Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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a “chi” to the end of a word orname to signify somethingsmall and cute, which is whyhe would call him “Ron-chi.”

Continued on page 2

such fashion weeks as AIS areknown to boost tourism. Inter-est in fashion is growingaround the world and Arubahas to find their niche in thatmarket.

Aruba loves fashion and is-landers have their own uniquestyle. What is the typical fash-ion of Aruba? According toRonchi, “it is mixture of goodtaste, showing off a little butnot much, being loose andbeautiful with lots of fluidityduring the day. Once the sunsets, the tone changes to: “justhaving fun.”

The local designer sharedthat his real name is Ronaldand Ronchi is his nickname.His grandfather used to callhim that as he considered thename Ronald a little heavy fora baby. It is local custom to add

This year, the second annualAruba In Style Fashion Weekproved even more popularamong international media.The event was a huge successwith local and international de-signers presenting a series ofrunway shows and collectionpresentations during cocktailparties at trendy hot-spotsaround the island. More than40 International press mem-bers were present to give cov-erage to this grand event.

Recently, two articles pub-lished regarding Aruba’s signa-ture fashion week by Style,named creativity the high-lightof the event. In the popu-lar blog “Fashionista” of NewYork, the name Ronchi deCuba was frequently men-tioned as a legend in Aruba.His successful agency ‘ModelSearch’ was compared to“America’s Next Top Model.”

Another fashion blog,“Daily Front Row” also giveRonchi tremendous coverage.The author mentions being to-tally fascinated with Mr. deCuba, who presented his col-lection during a fabulous showat a mansion at Tierra Del Sol.In an interview with Ronchi,the designer shared that lastyear he did not participate atthe event as he was also part ofthe organizing team. He cited

Media feedback follows a successful Aruba In Style 2012 Fashion Week

International media has dubbed localfashion designer Ronchi de Cuba the“Karl Lagerfeld” of Aruba

Washington : Sergeant Megan Aigner of the DC NationalGuard looks inside a box with a traditional Thanksgivingdinner provided for military families as part of OperationHomefront at the DC National Guard Armory in Washing-ton, DC, yesterday. The organization, with Harris Teetersupermarkets and MillerCoors, donates holiday meals to400 military families in the DC area. (AFP PHOTO)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Office Systems Aruba hasbeen around since 1992 andhas always been known fortheir high quality Europeanfurniture and articles for of-fices. For some time now theyhave been exploring the mar-ket of furniture assembly inAruba. They invested heavilyin modern equipment and pre-pared their employees to beable to design and assemblefurniture in Aruba. This veryyear, the renowned Dauphinbrand of Germany accreditedOffice Systems to assembletheir furniture here in Aruba.

Office Systems is growing

daily not only in the sale offurniture, but also in the designof furniture to clients’ specifi-cations both on the commer-cial as well as in the individualhome markets.

You are cordially invited tostop by their furniture plantand store show room to get afeel of what they are doing andsee some of the outstandingwork they produce locally.

prove themselves. Our visionhas no limit; we are willing totest areas that are new to us.”They were happy to report thatall of the furniture for the JuanValdez Cafe was completelyfabricated here in Aruba.

With the production of the fur-niture needs of the interna-tional Juan Valdez outlet here,Office Systems Aruba demon-strated their expert savvy in thefabrication of furniture to thestringent requirements of aninternational customer.

The new store is based onan international concept withlots of requirements, nonethe-less, Office Systems Arubawas able to comply with all oftheir stringent demands anddeliver an expert product totheir complete satisfaction.

General Manager of OfficeSystems Aruba, CarlosMaduro, indicated that,“Aruba can be proud to have acompany that can open doorsfor talented young people to

Office Systems demonstrates

international savvy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2

For info call: 5875010 Email:


Time Share

for SALE

portant for him to present hiscollection on an internationallevel. He has received invita-tions to present his collectionat various Fashion Weeks, andbeginning January 2013 he’sgoing to accept them, begin-ning with “Colombia Moda,”and “IMG.”

Ronchi also wanted to sharewith the community that hisboutique ‘Trash by Ronchi’just received a new collection,especially for the upcomingholidays, for both men andwomen.. There is somethingglamorous for everyone, in-cluding plus sizes.

To be compared with Lager-feld is a great honor for Ronchias Lagerfeld is consideredworldwide as the ‘King ofFashion.”

“For me to be given thattitle in the article in the NewYork Press is a huge honor,”stated Ronchi. “Daily FrontRow,” which covers differentfashion weeks around theworld featured me, talkingabout my collection and aboutAruba. I was even asked if Iam the “Mayor” of Aruba, towhich I responded “no, Iwish.”

Ronchi felt it was very im-

Ronchi de Cuba the “KarlLagerfeld” of ArubaContinued from page 1

Bubali Plas is by any stan-dard, a nature’s treasure,which needs to be protected,preserved and conserved.This area is recognizedaround the world as a veryimportant area for migratingbirds and a breeding area. Inorder to maintain and im-prove the area we must takeaction to improve the entirearea around the water settle-ment known as the BubaliPlas.

The area should also be

nical garden, an interactiveprogram of Aruban flora anda center for bird observation.At the same time it shouldfunction as an educationalcenter for our community.

According to the govern-ment, the project will be sup-ported by the TourismProduct Enhancement Fundas it is part of the protectionand improvement of a specialattraction and contributes tothe enhancement of theAruba Product.

tend to join forces together tocreate a particular status ofthe Bubali Plas Conservationwithin the National ArikokPark.

The government sees theimportance and potential foramplifying the NationalArikok Park with the BubaliPlas and the Tera Park. Theyare convinced that this willadd diversity and a new expe-rience to the tourism productand should be part of ourtourism sustainability. Theproject will consist of a bota -

The government is of theopinion that it is, indeed,worth the while to protectand conserve this entire area.It ought to be seen as part ofour cultural heritage to bepreserved.

Three organizations: TeraAruba Foundation, ArubaBird Life Conservation andthe National Arikok Park in-

Bubali Plas getting government’s deserved attention!

prepared in such a manner asto allow citizens to enjoy thebeauty of this nature’s treas-ure in harmony with thebirds. With some smallchanges it can become an ed-ucational as well as recre-ational area. Bird watching isan important niche which canbe added to our tourism at-traction portfolio. It is anarea which invites naturelovers from around the worldto come and observe birdsfrom all over the world.

Wednesday, November 21,  2012                                                                                                                                                                                    3                              

A small group of sea birds rest in late afternoon sun-shine at Aruba's Bubali Bird Sanctuary

Aruba's Bubali Bird Sanctuary

Tri-colored Heron searching fora meal at Bubali Bird Sanctuary.

the wish that the informateur isappointed formateur. The out-come of the judicial investiga-tion and the state securityinvestigation with his consenton the basis of Article 2, fourthparagraph, of the Ordinanceintegrity (candidate) ministerswas already performed. Thisscreening came out positiveand therefore could not stopthe appointment of Mr.Camelia as formateur.

