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The Investigation Bureau

Beech ClassTerm 2B


Curriculum Overview 1 (English) Term 2b Beech ClassLINKS Eng Ma Geog Hist P.E Art Sci Mu R.E PSE/Cit ICT DT MFL @ assessment © CA development Basic Skills - Ma Read Write


The Investigation Bureau

SpeakingTell stories and describe incidents from their own experience in an audible voiceInterpret a text by reading aloud with some variety in pace and emphasisRetell stories, ordering events using story language

Listening and respondingListen with sustained concentration, building new stores of words in different contexts Listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for help and clarification if necessaryListen to tapes or video and express views about how a story or information has been presented

Group discussion and interactionTake turns to speak, listen to others' suggestions and talk about what they are going to do Ask and answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions and take turnsExplain their views to others in a small group, decide how to report the group's views to the class

DramaExplore familiar themes and characters through improvisation and role-play Act out their own and well-known stories, using voices for characters

Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling)Recognise and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught Identify the constituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words to support the application of phonic knowledge and skills Recognise automatically an increasing number of familiar high frequency words Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable Read more challenging texts which can be decoded using their acquired phonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition of high frequency words Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words

Word structure and spellingSpell new words using phonics as the prime approach Segment sounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spell them correctly Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the

graphemes already taught Use knowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly, -er Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words

Understanding and interpreting textsIdentify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple texts Explain the effect of patterns of language and repeated words and phrasesUse syntax and context when reading for meaning Make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events and characters Recognise the main elements that shape different texts

Engaging with and responding to texts Distinguish fiction and non-fiction texts and the different purposes for reading themVisualise and comment on events, characters and ideas, making imaginative links to their own experiencesSelect books for personal reading and give reasons for choices

Creating and shaping textsIndependently choose what to write about, plan and follow it through Convey information and ideas in simple non-narrative forms Create short simple texts on paper and on screen that combine words with images and soundsFind and use new and interesting words and phrases, including story language Use key features of narrative in their own writing

Text structure and organisation Write chronological and non-chronological texts using simple structures Group written sentences together in chunks of meaning or subject

Sentence structure and punctuation Compose and write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning Use capital letters and full stops when punctuating simple sentences

Presentation Use the space bar and keyboard to type name and simple textWrite most letters, correctly formed and orientated, using a comfortable and efficient pencil grip Write with spaces between words accurately

Activity Bank

Recounts dictionary: Learn how to use dictionaries in preparation for work in

detective agency. Use dictionaries to research certain animals and words

relating to research for wildlife photographer.

Poetry Pattern and Rhyme: Experiment with rhyming words by playing word games. Read a range of poems with patterns / rhymes Finish off poems that have already been started and have

a missing ending Write animal poems using information found in research.

Stories from other cultures: Sacred stories about the Egyptians have been stolen from

the museum. Research Egyptians and their culture by reading stories

etc. Write own stories from Egyptian culture

Curriculum Overview 2 (Maths) Term 2b Beech ClassLINKS Eng Ma Geog Hist P.E Art Sci Mu R.E PSE/Cit ICT DT MFL @ assessment © CA development Basic Skills - Ma Read Write


The Investigation Bureau

Block C Unit 2• Answer a question by selecting and using

suitable equipment, and sorting information, shapes or objects; display results using tables and pictures

• Describe ways of solving puzzles and problems, explaining choices and decisions orally or using pictures

• Answer a question by recording information in lists and tables; present outcomes using practical resources, pictures, block graphs or pictograms

• Use diagrams to sort objects into groups according to a given criterion; suggest a different criterion for grouping the same objects

• Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug)

• Listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for help and clarification if necessary

Block D Unit 2• Solve problems involving counting, adding,

subtracting, doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for example to ‘pay’ and ‘give change’

• Relate addition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in any order; use practical and informal written methods to support the addition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digit number

• Understand subtraction as ‘take away’ and find a ‘difference’ by counting up; use practical and informal written methods to support the subtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digit number and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number

• Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug)

• Use vocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; read the time to the hour and half hour

• Visualise and use everyday language to describe the position of objects and direction and distance when moving them, for example when placing or moving objects on a game board

• Identify objects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about a line (e.g. a door); recognise and make whole, half and quarter turns

• Experiment with and build new stores of words to communicate in different contexts

