Welcome from Dave Vizard. I Don’t Do Well Behaved Ways to Successfully Manage Challenging...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Welcomefrom Dave Vizard

I Don’t Do Well Behaved

Ways to Successfully Manage Challenging Behaviour In The Laboratory, Workshop and



Free newsletter on behaviour, teaching and learning from my website behavioursolutions.com.

Subscribe, and receive a free electronic of my book “Behaviour Solutions: Ways to Manage Challenging


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ISBN: 9780826434654

This book gives you practical strategies to use to engage the most challenging and disaffected students through the use of a variety of approaches and techniques, including emotional literacy, NLP and learning styles. The book also outlines approaches for helping students to self-manage their behaviour and learning.

HOW TO ORDER:Visit the publication page on BehaviourSolutions.com.

Price: £19.99


ISBN: 978 1-4129-3456-5

Working in FE can offer a unique set of challenges in relation to managing behaviour. This book offers lots of practical strategies on how to successfully manage these behaviours and it also contains a really useful CD full of behaviour management activities which can be used in colleges.


Visit the publication page on BehaviourSolutions.com for book information.



We all know the importance of grabbing students’ attention at the beginning of the lesson. This resource gives you plenty of starter activities to use which are guaranteed to gain their undivided attention. It also includes a number of brain break activities to re-energise learners and fillers you can use in different subjects.

HOW TO ORDER:Visit the publication page on BehaviourSolutions.com.

Price: £25.00


One of the biggest problems in managing students is keeping up to date with all the special needs that one can encounter.A Guide to Syndromes and Conditions will help you to overcome this problem. It contains details of the 17 most common but equally most often misunderstood special needs.

In each case the condition is defined in terms of the characteristics and symptoms, and then details of strategies and treatments, followed by details of useful books and websites.

HOW TO ORDER:Visit the publication page on BehaviourSolutions.com.

Price: £25.00

A GUIDE TO MORE SYNDROMES & CONDITIONSAccording to a recent article in the TES there has been an ‘avalanche of special educational needs in the classroom’ in recent years.

What’s more, the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) found in its 2 year project ‘urgent action is needed to help teachers adapt to a new generation of pupils with previously unseen special needs….like foetal alcohol syndrome’.

This guide was produced with this in mind. It includes a wide range of conditions that any teacher might come across in the course of work at school.

With each of the 26 syndromes listed the conditions are defined in terms of the characteristics, symptoms and details of the strategies to use. Treatments available are also given. There is then a list of useful books and websites for further information in each case. This book is a follow on from A Guide to Syndromes and Conditions which covers 17 other syndromes and conditions.

HOW TO ORDER:Visit the publication page on BehaviourSolutions.com.

Price: £25.00

Amazing Brain Posters

This set of full-colour A3 size posters on Your Amazing Brain are now available from Behaviour Solutions. The set comprises of 4 posters:

• Look Inside Your Amazing Brain• Fuel for Your Amazing Brain• Learning with Your Amazing Brain• Anger Control Using Your Amazing Brain

 HOW TO ORDER:Visit the publication page on BehaviourSolutions.com.

Price: £16.99

• E-mail Dave on dave@behaviourmatters.com

• Website www.behavioursolutions.com

• To get a free copy of one of Dave’s books on Managing Conflict & Confrontational Behaviour subscribe to his free monthly newsletter on behaviour matters at :


• To download today’s slides go to :



• Identifying the behaviours – in Laboratory, Workshop and in Classroom

• Getting it right initially

• Body Language

• ‘Psycho’ Geography

• Building Rapport

• Practical Strategies to Manage 25 Inappropriate Behaviours Quickly

• Importance of Consistency

• Managing Challenging & Confrontational Behaviour Successfully

• Managing Difficult Groups


Keep it simple,as simple as possible, but no simpler.


“There is no map to human behaviour”Bjork





Getting it right initially


-mark territory – at classroom door - eye contact –greet- low vocal tone

- barcode scanner moment – show no sign of weakness

- avoid barriers – confident open posture


- stand in power position – lighthouse class – scan

- face mirror to mind

- effective use of silence – Clint Eastwood factor

- speed of vocal delivery – 125 words per minute, lower end of 2 octave vocal range

- keep it fast paced reduces wriggle room for poor behaviour

- manage challenges – tactical ignoring of some behaviour tests

- have range of one liners to use –’I can’t see voices!’

