Welcome! St. Andrews Presbyterian Church St. Andrews...

Post on 15-Oct-2020

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Welcome! We are glad that you are here. If you do not have a church home in the community, we invite you to consider joining us in work and in worship, loving God and loving neighbor. You will find more information about our church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church USA, in the pew racks. Please note your presence in the registry of friendship so that members of our church family may welcome you. Your presence is a joy for us.

Check out our St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Facebook page for pictures and information on our recent events and discussions.

Nursery Care is available in the Education Building room 107.

Worship Volunteers Acolyte: Bariture Komi Lay Readers: Penny Bellinger (9:00), David McCowen (11:00) Greeters: Mary O’Brien, Phyllis Bearden, Bobbye Pratt, Ann & Wynn Kallay, Deanna Hall Worship Explorers: Faratiana Rabenjam AV Technician: David Westbrook Next Sunday’s Volunteers: Acolyte: Gregory Mack Lay Readers: Ellen Halvorson (9:00), Marcia Noble (11:00) Greeters: Pat Baker, Sandy Speer, Lisa Temples Worship Explorers: Heather Newman AV Technician: X

Kirking of the Tartans today- Please join us for a shortbread recep-tion the courtyard following the 11:00 a.m. service. 39ers- meet Monday, Nov. 4th at 11:30 a.m. Come to Heffner Hall and enjoy the fellowship and a good meal See YOU there! Ushers Needed– There are openings for both the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services. Please contact the office if you are interested. The St. Andrews School is hosting its First Annual Fall Festival on Sun-day, November 3rd from 3-5pm! There will be food, games, costume parades, raffles, and a silent auction. We would love for you to come to the festival. This is a great opportunity for school families to meet our church family! Tickets are $5, and go on sale October 10th in the school office. See you at the festival!

Networks Community Ministry has voted in a permanent Executive Director, Holly Duncan. There will be a drop-in reception Sunday, November 3 , in Holly's honor from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the Tucker Community Center (Networks building). Join us for WOW on November 13th-We will be packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child. This is a great opportunity to share and minister to children in need. Stay tuned for more information. We will also be serving up pizza!!! Presbytery of Greater Atlanta meets Nov 14 at Trinity Atlanta, a joint meeting with Cherokee Presbytery. General Assembly Moderator Neal Presa will attend and lead worship. Three Elders are needed to represent St. Andrews. Please contact Mary Evans if able to serve. Community Thanksgiving Service- November 24 at 6:00 p.m. Law-renceville Road UMC will host. Staff Availability

Sunday, October 27th � 9:00 a.m. Worship � 10:00 a.m. Church School � 11:00 a.m. Worship � 5:00 p.m. Youth Choir � 6:00 p.m. Youth Monday, October 28th � 8:00 p.m. AA/ALAnon Meeting in the Education Building

Tuesday, October 29th

Wednesday, October 30th � 4:00 p.m. Farm Mobile � 4:30 p.m. CSA � 5:00 p.m. Worship Planning � 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Thursday, October 31st

Friday, November 1st � 9:00 a.m. Church at Prayer in the Parlor � 6:00 p.m. Journey Night Shelter � 7:00 p.m. Bridge Club in the Library � 8:00 p.m. AA/ALAnon Meeting in the Education Building Saturday, November 2nd

Sunday, November 3rd � 9:00 a.m. Worship � 10:00 a.m. Church School � 11:00 a.m. Worship � SAS Fall Festival in Heffner Hall

If you have a prayer concern for the bulletin or Church@Prayer group, please complete a Prayer Request Card, located in the pew rack, and place it in the offering plate. For private concerns, you may contact our clergy in the church office.

Recovering, Facing Surgery, Testing, or Treatments / other: Betty Weber Recovering from Knee Surgery Susan Ricks Back surgery on November 4th.

In the Nursing Home, Home Care, or Assisted Living: John Ballard—Wesley Woods, Nell Foster & Sandra Sacker—Arbor Terrace Asst. Living, Nancy Lamb— home, Bill Blasingame– Regency House, Sharon Shenkman—Golden Living, Decatur, Hazel Voigt- Cobblestone Park Springs, Inez Allen— at home, Evelyn Wallace– at home, Eva Haskitt– Northlake Gardens, Walter & Evelyn Aycock– Ashton Senior Living



Volunteer Opportunities Ushers Needed– There are openings for both the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services. Please contact the office if you are interested.

4882 Lavista Road ~ Tucker, Georgia 30084-4460

Phone: 770-938-2833 Fax: 770-938-6254 www.StAndrewsPresbyterian.org

St. Andrews Presbyterian Church St. Andrews Presbyterian Church St. Andrews Presbyterian Church St. Andrews Presbyterian Church

Service for the Lord’s DayService for the Lord’s DayService for the Lord’s DayService for the Lord’s Day

October 27, 2013October 27, 2013October 27, 2013October 27, 2013

11:00 a.m.11:00 a.m.11:00 a.m.11:00 a.m.

