Week FourWeek Four “The Rhythm“The Rhythm of Our...

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November 8, 2015

A Five-Week Sermon Series at Christ Church

THE CALL OF CHRIST:THE CALL OF CHRIST:THE CALL OF CHRIST:THE CALL OF CHRIST: Seeking and Growing in FaithSeeking and Growing in FaithSeeking and Growing in FaithSeeking and Growing in Faith A Five-Week Sermon Series

at Christ Church

Week FourWeek FourWeek FourWeek Four

“The Rhythm“The Rhythm“The Rhythm“The Rhythm of Our Life Together”of Our Life Together”of Our Life Together”of Our Life Together”

Welcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian Church

Thank you for worshiping at Christ Presbyterian Church. It is our hope that you will

be inspired and blessed by the music and sermon. We look forward to seeing you again.

For those of you with very small children (up to age 3) our Nursery is open and available to you

in our lower level. Our caring volunteers are ready and willing to watch over your child

while you are in service this morning. You can worship with peace of mind as all parents

are given a pager so you can be contacted at a moment’s notice should your child need you.

An usher is able to help direct you if you need assistance.

Family Worship Supplements are available at the front of the sanctuary.

Welcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian Church

Thank you for worshiping at Christ Presbyterian Church. It is our hope that you will

be inspired and blessed by the music and sermon. We look forward to seeing you again.

For those of you with very small children (up to age 3) our Nursery is open and available to you

in our lower level. Our caring volunteers are ready and willing to watch over your child

while you are in service this morning. You can worship with peace of mind as all parents

are given a pager so you can be contacted at a moment’s notice should your child need you.

An usher is able to help direct you if you need assistance.

Family Worship Supplements are available at the front of the sanctuary.


The Order For Morning Worship 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

* Those who are able please stand; if getting up Please silence all electronic devices and down is difficult for you, please remain seated. prior to the worship service.

Large print copies of the hymns are available in the Narthex or from an usher.


Preparation for Worship Congregational Singing: Hymn No. 414

Be Still and know that I am God.

Welcome and Worship Notes

Call to Worship

Leader: God has lavished us with every perfect gift from above James 1:17

People: and called us to living intimacy through the

beloved one, Jesus Christ our Lord.

*Hymn in Procession No. 409 “God Is Here!”

November 8, 2015 Ten-Thirty O’Clock

*Prayer of Adoration (unison) Unchanging God, you have blessed us forever Psalm 45:2, 6

through the Beloved One, Jesus Christ our Lord. Song 2:8-9 Born again by your word of truth, James 1:18

let us live out your love, doing your word, James 1:25

caring for the weak and vulnerable in their distress, James 1:27

and ever pursuing your reign of justice, Psalm 45:6

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Call to Confession Let us confess our sins to our loving God who calls us close Song 2:10 through our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer of Confession (unison) Loving, righteous God, Psalm 45:7

our hearts are defiled with the wickedness you hate. Mark 7:15, 21-23

You have called us to yourself, but we have gone away. James 1:24

Forgetting your living Word, we cling to dead traditions. Mark 7:3-5

Deceiving ourselves, we abandon your commandments. James 1:22

Hypocrites, we honor you with our lips Mark 7:6

while our hearts are far from you. Cleanse our hearts from evil intentions; cleanse our tongues from evil words James 1:26

so that our worship may be pure and undefiled James 1:27

and we may live with you in love for others. Amen. (Silence is observed for personal reflection.) Kyrie—Hymn No. 579 (sung by all in Greek) “Kyrie eleison”

(please stand)

*Declaration of Forgiveness Leader: Our generous God has given us the perfect gift of forgiveness, James 1:17

Jesus Christ our Lord, who has liberated us from dead tradition James 1:25, 27

and made us new by the living Word, filling our hearts with God’s love. Friends, believe the good news of the Gospel; we are forgiven. People: Thanks be to God.

*Response —Hymn No. 587 CELTIC ALLELUIA

Children are now invited to walk to the chancel steps for the Message.


Message for Children

Children come forward for the Children’s Message. After the prayer, children in

Kindergarten—7th grade may go to the Chapel for Kids’ Church and children ages 3—5

may go downstairs for Kids’ Church. All children are to be picked up in the lower level.