- patrol territory

- use proximity and level

- quiet interactions –both praise and reprimand

- proximity praise

- managing challenging behaviour – smokescreening / secondary behaviour

• Initially testing boundaries – the Supermarket barcode scanner moment

•When you challenge a student over their behaviour they will:

- Deny they did it

- Ask you to prove it

- Accuse you of picking on them

- Say that you let others get away with doing the same things

- Say that colleagues let them do the same things and say nothing


•Students when challenged will try to smokescreen or develop secondary behaviours to distract.

•Don’t get hooked in to that behaviour.

•Focus on Primary Behaviour.

•Repeat instruction – using broken record technique

7% message words38% vocal tone & command55% non-verbal - important part of behaviour management


‘Our faces are the mirror to our minds.We deliver powerful messages by the expressions that are on them’ Sue Roffey

‘The average person looks without seeing, listens

without hearing… touches without feeling…moves

without physical awareness and talks without thinking’

Leonardo da Vinci

• clusters – we cannot take single gestures in isolation – a single word in a sentence often means nothing

• congruence – lack of congruence or over–congruent behaviour

• closed or open body language – try adopting a closed body language position & notice how it changes your mood.

• culture

• context

•Be aware of your body language

Posture – upright stance,feet apart,slightly leaning forward.

Barrier/Relaxed positions

Facial expressions – eyes

- mouth

- jaw thrusts

- tilt of head/reverse look

Open palms avoiding finger jabbing



Spatial anchoring

Non – verbal communication extends beyond our gestures & body posture & includes the environment

Spotlight states – think theatrical stage

Be consistent with their use – students will unconsciously recognise the signals you are sending them










We can create rapport by matching or mirroring another person’s body language and voice tonality, by joining their dance. This creates a bridge between our world and theirs. This builds trust and is the basis of effective communication.

Churches R and Terry R – NLP for Teachers











•Matching the sensory word preference of the person to whom you are talking

VAK – Visual , Auditory & Kinaesthetic

Moments when most angry learners will speak in language of their sensory preference.Matching responses :

Visual – I see what you mean……..it appears that…. Show me… looking closer…it is clear to me.

Auditory – Let’s talk about it…I’m speechless…in a manner of speaking…that rings a bell….within earshot.

Kinaesthetic – I can’t put my finger on it….I grasp your meaning…

I will be in touch…we are scratching the surface…hit the nail on the head

•Matching descriptive words, key phrases and exact words

•Using similar sentence length

•Vocal sounds – matching volume, voice tone, tempo, pace and pitch

PrefacingWhen you have a negative or correctional statement to make, always try to preface it with a positive comment.Peripheral Praise •Imagine you are teaching a class and you notice one person who is off-task or doing something that you didn’t ask the class to do.

•Move over to the student and, when you know that they are aware of your presence, give praise to both students on either side of the person for doing the correct thing.

•End by looking at the person who is not doing the right thing, look briefly at them, then continue to give other instructions to the class.


1. Lateness 2. Lack of equipment 3. Low level disturbance 4. Out of seat / wandering 5. Ignoring you 6. Talking over teacher talk 7. General chatter 8. Chatter at end of lesson 9. Failing to follow instructions

10. Impulsive behaviour11. Attention seeking behaviour12. Lack of motivation / apathy13. Throwing objects14. Shouting out15. Swearing16. Flatulance17. Defiance / Refusing to work18. Disruptive, argumentative behaviour19. Dealing with outbursts20. Intimidation of staff – put downs21. Intimidation of staff – criticism22. Intimidation of staff – ignoring /blanking23. Violence24. Corridor behaviour25. Mobiles / Gadgets

[1] Late arrival

• Have clear rules on punctuality and consistently apply them.

• Quickly ask the reason for lateness and make it clear you will deal with it later. Minimise disruption to class.

• Have a variety of seats reserved for latecomers scattered around the room. Ensure these are in low profile areas and perhaps in locations where they would lose street credibility to sit there.

• Have a Late Chair in class. By arriving late the child loses freedom to sit in normal seat. Student sitting in Late chair has to recap session to rest of the group at the end.•Ensure student makes up lost time at break and makes up missed work.

• Issue positive rewards to those students arriving on time.

[2] Lack of equipment

• ‘Points make Prizes’ –Pupils gain points for having correct equipment and they lose points for forgetting equipment. Student with most points in class at end of week / term wins a prize.

• Keep an emergency stock of spare equipment.

• Trade your pen for a piece of their equipment – to ensure return.