The governor has indicatedthat Camelia must ensure thatthe new Ordinance integrity(candidate) Ministers must beobserved. Camelia must reporthis findings by December 14.

WILLEMSTAD – Former In-formateur Glenn Camelia wasappointed by Acting GovernorAdele van der Pluijm-Vrede tobe the formateur (the one whoforms the new government) ofthe Curacao government. Thewillingness declaration wassigned by the parties PuebloSoberano (PS 5 seats), PAIS (4seats) and PNP (1 seat). These10 seats which do not form amajority will be reinforced bythe former PAR member andnow independent member ofParliament Glenn Sulvaran.

The chairmen of the partiesand the independent Memberof Parliament have expressed

Madonna confesses:I read about Madonna

who tried to answer the ques-tion of, “Why am I here?” bybecoming a diva. But, sheconfessed not too long agothat...“There were manyyears when I thought fame,fortune, and public approvalwould bring me happiness.But one day you wake up andrealize they don’t...I still feltsomething was missing...Iwanted to know the meaningof true and lasting happinessand how I could go aboutfinding it.”

Others have given up onfinding meaning in theirlives. You would recall KurtCobain, lead singer of the

Seattle band Nirvana, who de-spaired at age 27 and took hisown life. Jazz-age cartoonistRalph Barton also felt mean-ingless and committed suicide.In a suicide note Barton wrote:“I have had few difficulties,many friends, great successes;I have gone from wife to wife,and from house to house, vis-ited countries of the world, butI am fed up with inventing de-vices to fill up 24 hours of theday.”

Pascal on God:Pascal, the great French

philosopher believed that theinner void we all experiencecan only be filled by God. Hewrote: “There’s a God-shapedvacuum in the heart of everyman which only Jesus Christcan fill.”

Pascal is right; there is nomeaning to life without God! Iknow, especially men who haveachieved some measure of suc-cess will tell me that God isonly a convenience, or at bestsomething to have to compli-ment your sense of personhood.

Continued on page 5

hypocrites who talk aboutJesus and live totally contraryto what Jesus taught. Well, totell the truth, I too don’t wantany part of religious hypocrisy.So, I focus on Jesus and not onreligion....and there is a big dif-ference! Religion cannot meetmy deepest needs, nor can reli-gion answer my questions andgive me meaning, but Jesus canand does!

Three questions of life:Jesus answers the three biggestquestions of life: 1. Who am I, 2.Why am I here, 3. Where do I go from here(after death)?

It is true that philosophersand religious leaders downthrough the years have offeredanswers to these questions, butonly Jesus Christ proved hiscredentials by rising from thedead! Jesus offers life with realmeaning. He said that life ismuch more than makingmoney, having a good time,being successful, and thendying and getting buried. Yet,many people today still try tofind meaning in riches, fameand success.

I have very seldom writtenabout religion or about JesusChrist. The reason - I have al-ways thought that religion istoo private and should not bediscussed in a newspaper.But, the more I thought aboutthat the more I am convincedhow wrong I was to thinkthis. Because, the truth is re-ligion is a very vital part ofthe total fiber of our society.If we remove religion fromsociety, we will cease to be asociety. And, while I use theterm “religion” I realize thatreligion in and of itself is notwhat matters, but that JesusChrist is who matters.

Jesus and Religion:Many people believe that

Jesus Christ wants us to be-come religious. What’s worse,many believe that Jesus shouldnot be a part of our everydaylife, because they believe thatHe came to take the fun out oflife, and to give us a bunch ofstupid rules to live by. To manypeople, Jesus was a greatleader of the past, like say,John F. Kennedy or MartinLuther King, Jr., but that He isnot relevant to their lives todayin this 21st century. Well, thebig question I am asking youtoday is...Is Jesus relevanttoday? And, if He is, in whatway is He relevant, and whatdoes His relevance mean tome?

When I say to someone thatI believe in Jesus Christ andthat He is relevant and meanseverything to me, they look atme and ask if I’m really seri-ous. I have even had people sayto me....“oh, for God’s sake,don’t give me that garbage.”Others say that they are fed upwith religion, with the churchand church people. They havesaid that there are too many

Is Jesus Relevant Today?

4 Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Former informateur Cameliaappointed as Formateur

But as a millionaire friend ofmine, who came to Arubamany years ago for a Gover-nor’s Prayer Breakfast, said:with all my millions andlife’s comforts, I have cometo rea lize that the emptiness Ihad was because those thingsnever gave me the satisfac-tion and happiness I foundwhen I trusted my life toJesus Christ. And, FordMason, the inventor of thegum machine we still seearound in stores today, said,today I am truly fulfilled andgenuinely happy not becauseof what I have, but becauseof Who I have in my life –Jesus Christ!

How to know Jesus Christ:God is more than a force,

He is a person whom we canknow and enjoy. God is rela-tional like us, He thinks, Hehears and communicates in alanguage we can understand.He knows each of us inti-mately and personally anddelights to have a personalrelationship with us! Thismakes Him very relevant tous today.

Jesus demonstrated God’slove for us. He, Jesus Christ,

wants to have a personal re-lationship with us. I haveoften said, no man is really aman until he has God in hislife, in a dynamic and per-sonal way...not just emptywords, but really and trulyliving for God. Material,monetary success is like abubble that can burst, andwhen it bursts, without Christin your life, you are left to-tally empty and devastated!Including Jesus Christ in ourlives is so easy and simple:acknowledge our sinfulness,ask for His forgiveness in allsincerity, and determine towalk away from sin (our oldlife we know is wrong) wecall this repentance, and com-mit our life totally to Him forHim to lead and control. And,leave all the consequences ofour new commitment to Him.What will happen to us willsimply amaze us, the trans-formation will be unbeliev-able but wonderful tobehold!!

If this was helpful, feel freeto offer your comments

Recently, Director of KingdomRelations, Erwin Arkenboutpaid a courtesy visit to ArubaLieutenant Governor Mrs. EllaTromp-Yarzagaray.

The Directorate of King-dom Relations handles cooper-ation with the Caribbean part ofthe Kingdom. The Directorategives policy advice to theDutch Minister of Home Af-fairs and Kingdom Relationsand handles intra-departmentalcoordination in the executionof the policy of the Dutch Gov-ernment in The Netherlandsand the Caribbean part of theKingdom. The Directorate isalso responsible for planning,setting up and executing pro-grams and projects to stimulatecooperation with the Caribbeanpart of the Kingdom.

Mr. Arkenbout is accompa-nied by Mr. Gerard van derWulp, Dutch Representativefor St. Maarten, Curacao andAruba. Van der Wulp is estab-lished in Curacao but he willdivide his time between thethree countries under his re-sponsibility.