Prayer for Illumination

Hebrew Scripture Exodus 19:1-6

“ . . . if you obey my voice and keep my covenant . . .”

Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible page 57

People: Thanks be to God. Large print Pew Bible page 81

Anthem Psalm 42:1-3 Herbert Howells

Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks, so longeth my soul after thee, O God.

My soul is a-thirst for God, yea, even for the living God.

When shall I come to appear before the presence of God?

My tears have been my meat day and night, while they daily say unto me,

Where, where is now thy God?

Epistle Reading Acts 2:43-47

Life Among the Believers

Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible page 886

People: Thanks be to God. Large print Pew Bible page 146

*Hymn No. 688 “Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart”

Gospel Reading Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-24

Divine Ordinance of Human Tradition?

Leader: The Gospel of the Lord. Pew Bible pages 818-819

People: Thanks be to God. Large print Pew Bible pages 51-52

Sermon “The Rhythm of Our Life Together” Rev. David L. de Vries

“You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition.”


*Affirmation of Faith (unison)

We trust in Jesus Christ,

fully human, fully God.

Jesus proclaimed the reign of God:

preaching good news to the poor

and release to the captives,

teaching by word and deed

and blessing the children,

healing the sick

and binding up the brokenhearted,

eating with outcasts,

forgiving sinners,

and calling all to repent and believe the gospel.

Unjustly condemned for blasphemy and sedition,

Jesus was crucified,

suffering the depths of human pain

and giving his life for the sins of the world.

God raised this Jesus from the dead,

vindicating his sinless life,

breaking the power of sin and evil,

delivering us from death to life eternal.

In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit,

we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks

and to live holy and joyful lives,

even as we watch for God’s new heaven and new earth,

praying, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

With believers in every time and place,

we rejoice that nothing in life or in death

can separate us from the love of God

in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. (from a Brief Statement of Faith)

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer


Anthem “Prayer” René Clausen

Help me spread your fragrance wherever I go.

Flood my soul with Your spirit and life.

Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly

that my life may be only a radiance of Yours.

Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I know

will feel Your presence in my soul.

Let them look up and see no longer me, but only You. Amen.

-- Mother Teresa of Calcutta

*Doxology—Hymn No. 606 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings”

*Prayer of Dedication (unison)

Dear God, we offer you these gifts Psalm 146:8

that they might build up the work of your kingdom.

Make us living witnesses to the way of your righteous reign.

For the glory of your son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.



Being Christ’s Church – Living Our Faith (Please sign the Friendship Pad found in your pew and return it

toward the center aisle, noting names of those with whom you are worshiping.)

*Hymn in Procession No. 711 “Lord of All Good” Benediction Choral Response Mark Schweizer

Bless us, O Lord as we leave this place,

for here we have found your mercy and grace.

Keep us always in your care, our hearts in love,

our lives in prayer. Amen.

Organ Voluntary “Festival Toccata” Percy E. Fletcher

*Greeting One Another

For anyone wishing confidential individual prayer, immediately following the service

a member of the Stephen Ministry will be available in the Chapel.

The flowers in the Chancel vases are given in loving memory of Homer and Doris Stocker from the Steve Stocker Family. The Cathedral Hour today is made possible through the generous donations of members and friends of Christ Presbyterian Church. Liturgists: Steve Schott & Elder Jim Smith Acolytes: Faith Milligan (Crucifer), Grace Snavely (Acolyte), Max Ward (Acolyte), Clara Snavely (Bible Bearer) Acolyte Master: Scott McCahan

Preparing for Next Week

Scripture Readings for November 15, 2015 Exodus 20:8-10; Psalm 1; Ephesians 3:16-21; John 10:11-16, 27

Consider: There are so many voices out there demanding our attention. How do you “root and ground” yourself in the One voice that rules over all other voices? How do we make Paul’s prayer for us in Ephesians, (that “you may have the power to comprehend . . . what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge . . .”) a prayer for ourselves: How do I pray that I may “have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that I may be filled with all the fullness of God?”

