Week two folio

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Constructing Environments Folio 2





Geometrically speaking, triangles are one of the strongest shapes in framework, so we opted to use triangles as much as we could, this is where we derived our overall shape.

Because materials were limited, we did the brac-ing to half way so that there was still ample rigid-ity in the structure to go verticle. There was also bracing along the outside and along the corners to transfere lateral forces down to the base.

We built it in mod-ules, adding on each section which was identicle to the last. This made it quick to build up to a decent height. During this process we tried to use the thicker pieces as our columns so that there was more ma-terial to resist lateral forces.

We tried to make a rigid fixed joint so that it would as-sist the bracing, however we did experiment with pinned joints as-well. By taping them it allowed some flexibility to absorb the forces acting on the structure and if utilised correctly, result-ed in the struc-ture performing better.

When we reached a substantial height we used the rest of our materials to strengthen the tow-er further,. adding bracing to the larger spans between joints

Adding ribs of tape assisted in reducing the deflection the balsa wood had when we needed rigid-ity in our columns.

The flexibility is directly proportion-al to the cross sectional area and its orientation to the acting forces.

We concluded that it was the flexibility in the balsa wood that resulted in the towers destruction. It reached a point where the wood would de-flect no more and at this point, it failed. The joints proved to be suffient in taking the weight but because of there distance appart and some be-ing pinned, it allowed it to be flexible. Material selection is vital to success

Refference List:

Ching, F.C, 2008. Building Constructing Illustrated. 4th ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Chapter 2

Construction & Working Drawings - Discussion • SketchU-cation Community Forums. 2013. Construction & Working Drawings - Discussion • SketchUcation Community Forums. [ONLINE] Available at: http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=15911&start=300. [Accessed 22 Au-gust 2013].