 Block E Unit 2• Describe a puzzle or problem using numbers,

practical materials and diagrams; use these to solve the problem and set the solution in the original context

• Solve problems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for example to ‘pay’ and ‘give change’

• Use the vocabulary related to addition and subtraction and symbols to describe and record addition and subtraction number sentences

• Count on or back in ones, twos, fives and tens and use this knowledge to derive the multiples of 2, 5 and 10 to the tenth multiple

• Solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups

• Recall the doubles of all numbers to at least 10

• Use the vocabulary of halves and quarters in context

• Listen to tapes or videos and express views about how a story or information has been presented






Activity Bank Solve problems in the finance department involving

adding, subtracting, doubling and halving the wages of employees of the investigation bureau. ©

Count objects at crime scenes by counting in ones, twos, fives and tens. ©

Give directions to where animals have moved to. Geography

Use positional language when describing and creating maps. Geography

Measure distance between objects at crime scene. Combine 2D shapes to make 3D shapes when creating

pyramids. Art

Curriculum Overview (Science/DT) Term 2b Beech ClassLINKS Eng Ma Geog Hist P.E Art Sci Mu R.E PSE/Cit ICT DT MFL @ assessment © CA development Basic Skills - Ma Read Write


The Investigation Bureau

Overview of Learning - ScienceLife process and living things1a the differences between things that are living and things that have never been alive1b that animals, including humans, move, feed, grow, use their senses and reproduce1c to relate life processes to animals and plants found in the local environment2a to recognize and compare the main external parts of the bodies of humans and other animals. 2b that humans and other

animals need food and water to survive. 2f that humans and other animals can produce offspring and that these offspring grow into adults. 2g about the senses that enable humans and other animals to be aware of the world around them. 4a recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others, and to treat others with sensitivity4b group living things according to observable similarities and differences.

Activity Bank

Animals Wildlife photographer has lost his memory. Needs to hand portfolio of photographs in

but has no information. He accidentally sends living and non-living things Sort photos into things that are living and non-living Add information to photos about how the animals move, feed, grow, use their senses

and reproduce Sort photos into different sections of portfolio Create branching database of animals and their features ICT Crime scene - jewelry has been stolen but by which animal? Look at clues and eliminate suspects using evidence relating to their feeding,

breeding and movement patterns.

Overview of Learning - DT1a generate ideas by drawing on their own and other people's experiences1b develop ideas by shaping materials and putting together components1c talk about their ideas1d plan by suggesting what to do next as their ideas develop1e communicate their ideas using a variety of methods, including drawing and making models.2c HYPERLINK "" \l "note2_4_a#note2_4_a" measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of

materials2d assemble, join and combine materials and components2e use simple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of their product, using a range of equipment

Activity Bank

Structures (Pyramids) Challenge to be set by museum manager to research and create a large scale

pyramid as whole class in yard. Link to building 3D sculpture: exploring structures and building structures.

Curriculum Overview (Geog/History) Term 2b Beech ClassLINKS Eng Ma Geog Hist P.E Art Sci Mu R.E PSE/Cit ICT DT MFL @ assessment © CA development Basic Skills - Ma Read Write


The Investigation Bureau

Overview of Learning - Geography1a ask geographical questions [for example, 'What is it like to live in this place?']2a use geographical vocabulary [for example, hill, river, motorway, near, far, north, south]2c use globes, maps and plans at a range of scales [for example, following a route on a map]2d use secondary sources of information [for example, CD-ROMs, pictures, photographs, stories, information texts, videos, artefacts]2e make maps and plans [for example, a pictorial map of a place in a story] .3a identify and describe what places are like [for example, in terms of landscape, jobs, weather]

3d recognise how places compare with other places [for example, compare the local area with places elsewhere in the United Kingdom]5a recognise changes in the environment [for example, traffic pollution in a street]5b recognise how the environment may be improved and sustained [for example, by restricting the number of cars].6b a locality either in the United Kingdom or overseas that has physical and/or human features that contrast with those in the locality of the school.

