· Web viewWhile the collector performed at the upper end of best practice, validated simulation...

Post on 25-Mar-2020

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Centre for the Integration of Sustainable Energy Technologies

GMIT’s Centre for the integration of Sustainable Energy Technologies (CiSET) was established in 2007 to address concern over rising energy costs and growing awareness of both climate change and the need for security of energy supply. It conducts applied research to design, integrate, optimise and demonstrate the potential of sustainable energy solutions to provide cost effective and reliable energy supply in Cool-Marine climate regions. Over the past 5 years CiSET has developed a unique research capability based around 10 multi-disciplinary researchers from engineering and science who share a common interest and commitment to sustainable energy system development, over €2.5 million worth of fully-integrated and functioning research grade equipment, and executing over 40 projects with a range of industrial and public-body stakeholders that support the energy sector and/or consumer. Projects span from energy auditing and monitoring to the use of artificial intelligence to generate optimised, hybrid energy supply solutions for specific energy demand profiles. CiSET employs a novel climate sensitive design methodology in conjunction with experimentally validated numerical simulation. It has sponsored and completed 15 research Masters and PhD programmes and published over 50 conference and journal papers.


CASE STUDY (Theme 1)


The goal of this industrial research project was to establish and increase the thermal performance of a 15kW ground source heat pump’s horizontal collector.

This was achieved by experimental characterisation and numerical simulation of the 430m2 ground collector positioned 1m below the surface. While the collector performed at the upper end of best practice, validated simulation showed that output could be boosted by a further 10% by altering the collector layout, ground surface layer & feedback.

This project was funded by an Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership in conjunction with Dunstar Ltd.

Bioenergy and Heat PumpingSolar Thermal and Solar Photo-voltaicWind Turbines

1. Sustainable Energy (SE) Production

System Selection and Optimisation Thermal Storage and DistributionControl Algorithms

2. Sustainable Energy (SE) Integration

Energy Utilisation, Monitoring and ManagementStructured Team Based Energy Management System Ventilation and Heat Recovery

3. Energy Utilisation, Management & Recovery

Resource Assessment, Efficiency and RecoverySustainable Energy CommunitiesEnergy Efficiency

4. Energy Resource Efficiency and Planning

Energy-Wise Knowledge Discovery Web ApplicationOn-line Learning Environment for Passive House Design Innovert E-learning Environment

5. Sustainable Energy Awareness and E-Learning


- 3m

- 6m Jul Dec

Collector Depth

SAMPLE PROJECTS (from other Research Themes)

Theme 2: Total Energy Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture (TESSA)




FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT Theme 1 – SE Production- Heat Pump (AS & GS )Test Facility - Solar Thermal Testing - EN 12975-2- Wind Power Testing - IEC61400-12- Wind Tunnel Test Facility (0-75m/s)

Theme 2 – SE Integration- Aquaculture Recirculating Facility- Energy Training Laboratory - Concrete & Structures Laboratories - IiBC 1,200m2 Building (GSHP, Solar

Thermal and Solar PV) - Energy Modelling (Trynsys, FD)

Theme 3 – Energy Utilisation- ‘E-Aware’ Campus Energy Monitor- IiBC 1,200m2 Commercial Building

Theme 4 – Resource Efficiency- Automated Weather Station - Environmental Laboratory - Low Energy Lighting Centre - Energy Modelling Tools (Metronorm,

Energy PLAN)

Supporting Equipment- Energy Monitoring Equipment- Infra-red Thermal Imaging- Flow Measurement

SERVICES- Energy Auditing and Monitoring- Infra-red Thermal Characterisation- Product Characterisation- Product Enhancement and Optimisation- Sustainable Energy System Design- Energy System Characterisation- Hybrid Energy System Design- Energy System Modelling

TESSA sought to reduce the energy consumption of typical Irish re-circulating aquaculture systems and use sustainable energy technologies to replace traditional fossil fuel.

The project delivered a fully functional aquaculture system that reduced energy consumption by between 20-80% and derived its thermal energy from a combination of an air source heat pump and a solar thermal collector.

This project was supported by a consortium of 12 aquaculture enterprises and received funding from the Department of Education & Science, BIM and IRCSET.

Theme 3: Characterisation of an Air-to-Air Heat Recovery System

A series of projects were undertaken in conjunction with ProAir Ltd., to characterise the thermal efficiency of their air-to-air heat recovery system, access the influence of building envelop air tightness on system performance and design a new frost protection feature.

GMIT now operates a fully functional, instrumented and monitored system to access the influence of such aspects on a 24/7 basis.

These projects were supported by an Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Feasibility Study and ProAir Ltd., Tuam, Co. Galway.

Theme 2: Improved Temperature Control for Transport Refrigeration Units

A combination of electronic throttling valves and fuzzy logic control was implemented to reduce the time required to reach set-point, increase temperature control and minimise temperature interaction between neighbouring temperature zones. Other projects boosted the heating capacity and introduced intelligent defrost control.

These projects were supported by four Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnerships and Thermo King Europe (Ireland) Ltd., Galway.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss possible collaborative approaches or providing service, through the expertise in our research centres, which will be of mutual benefit to enterprise and GMIT.


Research & Innovation Office


353 (0)91 742754/742759