Webinar | Access Key Players - Improve Your Win Rate

Post on 10-May-2015

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While tending to the needs of all buying roles in a sale is important, accessing key players is a critical skill that must be mastered. Only 54% of sales professionals feel they are effective at accessing key players in the buyer’s organization. Áine Denn provides you with 8 Key Elements of a Great Political Map. Aine also shares best practices for using Political Maps to identify the right people, gain access, and develop support in your target accounts⎯ giving you a smart competitive advantage to win.


Access Key Players – Improve Your Win Rate

© The TAS Group 2014

Áine Denn EVP EMEA

Maureen Blandford EVP Marketing

Use new photo

© The TAS Group 2014

And They Achieve 30% More Revenue* *Source: Dealmaker Index Sales Benchmark Study 2013



Only 54% of Reps Can Access Key Players*

© The TAS Group 2014

Political Mapping– Can we Win?

Is there an opportunity?

Can we compete?

Can we win?

Is it worth winning?

© The TAS Group 2014

of reps can access key players.

54% Only

You are 4x Speak in their terms. Access is critical early and late. Need to maintain access and build preference.

Key Players

Buyers that control

outcomes decide what will

happen and make things

happen. Are Sales People Doing

the Right Things?

Executive Credibility

Inside Support

more likely to gain access to key players

when referred from the inside.

© The TAS Group 2014

Poll When sales people can’t do the right things … What are you seeing?

A)  Single threaded in opportunities B)  Not accessing the decision makers C)  Can’t validate the political structure D)  Competition seems better connected than you E)  Low executive credibility

© The TAS Group 2014

© The TAS Group 2014

Map the Buyer’s Organization

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Buying Role

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Adaptability to Change

Adaptability  to  Change  Innovator  Visionary  Pragma-st  Conserva-ve  Laggard  

Chris  Jameson  

SVP,  Opera-ons  

P =

Coverage      –  None      –  Brief      –  Mul-ple      –  In-­‐Depth  

Evalua9on  Role  Approver  Decision  Maker  Evaluator  User  


Status        x  ̶  =  +  *  

Enemy  Non-­‐Supporter  Neutral  Supporter  Mentor  

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Friend or Enemy?

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Political Status

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Show Lines of Influence

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Relationship Strategies

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Salesforce: Stop Blind Selling

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Leverage LinkedIn Information

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Leverage Twitter Feed

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© The TAS Group 2014

Uncover Vulnerabilities in the Map

© The TAS Group 2014

8 Elements of a Great Political Map

Mobile & Cloud

Inside CRM


Motivational Social and Collaborative

Action Oriented

Discover Insights


© The TAS Group 2014

The impact on a customer of a bad buying decision …

is greater than the impact on a sales person of a lost sale

© The TAS Group 2014


Will WieglerChief Marketing Officer

Chicago, Illinoiswwiegler@thetasgroup.com

Phone: 224.430.3433Skype: willwiegler


Áine Denn EVP EMEA +44 (0) 78 23777929 adenn@thetasgroup.com
