WebEx Virtual Interactive Classroom

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Have you attended those boring webinars? Instead see how to make your WebEx training fun and interactive so people listen and remember the materials instead of multi-tasking and tuning out!


  • 1. While we wait to get started: Word Search-Highlight Answers


  • What is required to make an online learning event successful.
  • What interactive tools are available in WebEx.
  • How to use the interactive tools.

4. Main Points from Seminars

  • If the Webinar isa learning event , and not a meeting or marketing webinar, then youMUST :
    • Have at least two people for every webinar - a producer and afacilitator (think Roz & Frasier)
      • Chat, raised hands, white board features , and technical difficulties should be handled by the producer
    • Never lecture (if you must, no more than a minute or two at the most) or you will loose your audience!

5. Seminar Main Points

  • When designing webinars, always:
    • Define clear learning and performance objectives (what & why are you training?).
      • Start at the end and work backwards.
    • Determine assessment needs if you want them to walk away with specific information, theyshould be tested on it!
      • Only testonline what you teach online.
    • Build in the how to use the Webinar tools in your training and make sureyouknow how to use them!

6. Assign Privileges Before Event

  • Click Participant from tool bar and select Assign Privileges

2.Highlight All Attendees and check Assign all privileges. 3.Click the Assign button . 7. From the Beginning

  • Getagreementfrom participants that its a
    • no multi-tasking zone.
  • Tell them to expect an interactive session and that you may call on them during it, even if they dont have their hand raised .
  • Whenever possible, if participants are in a quiet environment, dont have them mute their phones.

8. Raise Hand

  • TheRaise Hand toolcan be used by the participants to let the facilitator know they have questions without interrupting.
  • After the participant raises their hand, the button changes toLower Hand , if they want to cancel their request.

9. Sound Preference Options Right click in theParticipants title lineto get theSound Alerts Optionand select it. Set desired preferences for notification sounds for Chat, Joining /Leaving Meetings and Raise Hands and click Apply. 10. Lets Try It!

  • Raise your hand!
  • The hand will appear on the facilitators screen next to the person who answers (and/or wants to ask a question).

11. Eraser Tool Erases text and annotations or clears pointers on shared content. To erase a single annotation, click it in the viewer.For more options, click the downward-pointing arrow. Clicking this button again turns off the Eraser tool. 12. Annotation Color Palette Tool Displays the Annotation Color palette, on which you can select a color to annotate shared content. This changes the color of your text, lines, checkmarks, Xs, highlighter, etc. Clicking this button again closes the Annotation Color palette . 13. Arrow / Laser Pointer Tool Lets facilitator and participants point out text and graphics on shared content. The pointer displays an arrow with your name and annotation color, sothis tool is not anonymous . Facilitators can use the laser pointer, to point out text and graphics on shared content using a red "laser beam.Click the downward-pointing arrow and select the laser pointer.Clicking the button again turns off the pointer tool. 14. Lets Try it!Pointer Races


15. Text Tool

  • Lets participants anonymously type text on shared content. To change the font, on theEditmenu, chooseFont .
  • Text can be viewed only after typing is finished and you click your mouse in the content viewer, outside the text box.
  • Clicking the Text button again turns off the text tool.

16. Text Tool(contd)

  • Because text can be viewedonlyafter typing is finished(and the participants click their mouse in the content viewer outside the text box), participants could be typing over other peoples comments with out realizing it. Suggestions:
    • If your group is small enough you couldassign different participants different lines (see next page).
    • With different systems and or levels of subscriptions there may be other options, check out what you have available to you.

17. Lets Try It! What do you like and dislike about Virtual Training?Type in your answers .

  • Like
  • Dislike
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
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  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
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  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • ______________________

18. Whiteboard

  • The Whiteboard is a separate tab available for input from the presenter or participants. Access through theSharemenu, then chooseWhiteboard .

19. Whiteboard(contd)

  • A separate tab opens up that either the presenter or the participants can type on using the Text tool.

