Welcome, Fr. Konzman! - stignatiusloyola.org · Shawl ministry knit or crochet shawls that are...

Post on 02-Aug-2018

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Jesuit Since 1866Established in 1851

June 10, 2018 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time|

Welcome, Fr. Konzman!

This past January, a 21-year old sacristan at Saint Mary’s College greeted me with a chipper, “I absolutely adore baby priests!” For one thing, I was a deacon, not a priest. For another, to have this young woman call me a baby anything smarted a

bit. During the Spiritual Exercises, retreatants pray for the grace to be humiliated with Christ humiliated, and so to be humble. Yet, after ten years in Jesuit formation trying to live out of those Exercises, such a gentle condescension as “baby priest” still got under my skin.

Now, six months of prayer and reflection later, I realize that “baby priest” is exactly who I am. Those ten years have hardly gone to waste—the study of philosophy and theology, the work as a deacon, and the process of (hopefully) becoming a better person were all aimed at giving birth to the priesthood in me. They were, however, also aimed at the priesthood for you. That qualifier makes all the difference. The priesthood does not exist in a vacuum, but rather exists for and with the help of you, the people of God. It will be my joy and my duty to serve you. It will likewise (again, hopefully) be yours to nurture that priesthood and teach me everything I need to know to serve well. To that end, it might be helpful for you to know a bit about me.

I grew up in a military family and so moved around a lot as a kid—Germany, Georgia, and North Carolina. We finally settled in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where I attended a parochial elementary school. A four-year stint at Scranton Preparatory School and a further four at the University of Scranton introduced me to the Jesuits. A career in the sciences, especially chemistry, appealed to me. As I learned to pray, though, I also felt a very strong call to become a Jesuit priest. During my senior year of college, I started talking about the possibility of entering the novitiate with family, friends, and Jesuits I trusted, and they all thought it made sense. I applied, somehow got in, and became a novice in August 2008.

The two years of novitiate in Syracuse were beautiful—a chance to know Christ more deeply, develop a love for the liturgy and prayer, and to live with the most excellent men I have ever met. I studied philosophy at Fordham University, where I also worked at St. John Chrysostom, a Catholic elementary school in the South Bronx. Two wonderful years at Gonzaga College High School followed in D.C., where I taught computer programming, served as the director of worship, and coached and chaplained various sports teams. Most recently, I have lived and studied theology in Berkeley, where I had the privilege of serving as deacon to the University of California—Berkeley Newman Center, Holy Spirit Parish. There, I taught the high school Confirmation class, chaplained the Cal rugby team, and served as a spiritual director.

Now, I’m yours. I cannot wait to get to know you, this parish, and all the ways that Christ is active through you, and with you, and in you. I pray and hope to serve you well. Please introduce yourselves to me, invite me into your lives, and don’t be put off by my severe case of RBF—Resting Brian Face (Why? What else would it stand for?). Take advantage of my strengths, be patient with my weaknesses, and, above all, pray for me. In the meantime, may Christ, who lightens every heart, pour out his abundant blessings on you all.

— Rev. Brian G. Konzman, S.J.Associate Pastor



Moms, Pops & Tots.10:00 AM. Meeting Room.

Details on page 3.

Summer Mass Schedule Changes The final Wallace Hall Family Mass

of the season will be Sunday, June 17th. The Family Mass will resume on Sunday, September 9th.

Our summer Daily Mass Schedule begins on Monday, July 2nd and runs through

Monday, September 3rd.

During this time, the 12:10 PM Daily Mass is discontinued. The 8:30 AM Mass will be

be celebrated in the Church and the 5:30 PM Mass will be celebrated in the Lady Chapel.


Meeting Room

To register for the June 14th book discussion, email MoreThanaBookClubSIL@gmail.com



The Revised and Expanded Edition by Fr. James Martin, S.J.

In Building a Bridge, Fr. Martin uses the image of a two-way bridge to enable

LGBT Catholics and the Church to come together in a call to end the “us” versus “them” mentality.

Farewell Reception for Fr. FeelySunday, June 17th | McKinnon Hall

Following the 11:00 AM MassesPlease join us on June 17th for a farewell reception

for Fr. Feely thanking him for his service to our parish.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13thSociety of St. Vincent de Paul Meeting.

7:00 PM. Conference Room.

More Than a Book Club: June Selection Book Discussion.

2:00 PM. Meeting Room. Details at lower right.