Photo shows Mrs. Tomp-Yarzagaray with, at left, Mr.Arkenbout and, at right, Mr.Van der Wulp.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 5

Director of Kingdom Relations visits

Aruba Lieutenant Governor Pointers: Is Jesus . . .?

Continued from page 4

troops in North Kivu province,backing government forcesagainst the rebels.

The UN defended its peace-keepers after Goma fell, sayinga battle for the city would haveput civilians at risk.

"Fifteen hundred in a city ofa million, there has to be avalue judgement made," saidUN deputy spokesman Ed-uardo del Buey.

"Do you open fire and putcivilians at risk or do you holdyour fire, continue your pa-trols, observe what is happen-ing and remind the M23 thatthey are subject to interna-tional humanitarian and humanrights law."

mineral-rich North Kivuprovince, capping a week-longadvance by the M23.

In a radio broadcast, rebelspokesman Vianney Kazaramaappealed for calm and orderedpolice and government sol-diers to surrender on Wednes-day morning at Goma'sfootball stadium.

While the rebels claimed tohave captured both the city andits airport, a UN spokesmansaid peacekeepers were in con-trol of the airport and that UNforces were still on patrol inthe city.

The UN has around 1,500"quick reaction" peacekeepersin Goma, part of some 6,700

GOMA, DR Congo (AFP) -Rebels in the Democratic Re-public of Congo yesterdayseized the key eastern city ofGoma amid warnings of a hu-manitarian catastrophe, withthe United Nations and othersreporting killings, abductions,looting and extortion of civil-ians.

Locals however cheeredand applauded two vehiclesfull of rebels as they drovearound the city centre afterfighters of the M23 movementmarched into the city facinglittle resistance.

Witnesses reported thatrebel chief Sultani Makengahad arrived in the capital of

THE HAGUE (AFP) - Policehave busted a gang exchang-ing fake marriages for largesums of money to give illegalimmigrants European Unioncitizenship, European law en-forcement agencies said yes-terday.

The Europol and Eurojustagencies said in a combinedstatement from The Haguethat a total of 24 people hadbeen arrested.

Police in Britain, Franceand Portugal arrested the sus-pects who were allegedly partof a sham marriage scam in-volving Indian, Nigerian,Pakistani and Portuguese cit-izens.

"Investigations establishedthat the Portuguese organisedcrime group had been recruit-ing prospective brides andgrooms in Portugal," thestatement said.

In return, it was offering,"in exchange for large sumsof money, the possibility forpersons without any resi-dence permits to marry invarious (EU) member statesand apply for EU citizenshipa few years later."

Police pounced simulta -neously in Britain, Franceand Portugal and searched atotal of 23 homes and an of-fice.

"Seizures include cash,documentation, mobile tele-phones, SIM cards, comput-ers, one hard disk drive and1.5 kilograms of hashish," thestatement said.

PARIS -- Multiple rounds of international sanctions arefailing to have any effect on Iran’s controversial nuclearprogram, the head of the UN atomic agency said yester-day. Uranium enrichment lies at the heart of the interna-tional community’s concerns about Iran’s nuclearprogram, since the material produced can be used notonly for peaceful purposes – Iran’s stated intention -- butalso, when further treated, for a nuclear bomb. The UNSecurity Council has passed six resolutions calling onIran to suspend all enrichment, passing four rounds ofsanctions.

sonal life has become a distrac-tion that none of us wants,"Sesame Workshop said, addingthat Clash "has concluded thathe can no longer be effective inhis job and has resigned."

"Sesame Workshop's mis-sion is to harness the educa-tional power of media to helpall children the world overreach their highest potential,"it said.

"Kevin Clash has helped usachieve that mission for 28years, and none of us, espe-cially Kevin, want anything todivert our attention from ourfocus on serving as a leadingeducational organization."

In a separate statement,Clash said: "I am resigningfrom Sesame Workshop with avery heavy heart."

"Personal matters have di-verted attention away from theimportant work Sesame Streetis doing and I cannot allow itto go on any longer," he addedin the statement sent by hispublicist Risa Heller.

"I am deeply sorry to beleaving and am looking for-ward to resolving these per-sonal matters privately."

"Sesame Street," which firstappeared on public televisionin November 1969, teacheschildren the basics of reading,writing and counting.

NEW YORK (AFP) - The pup-peteer behind the beloved"Sesame Street" characterElmo has resigned followingallegations that he had sexualrelationships with underageteens.

In a statement issued yes-terday, Kevin Clash said hewas leaving the popular USchildren's television show afternearly three decades with a"heavy heart," but needed tosettle the allegations againsthim "privately."

Sesame Workshop, whichproduces the show, said thecontroversy swirling aroundthe 52-year-old Clash had be-come a "distraction" that couldnot be overcome, calling it "asad day for Sesame Street."

Last week, Clash -- who isopenly gay -- took a leave ofabsence from the show after aman said the pair had had sexseveral years ago, when the ac-cuser was only 16 -- a claimClash firmly denied. The manlater dropped the claim.

But yesterday, celebritywebsite reportedthat a second man, identifiedas Cecil Singleton, had filed alawsuit claiming the pair had arelationship when he wasunder the age of consent.

"Unfortunately, the contro-versy surrounding Kevin's per-

Sesame puppeteer resigns,

sex claims 'distraction'

Hamas military commander."Two cameramen from Al-

Aqsa TV have been killed,health ministry spokesmanAshraf al-Qudra told AFP, say-ing the strike hit a car in GazaCity's Nasser area that wasclearly marked as a press vehi-cle.

GAZA CITY -- Six morePalestinians were killed in Is-raeli raids last night, raising theday's toll to 26, as talk of animminent truce failed to slowthe pace of Israeli strikes.

More than 1,000 peoplehave also been injured in Gazasince the conflict began withIsrael's targeting of a senior

Europeanpolice rollup shammarriage


6 Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Israeli air strikes kill 26in Gaza

DR Congo rebels capture Goma, accused

of atrocities

An Israeli soldier evacuates a young girl from a site hit bya rocket launched by Palestinian militants from the GazaStrip in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva yesterday.

the talks.The Colombian govern-

ment delegation, led by formervice president Humberto de laCalle, entered the conventioncenter where the talks arebeing held without talking toreporters.

Negotiations were formallylaunched in Oslo on October18 in a bid to end a half-cen-tury-old conflict that has left600,000 people dead and dis-placed four million more.

The last bid to forge apeaceful resolution ended infailure a decade ago.

The government of Colom-bian President Juan ManuelSantos has said it will continueoperations against the rebelsuntil a comprehensive deal isreached.

HAVANA (AFP) - Peace talksbetween the Colombian go -vernment and leftist FARCrebels are progressing at a"good pace," a guerrilla dele-gate said on the second day ofclosed-door talks yesterday inCuba.

