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Manning Valley & Area Community Transport Group Inc.Section 2 Team Management

Document 2.03-1-2b-v2 Handbook - Volunteers

Handbook - Volunteers

Forster Office – 65545447

Gloucester Office – 65582104

Tea Gardens Office – 49972266

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Manning Valley & Area




GENERAL INFORMATION FOR ALL......................................................................................4

Help Us to Improve..............................................................................................................4

Consumer Complaints/Suggestions..................................................................................4

Uniform and Dress...............................................................................................................4

Smoking in the Work Place.................................................................................................5



Team Member files..............................................................................................................5

Social Media.........................................................................................................................5

Mobile phones......................................................................................................................6

Theft......................................................................................................................................6Team Member Performance Dispute and Grievance Procedure.....................................6

Aggressive behaviour.........................................................................................................6Conflict between Consumer and Carer..............................................................................6If a Consumer fails to answer the door..............................................................................6

DRIVER SPECIFIC INFORMATION.........................................................................................7

Transporting Consumers Safely.........................................................................................7

Before driving Check:.........................................................................................................8Remember............................................................................................................................8TABLET Use.........................................................................................................................8

Accident or Incident Reporting:.........................................................................................8Consumers Personal Information:.....................................................................................9Communication/ mobile phones:.......................................................................................9Air conditioning in the vehicles..........................................................................................9

Drug and Alcohol usage:....................................................................................................9Animals:................................................................................................................................9Eating in Vehicles:...............................................................................................................9Carrying Mobility Aids, Goods and Luggage:...................................................................9First Aid Kits:.......................................................................................................................9

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Infection Waste clean-up kits:..........................................................................................10

Vehicle Breakdowns:.........................................................................................................10

Vehicle Evacuation:...........................................................................................................11

Mobility Parking (Authorities)...........................................................................................11

VOLUNTEER SPECIFIC INFORMATION..............................................................................11

Volunteer Holidays:...........................................................................................................11

Volunteer Meetings:..........................................................................................................11

Why People Volunteer:......................................................................................................12

As a Volunteer:..................................................................................................................12

Volunteers also have responsibilities:............................................................................13

Volunteer Monthly Record – A most important document:...........................................13

Phone Numbers:................................................................................................................14

Benefits:............................................................................................................................. 14



MVACTG provides the contents of this manual as information only. MVACTG accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or usefulness of this information when applied to all situations, when in doubt

independent professional advice should be sourced. No responsibility is taken for any damage, death or otherwise misadventure, which occurs through the use of this information and in no circumstances,

shall MVACTG be held responsible for any such circumstances. Information is provided as a guide only.

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INTRODUCTIONThis manual is an introduction and a guide for working with MVACTG and is to be read in conjunction with the Organisational Handbook. The manual offers a guide to policy and procedures, not provided in other orientation/handbooks.

Please remember to discuss any problems, large or small, with the CEO.

Definitions MVACTG – Refers to Manning Valley & Area Community Transport Group Inc.

Team Member – Refers to Employees/Volunteers and Management. We consider everyone an equal member of the Team! So we use the word Team Member where ever possible. If we must differentiate we use the following terms.

Staff/Employee - A person that has completed interview and employment processes and been appointed as a paid employee.

Volunteer – A person that has chosen to give their time to assist MVACTG. They have been interviewed, signed volunteer agreement and appointed to a role as a volunteer within the organisation.

Management – refers to Governance Body Members and/or the CEO depending upon the situation.

Consumer – Refers to all clients


We welcome your ideas and feedback about how we can improve, it may just be how a form could be redesigned or it could be an idea for new services, what’s important is that you let us know.

Put your idea on our Improvement Request form, raise the issue at a team meeting or mention it to your Compliance Officer or management.

Part of being a professional team is to learn from our mistakes and to welcome new ideas.

Consumer Complaints/Suggestions If a Consumer, carer or anyone associated with MVACTG has a complaint, grievance

or suggestion it can be recorded on a Quick Compliments & Suggestions form or on a Complaints/Suggestions Form.

These forms are kept in each vehicle and in the office. If a Consumer gives you a suggestion/complaint thank them because they are giving

us a chance to improve our service. Please ensure you are familiar with the Complaints Policy & Procedure.

Uniform and Dress MVACTG provides all team members with a uniform that must be worn as our standard

of dress.

Sensible footwear is preferred and sturdy footwear must be worn whilst operating wheelchair hoists and lifts.