• At start of lessons students have 30 seconds to sort out lack of equipment otherwise given 1st strike and 30 seconds detention.

•If pen is forgotten give them a green ink biro. Easy then to keep track of number of times pen is forgotten when you look through their work. Also green ink doesn’t give them street credibility

[3] Low level disturbance –pen tapping

• Move closer to noisy student. Ask about their work rather than disturbance.

• Use non-verbal signals to reduce disturbance - fingers to lips.

• Pause momentarily and look directly at student - say nothing.

• Refer to the behaviour, but carry on with lesson. Do not let their actions disturb your lesson.

• State that item / equipment should be put away or it will be kept by you until end of lesson. Keep it friendly. Remove item if necessary.

[4] Out of seat

• Warn of consequences and carry them out. The time a student is out of seat without permission is the time that they will be detained.

• Change position of ‘wanderers’ – Make them sit in front of your desk.

• Reward and praise those students who stay seated.

• Have structured opportunities which will allow students to move. Use activities that will engage Kinaesthetic Learners.

• Have fast paced, packed sessions with little room for distractions, boredom and need to move

• Use group work and co-operative learning activities

[5] Ignoring you

• Give very clear instructions so there is no room for confusion or argument.

• Try using humor to change their state from being angry or sullen

• Refuse to get drawn into confrontation - "I've told you what you need to do and you know what happens if you don't. It's your choice, I'll be available after school if you want to discuss it then."

• On a 1:1 basis with a pupil you normally get on well with try to find what is bothering them by calmly repeating statements such as "Tell me what's wrong so I can help you." "You talk, I'll listen." "tell me what's bothering you, I'll listen."

[6] Talking over teacher talk

• Have a Start-Up activity for students to do when they arrive.

• Use a sound effect, a positive attention getter to get their attention – whistle, horn or football rattle – sound it as a one minute to go warning and then when time is up. Gives students time to finish off work and settle.

• Use tokens - everyone starts a lesson with 5. When they speak out of turn they surrender a token. Tokens given for positive behaviour. If they run out they have a sanction applied.

• Have a Chatter Indicator on the boardGreen - Noise level OKOrange - Noise level getting too highRed - Too noisy - silence expected

•Have a sealed box - with slit in it. When student disturbs your lesson put their name on a slip of paper and place it in the box. Open it monthly. If their name appears 5 times detain them.

[7] General chatter

• Take control at the classroom door – don’t let them in the room until they’re quiet

• Establish a Take Up time for groups to settle during the Establishment Phase at the beginning of the year. e.g. 2 minutes.

• Give a countdown with 30 seconds to go. After countdown if quiet is not achieved hold up a stopwatch to record the time they are wasting. This will then relate to detention time at the end of the session. You must keep them in - once threatened you must follow it through. Remember the ‘certainty not the severity’ from earlier. The beep of the stopwatch will soon trigger the settling down and quiet

• Get students involved at the beginning. Feedback from things learnt in last lesson or things they wish to learn this session. Get students to echo back your instructions.

• Give quiet instructions to the class. The rest will soon be quiet

• Circulate the room and stand next to students who are chatting

• Praise, acknowledge and reward those who are complying

• In setting up Routines—agree a rule that only one person can speak at any one time. Hand up to speak or have a token passed around. Can only speak when you have the token

[8] Chatter at the end of the lesson

• Interesting activity at the end of the lesson as a reward if quiet at appropriate times

• Issue of rewards at end of lesson - keep all guessing who will receive token

• Have a quiz at lesson end and those who answer question can leave first. This is a very effective way of getting quiet. Usually ask questions standing at the front in quiet voice. Students at the back will soon realise that the front ones are leaving first and will quieten down

[9] Failing to follow instructions

• Explain very clearly the consequence of not following instructions. Tell them you expect immediate compliance and then give them a few moments to save face by walking away.

• Record the details of the incident and follow up with senior staff.

• Warn them that you will be contacting parents. (Make sure you do so if the defiance continues).

• Have the pupil removed from the classroom

[10] Impulsive behaviour

• Thinking gap in impulsive students between impulse & action is almost non-existent

• Any intervening evaluation of potential consequences appears to be missing

• We need to develop their ‘brain brakes’

• Get students to externalise the problem by thinking about how they can become more in control of themselves

• Get them to take charge of their ‘out of control body parts’ eg vocal chords

[11] Attention seeking behaviour

• Proximity move into student’s personal space bubble - just stand behind them and say nothing.