The Revolutionary ArmedForces of Colombia (FARC)declared a two-month ceasefireon the first day of the Havanatalks Monday in an optimisticsign for the latest effort to endLatin America's longest-run-ning insurgency.

"We are progressing at agood pace, on a good path,making sure that the people arefully participating in thisprocess of building peace,"FARC commander JesusSantrich said as he arrived at

FARC: Colombian peacetalks moving at 'a good pace'

still.Chilean airline LAN an-

nounced it would scrap flightswithin Argentina scheduled totake off before 4 pm, as well asseven regional flights headedto and originating from SaoPaulo, Lima and the Chileancapital Santiago.

Behind the strike is thepowerful head of the opposi-tion faction of Argentina's CGTlabor federation Hugo Moy-ano, who backed Kirchner untillast year. A splinter group of theCTA union also called for thestrike. The union activists wantlower income taxes.

The November 8 demon-stration reflected the loss offaith among the middle class inKirchner, who last year wonre-election with 54 percent ofthe vote.

Argentina's growth rate fellfrom nine percent in 2011 tojust 2.2 percent this year, ac-cording to the World Bank.

BUENOS AIRES (AFP) -Road and air transport delaysplagued Argentina yesterday asPresident Cristina Kirchner,her approval rating in free fall,faced the second mass protestin as many weeks.

After tens of thousands ofdemonstrators took to thestreets on November 8 to com-plain about inflation and highcrime rates, unions called a 24-hour general strike over taxes,led by a union boss once alliedwith Kirchner.

"There are hundreds of roadblocks across the country,"said one of the strike organi -zers, Oscar de Isasi, as he ap-pealed for the government to"change course."

Road blocks cut off mainaccess routes into the capitalBuenos Aires, causing trafficjams, while domestic flightswere canceled at the city'sAeroparque airport. One sub-way line also came to a stand-

Argentina strike again

challenges Kirchner

to happen next."We need to do a lot of

work to persuade the lay peo-ple of Synod that there is a wayforward on this together.

Church of England bishopswere to host an emergency ses-sion this morning to considerthe consequences of the vote.

and laity, but failed by just sixvoters among the laity.

Stephen Cottrell, theBishop of Chelmsford, told re-porters: "I'm hugely disap-pointed. This is going to bevery hard for people in thewider church and the widerworld to understand.

"I'm not sure what's going

LONDON (AFP) - TheChurch of England's draft leg-islation approving womenbishops failed to pass its gov-erning body the General Synodby a razor-thin margin yester-day.

The legislation needed atwo-thirds majority among thethree houses of bishops, clergy

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 7

INTERNATIONAL NEWS Church of England rejects women bishops

LONDON (AFP) - Britain'sMinistry of Defence yesterdaydefended its practice of shoot-ing pigs and giving thewounded animals to militarysurgeons to practice treatingcommon battlefield injuries.

Royal Society for the Pre-vention of Cruelty to Animalsspokesperson Klare Kennettsaid the training exercises,which take place twice a yearin Denmark, were "abhorrentand shocking".

"Pigs are intelligent animalsand most people would be ap-palled by this, especially asthere is an alternative availablewhich does not involve harm-ing any animals," she said.

The ministry said the train-ing gave surgeons "invaluableexperience" and "helped savelives on operations".

The animals are heavilyanaesthetised before beingshot at close range "to damageorgans but not kill the ani-mals", and are then operatedon before being killed hu-manely, the ministry said.

"This training has helpedsave lives on operations andby participating in the Danishexercises we minimise theoverall number of animalsused."a spokesperson said.

Britain defendsshooting pigsfor armymedic training

Dengue also seems to be ex-clusive to humans, whichmeans it is impossible to testvaccines on lab animals first.

According to the UN'sWorld Health Organisation,between 50 and 100 milliondengue infections occur eachyear in more than 100 coun-tries. In 1970 the disease wasendemic in just nine countries.

India, with a teeming popu-lation of 1.2 billion, has be-come a major focal point forthe mosquito-borne viral in-fection.

Between 2007 and thismonth, the country has had32,263 dengue cases with 188deaths, according to the Na-tional Vector Borne DiseaseControl Programme. Expertssay the real numbers are muchhigher.

NEW DELHI (AFP) - Frenchhealth care giant Sanofi Pas-teur will soon test a vaccineagainst dengue fever in Indiaamid concerns about the in-creasingly global spread of thedisease.

The vaccine will be tried onabout 120 adults followed bytrials on children before it canbe made available internation-ally as soon as 2015, the Timesof India newspaper said.

Dengue causes a flu-like ill-ness for most victims but oneof its strains can cause life-threatening internal bleeding.

There is no licensed vaccineto protect against dengue. Ef-forts to develop one have beencomplicated by the fact thatthere are four different strains,all of which may circulate inan outbreak zone.

8 Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Health & Living

tions in sub-Saharan Africa,and, alarmingly, 92 percent ofall pregnant women in theworld who live with the viruswere in the region.

Yet particular progress hadbeen made in bringing downthe number of children newlyinfected with HIV in sub-Sa-haran Africa -- a region thattoday is home to 90 percent ofthe world's infected young-sters, UNAIDS said.

Between 2009 and 2011, thenumber of children in the re-gion infected with the virusthat causes AIDS dropped 24percent, with a number ofcountries, including Kenyaand South Africa, seeing fallsof between 40 and 59 percent.

UNAIDS, which spearheadsthe international fight againstAIDS, said that low and mid-dle-income countries in the re-gion had increased their HIVprevention investment by 15percent from 2010 to 2011.

In 21 countries in sub-Saha-ran Africa, external fundingsources account for more than50 percent of HIV invest-ments, while other countriesincluding South Africa andBotswana provided more than75 percent of their own expen-diture, UNAIDS said.

GENEVA (AFP) - Deathsfrom HIV/AIDS have fallensharply in sub-Saharan Africain recent years, with particularprogress made on protectingchildren from the deadly virus,the UN said.

"Between 2005 and 2011,the number of people dyingfrom AIDS-related causes insub-Saharan Africa declinedby 32 percent, from 1.8 millionto 1.2 million," the UN's pro-gramme on HIV/AIDS (UN-AIDS) said in its annual reporton the state of the global pan-demic.

The number of new HIV in-fections in sub-Saharan Africa,which remains the epicentre ofthe crisis, meanwhile plunged25 percent over 10 years, from2.4 million in 2001 to 1.8 mil-lion last year, according to thereport published ahead ofWorld AIDS Day on Decem-ber 1.

Despite the progress madeto bring down the infectionrate in the region, sub-SaharanAfrica still counts 23.5 millionpeople living with HIV, or 69percent of the global total, ac-cording to the report.