Daily Grace CPC Rhythms of Worship and Discipleship

The Week of November 8, 2015 Using Sunday’s Order of Worship, we enter into

worship and prayer every day of the week. We worship together . . . separately. The Call to Worship The Prayer of Adoration (Followed by silence) The Prayer of Confession (Followed by silence) The Assurance of Pardon Scripture Readings (Worship texts for Sunday, November 15):

Monday: Exodus 20:8-10 Tuesday: Psalm 1 Wednesday: Ephesians 3:16-21 Thursday: John 10:11-16, 27 Friday: Psalm 1 Saturday: Exodus 20:8-10

Silent Meditation and Prayer (Listening for God’s voice in Scripture and silence) Prayers of the People (Lifting others before God) Prayer of Dedication Becoming Familiar With Holy Scripture If you wish to become more familiar with the Bible and the best known stories of scripture, read Jesus’ Prediction of the End of the World (Matthew 24).

The Rhythm of Our Life Together

Spiritual formation/transformation is the process of embracing our identity in Jesus

and increasingly demonstrating the love Jesus has shown us to others. Many of us

are already actively living a life open to the presence of God. Some of us are just

beginning to open ourselves to God’s work in our lives. In either case, this document

addresses the longing for more of a good thing. The Psalmist says “taste and see that

the Lord is good,” and “deep calls to deep”. When Jesus prays, “As you, Father, are in

me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you

have sent me,” the question arises, How do we position ourselves and others to

experience the relationship to which Jesus calls us? Some of the ways in which we

can intentionally make ourselves available to God’s work in our lives is through what

have historically been called Spiritual Disciplines.

In establishing a spiritual rhythm of life, we are emphasizing an experiential

relationship with God. We embrace Jesus’ example that being with God precedes

doing with God. Who we know ourselves to be in relationship to God, shapes how we

behave. Throughout the Bible, God refers to the condition of our heart, and that our

words and actions come from our heart. To love God with all our heart, mind and

strength is the first call on our lives as believers in Jesus; to love our neighbor as

ourselves is the second call. The imperative of sharing the good news of the Gospel

that we are reconciled to God through new life in Jesus and making disciples are

extensions of that love which God has placed within us. We continually explore what

this faith has to do with our daily lives, since eternal life with God begins now.

We approach our spiritual lives from a position of weakness and humility,

understanding that it is by God’s grace in Jesus Christ that we are restored in our

relationship with God, not by our own efforts. The sacraments of baptism and

communion/Eucharist are opportunities to personally encounter Christ in his church

and remind us to carry that transforming experience into our daily lives. The

sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist repeatedly direct us to the new life that we

have in Jesus Christ. From a position of gratitude and celebration we respond to God

and others out of the love God has shown us. Our spiritual growth is not a matter of

“right and wrong”, but of “more loving or less loving”. Being with God precedes doing

with God. God’s emphasis on the condition of our hearts directs

us to embrace the notion that who we are informs what we do.

Rather than approaching our lives as a series of spiritual tasks

to perform, we approach our lives as opportunities to be

available to meet God and witness God’s Spirit at work in and

around us.

Just as Jesus moved between worship, prayer, service, Bible study, work, hospitality,

teaching/mentoring, stewardship, celebration, and rest/Sabbath, we must find ways

to move through these practices that fit our season of life. Our practices are intended

to call us to a life of freedom and abundance in Christ. We understand that we must

intentionally yield ourselves to the transforming work of the Word in our lives. The

apostle Peter instructs us to “… grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and

Savior Jesus Christ.” Just as a farmer prepares the soil to receive the seed, we must

consistently prepare ourselves to receive God’s calling for us in each day. We do this

individually and corporately through daily and weekly rhythms of worship, prayer,

service, Bible study, work, hospitality, teaching/mentoring, stewardship, celebration,

and rest/Sabbath. These practices do not transform us, but the faithful throughout

history have testified to how engaging in these practices position us to be available to

the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Our relationship is with God first and


THE CATHEDRAL HOUR broadcast on WHLO—640 AM has many unsponsored

Sundays for November and December. Its value to shut-ins, those unable to a&end

Church for various reasons, and also those without a Church home, has been invaluable

over the years. Your con*nued support is needed to sponsor a complete program at a

cost of $225 per Sunday. However, par*al contribu*ons are extremely important to the

con*nued existence of this program, and it is to this end that we encourage you to

consider contribu*ons to the Cathedral Hour as part of your “above and beyond”

support of our Church. Please call the Church Office for available dates.

Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and gener-ous hearts,

praising God and having the goodwill of all the peo-ple. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

Acts 2:46-47

“For Everything There Is a Season: A Time To . . .”

Christ Church Hymn Festival This Afternoon at 5:00 pm

Choirs, organ, instruments,

readings, scriptures, prayers.

This event is a precious hour for us to be “off-line,” to be apart from the busy digital

world, to be engaged physically, mentally, spiritually, and vocally in the beauty of

holiness. We sing our prayers and pray our songs through the amazing poetry and

scriptures of great hymn writers. Each hymn is a succinct and poignant sermon about

how our lives can be richer in the many seasons of this complicated world. We will get

lost “in wonder, love, and praise” with the themes of contrast in Ecclesiastes 3. We will

allow ourselves to be challenged by the extremes of birth and death, of weeping and

laughing, of tearing and mending, of silence and speaking. For everything there is a

season: a time for connecting to the digital world, and a time to refrain from being online.

Let’s revel in our freedoms to make choices for these seasons. Come to the hymn festival;

we may discover a time for healing.

Star�ng This Week A New Class

A Step on Your Faith Journey

A class on the search and discovery of our own spiritual gi4s is

being offered this fall. Our gracious Lord has given different gi4s to

each of us. If we are to be true appren*ces to Christ in this

community it is up to us to discover our individual gi4 or gi4s and use

them to His glory. Join with this small group to work on this task. It is

only two short evenings. We will meet on Nov. 10 and Nov. 17 from

6:30—9:00 in the Parlor at CPC. Nancy Montgomery is the

facilitator. Please sign up at the Kiosk in Cloister Hall, on line, or call

the Church office. There is a spot just for YOU!

Crea�ng Our Future Together



November 8—The Rhythm of Our Life Together

November 15—Ques*ons That Help Us Reflect on Our Life of Faith



Responding to




“Follow M_.”


Sunday Morning Adult Classes ~ 9:15-10:15 a.m.

The Library Class is studying the Letters of John: The New Daily Bible by William Barclay; Let’s Study the Letters of John by Ian Hamilton.

Contemporary Issues and Biblical Thought Adult Class meets in the Quilting Room Sunday mornings 9:15-10:15 a.m. and is studying a book by Dee Brestin entitled, “Proverbs and Parables, God’s Wisdom for Living.”

The Parlor Class is studying from the Present Word. 11/8—God Makes No Distinction, led by Don Bowers 11/15—From Derbe to Philippi, led by Paul & Barb Batchelder 11/22—Thessalonica, Beroea, and Athens, led by Betsy Smith 11/29—Teaching God’s Word, led by Jim Smith

The Intergenerational Bible Study (top floor, Upper Room, across from the Youth room). For ages 16-106, each week is a self contained discussion of the scripture readings for worship.

Westminster Class: Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29 ~ T. C. Ham, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies will be teaching a class on the Book of Ruth. “The Book of Ruth tells a story of love in a beautiful and compelling way. This series will highlight the literary beauty and complexity of Ruth in order to explore its profound theology.” (Van Misheff, from Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy, will be filling in for Dr. Ham one of the weeks.)

Taizé Worship Taizé Worship Taizé Worship Taizé Worship Thursday, November 12Thursday, November 12Thursday, November 12Thursday, November 12 6:30pm ~ Westminster Hall6:30pm ~ Westminster Hall6:30pm ~ Westminster Hall6:30pm ~ Westminster Hall

All are invited to par*cipate in this ancient

and remarkable form of worship: music,

candles, scripture readings, prayer &

reflec*ve silence in a contempla*ve seEng

allowing the worshiper a deeper mys*cal


We have invited Malone students and

Chancel Choir members, along with guest

instrumentalists to lend strength to the

chants and simple songs.