• Give student Take Up time to comply - use stop watch to time the lag/delay time and detain them at the end of the session for time wasted.

• Use Tactical Pausing - Name student - Click your fingers - pause for 6 second - then give your instruction.

• Give a choice to the student: Identify the behaviour and state - continue with this behaviour and the consequence will be – referring to code of conduct. However they may choose a different outcome. Use Broken Record technique to gain compliance. Repeat command and block/ignore any comments they make.

• In some circumstances it may be best to tactically ignore the behaviour

• Remain very calm and avoid getting wound up and rewarding the behaviour with negative attention

• Agree non-verbal cues in advance with known trouble-makers

[12] Lack of motivation apathy

• Variety of tasks- Challenging work- Fixed tasks to be completed within limited time (By time music finishes)- Include practical activities / games / fun, perhaps with an element of competition

• Set short term targets- Rewards available when tasks completed (Instant Gratification)

• Get students involved in setting tasks

•Variety in Teaching / Learning Styles

• Give verbal praise in public and reprimand in private

• Immediate display of work

• Make relevance of work clear. Avoids “what’s the point of this?” comments

• Pair students who lack motivation with higher ability students

• If it continues to be a problem the student must make up the work in their own time or work in isolation / in a colleague’s class

•Use loads of effective praise and encouragement

[13] Throwing things

• Rule reminder given and give reasons

• It may be necessary to isolate perpetrator or re-group students if a number are involved.

• Try to circulate around the room regularly.

• Ensure the classroom is tidy when students arrive, easier to detect thrown objects.

• Try to face students at all times. Ensure you have a full field of vision. Stand in your power position where you can lighthouse scan the group. Patrol the perimeters.

[14] Shouting out in class

• Ignore those who shout out and praise those students who do not shout out.

• When students shout out remind them of the rules.

• If shouting out – use stopwatch – detain for length of time your lesson was disturbed.

• If shouting out to answer a question ignore them and at an appropriate time say ‘I can’t see voices’. When they do put their hand up ensure you respond to them quickly.

• Use statements which are assumed closures – a statement of implied sanction – when we meet at 3.45 be there as close to that time as possible so that we can discuss the shouting out and we can both get away in good time.

• Ignore those who shout out and reward/praise those that don't

• Play class team games/quizzes where answers will only be accepted by those who put their hands up. Penalize team-members who shout out by taking a point off the team.

• Have a clear policy on how questions are to be answered in class

[15] Swearing

• Have rules and routines in place and remind them of the consequences of bad language.

• Get students to explain meaning of words. Show you are not phased / embarrassed.

• Keep a tally chart to show how many times in one session they swear.

• Take out a notepad and say ‘I’m now recording what you’re saying’.

• Use the paper with 4 boxes on it to record when and which swearword was said and why it was said. Send this to form tutor.

• Set a target for not swearing and a reward if they are successful.

• Have a meeting with the pupil/s involved and ask them to suggest alternative ways of expressing/dealing with anger or alternative words to use when they are angry.

[16] Flatulence

• Ignore it. By reacting you give them exactly what they were trying to elicit.

• Explain that if they do it again they will have to stay in at break for a lesson on healthy diet and the effect certain foods have on digestion.

• Show great concern for their health and tell them it might be a good idea if you were to talk to their parents about it immediately by telephone if they are having trouble controlling it.

• Follow normal procedure for disruptive behaviour but be careful not to appear confrontational or you will get the classic response "That's not fair, I can't help it."

[17] Defiance / Refusing to work

• The ‘Just Try and Make Me’ Factor

• With a good relationship just letting them know that you feel let down might be sufficient

• Student is trying to assert control and power and you could choose to respond positively and lightly • Using humour to reduce the emotional level is a good strategy

• Check with them the reason for refusal

• Avoid conflict – Look at student and address them by name quietly, firmly, and with respect. Focus on the behaviour. Remind them about rules and routines. Remind them of past successes. Offer the opportunity to retrieve the situation

• Explain that their behaviour is not appropriate in terms of the Code of Behaviour. Preface it by telling them that you think they can work well and that they need to make a decision about their behaviour. Give them time to reflect and come back for their decision

• Use the following script in difficult situations ‘If you choose to continue to…. then I will have to ….but if you choose another route then no sanction will be applied. I will give you 2 minutes to think it over.’

• Have suitable seating arrangement e.g. boy / girl / boy / girl…

• Ensure differentiated material and extra work is available

• Find out reasons for non co-operation – Do they understand the task?

