WELCOME 12 th Meeting of the National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSM-EC) 03 June,...

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Agenda-1. Comparative Area, Production and Productivity of Kharif Pulses from 2006-07 to 2013-14

(Area 000 Ha, Production 000 tons and Productivity Kg/Ha)

Year NFSM District Non- NFSM District State Total


2006-07 1703 450 264 440 100 228 2143 550 257

2007-08 2050 728 355 553 222 401 2603 950 365

2008-09 1876 668 356 508 149 293 2384 817 343

2009-10 2086 98 47 371 35 94 2457 133 54

2010-11 - - - - - - 2916 1603 550

2011-12 - - - - - - 2971 1313 442

2012-13 - - - - - - 1956 638 326

2013-14 (Target)

2670 1091 409

Productivity of Kharif Pulses

264355 356
















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Comparative Area, Production and Productivity of Gram from 2006-07 to 2012-13

(Area 000 Ha, Production 000 tons and Productivity Kg/Ha)

Year NFSM District Non- NFSM District State Total


2006-07 814 678 833 197 195 986 1011 873 863

2007-08 1005 399 397 226 175 775 1231 574 466

2008-09 1050 804 766 210 177 844 1260 981 779

2009-10 672 356 530 212 179 842 884 535 605

2010-11 - - - - - - 1783 1601 898

2011-12 - - - - - - 1434 990 690

2012-13 1385 1293 933

Productivity of Gram

















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Comparative Area, Production and Productivity of Wheat (kg/ha) from 2006-07 to 2012-13

(Area 000 Ha, Production 000 tons and Productivity Kg/Ha)

Year NFSM District Non- NFSM District State Total


2006-07 1105 2924 2646 1460 4832 3310 2565 7756 3024

2007-08 1046 2443 2337 1546 4682 3028 2592 7125 2749

2008-09 855 2271 2657 1440 5016 3483 2295 7287 3175

2009-10 857 2429 2834 1537 5071 3299 2394 7501 3133

2010-11 1263 3737 2959 1773 6687 3771 3036 10424 3433

2011-12 1157 3501 3026 1778 6660 3745 2935 10160 3461

2012-13 1155 3370 2918 1700 6066 3567 2855 9436 3305

Productivity of Wheat


2657 2834 2959 3026 2918

2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13



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Agenda-2. Crop-wise Estimated Area, Production and Yield during 2012-13 (Own Assessment III Advance Estt. of Kharif crop and II Advance Estt. Of Rabi crop)

(Area lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Productivity kg/ha)

CropAchievement 2012-13 (Estimate)

Area Prod. Yield

Moong 7.90 2.34 296

Moth 8.64 2.36 273

Urd 2.18 1.27 583

Cowpea 0.65 0.25 382

Arhar 0.17 0.15 879

O. Pulses 0.02 0.014 711

Total Kh. Pulses 19.56 6.38 326


Gram 13.85 12.93 933

Total Pulses 33.78 19.71 583

Wheat 28.55 94.36 3305

Agenda-3. Financial Statement of NFSM, 2012-13

(Rs. in lacs)



O. B. as on


Funds Received

Total Avail. Funds

Exp. (upto

March, 13)%


Unspent Balance

as on 1.4.2013

Wheat 2764.67 881.62 1883.05 2764.67 1948.34 70.47 816.33

Pulses 7758.003 (Revised)

1295.08 7039.42* 8334.50 6377.11 82.20 1957.39

Media & Publi.

- -54.24 0.00 -54.24 0.00 -54.24

A3P 2600.00 82.53 2517.47 2600.00 2412.00 92.77 188.00

Total 13122.673 2204.99 11439.94 13644.93 10737.45 81.82 2907.48

* This also includes Rs. 105.00 Lac releases under Additional Area Coverage of Pulses