Women are disproportion-ately affected, accounting for58 percent of all HIV infec-

AIDS deaths plunge:UN

Dengue vaccine to betested in India: reports

GOTHENBURG (AFP) : This undated police handoutphoto made available on November 20, 2012, shows ahuman skull in a bed found in the apartment of a 37-year-old woman in Gothenburg, southern Sweden. TheSwedish woman was charged with possession of humanskulls and bones, which the prosecution claimed sheused for sexual purposes. The 37 year-old woman keptat least six skulls, one spine and "a large number of otherbones" in her Gothenburg apartment, according to theprosecution's charge sheet.

ond term, saying the UnitedStates had a duty to come to-gether to curb emissions in thewake of last month's devastat-ing Superstorm Sandy.

Some US lawmakers takeissue with the view of mostscientists that industrial emis-sions of carbon dioxide andother greenhouse gases arecausing the planet to warm.

Word of the center's closurecomes just days before theopening of an internationalconference in Doha on globalwarming.

HONG KONG : A man walks past an illuminated display

outside an Apple store in Hong Kong on November 20,

2012. Global sales of "smart devices," which include

smartphones and tablets, will hit 821 million worldwide

this year and 1.2 billion in 2013, a research firm said.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9


WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheCIA has shuttered its unit ded-icated to studying the impactof climate change on nationalsecurity, shifting its activitieselsewhere, an official saidTuesday.

"As part of a broader re-alignment of analytic re-sources, this work continues tobe performed by a dedicatedteam in a new office that looksat economic and energy mat-ters affecting America's na-tional security," said CIAspokesman Todd Ebitz.

"The mission and the re-sources devoted to it remainessentially unchanged."

The Center on ClimateChange and National Securitywas founded in 2009 under theleadership of then CIA directorLeon Panetta, who now headsthe Pentagon.

It was aimed at studying

the security ramifications ofclimate-related issues such asdesertification, rising sea lev-els, migration and competitionfor natural resources.

Republican members of theUS Congress, many of whomdoubt the scientifically ac-cepted evidence that climatechange is underway, have op-posed the unit since its estab-lishment and unsuccessfullysought to block funding for it.

Panetta was replaced inSeptember 2011 by David Pe-traeus.

Under former presidentGeorge W. Bush, the UnitedStates, one of the world'sbiggest polluters, opposed in-ternational measures such asthe Kyoto Treaty designed toslow global warming.

President Barack Obamahas now vowed a new push foraction on the matter in his sec-

CIA closes dedicated climate changeunit

Record number back UN vote against deathpenalty UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - A record 110 countries on

Monday backed a resolution voted every two years at the

UN General Assembly calling for the abolition of the

death penalty. The United States, Japan, China, Iran,

India, North Korea and Syria were among 39 countries to

vote against the non-binding resolution in the assem-

bly's rights committee. Thirty-six countries abstained. At

the last vote in 2010, 107 countries backed the resolu-


10 Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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lapse.Following talks between

Van Rompuy and European af-fairs ministers to seek a com-promise, Cyprus, whichcurrently holds the rotating EUpresidency, said there wasprogress towards a deal.

"We believe an agreementis possible," said the CypriotEuropean Affairs Minister An-dreas Mavroyiannis. "All of usmust go the extra mile."

ut Sweden, which alongwith the Netherlands and Fin-land back Britain's demand forbetter spending, called formore steep cuts.

David Cameron are demand-ing huge cuts to EU spendingto match domestic belt-tighten-ing, but face opposition frompoorer nations to the east andsouth who benefit from theBrussels budget.

Run-up talks to Thursday'sbudget summit have exposedstark divisions between EU na-tions that threaten more traumafor the bloc after three years ofeconomic crisis.

"Let there be no mistake:the absence of an agreementwould be harmful for all ofus," Van Rompuy said amidtalk of a possible summit col-

BRUSSELS (AFP) - EuropeanUnion president Herman VanRompuy said yesterday he willdraft a fresh proposal on thebloc's contested trillion-eurobudget in hopes of saving anextraordinary summit thisweek from collapse.

In an invitation to the EU's27 leaders, Van Rompuypledged "a revised version" ofcontroversial proposed cuts tothe EU budget for 2014-2020to be considered when leadersbegin the two-day talks Thurs-day evening.

Austerity-driven nations ledby British Prime Minister

The difference between therate a country must pay to bo -rrow money on sovereign debtmarkets and that paid by Ger-many, the eurozone bench-mark, is a common indicator ofmarket confidence.

In January, Standard andPoor's was the first leading rat-ings agency to withdraw itshighest rating on French debt,and Moody's followed suit lateMonday, lowering its rating byone notch from the top "Aaa"to "Aa1".

Moody's also left its assess-ment of French debt on nega-tive watch, which means itcould lower the rating again inthe future.

cent months from ultra-lowborrowing rates, and Hollandeis keen to maintain that advan-tage as he tries to cut the publicdeficit and debt. To do so hemust convince financial mar-kets that he is serious about re-forming the economy.

"This is what allows us tohave interest rates that we havenot seen for years on our so -vereign debt," the French pres-ident noted.

He pointed out that evenafter the downgrade, which leftFrance's rating at a very highlevel, "interest rates did notmove and the spread with Ger-man rates remained exactly thesame."

PARIS (AFP) - French Presi-dent Francois Hollandewarned the country yesterdaythat it must "stay the course"and stick with a policy ofstraightening out the public ac-counts after Moody's strippedFrance of its coveted "Aaa"rating.

"We must take account (ofthe decision), pursue our po -licy, stay the course and under-stand that it is in our interest tocorrect our public accounts,"Hollande told a gathering ofFrench mayors.

He spoke less than a dayafter Moody's became the se -cond of three leading agenciesto cut its ratings on Frenchgovernment bonds, owingamong other factors to thecountry's poor economic pros -pects, rigid labour markets,and financial risks from the eu-rozone debt crisis.

France has benefitted in re-

Hollande says France must 'stay the

course' after Moody's downgrade

"Indeed, by the reckoningof the Congressional BudgetOffice and that of many out-side observers, a fiscal shockof that size would send theeconomy toppling back intorecession."

He said the Fed alreadyviews growth as disappoint-ingly slow and troubled bythreats from the eurozone cri-sis, slow job creation and thereticence of banks to loosenlending standards -- whichBernanke said is holding backrecovery in the housing sector.

On top of that, he said, "thephasing-out of earlier stimulusprograms and policy actions toreduce the federal budgetdeficit have led federal fiscalpolicy to begin restrainingGDP growth."

"Indeed, under almost anyplausible scenario, next yearthe drag from federal fiscalpolicy on GDP growth willoutweigh the positive effectson growth from fiscal expan-sion at the state and locallevel."

