Week6 finalpaper6214

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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  • 2. Assistive technology is a vital part of life for those who have a disability. It can help those with hearing problems, hear more productively or those with vision problems, help them to see in the best way possible for them. These devices help students to live a more fulfilled life Assistive Technology services and devices allow access to the general education curriculum for academic, social, and extracurricular activities. School leaders play an essential role in ensuring that students with disabilities receive appropriate assistive technology to be successful learners (Dyal, A. 2009).
  • 3. There are many different Assistive Technology devices that a school may use. This depends on the needs of the students that they have attending and their disabilities.
  • 4. QUESTION 1 THE CHOICE OF TECHNOLOGY T H E C H O I C E F O R T H I S P H I L A D E L P H I A P R I V A T E S C H O O L I S T H E S M A R T V I E W 3 6 0 The SmartView 360 is a video magnifier, which helps to bring the world into a larger and clearer point of view for those with low vision.
  • 5. QUESTION 2 - HOW IS THE TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTED? The technology is implemented into the classrooms that the visually disabled student attends. It is used on the blackboard, in order for the student to see, for their workbook and other lessons.
  • 6. QUESTIONS 3 AND 4 FUNDING AND POPULATION SERVED Funding for the AT Devices as well as the school itself comes from the community in which it serves. Which is mostly African- American and the school survives off of donations.
  • 7. QUESTIONS 5 AND 6 WHO IS IMPACTED AND HOW IS IT INCORPORATED INTO THE CURRICULUM? There is only the one student who is impacted by this device. The class sizes are small (about 10 students per class) which allows the teachers that educate this student, time to focus on that student as well as the other nine. Every assignment including workbook assignments are able to be magnified. There are no real adjustments to be made. This device has made it relatively easy to accommodate this student.
  • 8. QUESTIONS 7 AND 8 HOW IS TRAINING OFFERED FOR THE DEVICE AND WHAT IF ONE BREAKS. PowerPoint Presentations are given to educate the teachers on the device, as well as the parents. The school tries to involve the parents as much as possible into their students education, with how they are learning and what they are learning. Each teacher receives training and additional help with working the device if necessary. The student however, is fully functional on the device and very little goes wrong If a device breaks, we have a technician that comes into repair it. However, due to our donations we were lucky enough to have 2 SmartView360 devices. The student does not miss out if there are technical problems.
  • 9. QUESTION 9 REVIEWS AND DISLIKES Pros - The arm can be turned in any direction. Objects can be magnified up to 57x. Color can be adjusted to whatever the user is comfortable with. Cons There were no cons disclosed by this instructor. He is satisfied with this device.
  • 10. QUESTION 10 TRACKING BENEFICIAL LEARNING The student would not be able to see the board, their workbook or calculator to do their classwork. Without the SmartView, they would not be able to see, to learn at they level they are learning now with much less difficulty.
  • 11. REVIEW AND JUSTIFICATION The SmartView360 is a benefit to any class that has low vision students, if its one as this school had, or many many more the SmartView360 made a student who may have struggled before into a student who can view their work as easy as any other student. The color is able to be adjusted, students can have white letters and a black screen or yellow letters on a blue screen. Whatever may be easier for them to see. The SmartView 360 will help students view text in a book with an enhanced black and white contrast control; then they can simply twist the camera for a full-color image of a blackboard or presentation screen (Humanware, 2010). The functionality of this device makes it the perfect asset to a classroom that instructs those with low-vision. With its many options and it being easy to use, young and old would benefit from this assistive device. Currently, this device is being sold at $1,995.00 + 30 day free trial and technical support.
  • 12. Reference List Dyal, A. (2009). Assistive Technology what every school leader should know, Education, 129(3), 556. Safhi, M., Zhou, L., Smith, D., & Kelly, P. (2009). Assistive technology in teacher-training programs: a national and international perspective. Journal Of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 103(9), 562-568. SmartView 360 - The point and shoot Video Magnifier for low vision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMh9AsprZnY (2010, October 26). HumanWare unveils the SmartView 360, the electronic magnifier that provides a clear view in all directions. PR Newswire (USA). Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.