WebStore solution by AD curry Agency

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Case Study by AD Curry Agency

‘WSS’ WebStore Solution!

We understand your overall need of web-store. So, we come up with simple ‘WSS’ solution for you. Where W - Webstore, S - Search Engine ‘Google’, and S - Social Media ‘Facebook’. 

A web-store need to have good user experience and safe payment gateway for secure transections. So, we trust on Shopify to meet your design and security preferences. And we create and maintain it for you, to give you smooth experience of Web-Store. 

A web-store needs to be searchable in Google. So, we create a SEO friendly website and SEM - Search Engine Marketing ‘Google’ campaign for you, to generate traffic on your website. 

A web-store & brand needs to be in direct touch with their users and fans. So, we create and maintain Social Media ‘Facebook’ business page for you, to update, promote and interact with your brand fans and users. 

Creative & Creative copy! We take care of banner creative, creative copy for website, social media and Google Ads. We are also into AV - Audio Visual making for online media.

Seasonal Greetings

Website Banners

All Product promotion

AV Making

Product promotion with Price

Logo Designing

Design! We Create responsive website as more and more shopping being done on mobile devices, it's important to have an online store that looks just as great on a smart phone as it does on a computer monitor.

Responsive Design

Image courtesy: Google Images

Design! We take care of User Experience of website, basis on brand & product attribute and current market trends. We offer the best design for you!


Functionality! We take care of functionality like Contact Us, Quick View, Social Media Sharing, Discount offer/coupon

Contact Us

Functionality! We take care of functionality like Contact Us, Quick View, Social Media Sharing, Discount offer/coupon

Quick View


We take care of functionality like Contact Us, Quick View, Social Media Sharing, Discount offer/coupon

Social Sharing Functionality

Functionality! We take care of functionality like Contact Us, Quick View, Social Media Sharing, Discount offer/coupon

Discount Code/coupon

Functionality! We take care of CRM - Order Confirmation, Shipping Confirmation & Abandoned kart recovery mail

Order Confirmation eMail

Shipping Confirmation eMail

Abandoned kart recovery eMail

Marketing & Advertising! We take care of Google search engine optimisation (SEO) and Marketing (SEM).



Google Business Page

Marketing & Advertising! We take care of Google Merchant Centre (GMC) to avail the opportunity of sales at the time of user search.

Social Media! We take care of page creation, Management, creative, advertisement on Social Media and Facebook Store!




Social Media! We take care of page creation, Management, creative, advertisement on Social and Facebook Store to avail the opportunity to sale on Facebook Media itself!

Facebook Store

Database & Reports! We take care of data and reports to manage and optimise the business on regular basis.


Customers Data


Customer & Order; Tracker & Details

Abandoned Customer Information

Abandoned Customer data

Build-up, Updation & Maintenance! We take care of build-up, updation and regular maintenance of website, products, functionalities and creative as per plan and requirement.

Image courtesy: Google Images

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