• Consider teacher proximity. Circulate room. Offer quiet but firm encouragement and praise

• Ensure verbal, non-verbal and written rewards are used

• Change tactics / approach e.g. Move student to another seat in room

• Use names on board for students refusing to work (3 strikes and out)

• In some cases it may be appropriate to ignore it and deal with it later

• Avoid demanding an apology and do not brood on an act of defiance

• Call for support if necessary

• In some cases it may be appropriate to ignore it and deal with it later

• Use peer support and give specific responsibility

• Visual instructions – clear understanding

• Can’t go until work complete

• Offer support - often pupils are defiant because they are afraid of failure - adjust the work, offer help, ask them what's bothering them.

• Remind them of past successes and capabilities

• Offer support - often pupils are defiant because they are afraid of failure - adjust the work, offer help, ask them what's bothering them.

• Remind them of past successes and capabilities

• Offer support - often pupils are defiant because they are afraid of failure - adjust the work, offer help, ask them what's bothering them.

• Remind them of past successes and capabilities

• Go through stepped sanctions as per school behaviour policy e.g.•

• Give them a warning (verbal/name on board etc.) and remind them of consequences

• Move them to an isolated seat

• Take time off them at break/after school

•Notify them of a letter/phone call home

• ‘Park’ them in another class • Send them to senior staff

[18] Disruptive argumentative behaviour

• Stay calm – Ensure you are calm and use confident and strong body language. Avoid confrontation.

• Make connections with students. Try to develop rapport – remember tips on rapport building from last 2 issues of the magazine. Stand at right angles to the students outside their 50cm space bubble.

• Do not show anger or discomfort. It can be very easy to let the emotional centre of the brain take over – we can slip into unhelpful terminology. We can use open questions that can tempt negative responses.

•Avoid shouting – once you have shown full anger there is nowhere to go. You also become predicable and students are stimulated by your response. Actors never show the extreme edges of their range as this is not a good technique according to Dix. (Dix, P. 2007, Taking Care of Behaviour. Pearson/ Longman)

•Humour, including self-effacing humour, may be a way of distracting students when they are particularly argumentative.

• Remove the audience factor, try and talk to them quietly on a 1:1 basis where possible and remind them of past successes and capabilities - try to find something positive to say first.

• Give them a responsibility

• Language of Choice- “Do you want to move closer to the board or

remain where you are?”

- “Do you need me to help you or can you get on with things on your own?”

- “What are you supposed to be doing? What happens if you don't do it? Is that what you want? What are you going to choose?”

• Calmly warn them of consequences and follow up using the '3 requests'...  

- “Sit back down on your chair and finish the work please”

- “I'm asking you for the second time to sit down and get on with your work.”

- “This is the third and final time I'm going to ask you.”

- “You've chosen to ignore me. Go to Time Out.”

[19] Dealing with outbursts

• Be calm and self-controlled

• Make reassuring statements to the student

• Offer sanctuary / a safe place to go

• Keep interactions as light as you can manage

[20-22] Intimidation of staff by students –put downs, criticism & ignoring you

• Remain calm, cool and collected. Ensure Body Language shows confidence

• Don’t always give the desired and expected response to the student

• Don’t be phased by criticism directed at you, reflect on it. Show a preparedness to accept / maybe change#

• Talk to other staff – is the same attitude shown towards them?

• Try be-friending the student. This may make them less inclined to behave badly towards you

• Get support of Colleague or Senior Manager if you feel the situation is serious

• A ‘cool-off’ period may be required

• Give the student a choice within rules

• Zero Tolerance with clear exit strategy and follow-up -Red Card-Mentoring - Anger Management Strategies-Involve Parents-Instigate consequences-Agree method of reparation

If students are ignoring you:

• Try a humorous approach. “Hello, Earth to…?”

• Take the route of minimum disruption. “You’re ignoring me now. I’ll see you later.”

• Plan an escape route. “I’ve asked you twice. Are you going to do as I’ve asked or do we have to take it further?”

• Appeal to their sense of good manners (Social acceptability)

• Offer spurious words of comfort or sympathy for their non-existent illness or problems (which could explain their behaviour towards you)

[23] Violence

• When faced with violence it is important that your safety and that of other students is protected. Always follow school guidelines on managing incidents of violent behaviour. With that in mind these tips may be useful: -

- Be calm, look relaxed and keep movement to a minimum. Do not invade their space. Say nothing, count to ten

- Assess level of threat / violence

- Do not stand between student and door

- Address person by name, speaking quietly. You may need to show partial agreement. “I can see how you feel.”

