WELCOME AND ORIENTATION FOR THE NEW BATCH€¦ · Welcome party 6. Budget & Funding 7. Limitations...

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Medical Students’ Union

Faculty of Medicine

University of Jaffna



1. Introduction

2. Welcome committee

3. Events on the first day

4. Games and Aesthetics sessions

5. Welcome party

6. Budget & Funding

7. Limitations & Recommendations

8. Conclusion

9. Annex – Feedback letters from academic Staff members

10. Photos of the events


batch at the end of last sessions

1. Introduction

This year, 129 students from various parts of Sri Lanka entered into the Faculty of Medicine,

Jaffna. They came from varied traditional, cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds.

Hence, with a positive approach to reach out the newcomers, the MSU had drawn a new proposal

to carry out a welcome and orientation programme and it was approved by the faculty board at

its 291st meeting. The programme included the events in the first day of newcomers at the

faculty, six sessions of games and aesthetic events and Visits and lectures by MSU.

The programme was a planned and closely monitored interactive programme, where newcomers

were able to get to know each other and their seniors and engaged them in group works and to


The senior students were informed of the University Grants Commission Circular No. 919 –

“Guidelines to be introduced to curb the menace of ragging in the Universities or Higher

Educational Institutes (HEls)” and “Prohibition of Ragging and other Forms of Violence in

Educational Institutions Act (No.20 of 1998) where the MSU abide with the policy of “Zero

tolerance” towards ragging.

According to our proposal academic staff members and MSU members were present during each

session to ensure the smooth running of the sessions. The feedback we received from them on

our request has been attached with this report.

2. Welcome Committee

A welcome committee was formed including eight members of the 34th

batch while including

four students from other batches (33rd

and 35th

). The office bearers were selected at a batch

meeting and approval was given by the President/MSU, senior treasurer/MSU, Student’s

councilor/Faculty of medicine and Dean/Medicine.

President: Mr. K. Umasuthan 2010/FM/048

Secretary: Mr. J. Thujeevan 2011/FM/031

Treasurer: Miss. P. Rithanchanna 2010/FM/077

Committee Members:

Mr. V. Prashanth 2009/FM/046

Miss. M. Y. Silmiya 2010/FM/001

Miss. P. Thuvaraga 2011/FM/001

Miss. R. Aathithya 2011/FM/068

Mr. M. N. M. Nifras 2011/FM/072

Miss. N. Pranya 2011/FM/078

Miss. H. Pavithri 2011/FM/082

Mr. V. Paramanathan 2011/FM/084

Mr. T. R. Pieris 2011/FM/092

Mr. B. Kajanthan 2012/FM/038

Mr. R. H. P.S. Ratnaweera 2012/FM/079

Miss. S. Sharanki 2012/FM/095

Miss. A. Ramya 2012/FM/086

3. Events on the first day

On 3rd

February 2014, first day of freshers’ arrival, a meeting was organized by the office of the

dean for the new students and their parents, where the addresses were delivered by key persons

and by the MSU president. Same time the relatives and friends of students were entertained with

presentations about faculty functions, student life, batch trips, etc which was organized by the

MSU at the ground floor with the help of administration. The MSU members were present there

and had discussions with the relatives and friends of the students.

4. Games and Aesthetic sessions

Six sessions were scattered throughout the first two weeks of introductory period including

games and aesthetic sessions. Those sessions were held on the dates motioned below:

1. 5th

February 2014 – Grouping and name game

2. 6th

February 2014 – Sports event (Havana game)

3. 10th

February 2014 - Talent show

4. 12th

February 2014 - Debate

5. 13th

February 2014 – Role play

6. 15th

February 2014 – Cricket match

During each session academic staff members and MSU members were present there to ensure the

smooth running of that session. A points system was used for each sessions and the winners and

best performer of each session were selected and they were awarded in the welcome party.

First session:

1st session was conducted on the 3

rd day of the new comers in the conference hall and the

students were divided into four groups evenly distributed students based on ethnicity and sex as

much as possible. Each group included 31 new students and 9 senior students from 35th


the immediate seniors. Each group had their own leader. The groups were asked to make their

own cheers, flags, come up with a name and practice for the performances.

According to that names made were “vadai pochu” for 1st group, “we are fake” for 2

nd group,

“kaattupoochi & Co” for 3rd

group; “irritating idiots” for 4th

group and the colours of those

groups were yellow, red, green and blue respectively.