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Team members are to behave in a professional manner at all times, this especially applies when wearing MVACTG uniform at work or in a public place.

All uniforms issued are to be worn only when representing MVACTG and to be returned to the company when you leave.

Team members are to present and be responsible for ensuring that their level of personal hygiene and personal presentation to a high standard.

No items of clothing or accessories shall be worn whilst representing the organisation which may be offensive to any Consumer or other Team Members, for example: tee-shirts with political or religious slogans; or badges or jewellery with contentious or potentially inflammatory insignia or symbols.

MVACTG places no general restrictions upon the jewellery or hairstyles worn by individual Team Members except that they must not present a safety hazard.

Smoking in the Work Place MVACTG is a smoke free environment Never smoke around our consumers. Smoking in vehicles and within the workplace is strictly prohibited. Areas are set aside outside building for those who do smoke please keep this area tidy


Medication Team Members are not to give or pass comment on medication. .

Training All team members are expected to attend training

Team Member files Each team member will have their own personnel file. This file will contain all information/documentation regarding their volunteering A Team Member may ask to access their file, only the CEO can give access to this

request. Team Members may photocopy their documents however; the originals remain the

property of the organisation. If necessary to protect others confidentiality names of other Team Members or

Consumers may be “blacked” out.

Social Media Team Members are not permitted to access or participate in social media during

working hours. This includes accessing Facebook, my space, and chat rooms, dating sites, twitter or

any unnecessary text messaging.

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Mobile phones Personal Phone calls – keep personal phone calls during work hours to emergencies


Inform family and friends that personal phones can be made break for when logged off

for the day

If you do get calls during working hours, make it quick, ask the people to call you back

after knock off time or in your lunch break.

Theft MVACTG will not be held responsible for theft of personal property. Please look after your valuables and store them safely.

Team Member Performance Dispute and Grievance Procedure If you have a problem please inform the CEO to assist you in resolving your issue. Never let problems boil over. If your issue is not resolved easily please follow the Team Member Performance

Dispute & Grievance procedure.

Aggressive behaviour Aggressive or dangerous behaviour from consumers / drivers or other staff members

must be reported to CEO immediately. Aggressive or dangerous persons will be asked to leave the premise or our vehicles In an extreme event the police will be called. Team Members who feel threatened in any way should, if at all possible, remove

themselves from the situation immediately and notify the CEO. Team Members should not put themselves in danger.

Conflict between Consumer and Carer If a conflict arises between a carer and their client it is important to remain neutral. Report any issues to management Don’t get involved in family issues, if you are concerned please let CEO (your

supervisor) know.

If a Consumer fails to answer the door Ring your despatcher at the office to alert of the situation. The CEO will advise of action to take if you have concerns about the consumer’s


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DRIVER SPECIFIC INFORMATIONTransporting Consumers Safely

The main concern in providing transport services to people who are frail aged, younger people with disabilities and their carers is their safety, comfort and wellbeing.

Drivers are to drive to a level of speed relevant to the passengers comfort. Drivers are not to continually overtake on freeways to alarm venerable or aged

consumers. Drivers are to assist consumers in and out of vehicles to ensure their safety. Even getting to and from the vehicle can represent major safety hazards for

Consumers. Drivers are to assist consumers to and from their front door as needed. Drivers are to assist consumers with their groceries from the vehicle to the front door if

necessary and required. Drivers are never to enter the consumer’s homes. Consumers with physical and sensory disabilities will rely on you to ensure that they are

safe (including getting on and off the bus or in and out of a car). Ask Consumers if they "need a hand" and do what the Consumer asks you to- Don't

assume you know what help they need. The process of promoting the dignity and independence of Consumers is dependent

upon thoughtful assistance.

Some examples of consumer hazard may include:

Strong winds blowing Consumers off their feet;

Slippery or uneven paths or road services causing Consumers to lose their footing

High bus steps or low car doors making the Consumers bend and twist in ways which may cause them discomfort.

Allow Consumers to move at their own pace whenever possible. Do not rush people it only makes them nervous and increases the risk of accident. Check with the Consumer that they have not forgotten anything (keys, etc.). Remember to the Consumers on the vehicle when fetching others – summer or winter,

keep doors of the bus closed. When assisting wheelchair users, be smooth and not too fast, asking them what help, if

any, they need. Use correct methods to bring the wheelchair up and down kerbs safely and comfortably.

