WEBINAR Provisions for cyclists 06/06/2012 Fermín Echarte Peña Ayuntamiento Donostia - San...

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Provisions for cyclists


Fermín Echarte Peña

Ayuntamiento Donostia - San Sebastian

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Background & Objectives

How was modal split for cycling and cycling conditions in your cities before the measures were implemented?

Infrastructure in the city before CIVITAS

• Infraestructure

– Cycle lane: There were 28,20 km

– City bike scheme: There was not city service.

– Vertical transport: There were 9 lifts and 7 mechanical ramps+ escalator

– 30 zone: There were not 30 zones

Modal split for cycling before CIVITAS

• In 2008 the number of bicycle uses were 11.631 uses/month

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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Background & Objectives

Extension of the infrastructure for cycling: target 15,00 km executed 22,00 km 30 Zones executed 6,50 km- Extension of the infrastructure for walking: target 2,00 km executed 4,00 km- Increase the number of cyclists target 30 % data 2011 32,61 %

- Bicycle parking for residents in public car parking in the city centre are being

analysed and DSS is talking with the company that manages the parking.

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

No. Target Rating1 15 km of new infrastructure for cycling by the end of the project ***2 2 km of new infrastructure for walking by the end of the project ***3 Increase the number of cyclists with 30% ***4 Occupancy rates of the underground parking in bus station O5 Occupancy rates of underground parking in car public parking. Under study -

NA = Not Assessed O = Not Achieved = Substantially achieved (at least 50%) = Achieved in full = Exceeded

Measure 24.- Extension of the infrastructure for cycling and walking

- New lifts: target 5 units executed 7 units - New mechanical ramp: target 1 unit executed 5 + 1 units

Measure 57.- Vertical transport

Measure 58.- City Bike Scheme

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ChallengesWhat are the main challenges for cycling in your cities (e.g. cultural, physical obstacles, etc.)?

• Physical obstacles: The topography of Donostia-San Sebastian, with many urban areas in hilly territories, makes it more difficult to implement usefull cycling lanes. Synergies with other measures, such as vertical transport, are required.

• Cultural: part of the population doesn’t even consider the possibility to abandon the car and they are not agree with the construction of the cycle lanes. In many cases, cycling by the road is still seen as unsafe. Coexistence pedestrian.

• Positional: Although cycling is increasing over the years, traffic management remains focused on car traffic, sometimes penalizing non-motorized users, thus making these modes less attractive.

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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What are the main challenges for cycling in your cities (e.g. cultural, physical obstacles, etc.)?

• Financial: The capital cost for the construction of cycle lanes and pedestrian areas is a very important issue.

• Bicycle safety and parking spaces: related with the extension of the cycling lane net, it is very important to increase the security of the bicycles when they are parked outside. The spaces for bicycle parking are one of the most important elements to increase the number of users.

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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How are the challenges addressed (the measure)?

Physical obstacles:

• Tunnel of Morlans – Total length of the cycle lane 1650 metres

– Lenth of the tunnel 800 metres

– Reduction of time reducing the distance from 4 km to 2 km.

– Connection with university and industrial area.

• Tunnel and bridge of Txaparrene – Total length of the cycle lane 560 metres

– Lenth of the tunnel 125 metres

– Bridge over highway 75 metres

– Open a new route.

– Reduction of slope and increase of security

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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• New infrastructures

• 30 Zones

– A soft measure on the way to reduce the vehicles speed, increase the security and make cyclist use the road.

• City bike scheme

– This measure has increased the use of bicycle in the city.

• Information campaign. Coexistence

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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How are the challenges addressed (the measure)?


• New infrastructures

– Open new cycle lanes like: Concha beach - Anoeta Stadium, Txaparrene, Morlans tunnel.

– Make connections in the net to make it more useful and safe.


• Funding from different statements and council.

Bicycle safety and parking spaces:

• Increase number of parking spaces

• Parking in covered parking. Being analysed

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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Evolution of the use of bicycle

compared with the increase of

km of cycle lanes.

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

7540 8401

10163 9646 10113













2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Number of cyclists per day

Measure 24.- Extension of the infrastructure for cycling and walking200320042005200620072008200920102011

Number of cyclists754084011016396461011311631111851227815424Percentage of increase11,42%20,97%-5,09%4,84%15,01%-3,83%9,77%25,62%











2009 2010 2011


Measure 58.- City Bike Scheme

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Increase of use of bicycle

• The cycle lane net has to have continuity, be safe and be comfortable.

• The construction of cycle lanes, directly affects to the increase of the use of the bicycle.

• Other measures as public bike sharing helps the increase of the bicycle use.

• Vertical transport in hilly areas is very helpful to open new cycling and walking routes.

• Other infrastructures as bicycle parking has to be implemented.

• Information campaigns. Coexistence.

CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

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CIVITAS Webinar 06/06/2012

Thank you

Fermín Echarte Peña

Ayuntamiento Donostia - San Sebastian
