Weekend Yoga Retreat -...

Post on 23-Sep-2020

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Come to this idyllic mountain retreat and let the nature, peaceful setting, nourishing yoga practices, and healthy

food all feed and replenish your spirit.

. Friday evening following dinner we will practice restorative yoga.. Our mornings will begin with pranayama (yogic breathing practices) and meditation. . After breakfast we will practice yoga asanas.. The afternoon will be free for hiking, napping, or just sitting & enjoying the view. . Late afternoon will be yin yoga practice.. We will have an after dinner talk and event. Continuing education credit is available for yoga teachers.


The retreat begins on Friday, Oct. 7 with arrival time between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. and ends with brunch on Sunday at 12:00 p.m.Cost includes two nights double or triple occupancy, all meals, and the classes and beautiful nature. Register by contacting Terri Cotts at terricotts@gmail.com


With Terri CottsAtSpiritVisionRetreatCenter inNorthernIdaho

October 7–9, 2016$375.00/Earlyregistration,bySeptember23rd


Weekend Yoga Retreat