Dear Parishioners,I am very happy to inform you that, once again, we will have a newly ordained Jesuit priest joining the parish staff for one year. Father Brian Konzman, SJ, was ordained yesterday, June 9th, at the Chapel of Fordham University. As part of his ongoing formation as a Jesuit, Brian will spend a pastoral year with us.

Father Konzman will take up residence in the Parish House on Monday, June 18th. Please greet him with a hearty welcome when you see him. You will learn more about Father Konzman in his own words in the essay that is featured in this bulletin.

With the arrival of Father Konzman, we approach the end of Father McLaughlin’s pastoral year as he leaves us in July. It is not too soon to thank Father McLaughlin for his service to the parish during the past year. We will have the opportunity to bid farewell to Father McLaughlin at a reception for him on his last weekend with us.

Let us remember both Father Konzman and Father McLaughlin in our prayers as they take on their new ministries. And let us also pray that God bless the church with an increase in vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.

Sincerely in the Lord,

Fr. Yesalonia



To register for the 2018–2019 IREP

program, visithttp://stignatiusloyola.org/index.php/

education/2018_2019_irep_registrationor scan the QR code at right.

Religious Education for Children


Monday, June 18th7:00 PM in the Meeting Room

The Ranger Rosary ministry meets twice a month to make rosaries for Catholics

who are serving in the armed services.


Shawls, made for centuries, are universal and embracing. Members of our Prayer Shawl ministry knit or crochet shawls that are blessed and given to those in

need of comfort or solace.

For more information or to join this ministry, contact Diane Boyle at boyled@saintignatiusloyola.org


MOMS, POPS & TOTSMonday, June 11th

10:00 AM Meeting Room

This weekly gathering provides parents with young children the opportunity to

make friends and develop community while strengthening their own spiritual lives.

Coffee and treats are available for the parents.

Songs for the Holy City: An Interfaith Evening of

Music and Prayer Wednesday, June 20th at 7:30 PM

Jewish Theological Seminary 3080 Broadway at 122nd Street

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry for an evening of diverse music, prayer, and song. This event is free, but all attendees must register in advance.

For more details and to register, visit jtsa.edu/holy-city-interfaith



Experience Making a Difference

Join the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) and become a contemplative in action in the spirit

of St. Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits!

IVC volunteers are adults over 50 years of age who offer their life skills and experience one to two days a

week to directly serve those in need. Volunteers gather monthly to prayerfully reflect on their service and

to deepen their spirituality in the Ignatian tradition. There is also the opportunity for spiritual guidance.

Interested? Contact Maureen Fullam, Regional Director, at 917-859-0928 or email

mfullam@ivcusa.org and visit our website at www.ivcusa.org

Annual Friends of the Poor

WalkSaturday, September 29th

This fundraising event helps support our St. Lawrence O’Toole Conference serving those in need, with 100% of all funds raised remaining within our Conference.

To register, visitfopwalk.org/walkerregistration/?eventid=2047

For more information, please email svdpmembership980@gmail.com


Thank You Women's Shelter Volunteers!The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul would like to thank all of the Shelter

volunteers of the 2017–2018 Season who helped provide a warm place to stay for our neighbors in need this past season.

Thanks to the teens who earned service hours by helping with set-up and to the adult set-up, overnight,

and cooking volunteers who prepared for or stayed with our guests. We were able to witness Christ's love

to our guests and show them they are not alone in their struggles. Our Shelter is on hiatus until November 2018, but we look forward

to seeing you again next Season.

Available at the Parish HouseThe Church of St. Ignatius Loyola:

A Walking TourCost: $8

Announced Masses and Readings for the Week

Monday, June 11th (St. Barnabas)Acts 11:21b–26; 13:1–3 Psalm 98 Matthew 10:7–13 8:30 ANN Nora & Robert Blackstock12:10 MEM Valentino Mazzia 5:30 MEM Betty Bryan Sheetz

Tuesday, June 12th (Tenth Tuesday in Ordinary Time)1 Kings 17:7–16 Psalm 4 Matthew 5:13–16 8:30 MEM Janet Elder12:10 MEM James Gallacher 5:30 MEM Felix Figueroa

Wednesday, June 13th (St. Anthony of Padua)1 Kings 18:20–39 Psalm 16 Matthew 5:17–19 8:30 MEM Giro & Elina Zullo12:10 MEM Gerry Baker 5:30 MEM Elizabeth & Robert Troilo