Agenda- 4. Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Wheat for 2012-13

(Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

Approved Interventions Unit

Target Approved by GOI

Achievement up to 31 March,2013

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

1 Cluster Demonstrations Ha 10530 526.50 10484 350.38

2Distribution of Certified Seeds

Qtls 200000 1000.00 132607 661.16

3Need Based Plant/Soil Management


  (a) Micronutrients Ha 50000 250.00 46513 147.73

  (b) Gypsum Ha 30000 150.00 35601 115.40

 (C) PP Chemicals & bio-agents

Ha 32120 160.60 4785 12.19

Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Wheat for 2012-13

(Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

Approved Interventions Unit

Target Approved by GOI

Achievement up to 31 March,2013

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

4 Machineries/Energy Management


  (a) Knap Sack Sprayers Nos 1800 54.00 7512 43.16

  (b) Seed Drills/ SCFD Nos 1800 270.00 2664 300.27

  (c) Rotavators Nos 100 30.00 112 33.54

5Cropping System based trainings

Nos. 200 14.00 161 6.98

Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Wheat for 2012-13

(Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

Approved Interventions Unit

Target Approved by


Achievement up to 31 March,2013

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

6 Miscellaneous Expenses          

 (a) PMT & Other Misc. Exp. at District

No. of District

15 95.70 13 82.24

 (b) PMT & Oher Misc. Exp. at State

No. of State

1 13.87 1 4.51

7Local Initiatives (Construction of Water Storage Tank (size 40' X 30' X 6')

Nos. 400 200.00 318 190.80

 TOTAL FINANCIAL (1 to 7)     2764.67 1948.34

Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Pulses for 2012-13

(Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

Approved Interventions Unit

Target Approved by GOI

Achievement up to 31 March,2013

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

1 Distribution of Certified Seeds.         

  (a) Varieties less than 10 years Qtl 10500 231.00 12704 242.60

 (b) Varieties more than 10 years old

Qtl 20000 240.00 29833 338.19

2 Demonstrations      

  Cluster Demonstrations Ha 70000 3360.00 72498 2688.23

3 INM      

  (b) Micro-nutrients. Ha 50000 250.00 37559 132.19

  (b) Gypsum Ha 50000 375.00 142095 359.10

  (c ) Rizobium Culture/PSB Ha 60000 30.00 59636 13.65

Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Pulses for 2012-13

(Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

Approved Interventions Unit

Target Approved by GOI

Achievement up to 31 March,2013

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

4 IPM            (a) IPM Package Ha 26667 200.003 21671 95.36  (b) Distribution of NPV Ha 5000 12.50 308 0.52  (c) PP Chemicals Ha 40000 200.00 3563 7.13  (d) Weedicide Ha 1000 5.00 1271 4.515 Resource Conservation Tech.        (a) Knap Sack Sprayers. Nos. 6000 180.00 25368 136.73  (b) Zero Till Seed Drills. Nos. 0 0.00  (c) Multi-crop Planters. Nos. 2 0.30 1 0.15

 (d) Seed Drills/Seed cum Fertilizer Drill

Nos. 4000 600.00 4066 445.33

  (e) Zero Till Multi Crop Planters Nos. 0 0.00  (f) Ridge Furrow Planters Nos. 0 0.00  (g) Rotavators. Nos. 300 90.00 308 92.37  (h) Laser Land levelers Nos. 0 0.00 2 3.00

Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Pulses for 2012-13

(Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

Approved Interventions Unit

Target Approved by GOI

Achievement up to 31 March,2013

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

6 Efficient Water Application Tools:            (a ) Incentive for Pump Sets Nos. 2500 250.00 1408 136.60  (b) Pipe for carrying water Nos. 9200 1380.00 9017 1291.46

7Cropping System based trainings

Nos. 430 60.20 564 33.59

8 Miscellaneous Expenses        (a) PMT& other Misc. Exp. Distt. level No 16 71.52 9 48.73  (b) PMT& other Misc. Exp. State level No. 1 6.28 1 5.30

 (c ) Misc. Expenses to State for other Districts (Districts of ISOPOM)

No. of District

17 17.00 17 13.67

9Local Initiatives Construction of Farm Pond

Nos. 332 199.20 317186.46

10 Pending Liabilities (2011-12) 102.26Total Financial (1 to10)     7758.003 6377.11

Physical and Financial Progress of Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) 2012-13

CropApproved Target


(upto 31 March,2013)

Physical (Units

and Area)

Financial (Rs. in lacs)

Physical (Units

and Area)

Financial (Rs. in lacs)

Kharif Moong200 units

(20000 ha)960.00

200 units

(19999 ha)863.75

Moth50 units

(5000 ha)240.00

50 units

(5000 ha)161.36

Total 250 units

(25000 ha)1200.00

250 units

(24999 ha)1025.11

RabiGram 250 units

(25000 ha)1400.00

250 units

(26968.2 ha)1386.89

Grand Total

500 units (50000 ha)

