Weekly E-pistle March 15, 2016 · 3/3/2016  · Rigoberta Menchu, teacher and activist, as we try...

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Union Congregational United Church of Christ

A Just Peace, Open and Affirming Church

From the Pastor

NEW - A Simple Way to Give

Joys and Concerns

Lenten Dinner & Holy Week

Faith Formation for All Ages

Youth Groups

Adult Education

Family Worship

Small Groups

From the Benevolence & CO Board

Other Activities and Events

Assisting Next Sunday

This Week at Union


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Weekly E-pistle March 15, 2016


Pastor Barbara Martin Church Office Cell number: (507)263-0342 Hours: M-Th. 9am - 2pm

Office Hours: M-W (Appointment preferred) Phone: (952)929-8566

Email: pastor@unionslp.com Email: info@unionslp.com


Leah Springer UCC COMMAntary

Director of Faith Formation Cell Number: (612)280-8588

Office Hours: M, W, Th.

Email: dff@unionslp.com

Like us on Facebook!

WiFi is available at

Union Church, connect using the password:


From Pastor Barb Lent is nearly over. Our fifth Wednesday Lenten program (tomorrow Mar. 16th) will wrap up a progressive exploration of the connection between prayer and social action. We will be praying for discernment and wondering together about next steps for Union’s social justice ministry. We’ve heard the stories of famous theologians, activists, and writers; we’ve experi-mented with prayer practices, done some craft activities, and deepened our spiritual lives with our weekly service of intergenerational communion. Sunday worship has been enhanced by ‘bread sharing rituals’ offering us “Bread for the Journey” as we move to discern our focus for social actions and ministries at Union church. March 20th is Palm/Passion Sunday that begins with a joyous parade from Fellow-ship Hall carrying our gently used coats to the front of the sanctuary. Then we will walk with Jesus into Holy Week … which will be torturous on his body and spirit. We will be witnesses to God’s upside-down actions – Jesus entering Jerusalem as a servant not a militant; Jesus as one who rules by serving instead of the kings who served by ruling. Similar to reflecting about a lengthy vacation to a faraway location or a trip to an unexpected place, our program and worship experiences during Lent have been de-signed to be cumulative and reflective. What has the Spirit been saying to you? Where have you noticed a disruption to your usual way of doing things that might be a nudge from the Spirit? I invite you to continue discerning where God is leading you, where God is leading Union church, as we journey into Holy Week and Easter.

Shalom, Pr. Barb

Welcome to the world, Conrad!

Conrad Wuollet Hennen was born to Amber

Wuollet and Kyle Hennen at 1:30 p.m. Friday,

March 4, 2016 at 9lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. Big

brother, August, is starting to enjoy

his new family addition. We’ve en-

joyed playing with this wonderful

family at our Family Worship on

the first Wednesday of each month!

REMEMBER to bring

your gently used coats

on Palm/Passion Sunday,

March 20th. They will be

donated to Thanksgiving

Day Free Store.

A Simple and Convenient Way to Give

NEW - A Simple Way to Give

Consider automating your regular donations with our new electronic

giving program. Union Congregational United Church of Christ relies

on the financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers

an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Visit the Union

Congregational United Church of Christ website at http://unionslp.com

and click on Donate, or on your smartphone use a QR reader app and

scan this code.

Joys and Concerns

Betty Jean Hahn having health issues. 3935 Joppa Ave, SLP

Bob Ramsey recovering from bronchitis. 3663 Park Center Blvd #1202, SLP

Harvey Arvidson in rehab recovering from severe vertigo. Health & Rehab of New

Brighton; 825 1st St. NW, New Brighton, 55112; 651-633-3278

Penny Goodyear’s sister-in-law, Kimm Pray, as she battles Breast Cancer and


Cait Clancy grieving the death of her mother, Laine. 5920 Oxford St. #12, SLP

Tom Holzer living at Bethel Care Center, 420 Marshall Ave, St. Paul, 55102;

(612) 423-0452.

Ann Picken’s daughter, Becky Meyer, being treated for breast cancer.

We ask for continued prayers for Laurie Borreson, Bent Paulsen, and Dan Moriseth.

As ministers of Union church, called to ad-minister God’s extravagant love, you are invited to

send a card to these friends. If you know them or there is contact information provided, please

plan a visit or make a phone call. Thank you!

Please hold in

Wednesday, March 16th is our final program night!

We hope you can come to this intergenerational event!

Tomorrow’s theme is “Praying for Discernment.” We’ll hear the story of Rigoberta Menchu, teacher and activist, as we try to locate ourselves in her story. We’ll do a table activity with clay and learn about ‘praying in color’. We’ll share any God moments of insight about the direction of Union’s social justice ministries. We’ll close with brief Service of Communion.