Thursday, June 14th (Tenth Thursday in Ordinary Time)1 Kings 18:41–46 Psalm 65 Matthew 5:20–26 8:30 MEM John & Margaret Reilly12:10 MEM Sophie Tulenko Dzienis 5:30 MEM Fatma Ali

Friday, June 15th (Tenth Friday in Ordinary Time)1 Kings 19:9a, 11–16 Psalm 27 Matthew 5:27–32 8:30 MEM George Cranston12:10 MEM Jack O'Leary 5:30 MEM Ophelia Newman

Saturday, June 16th (Tenth Saturday in Ordinary Time)1 Kings 19:19–21 Psalm 16 Matthew 5:33–37 8:30 MEM James Johnson

Sunday, June 17th (Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time)Ezekiel 17:22–24 Psalm 922 Corinthians 5:6–10 Mark 4:26–34


WEDDINGSKevin P. Carmody & Alexandra Foy Rupp

Peter Clark Clutterbuck & Nora Jan Flaherty

Michael Joseph Gambardella & Angela Christine Stanilewicz

Thomas Ulise Herrera & Alexandra Louise Mortell Plazas

Salvador Sierra San Nicolas & Rosemary Margarida Choi

Julius E. Sea & Ngozichukwu Ogechi Opara

Arthur Alexander ArnoldAva Esme Bernthal

James Todd CosenzaJosephine Lillian FeinerEmmett Kenneth Gaiss

Matthew Elias KernBruno Nicholas LaGratta

Charlotte Elizabeth Young LynchJohn Gabriel Millar

George Martin NajoanMichael Patrick Palumbo

Elliott Martin ReuterHarriet Charlotte Song

Liam Micael SongKathryn Kelley SteuererJoshua Kevin C. Verame

Thomas Kenneth Wannop



www.pray-as-you-go.orgPray as You Go is a daily prayer session

designed for use on your mobile devices.

3-Minute Retreats www.loyolapress.com/3-minute-retreats-daily-online-

prayer.htmTake a short prayer break right at your computer.

Spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage.

Please don’t forget to notify us! This information helps us to keep our database current.

WALLACE HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTALThe space is available for a variety of events including fundraisers, lectures, receptions, and formal banquet-style dinners.

For more information, contact Caroline Fernandes at 212-288-3588 or fernandesc@saintignatiusloyola.org



Boomers & Beyond offers social, educational, cultural, spiritual, and community service

opportunities to men and women 50 and older.


MUSEUM OF ART Thursday, June 21st at 2:00 PM

Join us as we explore the exhibit Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination, which

examines fashion’s on-going engagement with the devotional practices and traditions of Catholicism.

The exhibit includes exceptional loans of vestments from the Vatican as well as more than 150 ensembles

of secular clothing from the last century.

It is the largest exhibition ever offered by the Metropolitan's Costume Institute and was organized by its curator, Andrew Bolton.

To RSVP, email boomersandbeyond.st.ignatius@gmail.com

Space is limited.

Cost: Admission is a pay as you wish for New York State residents with valid state- or city-issued ID.

We will meet inside the museum at 2:00 PM and begin our exploration as a group. Cocktails will follow at the Metropolitan's rooftop garden bar.

Sunday BrunchSunday, June 24th

1:00 PM Doc Watson’s Outdoor Garden | 1490 2nd Avenue

Price: $22 per person (includes tax, tip and 2 complimentary drinks)

Space is limited.

To RSVP, email boomersandbeyond.st.ignatius@gmail.com

Your Parish, Your Home

Campaign for the

Church of St. Ignatius Loyola

At the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, we warmly welcome those who seek to be a part of a vibrant worshipping community, to grow in faith, to be

nurtured in mind and spirit, and to be joyful disciples of Jesus Christ in today’s world.

We are always open to where God is calling us. But our magnificent church buildings don’t reflect

the welcome we extend to everyone.

You can help change that by making a gift to this important capital campaign.

CAMPAIGN GOAL: $7,500,000

To learn more about the Your Parish, Your Home

Capital Campaign, visit stignatiusloyola.org/index.php/

capitalcampaign or scan the QR code at left.


We have the privilege at St. Ignatius of welcoming many visitors and new parishioners. We especially welcome

those who may be thinking of becoming Catholic. If you feel attracted to the

Catholic faith, we want you to know about a program at the Parish that will begin in the Fall.

A group will meet during the year to inquire into the Catholic faith, to come to know Jesus through the

Gospels, and to pray and to prepare for the Easter Sacraments.