Activity BankAnimals have been going missing from a certain area but why?

research animal and its way of moving, growing, reproducing etc. Science look at area that animals are leaving and environmental factors. Find out what has

changed and why this may cause the animals to leave.We need to find out where the animals have gone because wildlife photographer needs more photos of them to update his portfolio.

research a number of different possible environments that the animals could have moved to

decide which environment is most likely and why debate which area is most likely PSE/Cit

Wildlife photographer needs to know how to get to the place where the animals have moved Make a map for photographer so he can find his way to the animals Maths

Wildlife photographer need to know what kind of animals may live in the other environments Make a an animal that may live in they environment and give reasons for its features


Overview of Learning - HistoryN/A

Activity BankN/A

Curriculum Overview (Art/Music) Term 2b Beech ClassLINKS Eng Ma Geog Hist P.E Art Sci Mu R.E PSE/Cit ICT DT MFL @ assessment © CA development Basic Skills - Ma Read Write


The Investigation Bureau

Overview of Learning - Art1a record from first-hand observation, experience and imagination, and explore ideas1b ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work, and develop their ideas.2a investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and processes2b try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes, including drawing2c represent observations, ideas and feelings, and design and make images and artefacts.3a HYPERLINK "" \l "note2_3_a#note2_3_a" review what they and others have done and say what they

think and feel about it3b identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work.4a visual and tactile elements, including colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and space4b materials and processes used in making art, craft and design4c differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures [for example, sculptors, photographers, architects, textile designers].

Activity Bank

Shape, space and form – 2D and 3D structures Some things have gone missing from the Egyptian Exhibition at the Hancock

Museum: mummies or pyramids. Detectives to research the missing part of the exhibition: large sculpture has been

stolen. Find examples of different sculptures and explore the materials that hey have been

made out of and their structures. Research into different structure techniques using the internet and information

books. Plan/design and build large sculpture. DT

Overview of Learning - Music1a use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes1b play tuned and untuned instruments1c rehearse and perform with others [for example, starting and finishing together, keeping to a steady pulse].4a HYPERLINK "" \l "note2_6_a#note2_6_a" to listen with concentration and to internalise and recall sounds with increasing

aural memory4b how the combined musical elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and silence can be organised and used expressively within simple structures [for example, beginning, middle, end]

Activity Bank

Music Express – Year 1 – Exploring Pitch Chn to attend division choir sessions. Chn taught a range of songs with varying pitches. Use finger to trace the pitch of voices. Use xylophones to experiment with high and low sounds when creating

accompaniments for songs. Choir competition – chns songs to be recorded and sent to the panel, who will decide

which division is the winner. The chn will need to submit a high song, a low song and a song that has both high

and low sounds. They will be given a score for each.

Curriculum Overview (PE/ICT) Term 2b Beech ClassLINKS Eng Ma Geog Hist P.E Art Sci Mu R.E PSE/Cit ICT DT MFL @ assessment © CA development Basic Skills - Ma Read Write


The Investigation Bureau

Overview of Learning - PE1a explore basic skills, actions and ideas with increasing understanding.1b remember and repeat simple skills and actions with increasing control and coordination. 2a explore how to choose and apply skills and actions in sequence and in combination. 3a describe what they have done. 3b observe, describe and copy what others have done.3c use what they have learnt to improve the quality and control of their work. 6a use movement

imaginatively, responding to stimuli, including music, and performing basic skills [for example, travelling, being still, making a shape, jumping, turning and gesturing]6b change the rhythm, speed, level and direction of their movements6c create and perform dances using simple movement patterns, including those from different times and cultures6d express and communicate ideas and feelings.

Activity Bank

Val Sabin – Dance – Unit 3 and 4

Overview of Learning - ICT1a gather information from a variety of sources [for example, people, books, databases, CD-ROMs, videos and TV]1b enter and store information in a variety of forms [for example, storing information in a prepared database, saving work]1c retrieve information that has been stored [for example, using a CD-ROM, loading saved

work].3a how to share their ideas by presenting information in a variety of forms [for example, text, images, tables, sounds]3b to present their completed work effectively [for example, for public display].

Activity Bank

Branching Databases@ Science Use branching databases to solve problems and answer questions about animals

and challenges that have been set. Create own branching database to help wildlife photographer to classify animals by

their features. Internet History Use internet to research animals and the Egyptians. Use search engine

( and know how to look for reliable sources. Find pictures of animals and copy and paste into word document. Update school web site with blogs.

Curriculum Overview (RE/PSE/MFL) Term 2b Beech ClassLINKS Eng Ma Geog Hist P.E Art Sci Mu R.E PSE/Cit ICT DT MFL @ assessment © CA development Basic Skills - Ma Read Write


The Investigation Bureau

Overview of Learning - RE1a explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings1b name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate1e identify and suggest meanings for religious symbols and begin to use a range of religious words.