Tuesday November 17

Advent Wreath made with Biblical

Herbs, demonstration and talk by Nancy

Quinn Simon, Canton Garden Center

Delicious homemade meal prepared by the TAG chefs. We gather at 11:30am for time of fellowship and greeting friends, followed by meditation at 11:45am, lunch at Noon. Program begins at approximately 12:45pm and concludes by about 1:30pm. The cost is still only $7.00. Call the church office or register online.

TAG TTTTuesday AAAAfternoon GGGGroup

Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, is a PCUSA related college that offers

a wonderful opportunity to college-bound students who are members of a PCUSA congrega-

tion. The Board of Trustees of Westminster developed the Young Presbyterian Scholars Pro-

gram (YPS) which each year offers 150 scholarships now worth $18,500.00 per year ($74,000 for

four years) to outstanding PCUSA students. It encourages growth in faith and leadership

while on the Westminster College campus.

To be nominated, the senior high school student must:

· have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5

· be a member of a PCUSA congregation

· be nominated by the pastor

If any high school senior is interested in being nominated for this phenomenal scholarship

please submit a letter of interest to the church office no later than November

15th. Letters received after that date will not be considered. Students must apply to the college

by December 15th. We are able to nominate 2 students for the scholarship. For more infor-

mation on the Young Scholars Program go to www.westminster.edu/yps.

Christmas & Epiphany Madrigal Feast

and Annual Visit of the Three Kings

Wednesday, the 6th day of January, in the Year of Our Lord, Twenty-Sixteen

In the Great Hall of Westminster at Christ Church

Come gather with friends to celebrate in grand style the conclusion of Christmas Revelry, feasting, pageantry, and entertainment featuring the Firestone High School Madrigal Singers, under the direction of Chad Pittman. Fare: grapes & cheeses; roast beef, potatoes, vegetables, bread pud-ding, and beverages. Doors open at half-past five; feasting begins at six o’clock; tickets available at the church office beginning Monday, November 16, at the cost of $20 per person ($5 for Children & Students). Proceeds from this event benefit the Food, Clothing, and Prayer Ministry of Christ Church.

Attention high school seniors, their

parents, and their grandparents:

Deadline is Nov. 15!

The Hat and Mi�en Tree will be up through December 13. Hat kits, with simple instruc*ons and worsted weight yarn, are available in Cloister Hall. If

you wish to make a more elaborate hat or use your own yarn and direc*ons, go for it. We accept all sizes of hats. Please watch for mi&en and glove sales. All hands, both big and small, male and female get cold. Let’s have a “warm hands winter.” All of the dona*ons go to Pine Ridge and our own Food, Clothing, and Prayer Ministry.

Box Tops for Educa�on is running some great General Mills coupons on its website. When you open the site there is a “coupon” tab at the top. Tap on it and there are a variety of coupons. While you are on the site you can find a list of all the products that carry a Box Top for Educa*on cut out symbol. When you use a product with the symbol, please cut it out and turn it in in a marked pew envelope and put it in the collec*on plate or drop them off at the office. Please try to buy these products if they fit your needs. Remember each symbol is worth 10₵ and 10 make a dollar. Every dollar means a lot to Allen School.

Project KARE Stockings are available in Cloister Hall. Signing up will be different this year. All that is needed will be your name, and gender and age of child/ren. Much easier. The age ranges will stay the same as will the sugges*ons for fillers.

The Kni�er’s group is being restructured. Are you interested in kniEng and chaEng with friends? Please call Be&e Maier (330-493-7247) to discuss what part you are able to play.

Thank you for your par*cipa*on in the Mission Ministry’s ac*vi*es.

Sunday, November 22 Following the 10:30am Service

It’s that time of year again and once again we are calling on all of you to help decorate God’s house in p r epara t ion fo r th e celebration of the birth of Jesus.

Every year we get faster and better at this activity (last year we finished in 2½ hours). So if you can help this year, please sign up in Cloister Hall or online. There will be a free lunch for all decorators.

Can you carry a tune? If you answered yes—the Deacons WANT YOU! Yes, it’s time for the annual Christmas Caroling. Let’s bring the Christmas spirit and smiles to our homebound members.