The very first event was “name game”. For that one person from each group was participated and

the winner was Mr. James Charles Camilas from “We are fake”. For other events places were

given as follows.

No Events Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

01 Naming of group 4th

1st 3

rd 2


02 Group cheer up 4th




03 Flag making 2nd


1st 4


04 Name game 3rd

1st 2

nd 4



1st 2

nd 3


Finally the winner’s of first session was group 2 “we are fake”. Another event was introduced as

signature hunt. For that booklets were given to all students and they had to collect as many

senior's signatures until their welcome party. For every 100 signatures they collected they were

given a medal in the welcome party.

During this session the immediate seniors and the juniors developed a good relationship between

them as each group had 9 seniors and they also actively participated in all the events by

encouraging as well as supporting the juniors. As well as the freshers were quickly relieved from

their stresses and actively participated in all the events. It was a good start for the juniors as well

as the seniors.

Second session:

The second session was the sports event held in the faculty playground. Havana game was

conducted including participants from all four groups. Clear instructions were given to all of the

students before stating the game.

From each group two girls were selected by the group leader and they prepared refreshments for

others in their group. All the ingredients, buckets and cups were given by the committee.

Finally the places achieved were as follows, 1st place for group 4, 2

nd place for group 2 and group

3 and 4th

place was for 1st group. And the winner of the day was group 4 - “irritating idiots”.

All the juniors enjoyed the game a lot. They had a big competition among them. They brought

their flags and waved them and they shouted their group cheers in chorus. It was a colorful day


Third session:

Third session was a talent show which was conducted in the lecture hall. 4 different types of

events were performed from each group. Varieties of programmes were done such as songs,

mimicry, dance, drama, instrumental play, etc.

All the seniors were allowed to see and enjoy this session and they were seated behind the

juniors. The lecturers who came for the supervision were given marks for the performance and

selected the best performer.

The places were given as follows 1st place for group 2, 2

nd place for group 3 and 3

rd and 4


places were for group 1st and 4

th respectively. The best performer was Mr. Selvakumar

Kamaladshan from “we are fake” for flute song.

The feedbacks given by the lecturers were very impressive and they told they enjoyed the events.

The seniors also enjoyed the performances and encouraged the freshers with their claps. This

talent show helped to expose the talents of the juniors in different ways.

Fourth session:

During the fourth session intra group debates were conducted selecting 4 members from their

own group. The topics for the debates were given in the previous session. The judges for this

debate were from 33rd

batch who participate in the debate competitions representing 33rd


This session was held in the conference hall of our faculty.

All four debates had a very tough competition among them and all enjoyed the talks of the

debaters. This was a best opportunity to expose their talking ability and the performances were

amazing. Boys and girls, both performed well. Finally 1st, 2

nd, 3

rd, 4

th places were given to

group 4, 1, 3 and 2 respectively. The best debater was Miss. Dirupa Naveratnarajah from

“Kaatuuupoochi & Co”

Fifth session:

Fifth session was role play which was conducted in the conference hall. Students were seated.

For this session marks were not given for the groups as the participants were randomly selected

and difficult to give marks as group wise. Only the best performer was selected. A musical box

containing written commands was circulated and participants selected when the music stops.

The commands were light hearted and were planned not to hurt anyone physically or mentally.

Some examples of the commands given there: sing a nursery rhyme, act like cooking rice and

curry, act like a film director, talk like a politician in an election meeting, etc.

Finally Miss. Abiramy Kuganathan from “Kaattupooch & Co” was selected as best performer

for acting likes a film director. All the performances were interesting and all the participants

performed their best. This was a programme which exposed the different and quick thinking

ways and performing in a given period of time.

Sixth session:

Sixth session was held on the final day of the orientation programme on a Saturday evening in

which cricket of 12 overs was conducted in the faculty playground. 2 groups were combined and

teams were selected among them. Group 1 and 4 were combined together and group 2 and 3

were combined together.

Umpires for these matches were from 33rd

batch who play in the cricket team representing 33rd

batch. All the groups brought their flags and cheered the players.

The winners were group 2 and 3. Man of the match award was given to Mr. Muzammil

Mohamed Infas from “We are fake”. This gave a good chance for the new comers to show their

sports talent and all others enjoyed and cheered the players. Refreshments were given for the

players and others which was made by the girls from the freshers.