See you at 6:00 pm for dinner and 6:30 pm for “Praying for Discernment”

Tonight’s dinner is hosted by Building and Grounds Board and they will be serving Chicken with Wild Rice soup and left-over soups from previous meals, salad, rolls and dessert.

Worship Service, Sunday, March 20, 10:00 a.m.

Intergenerational Faith Formation 9:10 a.m.


This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday and we invite you to bring

your gently used, clean coats to pave the way of justice. During worship we will process from Fellowship Hall into the sanctuary

and lay our coats on the tables at the front of the sanctuary to

prepare the way of Jesus into Jerusalem.

The coats will be donated to thanksgiving

day free store.

Lenten Dinner/Holy Week

Worship service, Thursday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m.

Lenten Dinner and Program

Palm Sunday

Maundy Thursday

Worship Service, Sunday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m.

Faith Formation for All Ages

Palm Sunday Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:10 a.m. as we prepare for our final Sunday worship bread

ritual and prayer activity of the Lenten Season by making pretzels and learning about

their significance.

Faith Formation: Godly Play for All Ages, Sundays at 9:10 a.m. Beginning April 3, Let Justice Roll Down is our theme as we look at a few of the New

Testament people carrying out Jesus’ teachings through the lens of the Psalm 23.

NO Godly Play on Easter Sunday.

Adult Education, Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. in the Library Continuing study of John Shelby Spong's new book Biblical

Literalism: A Gentile Heresy. In this book, Spong uses the

gospel of Matthew as a guide to explore the roots of Jewish

culture, symbols and tradition that shaped our Christian


He shows that the later development of the fully Gentile church led

to the belief that all Gospel events were history and thus distorted the essential message of

our faith. Come every week or once in a while. ALL WELCOME! ALL POINTS OF

VIEW RESPECTED! Coffee will be ready!

Family Worship, Apr il 6 and every fir st Wednesday each month at 5:15 p.m. Join us for worship designed with children in mind. Everyone it invited.

Bible Study meets Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. in the Library. We are reading and discussing the lectionary—the Bible readings for Sunday.

It will get your mind working so you’ll get more out of worship!

Youth Group joins Lenten Dinners and Programs through March 24, and

resumes March 30.

Small Groups

Book Club

The Breakfast Club gathers on the third Thursday of each month.

Join us next on Thursday, March 17 at 9:00 a.m. at Perkins on Highway 7 and

County Road 73. It’s a fun way to start your day!


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

Pilgrim Point Camp


Are you interested in a weekend (Friday evening through Sunday morning) at our UCC

camp just outside of Alexandria, MN? Would you be available for any of these weekends:

June 24-26, August 5-7 and August 12-14?

Please call or email:

Lori Yalch at (763)588-0074 or lyalch@barr.com; or

Leah Springer at (952)929-8566 or dff@unionslp.com.

If there is interest, we will go with the most popular

weekend for a fun weekend of all things camp:

community, songs, swimming, crafts, hanging-out in

marvelous outdoor space, and more. You can choose to

either camp or stay in lodging.

The Book Club gathers on the third Monday of each month.

Get ready to be shocked, relieved, and inspired in the pages of Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians

Believe, by respected Bible teacher, Larry Osborne. Because the truth is meant to

set us free . . . not hurt us.

This book confronts ten widely held beliefs that are both dumb and dangerous, such

as: Faith can fix anything, God brings good luck, Forgiving means forgetting,

Everything happens for a reason, A godly home guarantees good kids…and more.

Join us on Monday, March 21 at 10:00 a.m. at Bruegger's Bagels, 5400 Excelsior

Boulevard in St. Louis Park to discuss this book. (Order the book at Amazon.com.)

Pilgrim Point Camp

From The Benevolence and Comm. Outreach Board

Refugee Services


Some essential items are silverware, dishes, pots and pans, bath towels, dish towels, sheets and

blankets, shower curtains, cleaning supplies, brooms and dust pans, mops and buckets, vacuum

cleaners, lamps, furniture. (Please donate only the listed items. Thank you!)

There is a large blue, plastic bin in the Narthex with a Refugee Services sign.

Donations are given to the Minnesota Council of Churches Refugee Services

program for distribution. Furniture is needed, but MCC is unable to pick up.

Independent transport must be arranged. For further information, contact

Melody Ward at rsvolunteers@mnchurches.org, or at (612) 230-3219.