- Avoid sarcasm. Try using distractions

- Summon help and clear room if possible

- Try to diffuse the situation, allow face saving and introduce a cooling-off period

- Later, give students Strategies for Anger Management and Counselling

- Ensure you know key information about all students in your care

- Avoid jumping to conclusions and provoking those who irritate you

- Peer intervention can sometimes take the heat out of the situation

- Building respect and sound relationships with students can help

- Ensure you know the School Policy on Violence: how to summon help and policies on restraint

- If safe to do so move between aggressor and victim. If aggression is directed at you, stand sideways, keep still, speak quietly

• Rewards for positive behaviour

• Recording trigger factors

[24] Corridor Behaviour

Often students will be challenging in communal areas where lots of students gather. They ‘play-act’ and thrive on performing and the oxygen of publicity this generates. They thrive on anonymity in these areas. There is safety in numbers.

High levels of poor behaviour, including bullying, occur in narrow corridors, pinch points and cross-over points.

It is essential that all staff deal with poor behaviour in corridors and other spaces outside the classroom in a consistent manner.

Ignoring behaviours and walking past incidents should not happen. All staff have a responsibility to manage poor behaviour in corridors..

A staff presence in corridors before school, at changeovers and at breaktimes is essential. Staff should regularly identify the key corridor behaviours of the moment and develop a consistency model on how to manage them.

All staff including support staff should be recognised by the students as having the same authority and can impose sanctions.

When walking around the site all staff should concentrate on:• Walking with confidence – you need to build ‘a rep’. Your

reputation is made in the corridor. Build a ‘credibility by proxy’.

• Scanning and using gaze – the look• Stopping and using non-verbal cues and silence to

indicate disapproval and wait until compliance is achieved. If it is not – a sanction or referral should be applied. If you have difficulty in naming a student use photofiles or CCTV.

• Beware of set-ups / entrapment and chase-me behaviours.

• Choose your routes and positioning in corridors carefully.• Use gaze, proximity and level to do effect.• If you are in a situation you are unlikely to win – do not

be afraid to call for support.

• When you do have to say something ensure that your vocal delivery is strong

- Speak at lower end of 2 octave vocal chord range.

- Use single words in a commanding manner – intoning key words sharply, loudly and abruptly. E.g. wearing of hat, shout ‘hat’ and await compliance for its removal.

- Horesplay (low grade male bonding) approach potagonists with a smile and placatory, both palms downward gestures and politely suggest they desist.

- If you find students fighting you need to make a quick judgement call. Think protection and safety for you and other students.

-Usually male students are spurred on by audience. Judge who is losing and lead them away from incident before dealing with them and other fighters. With girl fights don’t intervene immediately. You have a very clear strategy in your mind before you intervene. (Pause – Think – Act) If you don’t you could get hurt. Be decisive when you intervene


• large, clear guidance needed from institution with supporting signage – consequences made clear

• consistent application of rule by all staff

• switch off mobiles at beginning of lessons & have mobile on desk

• if used then removed & placed in envelope with name of student on it and locked securely away until agreed collection time• use of inhibitors in some areas – in Library?

• guidance on multi- media usage & tools needs to be given eg bullying via net / text messages via Facebook

•Some institutions encourage use of mobiles – planning function & for photographing items for portfolios of evidence



• The importance of a Consistent Approach

• How to develop a Consistency Model

• develop a consistent approach

- language & response

- to follow up

- positive reinforcement

- consistent consequence

- consistent,simple rules,agreements, expectations reinforcing/ promoting appropriate behaviour

- consistent models of emotional control

- consistent environment – consistent visual messages which echo core values- behaviour management displays

1. Group to identify 5 types of challenging behaviour they face.

2. A colour is allocated to each behaviour. E.g. Red – swearing

Blue – aggressive behaviour towards staffOrange – latenessGreen – refusal to workYellow – ignoring member of staff

3. Group is divided into groups of 5 (25 needed, 5 groups of 5. If there are fewer delegates then we will have 4 behaviours and colours and 4 groups of 4.)

