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Taking Care of Your HealthApril 30, 8 am to noon

Let’s Talk about Cancer Prevention: You have the Power

Ndanda Mabhena-Ofori, APN-BC, MSN, RN, DNPc.

What is Cancer?

• Disease where abnormal cells divide uncontrolled– Can spread to other part of body

– Is not a single disease but a group of related diseases. • Genetic disease

– Changes the way basic physical and functional unit of heredity functions– Can be inherited or acquired

• There are more than 100 kinds of cancer and the most common cancers are:– Lung cancer– Breast cancer and Prostate cancer– Skin Cancer– Colon cancer– Leukemia and lymphoma


Cancer in numbers

• In 2016, there will be over 1.5 million people in the United States diagnosed with cancer and about 595, 690 will die

• Second leading cause of death in the United States

• One in two men and one in three women will develop cancer in their lifetime

• 2/3 of cancer death can be prevented


Leading Sites of New Cancer Cases and Deaths-2016 Estimates

Cancer Facts and Figures 2016. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/acs/groups/content/@research/documents/documen


Trends in Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates* by Site, Females, US, 1930-2012

Cancer Facts and Figures 2016. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/acs/groups/content/@research/documents/document/acspc-047079.pdf

Modifiable Risk factors (You can do something about)

• Cigarette smoking and tobacco use causes 30% of all cancer death– Increases risk of many types of cancer including;

• Lung cancer of the lung,• Larynx (voice box) cancer• Mouth, esophagus and throat• Bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas, colon and rectum, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid


• Infections: Causes 18% of all cancers. Examples are;– HPV (Human Papilloma Virus): Causes Cervical cancer– Hepatitis B and C: Causes Liver cancer– HIV : Causes Kaposi sarcoma or Lymphoma– Epstein Barr Virus(EBV): causes lymphoma and cancers of the stomach and nasopharynx– Helicobacter Pylori (H-Pyroli) can cause stomach cancer and a lymphoma in lining of


National Cancer Institute: PDQ® Cancer Prevention Overview (2016). Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/hp-prevention-overview-pdq.

Modifiable Risk factors (You can do something about)

• Alcohol increases risk of:– Mouth, throat, esophagus and larynx (voice box) cancer– Liver and breast cancers

• Sunlight– Exposure to Ultra Violet radiation increases risk of skin cancer.

• Immunosuppressive Medicines– Decreases immune system’s ability to detect or fight off infections that causes cancer

• Hormones• Hormone replacement therapy: Increases risk of Breast cancer

• Physical Activity

Nonmodifiable Cancer Risk Factor: Age


Nonmodifiable Cancer Risk Factor: Family History

• 5-10% of all cancer are inherited• Types of mutated genes (basic physical and functional unit of heredity:

– BRCA 1 and BRCA 2: Increases risk of breast and ovarian cancer– TP53: Causes Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: Increases risk of developing certain cancers.– PTEN. Associated with Cowden syndrome: Increase risk of breast, thyroid, endometrial

and other types of cancer

National Cancer Institute: PDQ® Cancer Prevention Overview (2016). Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/hp-prevention-overview-pdq.

What is Cancer prevention?

• Cancer prevention is:– action taken to lower the risk of getting cancer– Lowers number of new cases of cancer– Reduce the burden of cancer and lower the number of deaths caused by cancer

• Three types of prevention:– Primary prevention– Secondary prevention– Tertiary prevention

Levels of Cancer Prevention

Cialdella-Kam, L., Sabado, P., Bernstein, L., Bispeck, M. K., Hawk, E., Krawiec, V., … Silverman, S. (2012). Implementing Cancer Prevention into Clinical Practice. Journal of Cancer Education : The Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 27(0 2), S136–S143. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-012-0331-6

Primary Cancer Prevention

• Actions taken to reduce the risk of developing cancer by:– Reducing exposure of individuals to risk factors– Increasing their resistance to developing cancer.

• Examples of primary cancer preventions:– Healthy choices:

• Avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol use, protecting your skin from the sun and avoiding indoor tanning, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, keeping a healthy weight, and being physically active.

– Vaccination• HPV vaccine- prevent cervical cancer• Hepatitis B Vaccine- prevent liver cancer

– Chemoprevention• Tamoxifen

Cialdella-Kam, L., Sabado, P., Bernstein, L., Bispeck, M. K., Hawk, E., Krawiec, V., … Silverman, S. (2012). Implementing Cancer Prevention into Clinical Practice. Journal of Cancer Education : The Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 27(0 2), S136–S143. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-012-


Secondary Cancer Prevention

• Early detection of cancer when treatment and cure are most likely to be achieved:– Screening:

• Mammograms for Breast cancer

• Pap smear for Cervical cancer

• Colonoscopy for Colon cancer

• Low dose helical CT (LDCT) scan for Lung cancer– It is an X-ray machine that uses low doses of radiation to take pictures of the lungs.– According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, LDCT should be done yearly

on people who:» Have a history of heavy smoking (greater that 30 pack-year of smoking)» Smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years» Are between 55 and 74 years old.

Cialdella-Kam, L., Sabado, P., Bernstein, L., Bispeck, M. K., Hawk, E., Krawiec, V., … Silverman, S. (2012). Implementing Cancer Prevention into Clinical Practice. Journal of Cancer Education : The Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 27(0 2), S136–S143. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-012-0331-6

Tertiary Cancer Prevention

• The use of treatment and rehabilitation programs:

– Focuses on preventing and controlling symptoms and sickness caused by the diagnosed cancer and its treatment

– Prevent the development of secondary cancers or other disease

– Improve the outcome of illness among affected individuals

Cialdella-Kam, L., Sabado, P., Bernstein, L., Bispeck, M. K., Hawk, E., Krawiec, V., … Silverman, S. (2012). Implementing Cancer Prevention into Clinical Practice. Journal of Cancer Education : The Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 27(0 2), S136–S143. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-012-0331-6


• Cancer prevention is key to reducing the rate of cancer cases and survival. • Primary prevention with screening where cancer or pre-cancerous can be detected

early is important.• Secondary prevention with vaccination is important– Tertiary cancer prevention which focuses on preventing and controlling

symptoms and sickness caused by the diagnosis of cancer and its treatment is important.


• Cancer Facts and Figures 2016. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/acs/groups/content/@research/documents/document/acspc-047079.pdf.

• Cialdella-Kam, L., Sabado, P., Bernstein, L., Bispeck, M. K., Hawk, E., Krawiec, V., … Silverman, S. (2012). Implementing Cancer Prevention into Clinical Practice. Journal of Cancer Education : The Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 27(0 2), S136–S143. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-012-0331-6.

• National Cancer Institute: PDQ® Cancer Prevention Overview (2016). Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/hp-prevention-overview-pdq.