2600.00500 units

(51967.2 ha)2412.00

19+ Million Tones Pulses production Special Plan, 2012-13

(Fin. Rs. in lacs)







(upto 31 March.13)




1Intercropping of Pulses with Cotton/cereals/Oilseeds

Ha132520 1173.92


95412 682.89

2Critical inputs-Sulphur, plant growth regulator and nutrient mixture

Ha 7715 27.00 0 0.00

Total Cost Under NFSM

1200.92 1200.91 682.89

3Micro Irrigation Scheme-Sprinkler Set

Ha 7000 70.49 * 7000 70.24

Grand Total 1271.41 1200.91

Agenda-5. Major focus on Inputs under NFSM

• Application of Gypsum in 142095 ha area of Pulses and 35601 ha area in Wheat crop.

• Demonstrations in 10484 ha in Wheat and 72498 ha in Pulse on Improved technologies.

• Resource Conservation Technologies/ Farm Machinery.

-Knapsack Sprayer 7512 in Wheat and 25368 in Pulses

, Seed drill/ Seed cum Fertilizer drill – 2664 in Wheat and 4066 in Pulses.

Rotavator – 112 in Wheat and 308 in Pulses.• Efficient Water Application Tools- • 9017 farmers benefited under Irrigation Pipeline

component • Construction of Farm Ponds-8362

Agenda-6. National Food Security Mission Action Plan 2013-14

( Rs. in lac)

Component Unspent Balance

as on 01.04.13

Allocation from GOI

Interest accrued

Target Proposed

NFSM- Wheat 816.33 2800.00 53.17 3669.50

NFSM- Pulses 1957.39 8900.00 85.41 10942.80

Sub-Total 2773.72 11700.00 138.58 14612.30

A3P 188.00 3000.00 36.00 3224.00

G.TOTAL 2961.72 14700.00 174.58 17836.30

Action Plan of NFSM-Wheat for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Targets approved by GOI

Phy. Fin

1 Cluster Demonstrations (100 Ha each)Rs 5000/-per ha

Ha 20000 1000.00


Demonstrations of Drainage Management in Waterlogged Areas for Rice-Wheat System (Project based smallest unit to be kept 100 Ha)

Rs. 5000/-per Ha

Ha 0 0

3Demonstrations on Frontline Technologies - Varieties RCTs in Wheat

Rs. 5000/-per Ha

Ha 0 0

Action Plan of NFSM-Wheat for 2013-14

(Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance


Targets approved by GOI

Phy. Fin

4 Distribution of Certified Seeds of Improved Varieties

Rs 500/-per Qtl Qtls 150000 750.00

5 Need Based Plant/Soil Management        

  (a) Micronutrients Rs 500/-per ha Ha 50000 250.00

  (b) Gypsum Rs 500/-per ha Ha 30000 150.00


(c) Plant Protection Chemicals & bio-agents

Rs 500/-per ha Ha 35036 175.18

  Sub Total 5 (a) to 5 (c )     575.18

Action Plan of NFSM-Wheat for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Targets approved by


Phy. Fin


Resource Conservation Machineries/Energy Management  


  (a) Knap Sack Sprayers Rs 3000/-per Machine Nos 3000 90.00  (b ) Zero Till Seed Drills Rs 15000/-per Machine Nos 0 0.00  (c) Multi Crop Planters Rs 15000/-per Machine Nos 0 0.00

  (d) Seed Drills/ Seed cum Fertilizer Drill

Rs 15000/-per Machine Nos 2700 405.00

  (e) Zero Till Multi Crop Planters

Rs 15000/-per Machine Nos 0 0.00

  (f) Ridge Furrow Planters Rs 15000/-per Machine Nos 0 0.00  (g) Rotavators Rs 30000/-per Machine Nos 120 36.00  (h) Laser Land Levelers Rs 150000/-per Machine Nos 0 0.00  Sub Total 6 (a) to 6 (h)     531.00

Action Plan of NFSM-Wheat for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Targets approved by GOI

Phy. Fin

7 Efficient Water Application Tools:        

  (a) PumpsetsRs. 10,000/-per machine

Nos. 750 75.00

(b) SprinklersRs. 7500/- per ha

Nos. 4500 337.50

  Sub Total (7a+7b)     412.50

8 Cropping System based trainings

Rs 3500/-Session Rs 7000/-Training

Nos. 400 28.00

Action Plan of NFSM-Wheat for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Targets approved by GOI

