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Post on 20-Jun-2020

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PLAN A RENEWAL GET AWAYRenew Your Relationship and Start Over Fresh

Now that you’ve completed 9 of the 10 parts of the Couple’s Unity

Workshop, give yourselves a pat on the back for the time and

effort you’ve put in to save or improve your relationship.

Participation was the first step to admitting that you have

issues concerning the relationship, and that you love one another

enough to try and make the relationship work.

For those of you who are there to stay, let’s vow to start over

fresh and do things the right way and better than before.


To kick off your relationship renewal, I would like for you to

plan a vacation or trip to consummate the renewal of a fresh new

start. You don’t have to travel far you can vacation at home,

just make it a memorable one; like a honeymoon before the


Let’s put all the negative energy behind us and bury all bad

memories. I want each of you to write down all of your bad

memories on a piece of paper, and in an outdoor environment,

somewhere preferably near water, like a lake or beach, ball up

the paper, dig a single hole in the sand or dirt, place both wads

of paper in and burn it; hold hands and watch your bad memories

go up in flames.

If you’re not in an area near water, your back yard will be fine.

Repeat the above steps. Once the papers are burned and there’s

nothing left but ashes, cover the hole and make a vow; “From this

day forth, everything we do shall be in love, honesty and good

faith. Everything that was done in deceit, betrayal and

selfishness shall be buried and never be revived. Amen.” Embrace

and kiss one another. It’s ok to cry, crying cleanses the soul.

Both partners and two trustworthy witnesses should be present;

one male, one female, one person will witness for him and one

will witness for her. You may choose to keep your renewal process

sacred and not have any witnesses present if you like, it’s up to


Everything that has happened before that day shall be washed away

and a new slate of trust has been opened for you. I pray that you

take the opportunity to build and rebuild lasting memories that

can be cherished throughout the ages. Go forth be happy and claim

your just rewards.

To officiate your love for one another, sign and date your

Affirmation of Love Certificate included in your 10 Part Couple’s

Unity Workshop. If you do not have it, please allow 7-10 days for

delivery. Hang it as a reminder of the fresh new start of your

relationship, a new journey, and the completion of the Couple’s

Unity Workshop.

The day specified on your certificate is the day that embarks a

new level of trust, honesty, discipline, love and courage. And

from that day forth there will be no looking back, only forward.

Everything that is old and in the past shall be washed away, and

all things renewed and blessed.

NOTE: Marriage Certificates are presented by one of our

officiants during your marriage ceremony, if or when the time

comes. If you need an ordained minister, we will be happy to

represent your union. We also do Renewal of marriage vows.

Congratulations on your union!


God Bless!

Your Officiant & Minister, V. Brown

This concludes the 10 Part Couples Unity Workshop.

I hope you and your partner enjoyed the workshop and can come to

some type of resolution concerning your problems through the

Couples Unity Workshop. The final decision is yours to make,

Choose wisely.

Random Things to Remember

1. If you want a serious healthy relationship seek a husband or

wife who has morals and is fearful of God. Seek someone who

hates chaos and loves guidance and ancient religious laws.

He or she will walk the walk of the righteous even though

they may fall short sometimes. Help them to get back on

their feet remembering that temptations are strong, and that

the best way to avoid them is to recognize them, know what

it wants, laugh at it and keep going. Turn away from

temptation and shame it because you see it for what it

really is. A demonic urge that wants to feed off of your

happiness and soul. It will do any and everything to keep

you away from what is righteous.

2. Anyone who uses the phrase “Bros Before Hoes” has a hidden

agenda. He is secretly jealous of what you are building. He

will fall in love with a man before he respects a two gender

relationship. He is also the type that will put another man

before his own family. He will also use phrases like, “I

will die for my _igga” but will not put the needs of his own

children or wife first. He does not know where his

priorities lie.

3. If you are building a family of your own and your relatives

are throwing the term “Family First” in your face in order

to manipulate you into doing something they want you to,

leaving you to turn your back on your own future and what

makes you happy, remove yourself from contending with them.

They have motives and do not respect you or the immediate

family you are building. They will manipulate and covertly

stir up trouble every chance they get. They lack morals and

a solid foundation. They live their lives in gossip, misery,

jealousy and envy. They want to keep you down on their

level, and will do anything to assure you stay there. They

refuse to allow you to become more than or greater than

them. They will even ban together like an army to secretly

fight against you. They will pretend to help but will

covertly speak ill of you, but not in your presence. If

your partner, husband or wife is unhappy and may be

contemplating on leaving you…your secret enemies have done a

successful job in getting what they want.