Once on the vehicle other safety issues and potential risks should be considered including: Objects that are not secured in the bus can become projectiles and cause injury if the bus

stops suddenly;

Consumers undoing seatbelts and standing up while vehicle in motion;

Heat in a stationary bus in summer during drop off and pick up of other Consumers;

Wheelchair restraints on the floor;

Walking about in a moving bus

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Extending hands and arms from the windows of moving vehicles.

Before driving Check: Collect the keys from your shed/depot for access to key safe

Seat belts must be worn at all times

Check the vehicle phone is turned on and working

Check your vehicle via the vehicle inspection forms provided

Check that all safety belts are securely on.

The only exception to this rule is the case where a medical certificate can be produced stating that a Consumer is not required to wear a seat belt. This letter must be carried with the Consumer at all times during transportation and shown to the driver upon request and must be carried by the Consumer whenever receiving service. A copy of this letter must also be attached to the Consumer’s file; and must contain an expiry date. There is an email from the RTA in each vehicle with the requirements.

Driver to check wheelchair tie downs and seat belts are secure before moving the vehicle.

Remember Document any event/incident while out on bus.

Stand to the left of the bus while Consumers are entering or exiting.

Make sure the door is secure and be ready to support Consumers if necessary.

TABLET Use All drivers are to be trained in the use of the tablets prior to driving Follow the process you were trained in in the use of the tablet Tablets are put on charges over night and runs allocated to the tablet Ensure when you return to the depot put your Tablet on charge The office gives Consumers an approximate pick up time and drivers must try and

keep to it where possible. Drivers are not permitted to divert from the Tablet. Should a Consumer wish to be picked up from or delivered to a different location from

that listed on the tablet, the driver is to contact the office for further instructions A decision regarding any change to the usual route of travel will be made with

consideration of: Impact on other Consumers e.g. will it increase time they are in vehicle; Duty of Care to Consumer e.g. does the Consumer have memory loss or other

condition that may result in the Consumer being left at an unsafe location without a carer being present;

The regularity of such requests e.g. should Consumer be reassessed; and Impact on service e.g. extra costs associated with destination.

Accident or Incident Reporting: Any incident or Accident must be reported on the Accident/injury/Incident Report form

that is located in the folder in each vehicle.

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Consumers Personal Information: Any paperwork with consumer details must be shredded and destroyed not just thrown


Communication/ mobile phones: Mobile phones are provided in each vehicle, staff will call you on this phone if they

need to communicate with you. Our phones are blue toothed to our vehicles Do not blue tooth your phones to our vehicles. Do not hand out your personal mobile number to consumers, hand out our vehicle

phone number, it is important to keep this phone on charge when driving, not your own phone.

Air conditioning in the vehicles Air conditioning is for the comfort of our travellers check that they are comfortable

Drug and Alcohol usage: MVACTG and the RMS stipulate a 0.0 blood alcohol level for drivers of Community

Transport vehicles. Refrain from drinking prior to driving as blood alcohol levels can remain high for

extended periods.

Animals: Animals/pets are not permitted in our vehicles except in the instance of guide dogs.

Eating in Vehicles: There is no eating or drinking in the vehicles – water will be acceptable.


Carrying Mobility Aids, Goods and Luggage: All luggage or mobility aids must be stowed securely and safely Poorly stowed luggage or mobility aids presents a danger to our consumers.

In consideration of this fact the following procedures shall apply:

No item shall be carried upon a vehicle in a manner that will allow it to become a missile within the vehicle in the event of sudden deceleration (e.g. an accident).

No item shall be carried upon a vehicle in a manner that will allow it to block an entrance, exit, aisle or emergency exit.

Wherever practical, items will be carried within designated storage bins or lockers. Mobility aids that cannot be appropriately secured within a vehicle shall not be carried

within a Consumer compartment.

First Aid Kits: All vehicles used by MVACTG are supplied with appropriate First Aid Kits

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Infection Waste clean-up kits: Clean up kits are kept in first aid kits in vehicles.

Vehicle Breakdowns: All company vehicles are covered by the NRMA emergency breakdown service. In the event of mechanical breakdown immediate action will be taken by the Team

Members to minimise danger to Consumers and to ensure their comfort.

Such action shall include:

Moving the vehicle to a safe position (away from traffic) where possible.

Where the vehicle cannot be moved, assisting Consumers to move to a safe location where appropriate.

Utilising appropriate safety equipment to minimise risk (where possible), e.g. traffic indicator triangles and hazard lights.

Monitoring the well-being of Consumers.

Keeping Consumers informed of developments.

Contact the office as soon as possible so that assistance can be arranged.