The Kirking of The TartansThe Kirking of The TartansThe Kirking of The TartansThe Kirking of The Tartans

Joseph Cooper Penny Bellinger Susan Talgo Pat Zrolka

Church Staff

Rev. Mary Jane Cornell, Interm Pastor Kristy Ray, Seminary Intern David Lukens, Director of Music Edward Weaver, Organist

Debbie Hutto, Financial Administrator Rebecca Croke, Administrative Assistant

Ann McKinney, Director, St. Andrews School Ledieth Fenimore, Environment Services

Mark Herbert Jill Jarvis Erin Johnston Leesi Komi Mark Mahaffey Heather Newman Merle Westbrook

Phyllis Bearden Debbie Brookins Tish Drury Maryanne Jones Jim King Julie Todd

Paul Ellingson Carol Gordon Asele Mack Laura Moore Rachel Nelson Marcia Noble

Session Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Class of 2015

Del Rey Humphreys, Clerk of Session Emeritus

Paul Burns Robbie Floyd Paige Kubik Ken Slusher

Pat Baker Debbie Brilling Bob Patton Lisa Temples

Diaconate Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Class of 2015

Mary Evans, Permanent Presbyter Mark Mahaffey, Church Treasurer

Sarah Slusher, Moderator of Presbyterian Women

We Gather In God’s NameWe Gather In God’s NameWe Gather In God’s NameWe Gather In God’s Name

Gathering Call Michael Grest, Piper Welcome Rev. Mary Jane Cornell Opening Voluntary “Rhosymedre" J.D. Edwards Chancel Bells Setting by Ralph Vaughn Williams Bariture Komi, Acolyte

Processional “Highland Cathedral” +The Presentation of the Tartans Joseph Taber Leader: In the presence of God, we raise the tartans of our clans and communities! People: We raise them to God! Leader: In communion with Christians everywhere, we raise these tartans before Almighty God in thanksgiving for our common and unique Christian heritage, and we ask God’s blessing on all servants of Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. +Prayer of Dedication of the Tartans Leader: Almighty God, you have promised to grant your blessing to people in all places who gather to praise your name. Fulfill now your promise and make us joyful in your house of prayer. May our worship, offered in the name of your Son and by the guidance of your Spirit, bring you glory. Bless these tartans, we pray, that they may be to us and to all people symbols of the faith of our ancestors and signs of our intention to share the story of your love in our words and deeds, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. People: Amen. By God’s Grace, so let it be.

Posting of the Tartans

Choral Introit “Bryn Calfaria” William Owen

+Call to Worship Praise the Lord. Praise God in the sanctuary; Praise God for acts of power; Praise God for surpassing greatness. Praise God with the sounding of the trumpet,

Praise God with the harp and lyre,

Praise God with timbrel and dancing,

Praise God with the strings and pipe.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

+Hymn 554 “Let All Things Now Living” ASH GROVE

Reading of the Decalogue Exodus 20:1-17 David McCowen (Pew Bible, OT pages 63-64) Prayer of Confession (Prayer by Scottish Presbyterian William Barclay

Save us, O God, from the blindness, which is not even aware that it is sinning; from the pride, which cannot admit that it is wrong;

from the self-will, which can see nothing but its own way; from the self-righteousness, which sees no flaw within itself; from the defiance, which is not even sorry for its sins; from the evasion, which puts the blame on someone else; from the heart so hardened that it cannot repent. Give us at all times eyes which are open to our own faults; a conscience which is sensitive and quick to warn; a heart which cannot sin in peace, but which is moved to regret and to remorse. So grant that being truly penitent we may be truly forgiven, so that we may find that your love is great enough to cover all our sin; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

A time of silent, personal confession

The Introit is from an original setting of the tune Bryn Calfaria. The music was composed by the Welshman

William Owen (1814-1893), who also composed the well-known hymntune Hyfrydol. The name of the tune

means “Mount Calvary” and the text is an adaptation from a Gaelic rune. A rune is a poetic form of Nordic ori-


Let All Things Now Living is sung to the tune Ash Grove, a traditional Welsh melody the source of which is un-

known. The tune is found in the collection Book of National Songs published in England by Novello & Co. The

words were written specifically for this tune by the American composer Katherine K. Davis (1892~1980) in

1920. Although the composer of more than eight hundred pieces of music, she is perhaps best known as the com-

poser of The Little Drummer Boy.

