Week 10 Writing Maths Reading Other Monday Plan a story ... · Lesson 3 - Order FDP pleasure (30 -...

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Week 10 Writing Maths Reading Other

Monday Plan a story based on the picture in the writing prompt. Use the questions and plan out your story.

Lesson 1 - Fractions to percentages

- Reading for pleasure (30 minutes) - create a picture to match a scene from your favourite story. Use clues in the text to help you (no resource)

- RE LO: To interpret the parable of the mustard seed.

Tuesday Using plan from Monday, write 2 paragraphs of the beginning of your narrative, using the introduction and build up. Include: varied sentences starters and ambitious language

Lesson 2 - Equivalent FDP

- Reading for pleasure (30 minutes) - Reading comprehension – Titanic

Topic: Art and design Continue with the DT project building a replica of Christ the Redeemer


Continue writing your narrative story using the problem and resolution planning from Monday. Include: speech and expanded noun phrases.

Lesson 3 - Order FDP

- Reading for pleasure (30 minutes) - Reading comprehension – Nelson Mandela

Science - Classifying living things.

Thursday write the ending to your story using plan from Monday. Edit and improve your writing

Lesson 4 - Percentage of an amount

- Reading for pleasure (30 minutes) - Reading comprehension – Living in th Victorian Workhouse

- RE: LO: To interpret the parable of the mustard seed.

Friday Publish your writing in neat. Add pictures if you wish

Lesson 5 Problem solving activity.

- Reading for pleasure (30 minutes) - Reading comprehension – Palm Oil

Topic: Research wildlife native to South America and create a fact file.

Week 10 Monday: Writing prompt: Have a look at the picture below.

Discuss these questions with someone in your house.

• Who is the man?

• What is he looking at?

• Whose swords is that?

• Why is it there?

• When is this taking place? Once you have done this, think of a story inspired by this picture. You will need to plan first that includes: setting, character description, introduction, build up, problem, resolution, ending. If you want use a story mountain like the one below. I have also included a word bank to help you. Write your story using the timetable. Edit and write it in neat on Friday. You can send them to school and I will put them on the class page. Send your entry to admin@sacredheart.islington.sch.uk put your name and class.

RE Think about the Parable of the Mustard Seed and what is means to you? Why did Jesus use this parable? What was he teaching? Now watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYmRj3s6JLE and compare your thoughts to this video. What does this parable tell us about the Kingdom of Heaven? Reflect on this verse: The Kingdom of Heaven… is like is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44 Task: Grow some carrot tops. Cut the green end off the carrot (about 1 cm thick) and put it onto a saucer or dish of shallow water. Leave it for a week and watch the green leaves sprout. Keep it watered! As you watch them daily, remind yourself of the parable and the attitudes Jesus wants us to have. Pray and ask God to guide you daily.


Topic- two lessons It took 5 years to build the Statue of Christ the Redeemer (from 1926 to 1931). Today’s

task is to design a replica of this statue (one lesson) and then build it out of recycling

products (Lesson 2). You may send your pictures of your model through to school





RE One of the things I love most about the parable of the mustard seed is that the mustard seed is a safe place for the birds. The parable reminds me that sometimes I will be like the person who plants the seed, spreading kindness in the community. At other times I will be like the person who cares for the growing seedlings, taking care of people around me. Sometimes I will even be the seed; hiding in the ground, waiting to grow. BUT! I might also have times when I am like the birds, needing a safe place and safe people to protect me, in God’s Kingdom. That’s good news! Task: Make some birds! These two videos show you how to make birds out of paper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz6_YO6YKfA This one is origami – it’s harder!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdsE5-GWK1Y Create a prayer for those ‘birds’ in our lives and community and lives who need a safe place and people to protect them. You can send through pictures of your learning for the week through to admin@sacredheart.islington.sch.uk


Topic Our final topic lesson for this week takes a look at South American animals. Research an animal which can be found in South America and create a fact file about this animal. There are many unique animals found here, so be creative!