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WelcomePIUG Biotech Conference, 16-20 February 2015


• Introduction to Minesoft

• Using PatBase for efficient and effective FTO analysis

– Background and Hypothetical case study

– Methodology

– Features of PatBase to aid FTO analysis:

• Language explorer

• PatBase Analytics

• New Search commands and Display filters

• Advanced highlighting

• Legal status information

• Alerts

• Legal StatusTracker and CiteTracker

• Founded in 1996

• Innovative Global Patent Information Provider

• HQ in London, UK

• Offices in Washington D.C.; Germany, Asia

• Partners with RWS & Tempus IP

• Designs solutions to help customers harness the

power of patent information throughout the

innovation process

Who we are


in Patent







What we do


by IP experts



National Patent

Offices, Patent

Attorneys and

Patent Search

Firms worldwide




Global client base,

including USA,

Germany, Japan,

India and Israel

Data overview• Total data volume exceeds 35Tb

– >50 million families and 101 publishing bodies

– 40 million full-texts including over 20 million non-Latin into English MT’s

– 54 million clipped images and 45 million complete sets of drawings

• PatBase Express interface in seven languages (GB, DE, ES, FR, JP, CN, PT)

• PatBase interface in three languages (EN, JP, CN)

• Adding value to PatBase data:

– Stringent quality checks pre and post-processing (programmatic and human)

– Corrections, pre and post-processing (both programmatic and human)

– Internal tagging of examples, paragraphs and claims

– Machine translation and re-translation

Case Study - FTO


Background - 1• What is Freedom to Operate (FTO)?

• AKA – Clearance search, Infringement search, Freedom to use

• Simply put – Do we or could we infringe a 3rd party patent?

• Aim of an FTO search:

• Identify all granted and pending patents and applications

• Whose claims could we infringe if we sell a product, service or

perform an activity

• Does it really matter?

• Pfizer example

Background - 2

Hypothetical FTO Scenario

Sonic Hedgehog

+ =Cancer

Methodology• Subject matter investigation

• Compile search strategy

• Keywords

• Sequence

• Chemical

• Run initial search

• Optimise search and re-run

• Identify patent families of concern

• In depth analysis of these families

• Relevant claims?

• Legal status

PatBase Features - Strategy• Language Explorer

• Chemical Search

PatBase Features - Strategy

PatBase Features - Strategy• Classification finder

PatBase Features - Strategy• Sequence search

• Fast biological

sequence searching

• US sequence data

covered from 2005

• Proteins,nucleic acids,

and subsequences

• Search name or source

PatBase Features - Strategy

• Initial strategy:

• TAC=((sonic hedgehog) or HLP3 or HPE3 or MCOPCB5 or SMMC1 or HHG1 or TPT or TPTPS or HHG-1)

• New keyword: SHH

• Initial strategy:

• TAC=((sonic hedgehog) or HLP3 or HPE3 or MCOPCB5 or SMMC1 or HHG1 or TPT or TPTPS or HHG-1)

• Identify sources of false drops = tPt

• Optimise strategy

• Classification Codes

• Optimise strategy




New Keywords


Could use proximity operators between keyword sets

e.g. W100

• Searching at a publication level

• STACC – The same Title & Abstract for a specific country

• e.g. STAUS = (sulphuric AND acid)

• STACCC – The same Title, Abstract & Claims for a specific country

• e.g. STACEP = (monoclonal AND antibody)

• SDSCCC – The same Description for a specific country

• e.g. SDSCWO = (antibody AND drug AND conjugate)

• SCLCC – The same Claims for a specific country

• e.g. SCLDE = (RNA AND interference)

• SFTCC – The same Full Text for a specific country

• e.g. SFTFR = (biological AND marker)

PatBase – New Commands

• Searching at a publication level

PatBase – New Commands

PatBase – New Display Filters

PatBase – New Display Filters

PatBase – Legal Status

Patent RegisterLinks

PatBase – Legal Status• Timeline and Reassignments

PatBase – Advanced Highlighting

PatBase – Display Options

PatBase – Display Options

PatBase – Alerts

• Don’t forget!

• NEW Web-based Alerting Service that monitors changes to legal

status of patent applications, granted patents and patent families

• Use Legal Status Tracker to be the first to know:

• When a patent is granted in a certain country

• Changes in patent ownership

• When an opposition is filed against a patent

• If a patent application has been abandoned or withdrawn

• Changes in status for the whole patent family

• Advantages:

• Unique alerting service for monitoring patent citations.

• Use CiteTracker to stay aware of:

• Who is citing your company’s/client’s patents?

• Which new competitors are in your space?

• What licensing opportunities are emerging?

• Who is citing a particular technology?

• Advantages:

Thank you

Backup Slides

New Legal Status Search Functionality

• Based on EPO INPADOC PRS data

• Legal status groups to easily combine multiple PRS

codes across different authorities

• Combine with date searching

on Legal Events

• Search all granted publications

with a single command

Legal Status Search Commands

Legal Status Groups

– LSDW Deemed Withdrawn / Abandoned / Cancelled

– LSES Examined / Supplementary Search Report Issued

– LSFE Renewal Fees Paid

– LSGT Granted / Extended (Supplementary Protection Certificate)

– LSLE Lapsed / Expired / Ceased / Dead

– LSLI Licence

– LSNE Non-Entry into National Phase

– LSNP National Phase Entry

– LSOP Opposition Filed / Request for revocation, annulment

– LSRE Restored / Reinstated / Amended / Partially Amended

– LSRV Revoked / Rejected / Annuled / Invalid

– LSWD Withdrawn / Abandoned / Cancelled / Surrendered / Suspended / Terminated / Void

Legal Status Search Syntax

• Searching Legal Status Groups

– Searches a Group code by authority and dates range:


Syntax: CC_CODE/DateRange

• Searching for families that contain Granted patents

– Grant=yes Limits set to families with Granted Patents

– Grant=US Limits set to US Granted Patents