Webinar. Agenda Review of Webinar norms and tools Questions.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Review of Webinar norms and toolsQuestions

Webinar Norms

Run Audio Setup Wizard each webinarKeep your mic off/phone muted when not

speakingUse headphones so your mic doesn’t re-transmitUse non-verbal tools as necessary to participateRaise hand if you have a questionUse the “Step away from session” button if


Is anyone on the audio conference line?

Blackboard Tech Issues

What to do if you can’t get into the Blackboard session: Contact xxxx Call into the teleconference line

What to do if you’re in the session but having tech issues: Send xxx chat message and join him in tech breakout room

What to do if you have questions during the webinar Raise your hand Type a question in the chat bar (some questions may be

answered immediately and some may wait until the end)

Blackboard Tools Review

Using Audio

To run Audio Setup Wizard, click icon of mic with red flower

To talk, click “talk” button. Blue mic icon means mic is on

Please do not use video. To close video window, select upper left-hand corner of video window

Blackboard Collaborate Default Layout

Participant Window

Chat Window

Sending a chat message Room Tab– Sends a message to entire room

of participants Moderator Tab– Sends a message to all


Private – Sends a message to a specific participant. Double click or right click their name and select “Send a Private Chat.” A new tab will appear with their name.

Note: No chat is truly private. Moderators see all messages.

Whiteboard Toolbar

Selection Tool

Pointer Tools

Pen Stroke/Highlighter Tools

Text Tools

Filled Shape Tools

Shape Tools

Line Tool

Screen Capture Tool

Clip Art Tool

Breakout Rooms

Small group discussion and collaboration rooms separate from the main room

Moving to and from Breakout Rooms

Click on name and drag to correct room


Click “Room” button in participant window and select correct room

Breakout Rooms

To collapse or expand your view of participants in a breakout room, select arrow

Change Layout: Enlarge Participant Window

Changed Layout: Enlarged Participant Window

Change Layout: Larger, Floating Window

Changed Layout: Floating Window

Return to Original Layout