20. Line Tool Lets participants anonymously draw lines and arrows on shared content. For more options, click the downward-pointing arrow.Clicking the Line Tool button again closes it. 21. Drawing Shapes Tool Lets participants anonymously draw shapes, such as rectangles, circles, checkmarks, and Xs on shared content. For those options, click the downward-pointing arrow.Clicking the Drawing Shapes button again closes the Shapes tool. 22. Lets Try It! Where are you calling from?Place an X on the map. 23. Lets Try It!

  • When you ask a question during Virtual Training, what could Silence mean?Check all that apply.
  • Attendees are multitasking and /or are bored.
  • Attendees dont understand the question.
  • Attendees dont want to say/have trust issues with saying how they feel.
  • Attendees hate me and want me to be uncomfortable.
  • Everyone has their phones on mute and doesnt want to take them off.

24. Highlighter/Pencil Tool Lets you highlight text and other elements in shared content. For more options, click the downward-pointing arrow.Clicking this button again closes the Highlighter tool. 25. Word Search-Highlight Answers


SSSBOARDSCNREWSNABHPOLLINGOABLIECHUXTVONTTRPESUCEKSIISKRAMKCEHCINVOLVEUWEGAGNEIXQ 26. Lets Try It! ColorFind an outline drawing of something that applies to your topic and let people color in as you speak.Hits thoseKinestheticlearners! 27. Chat Function

  • Chat is useful if you want to:
  • Send brief information to all participants or a specific group of participants.
  • Ask questions and get responses during a session.
  • Ask a question withoutinterrupting the presenter.

28. Lets Try It! Using Chat

  • Take a minute and think about the following question:
  • Type your answer in the Chat function and send to all participants within the next minute.

What do you find challenging about the Virtual Classroom? 29. Polling Questions

  • Conducting a poll can be useful for gathering feedback from attendees, allowing attendees to vote on a proposal, testing attendees' knowledge of a topic, and so on.Create the polling questions ahead of time, save, and bring into the session before it starts.
  • Once the poll is closed, the presenter can view the results and share them with attendees.

30. Polling Questions(contd)

  • Access the polling questions from the Panel drop down menu on the right of the WebEx screen.

31. Polling Questions(contd)

  • Click New to create a new question and type in the window.
  • Determine if multiple choice (works for yes/no also) and type answer choices.
  • Determine if single or multiple answers are allowed.
  • Use save option when done.

Type question here. 32. Polling Questions(contd)

  • Before the Webinar starts (15-20 min), load your polling question, by accessing them through the File menu.ChooseOpen , thenPoll Questions .

33. Polling Questions(contd)

  • When ready to open the poll to participants, click the Open Poll button.

34. Polling Questions(contd)

  • Youll be able to see how many participants have answered and determine when you want to close the poll.

35. Polling Questions(contd)

  • Most likely you will want to share the poll results with the participants.
  • Select the box to share the results with attendees.
  • Click the Apply button.

36. Virtual Meeting Software

  • No matter what virtual meeting software you use, (e.g., WebEx, Go To Meeting, Adobe Connect Pro, etc.) check out all of the interactive options andpractice until you are comfortablebefore the Webinar.
  • Be aware, different subscription levels / virtual meeting rooms provide different features.
    • For example, Blanchards WebEx provided breakout rooms and other options that I dont have access to with our banks current subscription level.

37. What will you use?

  • What interactive tools do you like and plan to use in WebEx?Check all that apply.
    • Raise hand
    • Chat
    • Checkmarks (shapes &/or lines and arrows)
    • Coloring
    • Arrows (with names)
    • Text
    • Highlighting
    • Whiteboard
    • Poll questions

38. Recap

  • Using the WebEx tools will makeyour presentations more interactive, therefore moving them from presentations to a learning event!
  • Using a producer will enable you to fully utilize the tools, especially the white boards, raised hands, and chat features.Plus, the producer can deal with sign on issues, or other technical difficulties.

39. Questions?

  • What questions do you have?
  • Feel free to call me at213-443-1437or email me at[email_address]with questions.