WASHINGTON (AFP) - USFederal Reserve chairman BenBernanke warned yesterdaythat the looming 'fiscal cliff' taxhikes and spending cuts "posea substantial threat" to thecountry's economic recovery.

With government leaderslocked in crunch talks onavoiding the cliff and slashingthe budget deficit, Bernankealso said that the rising cuts tofederal government spendingwere already holding backeconomic growth.

"Congress and the adminis-tration will need to protect theeconomy from the full brunt ofthe severe fiscal tightening atthe beginning of next year thatis built into current law -- theso-called fiscal cliff," the UScentral bank chief said in aspeech in New York.

"The realization of all of theautomatic tax increases andspending cuts that make up thefiscal cliff, absent offsettingchanges, would pose a sub-stantial threat to the recovery,"he said.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11

F i n a n c e


Dutch Antilles









(per 10,000)

















































Current as of:


all rates for amounts up to aWG 100.00 per item.


Crossword answer

Bernanke warns about fiscalcliff, spending cutbacks

Rogue UBS trader who lost

$2.3bn jailed for seven years

LONDON (AFP) - UBS trader Kweku Adoboli was jailedfor seven years in London yesterday for gambling away$2.3 billion of the Swiss bank's money in Britain'sbiggest ever fraud. The Ghanaian-born banker, 32, hadbeen found guilty of two counts of fraud by a jury atSouthwark Crown Court earlier yesterday but cleared offour charges of false accounting.The judge said Adoboliwould serve half his sentence before being released onlicence.Adoboli wiped away tears as he was sentenced.He had admitted the losses but denied any wrongdoing.

EU's Van Rompuy to make new bidto save EU budget summit

curbing drug-related phenom-ena like late-night revelry, traf-fic jams and dealing in harddrugs.

But its critics said it simplypushed drug peddling onto thestreets of southern cities likeMaastricht and Tilburg and ledto a rise in crime.

Coffee-shop owners in thesouth were pleased thattourists could now at least buydrugs somewhere, butlamented the fact that theirown establishments remainedoff-limits.

Away from the Dutch bor-der cities -- which suffer mostfrom drug-tourism related in-cidents -- Amsterdam said itwould simply keep allowingforeigners access.

Roughly a fifth of the city'sseven million annual visitorsvisit one or more of its 220cannabis cafes.

Pope Benedict XVI publishes last volume of Jesus bio -

VATICAN CITY (AFP) - Pope Benedict XVI has published thethird and last volume of his biography of Jesus Christ, a touchingand highly personal work written under the theologian pope'sown name of Joseph Ratzinger. The book is written by Ratzingerrather than Pope Benedict XVI, meaning that it is an academicwork rather than dogma that cannot be contradicted."Jesus ofNazareth: The Infancy Narratives" goes on sale today.

-------------Malaysia seizes $7.1 mln 'cocaine cocktail' from ship -

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysian narcotics agents havefoiled a Nigerian syndicate's bid to smuggle cocaine worth $7.1million hidden in coconut milk cans, a top police official saidTuesday. Acting on a tip-off from the United States Drug En-forcement Administration, authorities found the drugs in a con-tainer at the country's top port, Port Klang, he said. It had arrivedon a ship from Guyana last Monday. Noor Rashid said the liquiddrugs seized could produce about 76 kilogrammes (168 pounds)of cocaine when processed.

------------Charlie Chaplin hat and cane net more than $62,000 -

LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Charlie Chaplin's iconic bowler hatand cane were auctioned off for $62,500 this weekend, as partof an auction which also includes a John Lennon nude drawingof himself and Yoko Ono. The hat and cane, trademark of Chap-lin's Little Tramp character, were in "remarkable condition" andhad been estimated to go for between $40,000 and $60,000 atthe sale by auction house Bonhams on Sunday. But when it wentunder the hammer, the sale price hit $62,500 the auctioneerssaid. Legend has it that Chaplin came up with the tramp personaand wardrobe spontaneously one rainy afternoon in February1914, seizing various wardrobe items in a communal male dress-ing room at a Hollywood studio.

-------------San Francisco to vote on public nudity ban -

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - San Francisco lawmakers voteTuesday on a proposal to outlaw most public nudity, despiteprotests in the famously free and easy West Coast city. TheBoard of Supervisors will vote on an ordinance proposed byScott Wiener, whose Castro neighborhood is a gay haven knownalso for the Naked Guys, who routinely let it all hang out in pub-lic. A group of naked protesters demonstrated outside City Hallin support of the legal action, which claims that banning nuditywould breach their right to free speech.

--------------Afghan opium poppy growth 'alarm signal': UN

KABUL (AFP) - Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan in-creased by 18 percent this year, sending a "serious alarm signal"from the world's biggest opium producer, the United Nationssaid Tuesday. Estimated opium production in the war-torn coun-try fell 36 percent because of blight and bad weather. But thearea under poppies rose despite tougher eradication efforts, theUN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said in its annual re-port. Afghanistan produces about 90 percent of the world'sopium, and poppy farmers are taxed by Taliban militants whouse the cash to help fund their insurgency against the govern-ment and NATO forces.

12 Wednesday, November 21, 2012

THE HAGUE (AFP) - Dutchcities are to decide themselveswhether to bar foreign drugtourists from so-called coffee-shops, after the governmentscrapped its unpopular "weedpass" law.

The move will allow Ams-terdam to keep pulling in mil-lions of foreign soft-drugusers, while allowing bordertowns to clamp down on crimerelated to drug tourism.

The Dutch government an-

nounced a year ago that it wasintroducing a law to ban for-eigners from entering dope-dealing "coffee-shops", alsoforcing local smokers to showidentification and register in adatabase.

Called the "cannabis card"law, it rolled out in May inthree southern Dutchprovinces that attract manyBelgian, French and Germandrug tourists.

The move was aimed at

Dutch ditch controversial 'weed pass' law

BISHOP (AFP) : This handout image provided by the USBureau of Land Management (BLM) Bishop Field Officein California on November 20, 2012 shows damage doneto a petroglyph panel at a site on the Volcanic Tablelandnorth of Bishop, California. The BLM is offering a $1,000reward for information leading to the arrest/conviction ofthe responsible individuals who vandalized the site. Theperpetrators removed or damaged rock art at five loca-tions within the site. Greg Haverstock, Bishop Field Of-fice Archaeologist, said “the damaged site is a pristineexample of Great Basin rock art and hunter-gatherer do-mestic, religious and subsistence activities. The locationof archaeological materials, feature remains, and therock art clearly portray the activities that occurred at thesite during the past 3,500 years.” The site is protectedunder the Archaeological Resources Protection Act andis listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Thissite is one of the most significant rock art sites in the re-gion and is still used by the local Paiute for ceremony.

Aruba, with the thirdparty liability insuranceincluded in the rentalrates, as required by law.