3a at least one other principal religion3b a religious community with a significant local presence, where appropriate3c a secular world view, where appropriate

Activity Bank

Christianity – Easter Watch the eater story on knowledge box. Retell story using storyboard. Symbols – match description with eater symbol Make Easter card with Easter symbol on the front

Overview of Learning - PSE2b to take part in a simple debate about topical issues2e to realise that people and other living things have needs, and that they have responsibilities to meet them5c take part in discussions [for example, talking about topics of school, local,

national, European, Commonwealth and global concern, such as 'where our food and raw materials for industry come from']5e meet and talk with people [for example, with outside visitors such as religious leaders, police officers, the school nurse]

Activity Bank

Caring for the Environment Identify why animals have left a certain environment e.g. trees being cut down.

Science Challenges set by wildlife explorer to find out why animals have moved and where

they have gone. Geography Find out how could we improve environment that animals have left so that they will

return e.g. plant more trees, reduce pollution etc. send advice to government with suggestions.

Overview of Learning - MFL1a how to use and respond the foreign language.1b how to listen carefully in order to discriminate sounds, identify meaning and develop auditory awareness. 1c correct pronunciation

and intonation.1e techniques for memorising words, phrases and short texts

Activity Bank

Colours Learn names of colours in French through colour song. Learn how to say I like / don’t

like a colour in French. Write colours as words when sending evidence back to Will Field, who needs to describe the colour of the animals he has taken pictures of for a French magazine.

Core Attribute Map Term 2b Beech Class The Investigation Bureau

Competent Communicators Communicating in their teams when working to complete

given tasks, e.g. solving problems for the wildlife photographer.

Voicing own opinions when working as a team member, without taking over.

Feeding back to other groups / rest of division about research / findings

Independent Learners

Inquisitive Individuals

Motivated Achievers

Confident Children

Emotionally Literate

Access to internet, information books and digital camera. Meet given deadlines for completing pieces of work. Access to resources in the classroom. Working alone to complete pieces of work, e.g. explanation

writing. Make own choices about how to present pieces of work.

Using the Internet, information texts, CD-ROMs etc to research

Clues given at different stages for chn to work out, making them motivated to want to find out more.

Writing questions for Will Field to help solve problems.

Opportunities to become spokesperson for team / team leader

Children encouraged to have a go - all suggestions valued. Sharing/voicing own opinions and recognizing that their ideas

are valued just as much as others. Working without adult support, to complete a piece of work. Using ICT equipment, e.g. computer, digital camera, iPads,

Macs etc.

Investigators of animals and the Egyptians. Children motivated by purpose/context (The Investigation

Bureau) and deadlines. Topic related work displayed, produced by the children. Mantle of the expert – children to be in role. Detective of the day to be given to individual children.

Encourage children to work together and take turns. Listening to/respecting each other’s opinions. Recognising/realizing that their opinions/ideas are valued. Peer evaluation – constructive feedback.

Communication, Language and LiteracyRecounts (dictionary)We will become confident with alphabetical order through a range of ordering games and activities then we will use that knowledge to locate words in a dictionary and find their definitions. We will use our skills of locating words in dictionaries to help us when writing a recount of our educational visit.

Poetry: Pattern and RhymeWe will become familiar with rhyming words by playing word games and singing songs this will allow us to identify the patterned language and rhyming

words in a range of poems. We will then use what we have learned to continue poems that have been half written and write our own poems with rhyming words.

Stories from Other CulturesWe will listen to and read a range of stories from another culture. We will explore the characters through drama activities and then retell the stories in our own words.

Problem Solving, Reasoning, Numeracy

Knowledge and Understanding of the WorldPhysical Development Creative Development

Personal, Social and Emotional DevelopmentWe will investigate the local environment and look at the harms being caused to the environment. Once we have decided what these harms are, we will work together as detectives to address these issues and think how the environment could remain better looked after.

GeneralP.E will be every Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember to remove jewellery/cover earrings. Water is important to your child’s learning and ability to concentrate. Please bring your child’s water bottle to school each day (filled with still water only) and we will encourage them to drink it.If you need to speak to Miss Curry please do so at the end of the school day unless urgent.Please send your child to school with their book bag everyday as they are used throughout the week. Please encourage your child to change their reading books.Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be handed in by the following Wednesday. If there is any aspect of the homework your child is unsure of please encourage them to seek extra support or encourage them to attend Homework club on a Monday at lunchtime.