This process, which is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is also open to those Catholic

adults who have not received the Sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation.

For more information, contact Maureen Fullam at 212-288-3588 or

email church@saintignatiusloyola.org

Interested in Becoming Catholic?

St. Ignatius is on Facebook!To stay up-to-date on upcoming events here

at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, follow us at churchofstignatiusloyolanyc


church of st. ignatius loyola980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 • (212) 288-3588

Fax: (212) 734-3671 www.stignatiusloyola.org

Religious Educationfor Children

Ms. Carly-Anne Gannon, DirectorM.Phil., M.Ed.(212) 861-4764

St. Ignatius Loyola Grammar School

Ms. Mary Larkin, Principal M.S. Ed. (Admin.), M.S. Ed. (Literacy)

48 East 84th StreetNew York, NY 10028

(212) 861-3820 Fax: (212) 879-8248

St. Ignatius Loyola Day NurseryMs. Theodora Crist, M.S.

Executive Director240 East 84th Street

New York, NY 10028 (212) 734-6427 Fax: (212) 734-6972

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sundays at the 9:30 AM Mass.

Centering PrayerMondays at 6:30 PM.

Confessions 4:30 PM Saturday or by appointment.

Baptisms Please call Maureen Haley at

the Parish House (212-288-3588 x636) to arrange for a Baptism and

the preparation given prior to Baptism.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Contact Maureen Fullam, M.A., Director, at the Parish House.

Marriages The Bride or Groom should call

Maureen Haley at the Parish House (212-288-3588 x636) to begin

preparation for Marriage, normally one year in advance.

Visits to the Sick Please contact the Parish House

between the hours of 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM.

Music Information: (212) 288-2520 Email: music@stignatiusloyola.org

PastorRev. Dennis J. Yesalonia, S.J.

Associate PastorsRev. Thomas H. Feely, S.J.

Rev. Michael P. Hilbert, S.J.Assistant Pastor

Rev. Brett B. McLaughlin, S.J. Senior Priest

Rev. William J. Bergen, S.J.Pastoral Associates

Pastoral AssistantMaureen Haley

Assisting Priests

Music Ministries

Scott Warren, Director Sara Murphy,

Executive Director of SMSS ConcertsDanya Katok, Administrator

Assistant to the PastorDiane M. Boyle

Administrative AssistantPatricia Schneider

Communications Coordinator Elizabeth O’Sullivan

Director of Facilities Robert Cisternino

Asst. to the Director of Facilities Caroline Fernandes

TreasurerFernando Castro

Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. Rev. James Martin, S.J.

Teresa Marie Cariño Carly-Anne Gannon

Daniel BeckwithRobert Reuter Michael Sheetz

Maureen HaleyPhilip Anderson


Weekday Masses (Monday to Friday)8:30 AM, 12:10 PM, and 5:30 PM

Saturday: 8:30 AMMasses for Next Weekend:

Saturday Vigil 5:30 PMSunday: 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Wallace Hall Family 11:00 AM Solemn 11:00 AM 7:30 PM

Fr. HilbertFr. HilbertFr. JudgeFr. McLaughlinFr. FeelyFr. Yesalonia

Concert: The Sistine Chapel Choir. Saturday, July 7th, 7:00 PM. Radio City Music Hall. The world’s oldestorganized choir will perform at Radio City Music Hall during a stop in the Choir's seven-city U.S. tour. For more information and to purchase t ickets, v isit www.sistinechapelchoirtour.com

Retreat: Fordham Alumni and Friends Retreat. Saturday, June 16th, 9:30 AM. Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus| Bepler Commons, Faber Hall. The retreat will focus on understanding Jesus’ surrender to God and its meaning for Christians. Retreatants will explore how giving themselves over to the l iv ing God helps them find their true selves and keeps them spiritually healthy. Retreat director: Fr. Tom Marciniak, S.J. Cost (includes a light breakfast and lunch): $40/person. Registration closes Wednesday, June 13th.For more information and to register, visit news.fordham.edu/event/2018-fordham-alumni-retreat-rose-hill/

ArchCare Care Navigation Center: Resources for Seniors. Need help caring for yourself or someone else but not sure where to turn? ArchCare, the healthcare system of the Archdiocese of New York has a Center staffed by health and social service professionals dedicated to helping people better understand and access the services for which they are eligible. Call 855-951-2273 between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM seven days a week.

We pray for the faithful departed

Brian DalyMay he rest in the peace

of the Risen Lord.