Saturday, December 5 Meet in Westminster Hall~2:00 pm Returning for refreshments~4:30pm

Sign up online or in Cloister Hall.

ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK OF November 8 Today 8:00 am Worship Service – Westminster Hall 9:00 am Fellowship – Westminster Hall 9:15 am Sunday School 9:15 am-11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) – Room L4 10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary 10:45 am Kids’ Church 11:45 am Luncheon/Discussion—Westminster Hall 5:00 pm Hymn Festival—Sanctuary Reception—Westminster Hall 6:00-8:00 pm Youth Group Monday 3:00 pm Property Ministry—Parlor 5:30 pm Wakonda Task Force—Pine Room Tuesday 9:30 am Bible Study—Parlor 1:00 pm Staff Meeting 6:00-8:00 pm Youth Christmas Play Practice 6:30-9:00 pm Spiritual Gifts Class—Parlor Wednesday 8:00-10:45 am Food Ministry 5:30-6:15 pm Boychoir & Girls’ Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm Israel Trip Meeting—Westminster Hall 7:00 pm Worship Ministry Meeting—Parlor Thursday 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study—Westminster Hall 6:30 pm Taize Service—Westminster Hall 7:15 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Saturday 8:30 am-2:00pm Presbytery Event with Clif Christopher—Westminster Hall 10:00 am-12:00 pm Youth Christmas Play Practice Sunday, November 15 8:00 am Worship Service – Chapel 9:15 am Children/Youth/Adult Sunday School Classes 10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary 11:45 am Luncheon/Discussion—Westminster Hall 12:00-2:00 pm Children’s Christmas Play Practice 6:00-8:00 pm Youth Group

Christ Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West

Canton, Ohio 44702 330-456-8113 cantoncpc.org


A reminder . . .

Either at home or on the road,

you can listen to the 10:30

service on WHLO 640 AM, or

log on your computer to


Christ Presbyterian Church Staff Ministers: The People of Christ Church

Senior Pastor: Rev. David de Vries

Parish Associate: Rev. Eldon Trubee

Director of Music & Organist: David Kienzle

Director of Youth Ministry: Jon Mathewson

Director of Children’s and Family Ministries: Jennifer George

Director of Outdoor Ministries: Chris Harmsen

Business Administrator/Assistant Treasurer: Donald Weltlich

Financial Assistant/Secretary: Diane Nave

Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor/Secretary: Caryn Smith

Custodians: Kurt A. Gottschick & Ron Pelger

Mission Co-Worker in Thailand: Esther Wakeman

Elders of

Christ Presbyterian Church

Kevin Anderson

Alice Bailey

Chris Burt

Nancy Irving

Scott McCahan

Pam Moretta

Edith Ophardt

Christy Paumier

James Smith

C o n g r e g a t i o n a l

Greeting Cards: As an

o u t r e a c h t o o u r

congregational family, we

will have 2 cards each

week in Cloister Hall on a

podium for the “family” to

sign. Please stop in

Cloister Hall and sign the

cards this week for:

Andrea McFerren

(Thinking o f You) ,

Pennie Mathewson

(Thinking of You).

“A Cel�c Christmas” Wednesday, December 9, at 7:00 pm

Tickets are going fast—get yours today!

Tickets available online at cantoncpc.org

or through the church office

Epiphany: noun epiph·a·ny \i-ˈpi-'fə-nē\: a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way.

Sunday, Nov. 29: An Epiphany: God Begins at The End

Sunday, Dec. 6: An Epiphany: The All Too Powerful, Isn’t

Sunday, Dec. 13: An Epiphany: There Really is No Place Like Home

Sunday, Dec. 20: An Epiphany: Birth Uncontrolled

Thursday, Dec. 24—Christmas Eve--It’s Rumored to Be Good News

THE POWER OF EPIPHANY The Surprises of Christmas Advent Sermons at Christ Church

SiCers Needed — Paid Posi�on! The Spiritual Gi4s Classes are in need of si&ers for their classes which

will meet on Tuesdays, Nov. 10 & 17 at the Church. The classes will run

from 6:30-9:00pm. Please contact Nancy Montgomery (330-837-1777)

if you are able to be a si&er.