Wednesday November 18 th. NOVEMBER 18, 2015 VOCAB LIST 10.

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Wednesday November 18th

NOVEMBER 18, 2015



Maggie had an inquisitive mind and was always asking questions.


• Part of Speech: adjective• Definition: Curious


Dominique was always affable and courteous to her classmates.


• Part of Speech: adjective• Definition: friendly


Michael chose to exacerbate the argument by throwing a book at Alex’s head.


• Part of Speech: verb• Definition: to make worse


Liz put the holiday tree together subsequently by assembling the tree, adding ornaments, and piling the gifts underneath.


• Part of Speech: adjective• Definition: to follow one after another


McKenzie felt lovelorn as she had no one to celebrate Valentine’s Day with.


• Part of Speech: adjective• Definition: to be alone without love


Your opinion or position on an issue Must be supported with evidence (quotes, facts, data) Evidence must be explained


Consider the opposite side Argues againstagainst your claim

Turn against your argument to challenge it

Then turn back to reaffirm your position


Turn back to your original position Responds to and refutes issues

presented by the counterclaim

The Opposing Side

Ask these questions: 1. Who might disagree with my

position? Why? 2. What reasons do people have for disagreeing with me? 3. What evidence would support an opposing argument?

Counter Claim

Key phrases to use: One might object that... It might seem that... It's true that... Admittedly... Of course...


Return to your original argument based upon careful reasoning

-Show why counter argument is mistaken

-Acknowledge it, but show why it is less important


Key Phrases to use: but yet however nonetheless still


CLAIM: “More Americans are choosing low-carb diets because the media promotes low-carb diets as the new way to a skinnier body.”

COUNTER CLAIM: “Some Americans don't watch television commercials because they own a DVR or Tivo, but most Americans are exposed to other forms of advertisement in magazines, newspapers, and highway billboards.

Thesis and Forecast

A thesis statement is always one sentence that states your assertion (belief) about a topic. A thesis statement usually includes a forecast (brief preview of your arguments).

(I believe) ____________________ because of argument 1, argument 2, and argument 3.

Which of the following is a good thesis statement?

I believe we must stop wasting food now!The problem of food waste can easily be solved

by implementing three simple steps: reduce, reuse, recycle.

If you aren’t reducing, reusing, and recycling, you should.

I believe wasting food is a huge problem. We need to reduce our food waste. For example, make a shopping list before you go to the store, and only buy things you truly need. You shouldn’t buy a gallon of milk if you are only going to drink a quart of it during the week. Who cares if the gallon size is on sale?

Supporting Arguments

Logical Appeal (LogosLogos)—Does the author’s proposal

make sense?Ethical Appeal (EthosEthos)– Is the author’s

proposal the right thing to do?Emotional Appeal (PathosPathos)—Will accepting the author’s proposal make me

feel better?

Rhetorical Devices:Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Types of Supporting Arguments

Logos—an appeal to logic

• Often contain expert testimony

• Often contain statistical information

• Suggest that the product is the “logical” or “right” choice

Types of Supporting Arguments

Ethos-an appeal to do the “right” thing

Types of Supporting Arguments

Pathos-an appeal to the emotions

Not all emotional arguments are sad!,8599,1912454,00.htm l

Counter ArgumentsAddress Reader Objections

Oil companies should not be allowed to drill for oil in Alaska.

Schools should make overweight students eat diet meals for school lunch.

Be Cautious!

It is true that counter arguments enrich argumentative writing

However adding a weak counterargument or overdoing it cause worse results


Write a Claim and Counter Argument for ONE of the following topics (your choice!)

1. To Die or Suffer: The Necessity of Physician-assisted Suicide

2. Can cellphones be educational tools?