Medical Students’ union sincerely acknowledges the participation and guidance of out academic

staff members who had facilitated a good outcome out of these students’ activities. We thank

Dr. (Mrs) A.Sivarathy (Lecturer, Dept. of Biochemistry), Dr. (Miss) S.Ambikaipakan (Senior

lecturer, Dept. of Anatomy), Dr. K. Kandeepan (Lecturer, Dept. of Biochemistry), Dr.(Mrs)

V.Ambalavanar (Senior Treasurer, Medical Students’ Union) and Dr.A.Murugananthan (Head,

Dept. of Pathology) and Miss. Sangeetha Mahesan and Miss. Anne Thushiyanthy Demonstrators,

Dept. of Biochemistry for their presences during the games and aesthetic sessions.

5. Welcome party

A welcome party was conducted right at the end of two weeks on 16th

February 2014 by a

separate committee comprised of students from the immediate senior batch (35th

batch). The

winning groups of each session, best former of each session, 8 new comers who got more than

100 signatures of seniors were awarded. They were:

1. Mr. Junaideen Nawras

2. Miss. D.J. Deepashika Perera

3. Miss. Tharmarajah Piriyanthy

4. Mr. R.P.A. Shamalith Rathnaweera

5. Mr. Sivachelvam Senthuran

6. Miss. M.S. Ayesika Silva

7. Mr. M.C. Waqar Yoonus

8. Mr. S. Lakshan Rathnaweera

The overall champion of these sessions was “we are fake”.

Signature hunt gave a good opportunity to develop a good interaction between the juniors as well

as the seniors. Juniors and seniors got to know each other. 8 of the juniors got more than hundred

from all ethnicity. This indicates that the seniors and juniors had a good interaction irrespective

of their varied socio demographic backgrounds.

6. Visits and lectures by MSU

The following lectures and visits have been coved on the dates scheduled by the pre-clinical


Lectures: MSU and Students’ activities - 1 hour, Information Technology Centre- 1 hour and

Recreational Activities in the faculty - 2 hours

Visits: ITC, Faculty of Medicine - 2 hours & Teaching Hospital - 3 hours

7. Budget and funding

This year, the expenditure for the activities was covered using the fund allocated under the

HETC project particularly for the orientation of new batches. The Fund enables to utilize a sum

of 12 500 LKR per batch/year. According to the Terms of Reference of HETC orientation

programme, this year the usable amount was the allocation of two year/batches (35th

& 36th

batches). The budget has been submitted to the project Coordinator - Dr. (Miss.)


Date Item Amount

HECT 25000.00 1 2/3/2014 Note Books 1872.00

2 2/3/2014 White Sheets 560.00

3 2/4/2014 Colour & Pen 260.00

4 2/4/2014 Flower Basket 160.00

5 2/4/2014 Silk polyster Clothe for flag 390.00

6 2/4/2014 Silk polyster Clothe for flag 100.00

7 2/5/2014 Wool Bands 160 + scissors 4 + 2 boxes of pins 1980.00

8 2/6/2014 Sugar 430.00

9 2/6/2014 Pens 60.00

10 2/6/2014 Cricket Ball 180.00

11 2/6/2014 Lime and Blue 1150.00

12 2/6/2014 Sugar and Nelli crush 1800.00

13 2/13/2014 Chocolates 720.00

14 2/15/2014 Gum bottels and ribbon 390.00

15 2/15/2014 Sports Items 10000.00

16 2/15/2014 Printing 4948.00

Total 25000.00 Total 25000.00

Income Expenditure

Medical students’ Union sincerely acknowledges HETC project and Faculty coordinator, Dr.

(Ms.) S.Ambikaipakan for granting the fund to run this programme successfully.

8. Limitations & Recommendations

As for the commitment by MSU on prohibition of ragging, MSU was able to ensure no incident

of ragging thought-out the session and visits. But there were some incidents where unhealthy

practices have been observed and reported by staff during the time before morning lectures


Hence, with the understanding of students’ limitation on total prevention of ragging, it is

recommended seek staff’s help in addressing this issue.

9. Conclusion

This programme was of fruitful and this initiative shall be continued in a more effective way in

coming years.

We, the MSU express our deep sense of gratitude to our Dean, the Senior treasurer, Prof. K.

Sivapalan and all the members of the faculty board for their guidance and approving the proposal

on ”welcome and orientation for the newcomers”.

9. Annex - Feedback letters from academic Staff members

1. from Dr. (Mrs) A.Sivarathy

2. from Dr. (Mrs) V.Ambalavanar

3. from Dr. (Miss) S.Ambikaipakan

4. from Dr. K. Kandeepan

10. Photos of the events

During Preparatory Works

During sessions

During sessions