Budget’s head officeis in Camacuri, not farfrom the airport, but theymaintain an outlet rightat the airport and anotherconveniently located inthe Arawak Gardens inPalm Beach, an easystroll from all the PalmBeach resorts. Budgetwill provide free trans-portation to their Arawak

Gardens outlet from anyhotel, and return you to yourdoor when turning in yourcar.

A Toyota Yaris rents for$174 for the week; there is anadditional airport concessionfee to have a car available im-mediately on arrival, but thisis balanced out by the cost ofroundtrip fares to most re-sorts, and on weekly rentalsis a decided savings.

Budget has become the

world’s third largest carrental franchise because oftheir commitment to qualityservice and product at the

best price possible, and thestaff of Budget Car RentalAruba is equally dedicated toseeing their customers smile

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 13

the scales when it is time tomake a decision. Aside fromall this, housekeeping, childcare, catering services , carrental through its partnershipwith AVIS car rental are alsoavailable as well as pre-shop-ping services so cupboardsand refrigerators are stockedupon arrival, which can alsobe arranged through theirproperty management depart-ment. Personnel are also avail-able to assist in arrangingrestaurant reservations and is-land activities.

Visit their website: formore details and availabilityor call 586-2200 to arrange apersonal tour.

vironment, withquality constructionand finishing avail-able. Partnering withtwo of Aruba’s topproviders of kitchensand bathrooms en-ables developers tooffer custom optionsallowing buyers to in-dividualize theirhomes. An elegantand chic furniturepackage is availableor island designerswill assist owners infinishing the décor totheir specific tastes.

There are manyaspects to purchasingproperty; not the leastis the future value ofthe investment. Tofurther enhance this,Gold Coast management haveinaugurated a number of in-house services and have re-cently become affiliatedInterval International, theworld’s largest network of va-cation ownership propertieswhich provides an unlimitedinternational pool of investorsto tap for ownership and rentalprospects. Property exchangefor a vacation in another desti-nation is also availablethrough the Interval Interna-tional affiliation. Gold Coast’sown rental services have alsoproven highly successful in as-sisting owners in renting theirvillas; 24-hour security andmaintenance services also tip

and planned facilities andamenities. We have spoken tocountless island visitors to findout what they would reallywant in a permanent residenceon Aruba, and took fromthere.”

Input from frequent vaca-tioners who have dreamed oftheir own home in Aruba con-tributed to the realization ofGold Coast Aruba which whencomplete will be a communityof 260 town homes, villas andcondominiums with a stunningclubhouse complemented bytwo additional communitypool areas , The Clubhouse isabout to start construction andwill offer to the communityhomeowners and visitors 2tennis courts, full service spaand fitness center as well as astunning pool area and is ex-pected to be complete by early2013. It will also house arestaurant and mini-market.

Owners who purchasedupon the groundbreaking onlya few short years ago, are al-ready enjoying a nearly 50%appreciation on their invest-ment, particularly those takingadvantage of the on site man-agement’s rental services pro-gram. There is always a greatdemand for Aruba and facili-ties such as those at GoldCoast, make it easy for someowners to see a valuable returnon their investment.

The design of the resi-dences and public areas isopen, airy and spacious, takingfull advantage of the island en-

because they felt secure withreal estate investment onAruba. They really study thehistory and economy of the is-land and are impressed withthe political stability and con-tinually increasing value ofprime locations. Gold Coast isin the heart of Malmok, con-sidered Aruba’s most exclu-sive community where thevalue of properties has only in-creased over time. It is onlyminutes to the best beachesand all the action, and yet of-fers a quiet and secluded get-away; we are very pleased bythe response to our concept.”

Fito, with his sister Mayrinand brother Rudy operate CasBon, which has been con-structing homes and buildingdevelopments for all budgetsfor nearly twenty years. “GoldCoast Aruba is the jewel in ourcrown,” observes Fito. “Wewere very excited about thisproject and the scope of actual

Management of Gold CoastAruba, the island’s newest andmost innovative gated com-munity, reports that sales havebeen very good and encourag-ing as the global economy re-covers and people looking topurchase vacation homes havefound that Gold Coast is anoutstanding investment value.Director of Sales, Fito Croeshas noticed a surprising per-centage of owners in reality donot spend a great amount oftime personally to use the vil-las or town homes they pur-chase, but are takingadvantage of Gold Coast’srental services to turn their in-vestment into ready income.

“The greater portion ofhome owners are using their“home away from home” inAruba to escape the wintermonths, or spend holidayswith the family on the island,”he remarked, “but I am grati-fied by how many are buying

Gold Coast Aruba: This is the time to invest

autos on Aruba, ranging fromsubcompact to authentic JeepWrangler® hardtop 4X4 orthe stylish Toyota Rav 4, forexploring Aruba’s outback inair-conditioned comfort.Their standard Toyota Yaris,the most popular model, isknown for quality and de-pendability. Each year, theyrefresh 25% of their fleet andretire the older cars. Com-pared to the U.S., car rentalsare quite affordable on

The car rental name synony-mous with savings will nextmonth celebrate their goldenanniversary of operating onAruba! One of the first of itskind to establish a car rentalagency with highly competi-tive prices, it still maintainsthat standard of offering thebest service, a diverse fleet ofvehicles to meet each rentersneeds, at the best price possi-ble.

Budget has a fleet of 250

Budget Car Rental celebrating 50 yrs budget-minded service!

Frederick, Lisette and Larry welcome you

Explore Aruba in a Jeep wrangler hard top

14 Wednesday, November 21, 2012


MOSCOW (AFP) - LionelMessi continued his prodi-gious goalscoring form witha brace as Barcelona quali-fied for the last 16 of theChampions League with a 3-0 win over Spartak Moscowwho have been eliminated.

After Dani Alves had putthem ahead after 16 minutes,Messi bagged his double be-fore half time to extendBarca's lead at the top ofGroup G although Celtic,who face Benfica later, canstill overtake them if they wintheir last two games andBarca slip-up.

Messi, who was top scorerin the competition for arecord fourth time last sea-son, now has five goals fromfive games and he has 80 forthe calendar year as he pur-sues Gerd Muller's 85 play-ing for Bayern Munich andGermany in 1972.

And he moved level withRuud van Nistelrooy on 56Champions League goals be-hind Raul, the competition'sall time scorer with 71.

Messi though was as unas-suming as ever after thegame.

"My aim was just to get theball, create chances and thatwe win the game, that is whatis important," he said.

Wwe knew we couldn't af-ford to make mistakes afterwhat happened against Celticand that we had to go outstrongly even though it is dif-ficult to play away in thiscompetition."

Barca had lost their previ-ous match away to Celtic 2-1despite dominating posses-sion but were unable to makethe most of their chances.