Phy. Fin

9 Miscellaneous Expenses        


(a) PMT,Computer Operator & Other Miscel.Expen. at District level

Rs. 10.60 lakh per District

No. of District

15 159.00

  (b) PMT,Computer Operator & Oher Misce. Expen at State level

Rs 13.87 lakh per State

No. of State

1 13.87

10 Local Initiatives      

(i) Movable Threshing floor cum plastic sheet

Rs. 1500/- per sheet

Nos. 13330 


  TOTAL FINANCIAL (1 to 10)       3669.50

Action Plan of NFSM-Pulses for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Targets Proposed by State

Phy. Fin

1 Distribution of Certified Seeds.          (a) For varieties less than 10 years RS. 2200/-

per Qtl.Qtl 30000 660.00

  (b) For varieties more than 10 years old

RS. 1200/- per Qtl.

Qtl 145000 1740.00

2 Demonstrations on Improved Technologies


  (a)Cluster Demonstrations (of 100 ha each)

Rs. 5000/-per ha

Ha 70000 3500.00

  (b) Frontline Demonstrations by ICAR/SAUs in a Cluster of 10 ha each

Rs. 5000/-per ha

Ha  0 0.00 

Action Plan of NFSM-Pulses for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance


Targets Proposed by State

Phy. Fin

3 Integrated Nutrient Management:          (b) Micro-nutrients. Rs. 500/-per Ha Ha 60000 300.00  (b) Gypsum Rs. 750/-per Ha Ha 110000 825.00  (c ) Rizobium

Culture/PSBdistribution/MicorrizhaRs. 100/-per Ha Ha 60000 60.00

  Sub Total INM 3 (a) to 3 (c )     1185.004 Integrated Pest Management (IPM)          (a) IPM Package Rs. 750/-per Ha Ha 30000 225.00  (b) Distribution of NPV Rs. 250/-per Ha Ha 5000 12.50  (c) Distribution of PP Chemicals Rs. 500/-per

ha.Ha 60000 300.00

  (d) Weedicide Rs. 500/-per ha.

Ha 9986 49.930

  Sub Total 4 (a) to 4 (d)     587.430

Action Plan of NFSM-Pulses for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Targets Proposed by State

Phy. Fin

5 Resource Conservation Technologis/Tools:


  (a) Knap Sack Sprayers. Rs. 3000/-per machine Nos. 10000 300.00  (b) Zero Till Seed Drills. Rs. 15,000/-per machine Nos. 0 0.00  (c) Multi-crop Planters. Rs. 15,000/-per machine Nos. 10 1.50

(d) Seed Drills / Seed Cum Ferti. Drill

Rs. 15,000/- per machine Nos. 6000 900.00

  (e) Zero Till Multi Crop Planters Rs. 15,000/-per machine Nos. 0 0.00  (f) Ridge Furrow Planters Rs. 15,000/-per machine Nos. 10 1.50  (g) Rotavators. Rs. 30000/-per machine Nos. 600 180.00  (h) Laser Land levelers Rs.150000/-per machine

for group of 10 farmersNos. 10 15.00

  Sub Total of Machinery 5 (a) to 5 (h)


Action Plan of NFSM-Pulses for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Targets Proposed by State

Phy. Fin

6 Efficient Water Application Tools:        

  (a) Distribution of Sprinkler Sets. Rs. 7500/-per ha. Ha. 4100 307.50

  (b) Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler Rain guns

Rs. 15,000/-per Rain gun

Nos. 0 0.00

  (c ) Incentive for Pump Sets Rs. 10,000/-per machine

Nos. 2000 200.00

  (d) Pipe for carrying water from source to the field

Rs. 15000/- per farmer

Nos. 5540 831.00

Sub Total (6a-6d) 1338.50

7 Cropping System based trainings (Four Sessions)

Rs 3500/-Session Rs 14000/-Training

Nos.1400 196.00

Action Plan of NFSM-Pulses for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance


Targets Proposed by State

Phy. Fin

8 Miscellaneous Expenses        

  (a) PMT,Computer Operator & Other Misc..Expe. at District level

Rs 7.00 lakh per District

No. of District

16 112.00

  (b) PMT,Computer Operator & Other Misc. Expe. at State level

Rs 8.92 lakh per State

No. of State

1 8.92

  (c ) Misc. Expenses to State for other Districts (Distt. of ISOPOM)

Rs 1.00 lakh per District

No. of District

17 17.00

  Sub Total 8(a) to 8 (C)       137.92

9 Local Initiatives    

Movable Threshing floor cum plastic sheet

Rs. 1500/- per sheet

Nos. 13330 199.95

Total Financial (1 to 9)       10942.80

Action Plan of NFSM-A3P for 2013-14 (Fin. Rs. In lac)

S. No.

Name of cropTarget


(Rs. In Lac)

1 Moong320 (32000 ha)


2 Moth60 (6000 ha)


Total 380(38000)



250 (25000 ha)


  Grand Total630 (63000 ha)


Agenda – 6. Input Planning for Kharif 2013

Input Required Procurement through Remarks

Seed RSSC/NSC/SFCI During Kharif Abhiyan from 27.05.13 to 15.06.13 seed is being arranged through Beej Rath at Panchayat level.

Gypsum Dealers Network of IPL, RAJFED, RLDC, CFCL

Requirement of 27500 MTAvailability- 30000 MT

Zinc & Ferrous Sulfate

RAJFED/KVSS/GSS Arranging supply as per demand of district

IPM RAJFED/KVSS/GSS Arranging supply as per demand of district

Agenda – 7. Specific Issues and Suggestions

• Pending liabilities of subsidy on Foundation and Certified

Seed Production and Certified Seed Distribution may be

permitted from the saving of NFSM Pulses / Wheat.

• Subsidy on Foot Sprayer and Power Sprayer may be

permitted in Knapsack sprayer component.


Strategy for Increase in Production & Productivity of Moong

• Demonstration on improved Technology-41000 ha.

Intercropping with coarse cereals- 21000 ha

Improved Varieties- 20000 ha• Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P)- 32000 ha.• Distribution of Certified Seed (SRR-25%) - 52000 qnt.• Gypsum Application - 51900 ha• Micronutrient Application - 21000 ha• Use of Biofertilizers - 21000 ha• Use of plant protection Chemicals - 21000 ha• IPM Package - 11000 ha• Construction of Farm Ponds.

S. No.

CropSRR during 2006-07

SRR during


SRR during


SRR during


SRR Proposed

during 2013-14

1. Wheat 19.12 25.50 30.45 35.11 33.00

2. Gram 3.91 8.52 12.54 11.64 14.00

3. Moong 9.44 22.34 18.35 24.80 25.00

4. Urd 6.85 14.62 6.94 10.33 20.00

5. Cowpea 9.75 43.30 44.08 54.06 43.95

6. Moth 1.19 4.85 5.73 14.52 9.99

7. Arhar 11.53 27.02 21.70 33.18 25.00

Seed Replacement Rate in Wheat & Pulses

Strategy for improving the Productivity of Moong bean during 2013-14

S. No. Strategy Unit Quantity

1. Cluster Demonstration Ha 6000

2. A3P Demonstration Ha 4000

3 Distribution of Certified Seed Qtl 4800

4 Gypsum application ha 28000

5 Improve Seed treatment use rate from 6% to 20%

Distribution of Carbendazim / trichoderma @ 50% subsidy rate Kg. 960

Nutrient Management

A Improvement Bio Fertilizers (Rhizobium / PSB Culture packet) use Pkt 180000

B Supplements of Micronutrients (Zinc Sulphate / Ferrous Sulphate) in 25% sown area

MT 850

C Popularization of Single Super Phosphate (SSP) in 25% sown area MT 4500

6 Weed Management in 10% sown area Tons 12

7 Pest Management Through IPM in 20% sown area

A Promorion of use of Pheromone traps @ 5 / ha No. 100000

B Promorion of use of Light traps @ 5 / ha No. 2000

C Use of NPV Litre 30000

Strategy for improving the Productivity of Moong bean during 2013-14

S. No. Strategy Unit Quantity

8. Farm Mechanization

A Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill No. 500

B Rotavator No. 50

9 Water Conservation

A Pipe Line KM 150

B Sprinklers Ha 1500

C Farm Pond No 200

10 Post Harvest Management

A Distribution of HDPE Threshing sheets No. 5000