening of distances in communication. Red Tacton is positioned as the last 1m solution to ultimate close-range communication. Wireless communication creates connections when signals arrive, allowing for easy connections because connectors are unnecessary. However, seen from another aspect, the arriving signals can be intercepted, so se- curity becomes an issue. Several human body communication technologies using the human man hands or feet. Telecom giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp (NTT) is planning a commercial launch of a system to enter rooms that frees users from the trouble of rummaging in their pockets or handbags for ID cards or keys. Data will travel through the users clothing, handbag or shoes, anyone carrying a special card can unlock the door simply by touching the knob or standing on a particular spot without taking the card out.

fig. 3.5.1: Optical Fibre Communication

It will have many future applications such as walkthrough ticket gate, a cabinet that opens only to authorized people and a television control that automatically chooses favorite programs. The system improves security. It ensures


that only drivers can open their cars by touching the doors if the keys are in their pockets, not people around them.

3.6 Advantages

1. Red Tacton does not require the electrode to be in direct contact with the skin.

2. High-speed communication is possible between any two arbitrary points on the body.

3. Body-based networking is more secure than other broadcast systems, such as Bluetooth which have high range of about 10m.

4. Network congestion due to fall in transmission speed in multiuser environ- ments is avoided.

5. Superior than Infrared technology


Chapter 4

Software and Hardware Specifications

4.1 Hardware

4.1.1 Bluetooth Modem: With advances in mobile telephony, mobile devices are increasingly

becoming multi-functional. One of the most useful features of a modern mobile phone is the Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth technology can be used to connect the mobile phone which can then be used as amodem for connecting to the internet. To use as a modem, one needs to connect the phone with a laptop using Bluetooth. Pairing of the two devices is often done by utilising a PIN number. Once both devices are paired, one needs to select the required settings of the Dial up Networking. These types of functionalities make Bluetooth technology one of the most versatile tools of modern mobile devices.

4.1.2 ARM 7: ARM7 (eg : Ardu ino Uno) is one of the widely used micro-controller

family in embedded system application. A RISC-based computer design approach m eans ARM processors require significantly fewer transistors than typical processors inaverage computers. This approach reduces costs, heat and power use. These are desirable traits for light, battery-powered devices including smart phones, laptops, tablet and notepad computers), and other embedded systems.


fig. 4.1: Software and Hardware Specifications

and higher core counts at lower cost, providing higher processing power and improved energy efficiency for servers and supercomputers.

4.1.3 Power Supply: A power supply is an electronic device that supplies electric energy to an

electrical load. The primary function of a power supply is to convert one form of electrical energy to another and, as a result, power supplies are sometimes referred to as electric power converters.

4.1.4 An amplifier: Electronic amplifier or (informally) amp is an electronic device that

increases the power of a signal. It does this by taking energy from a power supply and controlling the output to match the input signal shape but with a larger amplitude. In this sense, an amplifier modulates the output of the power supply to make the output signal stronger than the input signal.

4.1.5 Pad: A touch pad is a device for pointing (controlling input positioning) on a

computer display screen. It is an alternative to the mouse. Originally incorporated in laptop computers, touch pads are being made for use with desktop computers. A touch pad works by sensing the user’s finger movement and downward pressure.


4.2 Software

4.2.1 Keil: Keil MDK Version 5 is the latest release of our complete software

development environment for a wide range of ARM, Cortex-M, and Cortex-R based microcontroller devices. MDK includes the Vision IDE/Debugger, ARM C/C++ Compiler, and essential middleware components. It’s easy to learn and use.

4.2.2 Eagle: EAGLE, the Easy Applicable Graphical Layout Editor is a powerful PCB

design software tailored to meet the needs of professional engineers. The simplicity of the software provides a fast learning curve, even for those new to PDB design. The openness of EAGLE design resources, such as its extensive and fully-open component libraries, ease the design process for all.

4.2.3 Java ME Platform: Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) provides a ro- bust, flexible

environment for applications running on embedded and mobile devices in the Internet of Things: micro-controllers, sensors, gateways, mo- bile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), TV set-top boxes, printers.


Chapter 5


As Red Tacton uses a property of photonic electro optic crystal, it has advantage over other technologies in terms of communication distance, transfer rate and interaction. Most importantly the data transferred through this technology cannot be hacked. A very big achievement is obtained in the field of medical application, security applications with the help of invention of Red Tacton technology. If Red Tacton is introduced in the world of cyber market, it will bring tremendous revolution as much of the cyber crime will be eliminated. There no danger to the human body from electric signals and other radiations created by these technology because human electric field is the medium to transfer the data. As discussed above, no other technology can replace Red Tacton. Hence future belongs to the Red Tacton.


Chapter 6


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