Webinar: "Smart" Performance Support

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport

“Smart” Performance Support

Bob Mosher, Chief Learning Evangelist

Conrad Gottfredson, Chief Learning Strategist




©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 2

The current and future state of PSNew trends & approaches in technology & design enabling PS to proactively guide learners to optimum performance

How are you assessing the learning needs of your employees?Pre-webinar poll resultsLive polls

The benefits of “smart” PS – why you need it!

Today’s agenda

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 3

The current and future state of PSNew trends & approaches in technology & design enabling PS to proactively guide learners to optimum performance

Today’s agenda

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 4

Performance Support Up to NowMany of the current efforts in Performance Support require the performer to own and initiate almost all of the interaction. Outputs have been limited to scattered and targeted information. Maintenance has been primarily owned by L&D.

V.Performance Support GOING FORWARD = “Smart”Observes the performer’s behavior, generalize to best practices, and adapts to individualized needs. Outputs are Deeply and Broadly “Embedded” in the workflow with “Contextually” smart access with “Just Enough” information at the step level. Maintenance is owned by all stakeholders.

“Smart” performance support

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport

Performance Support GOING FORWARD = “Smart”


Deeply in the workflow and readily available at the moment of apply

Within Mobile Technologies

Within Software Applications)

Across Software Applications

At the Desktop

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport

Contextual according to specific roles and varying access needs

By timeline By Line of Business

By Technology

Performance Support GOING FORWARD = “Smart”

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport

Content Repositori



Just Enough

in the form needed to effectively perform inside the business process

Performance Support GOING FORWARD = “Smart”

The PS SpectrumIt gets “smart” at 4…

ScatteredInformation Support

TargetedInformation Support

TargetedPerformance Support

SmartPerformance Support

AutomatedPerformance Support

1. Low 3. Tangible 5. Transformational2. Marginal 4. Significant

• Shallow

• Haphazard access

• Flat

• Narrow

• Restricted access

• Limited

• Deep

• Rapid Access

• Task-Based

• Deep and Broad

• Smart Access

• Step-Based

• Deeper

• Automated


• Step-Based



Just Enough

This is “smart” PSLevel Four: Significant

1. Low 3. Tangible 5. Transformational2. Marginal 4. Significant

AutomatedPerformance Support Deeper

Automated Access

Step-Based Support

Nested within an application and a business process

Automatically adjusts to context

Driven by business rules




This is “smarter” PSLevel Five: Transformational

1. Low 3. Tangible 5. Transformational2. Marginal 4. Significant

SmartPerformance Support Deep and Broad

Smart Access

Step-Based Support

Integrated across applications and the broader business

Observes and evolves

Driven by business rules and behavior




The future of PSYou know how…

• Netflix suggests videos to watch;

• TiVo records programs on its own, just in case we’re interested;

• Pandora builds personalized music streams by predicting what we’ll want to listen to; and,

• Amazon goes so far as to have ALL of these tailored-to-me categories:

• More items to consider• Related to items you’ve viewed• Inspired by your browsing history• Additional items to explore• New for you• What other customers are looking at now

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 12

How is this going to change what we do now?

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 13

The current and future state of PSNew trends & approaches in technology & design enabling PS to proactively guide learners to optimum performance

How are you assessing the learning needs of your employees?Pre-webinar poll resultsLive polls

Today’s agenda

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 14

Live pollHow are you currently assessing the learning needs of your employees?

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 15

How are you currently assessing the learning needs of your employees?

Pre-webinar poll results

How effective are these approaches in getting us what we need to design “smart” Performance Support?

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport

The PS Spectrum: Embedded Where is your organization?

Within Mobile TechnologiesWithin Software

Applications)Across Software


At the Desktop

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport

The PS Spectrum: Contextual Where is your organization?

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport

The PS Spectrum: Just Enough Where is your organization?

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 19

The current and future state of PSNew trends & approaches in technology & design enabling PS to proactively guide learners to optimum performance

How are you assessing the learning needs of your employees?Pre-webinar poll resultsLive polls

The benefits of “smart” PS – why you need it!

Today’s agenda

©Ontuitive 2013 #PerformanceSupport 20

The benefits of “smart” PSWhy your organization needs to get “smart!

©Ontuitive® 2013 #PerformanceSupport

2013 monthly webinar seriesMay: The Power of Mobile Support June: How are you doing? Self-evaluationJuly: Agile DevelopmentAugust: Competencies for L&D & performance

September: Technology Needed to Author & Deliver PSOctober: People-Centered Computing November: Kill SearchDecember: IT – Love Them!

Save the Date: Performance Support SymposiumSeptember 9th & 10th

Boston, MA

©Ontuitive® 2013 #PerformanceSupport 22

Thanks!Next Steps & ResourcesBecome a member of our Performance Support Community – if you already are – invite a friend or colleague! Email us at bobandcon@ontuitive.com for an invite!

In the community you can:

• Discuss the current and future states of performance support in your organization

• Read our blogs, watch past webinars, listen to podcasts

• Network

• Collect business case data

• Find resources to share with stakeholders to increase PS buy-in

Contact Us: bobandcon@ontuitive.com