Office will ensure you are informed of the progress of such services as NRMA or towing arrangement.

Where there are significant delays another vehicle may be deployed to transport the consumers to their destination.

Office will notify family or friends or services that a vehicle is indisposed and other arrangement have taken place.

Team Members who use their own vehicles are also required to have NRMA or other breakdown coverage. This information must be on file before your own vehicle can be used to transport a client.

Motor Vehicle Accident ProceduresAny persons involved in a motor vehicle accident should follow the procedures outlined below:

Stop at once;

DO NOT admit liability;

As much as possible ensure vehicle is not posing a further traffic hazard;

Offer assistance to anyone who might be injured and where necessary contact emergency services;

Report the accident to police gets the names and addresses of all witnesses.

Contact the office as soon as possible to report the incident/accident

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Fill in an Accident/Incident Report Form.

If the police attend, make sure you provide the police with all relevant information about yourself and the other driver;

Obtain and keep a record of the attending police officer's name, rank. number and station;

As much as possible take notes of all information discussed.

Vehicle Evacuation: Following an accident, vehicles should only be evacuated in the case of immediate and

extreme danger.

In the case where evacuation is required the following shall apply:

No action shall be taken to protect the property of MVACTG or any other private property to the detriment of Consumers or other persons.

Ensuring the safety of Consumers shall be the first priority of Team Members. Consumers shall be removed from the vehicle and assisted to safety as swiftly as

possible. Priority should be given to those most able to help themselves ahead of those who

require more time and assistance to evacuate. This ensures the greatest number of people will be

evacuated. All available help shall be enlisted during an emergency

vehicle evacuation. The CEO will be responsible where necessary for

organising counselling and support through an approved agency to Consumers and other personnel traumatised by any accident or an evacuation involving MVACTG.

Mobility Parking (Authorities) MVACTG does not provide mobility parking authorities within our vehicles Consumers who need to park in mobility parking spaces must provide you with their

authority parking card to be displayed on the dash of the vehicle to enable you to park in the designated mobility space

If a consumer does not have a mobility parking card you are UNABLE to park in this space.

MVACTG will not be responsible for any fines incurred if a driver parks in a disability parking space without the appropriate mobility card.


Inform office staff well in advance if you are going to go away or you are not available to drive, so that office staff doesn’t ring you for the time you are away.

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Volunteer Meetings: MVACTG will endeavour to organise Volunteer Meetings to inform you of any relevant

operational changes. In lieu of meetings a regular newsletter will go out to our Volunteers. We encourage you to attend our function held in your honour during Volunteers Week

each year.

Why People Volunteer:There are lots of reasons but here’s a few:

“It’s a great way to meet people and new friends” “It feels good to be useful and assist those in our community who are now less

independent.” “It’s a great way to learn new skills.” “While I was unemployed it felt good to still be contributing to the place where I live” “On the pension you have lots of time so it helps to fill my day.”

Volunteer Positions:Volunteers are recruited for the following positions:

Governance Body Members Bus Drivers Car Drivers Passenger Attendants Basic Office Administration

As a Volunteer: Have a sense of humour and cheerful personality; KNOW YOURSELF - be aware of your own potential and limitations; LISTEN allowing the Consumer to lead the way; Be perceptive to the Consumer's needs; Show empathy, not sympathy; Respect the individual's values and attitudes; Never discuss client’s conversations with others. Allow the Consumer freedom of choice; Be adaptable; Don’t push your views or opinions on others; Assist the Consumers to their door but never enter their home Give SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT. Do not bend the rules How you behave and act reflects on the whole organisation Report to management anything that you may think is impacting on the consumer. Know that you will ALWAYS be support by MVACTG management and staff

You have Rights as a Volunteer to the following: The right to an induction and orientation to the service

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The right to training and follow up training Support from staff and management The right to be informed on any organisational changes affecting you or your driving

capacity. The right to a suitable assignment with consideration for personal preference. The right to deny any assignment allocated. The right to be treated as a valued member of our team. The right to be treated fairly. The right to sound guidance and direction by someone in the organisation who is more

experienced The right to recognition of duties carried out The right to take part and contribute to planning The right to make suggestions to help us improve our service The right to say no, when you have other commitments – just give us notice when you

are able to return. .