4. Each group is given 5 different pieces of paper.5. Each group member is given one colour and they are

responsible for the behaviour allocated that colour.6. Whole group decides 2 strategies to use with each


7. Person with appropriate colour records the 2 strategies. Group is then jig-sawed. An area of the room is designated for each colour. 5 reds from the 5 groups sit together and develop the 3 best strategies for their behaviour.8. Each group gives in 3 best strategies and on one piece of paper 5 behaviours are listed with each one having the 3 agreed strategies



How anger is expressed

•Acting In – attacking themselves

o stuffer

o withdrawers – flight response

•Acting Out – attacking others

o blamers

o exploders – fight response



























• Some students fear people getting close to them – they use hostility & anti- social behaviour to keep you at a distance.They are looking for somewhere to dump their accumulated anger.

• Avoid reacting immediately if a student says something inappropriate- use silence- take a few deep breaths.This will give time for reflection & a chance to change what they said.

• Watch out for ‘chase me’ behaviours – smirks, kicking furniture- behaviours designed to get an emotional response.Choose the right time to address them [probably later when they have calmed down]

• If a student makes negative comments thank them for their comments & tell them that you will discuss them at the end of the lesson – this will cast the seeds of doubt in their minds.Their behaviour also did not get the expected response.

• If a student walks away when being defiant & disruptive give a ‘Paradoxical Instruction’ eg ‘That’s OK, you go for a walk we will talk about it later.’ They are now not defying you but carrying out your instruction.


• Avoid nuclear option at all costs!

• Remain calm & avoid having an emotional reaction- take a few deep breaths & anchor yourself.

• Don’t take things personally.

• Use techniques to stop anger building eg distraction techniques.

• Recognising your anger signs - What are your triggers?

• Avoid needing to dominate & win at all costs – Who is the adult?

• Remain calm & avoid having an emotional reaction- take a few deep breaths & anchor yourself. Don’t take things personally.

• Develop positive self –talk.

• Initial response sets the rhythm.

• Do not get hooked into a power struggle.

• Remember confrontation needs the fuel of an equally confrontational response to keep it escalating.

• Do not belittle or humiliate.

• Check your speech, volume & body language.

• Convey non-aggressive intentions with your body language.

•Vocally – do not show nervousness.Raise your voice to get attention & then lower it into a firm, calm measured tone.

‘he who establishes his argument by noise & command shows that his reason is weak.’ – Michel de Montaigne

‘Good actors know that showing the extreme edges of their range is not a good technique.

What engages the audience is the tension & power that lies below the shouting;once the actor has shown full anger there is no room for the audience to speculate.The performance becomes predictable,the character less interesting.

The teacher who shows the limits of their range has nowhere to go next.’

Dix P [2007]

•Use pauses between between responses & slow down delivery & soften vocal tone.

• Model the behaviour you expect to see.

• Listen actively – avoid making assumptions.

• Respond to their feelings – not their actions.Be solution-focussed.

• When a student is angry they will say things they don’t mean – let them get it off their chest before responding.

• Avoid mood mirroring.

•Avoid excessive eye contact as this can be threatening- stand alongside or at right angles.

•Be comfortable with the student looking away.

• Try to establish rapport by:- anchoring student- actively listening- managing distortions,deletions & generalisations- matching & mirroring body language & gestures- matching VAK language- vocal matching

• Show genuine concern & be ready to make a token concession.

• Try to give out nuggets of praise – catch ‘em being good.Often we are reactive & only respond to their bad behaviour.

• Keep clear of power struggles & avoid hostile remarks where sarcasm & ridicule are used.

• Think about what you will do in certain situations & prepare scripts for these.

• Respect the right for people to have different opinions

• Avoid squaring up & invading their space bubble.The size of this increases when a person is angry.

• Do not move away,appear to retreat, as this diminishes your influence.

• However, sometimes it is necessary to remove student from ‘oxygen of publicity’ of peer group, by slowly moving to a new location – by gentle steps or by herding. Also for safety sometimes the move could place a barrier between you & the student

• When speaking use a short script which addresses the issue.Make your message clear – do not over- verbalise. Preface with a positive statement. Avoid becoming defensive. • Sometimes it may be necessary to be more assertive & use command statements particularly where safety is an issue eg on trips & in practical areas such as workshops.

• We may need to give a clear instruction & move away with a clear expectation that compliance will occur.

• Never make idle threats – sanctions which cannot be carried through.Use certainty not severity…say what you mean,mean what you say.

• Allow students to save face- give them an escape route.

• Show you are willing to accept a compromise.

• Re- assure – students are sometimes scared by their behaviour – ‘ People get angry so it is OK to feel that way.’

• Use cool- off time or time out.

• Use wrong footing tactics & attention diverters.