The music for the Psalter, O Lord, You Are My God and King, is based on a traditional Scottish melody titled

Bonnie Doon and arranged by Ed Weaver. The text is the metrical setting of Psalm 145:1-13 from The Psalter of


The sung response to the Assurance of Pardon is from a tradition of chanting unique to the churches of England

and Scotland. A chant is not a hymn melody to which a text has been fitted, but rather a series of tones to which

the words of a psalm or canticle are recited. Therefore, chanting is a rhythmic reading in which the text is of

prime importance. The setting is the Gloria in excelsis, based on a tune which by tradition has become known as

Old Scottish Chant.

The Musical Offering, The Apple Tree, is based on a traditional Scottish folk song arranged by K. Lee Scott in

this setting in 1983. The words are from an unknown American colonial author published in a collection by Josh-

ua Smith in New Hampshire in 1784.

The text of the Hymn, O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand, was written by Philip Doddridge in 1737 based on Gen-

esis 28:19-22 It is set to the Scottish tune Dundee which is from the Scottish Psalter (properly known as The

One Hundred Fifty Psalms of David), a collection of metrical settings published by Andro Hart in Edinburgh in

1615. Dundee is one of the twelve common tunes in the collection, important because so many of the Psalms

could be sung to them.

The Offertory, Song for Mary, is a recent composition by Mike Steel in the form of a traditional Air.

Shuttle pipes, sometimes referred to as “small pipes” or “house pipes” are played in the same manner as the Great

Highland pipes except the drones are much smaller, banded together in a single resonator, each is tuned by means

of a slide or shuttle, hence the name.

The Offertory Response, the Doxology sung to the tune Old Hundredth, is the most frequently sung hymn tune in

Christendom and dates to the roots of Presbyterianism. The tune was composed by Louis Bourgeois (1510-

1561), the chief musician of John Calvin’s church in Geneva, Switzerland. Calvin (1509-1564) allowed only the

Old Testament Psalms to be sung in church and enlisted French poets to cast the Hebrew into French verse; Bour-

geois composed tunes for the singing of these metrical psalms. The tune was first named Old Hundredth in Eng-

land because of its association with the metrical version of Psalm 100.

The Choral Benediction, entitled A Gaelic Blessing, is a setting of words adapted from an old Gaelic rune by

John Rutter in 1978.

The Postlude, The Rose of Kelvingrove, is an arrangement by David Knox. Although the tune is from an un-

known source, it was introduced to Knox by Ronnie Henderson, the Pipe Major of the Gordon Highlanders, in

1985. Knox was so impressed with the melody that he arranged the tune for Bagpipes and Wind Band. It was an

immediate success and was featured in the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth, held in Edinburgh, in 1986.

We extend our appreciation to

Doug Gray of the Saint Andrew Society &

Don Boney of the Stone Mountain Highland Games

for the tartans,

and a special thank you to

Michael Grest, piper extraodinaire.


Kirking of the Tartans Kirk is Scottish for church, and the Tartan, with its distinctive cross-lined patterns, represents Scottish clans, families,

regions, and regiments. The Kirking of the Tartans was introduced in the United States by Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall on

April 27, 1941 at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C. The ceremony was intended as a service of

rededication to Scottish heritage and to historical devotion to God and country.

Tartans: Perhaps no symbol is more associated with Scotland and Scottish history than the colorful traditions of High-

land dress. The tradition of the tartan is ancient, and there are many references to it in early Scottish literature. Ancient

tartans were described as “chequered” or “striped” or “sundrie coloured”. The basic pattern of the tartan is the sett, and a

sett is repeated until the desired length of material is achieved. For centuries, tartans were part of the everyday attire of

the Highland people, and it was there that its use continued and developed to become recognized as a symbol of clan kin-

ship. Tartans are still being developed and registered with the Scottish Tartan Society. A specific tartan exists for those

in the ministry and a red, white, and blue tartan was created for the Bicentennial of the United States in 1976.

Beadle: During the Middle Ages and throughout the Reformation, ownership of a Bible was rare among the common

people. Thus, the Bible of a Kirk was a treasured possession. The reverence toward sacred Scripture and the scarcity of

Bibles led to the establishment of a special lay office within the Kirk, known as the Beadle. The Beadle, whose primary

duty was to guard and protect the Bible, was usually elected by the Session of the Kirk. The beginning of Worship was

marked by the reverent carrying of the Bible into the Kirk and its opening for the morning readings. As the Bible was

carried by the Beadle into the Kirk, the people stood in respect for the Holy Book. At the conclusion of Worship, the

Beadle removed the Bible for safekeeping.

Bagpipes: Although bagpipes are ancient and derive from several international sources, the instrument is most frequently

associated as the national instrument of Scotland. It has been used for centuries in folk and military music. Clans took

great pride in their pipers and the reputation of a clan was based to some extent on the abilities of its pipers.