The Investigation BureauTerm 2b

Beech ClassParent/Curriculum

GeographyAs detectives, we will investigate certain areas and environments and compare them to our own. We will talk about the different climates and landscapes and which animals might live there. We will also be looking at and creating our own maps to help a client.

ScienceAnimals We will independently find out the difference between things that are living, non-living and things that have never been alive. Through this we will use our investigation skills to find out that animals move, feed, grow, use their senses and reproduce. We will name and compare the main external parts of the bodies of humans and other animals. Through investigation and exploration, we will be able to group animals through looking at their similarities and differences.

Information Communication Technology (ICT)Branching databasesWe will use given branching databases to solve problems and answer questions about animals and challenges that have been set.

Then we will create our own branching database to help classify given things.Throughout this half-term, we will be regularly using the Internet to research different aspects of our learning to help us to solve mysteries and problems.

REChristianity - EasterWe will find out about/re-cap the Easter story and place the events of the story in order. As we explore the Easter story, we will learn about the key symbols of Easter such as the cross, eggs and chicks. This will help us to understand why Christians celebrate Easter and why they do certain things, such as give and receive Easter eggs.

FrenchColoursWe will help our client name the colours of the animals in French for a French magazine. We will learn to say which colours we like/dislike.

We will solve problems in the finance department involving adding, subtracting, doubling and halving the wages of employees of the Investigation Bureau. We will use positional language when giving directions and describing where things are in a crime scene and we will measure the distance between the objects. We will combine 2D shapes to make 3D structures when recreating objects that have been stolen.

Through taking part in health and wellbeing training, we will continue to take care of our bodies with regular exercise, and recognise changes in our bodies and why these changes occur.

DanceIn dance, we will listen to and freely respond to a range of music. We will then make up our own dance movements and put them together to form a routine. We will perform this to the detectives in Year 1 as part of a ‘leisure’ afternoon.

ArtSculpturesWe will investigate a range of sculptures to see what materials they have been made from and the structures that have been used. We will then work together to plan, mock up and eventually create our own large sculpture.

Music Pitch We will learn a range of songs with varying pitch, and will use our finger to trace the pitch of our voices. We will also use xylophones to experiment with high and low sounds when creating accompaniments for songs.

Topic Tracker Term 2b Beech @ assessment The Investigation Bureau

English Maths Science ICT DT History Geog RE Art Music PE PSE/Cit

Week 1

Recounts Block C, D & E (Unit 2)

Animals Branching Databases

Structures (Pyramids)

Egyptians Animals in the


Easter Shape, space and form – 2D

and 3D structures

Music Express – Year 1 – Exploring


Val Sabin – Dance –

Unit 3 and 4

Caring for the


Week 2

Poetry, Pattern and


Block C, D & E (Unit 2)

Animals Branching Databases

Structures (Pyramids)

Egyptians Animals in the


Easter Shape, space and form – 2D

and 3D structures

Music Express – Year 1 – Exploring


Val Sabin – Dance –

Unit 3 and 4

Caring for the


Week 3

Poetry, Pattern and


Block C, D & E (Unit 2)

Animals Branching Databases

Structures (Pyramids)

Egyptians Animals in the


Easter Shape, space and form – 2D

and 3D structures

Music Express – Year 1 – Exploring


Val Sabin – Dance –

Unit 3 and 4

Caring for the


Week 4

Stories from Other Cultures

Block C, D & E (Unit 2)

Animals Branching Databases

Structures (Pyramids)

Egyptians Animals in the


Easter Shape, space and form – 2D

and 3D structures

Music Express – Year 1 – Exploring


Val Sabin – Dance –

Unit 3 and 4

Caring for the


Week 5

Stories from Other Cultures

Block C, D & E (Unit 2)

Animals Branching Databases

Structures (Pyramids)

Egyptians Animals in the


Easter Shape, space and form – 2D

and 3D structures

Music Express – Year 1 – Exploring


Val Sabin – Dance –

Unit 3 and 4

Caring for the


Short Term Planning Class Name Term 2b (Date/Part) Basic Skills - Ma Read Write Com

We are learning to… (Including Basic Skills)

How will we know? How will we do it? Notes