Proverbs 29:9 KJV9 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he

rage or laugh, there is no rest.

Genesis 2:24 KJV

24 Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

4. Anyone can conceive children, but a virtuous woman will wait on a man who is God fearing. He will then marry her and conceive children that are favorable in Gods eyes. Their family and union will be blessed.

5. People with low self-esteem, no self-respect will cheat on their partners because they lack morals and discipline. They do not fear or have any love for their self or God. They will deny God in order to please their flesh.

They choose to play Russian roulette with their life and any one they come in sexual contact with. They have 0 respect for life and carry the burden of sexual demons. They will commit all kinds of sins for the sake of sex. They will lie for and about sex, commit adultery for sex, they will continuously commit fornication and refuse to settle down with one individual because they want to continue to have multiple partners.

They are dangerous and the number one reason statistics for STD’S and illegitimate children born out of wedlock is so high. They are a selfish kind and if you try to have a relationship with this kind of person, your life will be full of sorrow, and you will live an unpleasant lifestyle.

6. Love your partner. Settle down and do what others say is impossible in a relationship and be the envy of everyone you know.

7. Allow your partner to praise you without doubt. Be the first to be able to honestly say “I am not a cheater.” and your partner can say, “I have a great man/woman, I don’t have to worry about STD’S, outside pregnancies or him/her cheating on me.”

8. Praise your partner for the good things he or she does and help them with the things they are falling short on. Do not complain, assist in helping. Show them the right way to do something or how it should be done. Sooner or later he or she will grasp the concept of how things should be done.

9. Remember your gender duties. Do them without complaint and never allow your partner to do what is out of his or her league. Example: If a man is in the household a woman should never take out the trash, do plumbing, electrical work, lift heavy objects or do repairs unless it’s something she loves to do or is assisting him for safety reasons. If it’s something he doesn’t know how to do, he needs to checkout a YouTube tutorial on how to do so.

A man should not be bathing children especially girls and doing their hair unless he is in a single parent home. Women are the nurturers and there are specific duties she instinctively knows she is inclined to do. Set aside time to do these things when needed. Keep your household running smoothly to eliminate chaos and confusion. Know your roles, keep them and improve on them.

1. Do unto your mate as you would have him or her do unto you. Give them the same respect you feel you deserve. Never compromise respect in the relationship.

2. The first sign of someone in the relationship being covert, sneaky, stealing from you or others, stealing your or others identity, forging your signature or someone else’s, being verbally abusive, being physically abusive, lack morals, uses people with no remorse, curses God or has no respect for authority, has secret life insurance policies and/or

putting things in your name or someone else’s, PLEASE RUN IN THE OTHER DIRECTION, unless you are the same way.

If this is the case, you both deserve each other and the misfortunes you will encounter in your future. And the longer it takes for karma to get you, the worse it’s going to be once it catches up. God will build you up as high as he can in order to tear you down; that way you will feel the effects in the worse way.

If you’re not of this kind note that he or she is dangerous in various ways. They will ruin your name your, credit and steal from you. They don’t care about or foresee karma and will be willing to suffer the consequences when it comes. They are the kind that believes that they have not done no wrong unless they get caught.

3. If your mate would rather sell drugs or sell sex than get a tax paying job or start a business, he or she is lazy and lacks discipline. He or she loves the street mentality and will never be settle with a woman or man of virtue. You will not be happy and you will always be looking over your shoulder.

4. Don’t discuss adult matters or argue in front of the children.

5. Keep your personal dealings private, such as finances, family affairs, love, business, assets and sex.

6. Come up with creative ways to spice up your relationship.

7. Never put yourself in a predicament that will compromise the integrity of your relationship. If your relationship fails, it’s because you failed the relationship. You did not nurture or care for it the way you were supposed to or you settled with someone you knew you wasn’t compatible with.

8. Be considerate of each other’s needs and property. Ask before you touch, and don’t get mad if the answer is “No”

9. Never get someone used to something you know you don’t want to continue doing or financing.

10. Never open your home to others for their own pleasures.

11. Hygiene and grooming upkeeps. (self-explanatory)