John Knox ~ Scottish Reformer: Knox studied under John Calvin (the father of Presbyterianism) in Geneva, Switzer-

land in the 1550's. Upon returning to Scotland, he wrote the first Book of Church Order and established the first Presby-

terian churches. The church spread to Ireland, and it was immigrants from Scotland and Ireland who brought the Presby-

terian Church to America.

Celtic Cross: The Celtic Cross has long been established with Celtic Christians who trace their origins to the earliest cen-

turies of the Church. Notable examples of this form of the cross are found in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The design

focuses attention on the head of the cross (which is the junction between the shaft and the crosspiece) which is enclosed

within a circle. It is this circle which is the most distinctive and differentiating feature of the Celtic version. Although

the significance is not known with certainty, it likely derives from a Constantinian symbol in which the Chi Rho mono-

gram was surrounded by a golden crown. The circle as a representation of infinity is an emblem of eternal life in Christ’s

victory over sin and death.

Tradi�ons in Music

Music is an important part of our reformed Scottish and Welsh traditions and the influence of those traditions can be

found throughout the world.

The music for the Gathering is traditional Scottish tunes piped by Michael Grest.

Worship begins with the Opening Voluntary. The musical selection is based on the hymntune Rhosymedre which was

adapted from the Scottish Psalter by John David Edwards (1806-1885). Edwards composed and arranged a collection of

sacred music in 1840 during the time he was Vicar at Rhosymedre, Wales; hence the name for his favorite tune. The set-

ting is by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1952), renowned as the most important English composer of his generation.

The arrangement for handbells is by Douglas Wagner.

The Processional, Highland Cathedral, was composed by Uli Roever and Michael Korb in 1982. Although Roever and

Korb were convinced of its chances of success - publishing companies were not. In spite of their rejection at that time, the

tune has found its way into people's hearts. The composers produced their own CD with Korb performing. Since then,

the composition has been published on various sound media about 80 times by different artists (e.g. in the Netherlands,

South Africa, UK and USA). It is played by virtually all Scottish bagpipe bands and has become one of the best(known

bagpipe tunes in the world.

Kyrie Eleison Assurance of Pardon

God’s mercy never fails. Friends, hear and believe the good news: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

+Congregational Response (sung by all)

+The Passing of the Peace Leader: Grounded in grace, let us celebrate the peace we have received in Jesus Christ by sharing it with one another and with the whole world. The peace of Christ be with you all. People: And also with you.

Please greet your neighbors with a handshake and the words, “The peace of Christ be with you.”

Psalter “O Lord, You Are My God and King” Traditional Scottish Melody Psalm 145:1-13 Arranged by E. Weaver

There is no children’s sermon this Sunday. Following the anthem, children from Pre-k to 2nd Grade will leave for Worship Explorers through the side door. They will return after the sermon during the singing of the hymn.

Scripture Lesson Joshua 3:3-4:7 (Pew Bible, OT page 186)

Sermon “Generous and Ready to Share: Sharing The Story” Rev. Mary Jane Cornell

+Hymn 269 (Presbyterian Hymnal) “O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand” DUNDEE

+Affirmation of Faith - The Scots Confession 1560 We confess and acknowledge one God alone, to whom alone we must cleave, whom alone we must serve, whom alone we must worship, and in whom alone we must put our trust; who is eternal, infinite, immeasurable, incomprehensible, omnipotent, invisible; one in substance and yet distinct in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; by whom we confess and believe all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible to have been created, to be retained in their being, and to be ruled and guided by his inscrutable providence for such end as his eternal wisdom, goodness, and justice have appointed, and to the manifestation of his own glory.

Musical Offering “The Apple Tree” Traditional Scottish Melody Chancel Choir Arranged by K. Lee Scott

Concerns & Celebrations of the Church Prayers of the People and for the World

We are praying for the world one country at a time, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Today we pray for Saint Lucia. Information about this country and others for whom we have prayed is available at the table with the globe in the narthex.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;

for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Offertory “Air” Mike Steel +Offertory Response “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” OLD HUNDREDTH

+Prayer of Thanksgiving & Dedication

+Hymn of Commitment 280 “Amazing Grace” EXCELL

+Benediction in Words

+Choral Response “Deep Peace” Text: Traditional Gaelic Blessing Music: John Rutter

Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the shining stars to you. Deep peace of the gentle night to you.

Moon and stars pour their healing light on you. Deep peace of Christ, of the light of the world to you,

Deep peace of Christ to you.

Benediction in Music “The Rose of Kelvingrove” Arranged by David Knox

Dismissal to the Courtyard

+Those who are able, please stand.

Beverage and Scottish Shortbread will be served in the Courtyard following the service this morning. Come and take refreshment.