• When appropriate use humour to reduce tension.

• Do not be afraid to defer disciplinary interaction.

• Develop ‘fire drills.’

• Essential to repair & rebuild at an appropriate time.Don’t allow it to fester.



Understanding the roles played by group members and using this information to manage them effectively

Students can work together to cause problems and it is a good way to avoid work and can gain them notoriety. This often fuels the behaviour. With challenging groups of students it is important to identify the roles played by group members. Each group member will have at least one key role to play in the group.

Understanding the roles played by pupils in difficult groups

Alpha maleAlpha femaleSheep - followersOrchestratorRegulator /questionerAttention seekers / constant rule breakersFall guy / professional victimClown/jokerInstigator / antagonist /manipulators /aggressors / bullyDistractor /attention divertersWhingersThe fog horn / shoutersInvisible personKnow allsFlirts

Vizard (2007a, p.87) in describing alpha males says‘they are likely to be physically bigger than their peers and will be of above-average intelligence …A parallel you may have seen in the animal kingdom would be the baboon that sits at the top of the baboon rock at the local zoo.’

Vizard (2009) says alpha females show signs of being leaders from six to seven years old. They use psychological strategies to dominate others. They do not use violence but a subtle form of undermining of confidence. Alpha females are very sarcastic and use stage whispers when discussing other students with their friends. They can be so sarcastic it has been suggested that metaphorically ‘acid drips from their tongue as they speak’.

Moore (2006) stated that girls used rumour mongering, social isolation and non-verbal communication as a powerful weapon to control others. The laddette culture has also developed the influence of the alpha female. It is important to identify these ring leaders and to get them onside by using rapport building strategies.

Identifying the roles played by group members is essential to help us manage those challenging behaviours. Often when groups come together there is quite a lot of challenging and confrontational behaviour as the group tries to develop its own hierarchy. Each student battles for supremacy to become the alpha male and alpha female. Tuckman (1965) suggested that there are four typical stages in group formation:

• Forming – Group not sure of structure.

• Storming – Disagreements and conflicts between group members and sub-groups that have formed.

• Norming – Group is now quite cohesive and becomes more mature. Rules are now established.

• Conforming – The group works well on problem solving and conflicts are resolved.

It is important when managing groups initially we understand that these are the phases that they will go through. We need to support these developments and offer team building strategies to help with these developments.


Strategies to manage the influence of gangs and groups in the classroom and on the educational site

When managing difficult groups:• have the right mind set – difficult situations are less difficult when we are determined to learn from them

• get behind the behaviour – why is it happening – become Poirot / Miss Marple – bring out the detective in you

• their behaviour is a logical way to get their needs met – it is not often personal

• experiment with a range of strategies – there is no quick fix•welcome the challenge as an opportunity to develop new skills – suffering now will pay off in the future

• do not blame yourself or them

• notice the good things

Over 5 per cent of students are in or on the fringe of gang culture. This is a small number but their impact can be devastating and disproportionate. Some strategies we can use to try and reduce this percentage are:

• develop a positive group identity.

• have mutually agreed rules.

• chunk it down and sign post the session.

• divide and rule. Split troublesome groups and use these students as leaders.

• use co-operative learning approaches and use jig-saw groupings so that they don’t realize they have been split.•using drama, which engages students in discussing key issues and allows them a safe framework for experimenting with concepts and ideas.

• give them lots of responsibilities. Engage disaffected students in a student-run radio station.

‘Here is Edward bear, coming downstairs now bump, bump, on the back of his head behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming down stairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment to think of it’

A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh.


How To Manage Behaviour In FE Dave Vizard London: PCP/Sage

Meeting The Needs of Disaffected Students Dave Vizard London:Network/Continuum  (2009)

Amazing Brains Poster Set Dave Vizard

Beating Anger Mike Fisher Random House 2005

Hot Buttons Sybil Evans & Sherry Suib Cohen Piatkus 2000

Taking Care of Behaviour Paul Dix Pearson [2007]

The New Teacher’s Guide to Survival Sue Roffey London :Paul Chapman Publishing [2004]

NLP for Teachers – How to be a Highly Effective Teacher Richard Churches & Roger Terry Crown House : Carmarthen [2007]


Kuhnke E [2007] Body Language for Dummies[Chichester:Wiley]

Borg J [2008] Body Language [Harlow: Pearson]

James J [2008] The Body Language Bible [Random House Publishing]

Collett P [2003]The Book of Tells [London: Bantam Books]