Volunteers also have responsibilities: To be dependable – the person you are transporting has the right to a reliable service. To be willing to learn and attend any training offered. To understanding your role within the organisation. To respond to any Work Health and Safety instruction and Howsafe toolbox

information To be patient – people with special needs need as much independence as possible To keep consumers information confidential. To report any changes in consumer’s behaviour or circumstance that may be of a

concern. To have and keep an open mind – accept other people’s opinions even if you don’t

always agree. To remember to not get to familiar with our consumers as drivers to that consumer will

change from time to time so that consumers don’t expect that you will be their driver every time.

To remember you are part of a bigger team To enjoy what you are doing.

Volunteer Monthly Record – A most important document: On commencement of volunteering you will be given Volunteer Monthly Record, this is

an important document as this is what is require to pay you your volunteer reimbursement.

You are required to return this form to the office promptly to ensure you are paid your reimbursement in a timely manner.

You are required to indicate on the form the task you performed such as vehicle washing or cleaning, start and end times or extra reimbursements such as supplies for shed, parking costs, phones calls etc.

We also need you to put in the amount of $ dollars collected from each person.

Please note, your start time is when you pick up the company vehicle just prior to your run commencing, NOT when you leave home in your own vehicle.

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Phone Numbers: It is important that the volunteer does not give their home or personal mobile number to

Consumers. Always give the your local office number to call and the office will call you to let you know the consumer has called.

Please abide by this policy. It is for your protection as well as the Consumers.

Benefits: What reimbursements and benefits do volunteers receive?

Volunteer drivers are reimbursed at $0.60 cents per km when driving their own vehicle to and from the depot.

If you travel to and from a depot and it is between 1 and 10 kilometres you will be reimbursed a minimum of $10.00.

Volunteers will be reimbursed by our accounts department monthly.

Reimbursements are for out of pocket expenses and are not an income to support youReimbursements for both bus and car drivers are as follows and are for accumulated hours

over the day and not per trip.

Reimbursement amounts are the equivalent reimbursements for meals etc.

Short Haul – up to and including 3 hours - $10 – morning tea Medium Haul – more than 3 hours up to and including 6 hours - $25 - lunch Long Haul – more than 6 hours up to and including 8 hours - $32 – morning tea and

lunch Extra Long Haul – more than 8 hours $47 (this is the maximum reimbursement for any

one day including overnight trips) – meals

Please note, this does not include travel time in your own vehicle to pick up a company vehicle, as you receive a klm reimbursement for this time.

Insurance MVACTG has the appropriate volunteer insurance to cover you while are delivering

volunteer tasks. Volunteer insurance covers your out of pocket expenses i.e. any medicare gap Report any injury/accident or event immediately so that MVACTG can support you

through this time. Comprehensive insurance is required to be provided to the office prior to you driving

you own vehicle for transporting consumers. Comprehensive insurance must remain current and a copy held on file in the office.

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CONCLUSIONPolicies, Procedures, Handbooks and Work instructions may be altered from time to time to take into account of changed circumstances or new circumstances. If a Team Member is in doubt as to the appropriate course of action to be adopted in any circumstance the matter should be discussed with their immediate supervisor/CEO or Office manager.

While this handbook is designed to provide practical guidelines for Team Members faced with ethical problems, it is ultimately up to the individual Team Member to recognise the ethical dimension in their sphere of operation and give proper attention to the values and attitudes that should inform their actions or decisions. This task can, and should, be made easier by service administrators and other team members who foster an atmosphere conducive to the promotion of integrity in the workplace.

I have read and understand the Volunteers Orientation Handbook.

I agree to promptly hand back any equipment, keys or other items given to me by MVACTG when I cease employment and will ensure all necessary monies and records be handed in to office.

I realise that MVACTG is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of Consumer information to maintain respect, dignity and privacy and Wellbeing of its Consumers.

I understand that all information given is confidential and will not be disclosed without CEO’s permission.

I hereby undertake and agree not to disclose by any means, be it verbal, written or any other form of communication, beyond MVACTG any information with respect to Consumers/other Team Members or any information I may acquire during the course of my service concerning the affairs of MVACTG including but not necessarily limited to information about suppliers, policies, procedures, work methods, corporate affairs, intellectual property or any other information designated by MVACTG to be confidential. (Information contained in any public promotional material may be provided to the general public)

I agree not to disclose any confidential information while working or after ceasing duties with MVACTG. I understand and acknowledge that as part of this Agreement I am not permitted to speak to any media representative on any matter relating to MVACTG and that I will refer any media representative to the CEO.

I understand I must work within the Policies and Procedures of the organisation.

Name: ___________________________________________

Signed: ___________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________

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