Football:Messi double asBarca qualifyfor last 16

M A N C H E S T E R , U n i t e dKingdom (AFP) - ManchesterCity coach Roberto Mancinihas told troublesome strikerMario Balotelli that hard workis the only thing that can turnhim into one of the world'sleading players.

Mancini's concerns overBalotelli's attitude saw himdropped for the recent 2-1 vic-tory at home to TottenhamHotspur in the PremierLeague.

A back injury subsequentlyprevented him from takingpart in the 5-0 demolition ofAston Villa on Saturday, andmeans he is doubtful fortoday's must-win clash withReal Madrid in the ChampionsLeague.

The decision to excludeBalotelli from the squad forthe Spurs game prompted ru-mours the 22-year-old couldbe set to leave the club, butMancini says he has no inten-tion of showing his Italiancountryman the door.

Mancini, who gaveBalotelli his debut at InterMilan, has remained loyal tothe player despite a series ofheadline-grabbing incidents in

the two and a half years sincehe joined the club.

City must beat Spanishchampions Madrid at the Eti-had Stadium on Wednesday tostand any chance of avoidinga group-stage exit for the sec-ond year in succession.

Football: Mancini warnsBalotelli ahead ofMadrid test

WASHINGTON: Washington Wizards mascot G-Man pre-forms during the Wizards and Indiana Pacers game atVerizon Center on November 19, 2012 in Washington, DC.Wizards haven't won a game in nine tries this season.They lost 96-89.

LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Foot-ball legend David Beckhamsays he will play his finalgame with the Los AngelesGalaxy when the MajorLeague Soccer club hostsHouston in a league matchnext month, but where he goesfrom there remains a mystery.

The 37-year-old formerEngland captain and veteran ofthree World Cups notably didnot mention anything about re-tiring from the sport.

The football superstar hasspent the past six seasons withthe Galaxy, leading Los Ange-les to an MLS Cup title lastseason when they defeated theHouston Dynamo 1-0.

Beckham and the Galaxy gofor their second consecutivecrown when they face the Dy-namo in a repeat of last year's

final on December 1 at theHome Depot Center.

There have been reports outof Australia that their profes-sional league was trying towoo him to make a movedown under and there was animmediate statement of intentfrom Melbourne Heat withchief executive Scott Munnsaying the club would make anoffer.

There has also been someinterest from European clubswith Qatari-backed Paris SaintGermain having come close tosigning Beckham earlier thisyear and he spent two shortloan spells at AC Milan in2009 and 2010.

A return to the PremierLeague in England, however,appeared to be highly unlikely.

Beckham to play lastgame with Galaxy

as he completed just 14-of-22passes for 107 yards and atouchdown. He also had twointerceptions.

Chicago dropped their sec-ond consecutive game to fallinto a tie with Green Bay forfirst place in the NFC North.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 15

with five sacks along with twointerceptions and a safety.

Campbell made his first startof the season in place of JayCutler, who suffered a concus-sion in last week's loss to theTexans.

Campbell struggled Monday

SAN FRANCISCO, California(AFP) - Quarterback ColinKaepernick made his first ca-reer start count by throwing apair of touchdown passes asthe San Francisco 49ers routedthe Chicago Bears 32-7 onMonday night.

Kaepernick went 16-for-23for 243 yards and led SanFrancisco to scores on theirfirst four possessions.

The 49ers defense gaveKaepernick lots of help. Thedefense held Chicago to just151 yards and pressured Bearsquarterback Jason Campbellall night long.

Second-year linebackerAldon Smith recorded 4 1/2sacks, and the 49ers finished

NFL: Kaepernick carries 49ersover Bears

TORONTO - Former San Francisco Giants’ outfielderMelky Cabrera has officially signed on a two year $16million contract with the Toronto Blue Jays. After miss-ing a 50games suspension season was not wanted backby the World Series champion San Francisco Giants.The 28-year-old was leading the National League in hit-ting at .346 when he was suspended Aug. 15. He askedfor a rules change that disqualified him from the battingtitle, feeling it would be a tainted crown. Cabrera had 11homers, 25 doubles and 60 RBIs in 113 games. Torontogeneral manager Alex Anthopoulos said a lot of playershave received second chances in baseball. He said therewon't be a third or fourth. Cabrera made his major leaguedebut in 2005 with the New York Yankees and stayedwith them until being traded to Atlanta after the 2009 sea-son.

Melky Cabrera Signs Contract

Divi Aruba Int’l. ......continued from page 16

Masters winner Marco Sa and Joao Bruno

men's intermediate Hernan and Ramon Amado

Chucho of Senor Frogs shows off his autographed racquet

16 Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Men’s Pro Finals of theDivi Aruba InternationalBeach Tennis Championshipsconducted at Senor Frog’sprovided a thrilling end to thefive day tournament. Thecourtyard of the Village Mallin Palm Beachl had been

converted to a beach tenniscourt, and international star,Alessandro Calbucci of Italy,last year’s champion, battledit out against highly rankedGui Prato of Brazil.

Senor Frog’s providedlively entertainment during

the time-outs, and hundredsof spectators lined the courtwatch the tense match. BeachTennis is a gritty sport, inevery way imaginable. Tour-nament organizer and tennispro Sjoerd de Vries, creditedas being instrumental in pop-ularizing the sport in thewestern hemisphere, pro-vided wry commentarythroughout the match.

Alessandro Calbucci suc-cessfully defended his titleagainst Gui Prato, andclaimed the giant bottle ofchampagne and the largestcash prize of the tournament.He and his teammate, MarcoGravini defeated MateoMarighella and Luca Melli-coni for the first place teamtitle the day before.

Winners from this year’sevent, which featured 600players from more than onedozen countries around theworld, were given theirmedals at the end of the finalmatch. Single’s first placewinners in Fun, Intermediateand Advanced Division forWomen were Maria Pucci,Kim Vogel, and PatriciaDiaz. There was no profes-sional category for women.

The Men’s winners, Fun,Intermediate, and Advancedwere Milko Biaz, HirnanAmaco of Puerto Rico, whodefeated his brother Ramonfor the title, and 19-year-oldFrancisco De Altar of Brazil,who judges dubbed “a futuresuperstar of beach tennis.”

In the Master’s Match forover 50 players, Mario Sa de-feated Joǎo Bruno for thegold medal.

Full listings of all the win-ners from the Divi Aruba In-ternational Beach TennisTournament can be found on

the Beach Tennis Aruba web-site: or their Facebookpage, with exciting video ofthe matches.

by Rosalie Klein(more pictures on pg 15)

Alessandro Calbucci successfully defends histitle at the Divi Aruba International Beach TennisChampionships

Champion Pro Alessandro Calbucci

Women's fun Fausta Luna and Maria Pucci First place

Women's Intermediate Kim Vogel and Suzan Toone

Women's advanced Patricia Diaz and Laoy Corea