The loose offering in the collection plates during the month of March will go to 66 West

Apartments. 66 West is one of Beacon Interfaith Housing

Collaborative's projects being developed to serve young adults

from southwest Hennepin County who have experienced

homelessness. Thirty nine studio apartments will be created on

West 66th Street in Edina across from Southdale. The building is purchased, plans for the site are all

approved and construction/conversion will begin this spring. Supportive services will be provided on

site by Simpson Housing Services . This project was spearheaded by lead collaborator Edina

Community Lutheran and other congregations. This project provides early intervention and is a

permanent solution to the continued issue of homelessness.

As they say at Beacon, "We believe in home". 66 west


STEP (St. Louis Park Emergency Program)

During March we will be collecting pasta! Spaghetti, macaroni or any type of pasta

you like. STEP’s food shelves are low on pasta at this time, bring in some pasta and

let’s to refill those shelves for each Sunday’s offering during March.

Toilet Paper is ALWAYS needed at STEP also, so maybe add a roll with your regular

donation! Thank you for helping us support STEP!

Other Activities and Events UNION HAS TALENT



Union Has Talent will be presented on April 2, 2016. If you haven’t already done so, contact Tomi Calhoun

at (952)929-6070 or tomicalhoun1048@yahoo.com to sign up to share your gifts with your Union Family!

Choirs, directors, and instrumentalists from four area congregations of the United Church of Christ (UCC) will join for a benefit concert called Make Me an Instrument Sunday, April 17 at 4:00 p.m. at Mizpah United Church of Christ, Hopkins. The combined choirs of Edina Morningside, Mizpah in Hopkins, Parkway, Minneapolis, and Union, St. Louis Park UCC Churches will perform music of Ralph Vaughan Williams and a Jazz Mass by Bob Chilcott.

The concert benefits the ministries of Reverend Tom Liddle and Dr. Monica Liddle who plan to resume their ministry in East Timor, Africa under the Common Global Ministries Board of the UCC and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to serve a 4-year term with the Protestant Church of East Timor (IPTL). Local churches and the United Church of Christ Minnesota Conference have joined in various ways to raise funds to support the couple in their unique and challenging ministry.

The title Make Me an Instrument, a reference to St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer that calls for peacemaking and healing, was chosen to draw attention to both the ministry of the Liddles and to the work of the musicians in churches. In addition to Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs with baritone solos by Rick Wagner and Chilcott’s Jazz Mass, the performance will feature three new short pieces for choirs and congregation written by three of the choir directors.

Leading the choirs will be Edina Morningside’s Alex Heetland, Mizpah’s Andy Pokel, Parkway’s Bonnie McClain, and Union’s Art Clyde. The ministers of the hosting churches–Howard Bell, Edina Morningside; Zoe Kuester, Mizpah; Kathy Itzin, Parkway; and Barbara Martin, Union–will participate with readings and poetry.

There is no admission charge, but a free will offering will be accepted on behalf of the Liddle’s who will attend. All are invited to a reception following the concert. The church is located at 412 5th Ave North below MN 7, Hopkins.

Order forms for the Spring Plant Sale are in Fellowship Hall and need to be submitted by

March 31. Order pick-up date is Thursday, May 5, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. There is also a

volunteer sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall with both an a.m. shift (8am-1pm) and a p.m. shift


If you have any questions, please contact Penny Goodyear at (612)720-1983.


Tues., March 15 4:30 p.m. Social Security Workshop Library 7:00 p.m. Faith Formation Board Discipleship Room

Wed., March 16 All Day Kid Zone Discipleship Room 10:30 a.m. Bible Study Library 4:30 p.m. Children’s Choir Choir Room 6:00 p.m. Lenten Dinner Fellowship Hall 6:30 p.m. Lenten Program Fellowship Hall 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Choir Room

Thurs., March 17 9:00 a.m. Breakfast Club Library 7:00 p.m. ACIM (A Course in Miracles) Library

Fri., March 18 Office Closed

Sat., March 19 8:30 a.m. Girl Scouts Fellowship Hall Office Closed

Sun., March 20 8:30 a.m. Adult Ed. Library Palm Sunday 9:10 a.m. Godly Play for All Ages God’s Backyard 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Sanctuary After Worship Fellowship Time Fellowship Hall 6:00 p.m. AA I Fellowship Hall 7:30 p.m. AA II Fellowship Hall

Mon., March 21 9:15 a.m. Staff Meeting Library 10:00 a.m. Book Club Bruegger’s Bagels 7:00 p.m. Finance Board Discipleship Room 7:30 p.m. Monday Night Step Group Library 7:30 p.m. Al Anon Basement

Assisting Sunday and This Week at Union

Fellowship Hosts Team #1 (Wentworth)

Head Usher Don Franson

Reader Barb Steinmetz

Money Counters Jean Daniels and Mary Krafft

Assisting Next Sunday

This Week At Union