Welcome to Brazil and Curitiba - AIESEC Presentation

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Brazil is much more than Carnival, Soccer and Amazon Forest!! Check it out!


Brazil, land of beauty, happiness, prosperity

and Surprises… !!

When you think of Brazil, what comes to your mind?

Carnival? Sexy Mulatas? Samba? Happy people?

Very hot weather? Summer 365 days per year? Tropical fruits?

Paradise landscapes?

“Breadbasket” of the world?

Largest producer and exporter of:


Alcohol Ethanol

And the 2nd largest producer and exporter in:

Yeah, I would say…everything that came to your mind is true!


For the largest country in Latin America, the 5th largest country and population in the world and the 7th largest economy! Those things that the media put in your mind is nothing compared with the amount of diversity in geography, population, history, economy, nature and culture We have!

Easier comparison to understand how big We are: the whole Europeans countries fits in Brazil!

Brazil has much more nice things and is much more diverse

than you imaging… Apart of you already know We also have…

Wealthy! The 8th richest guy in the world is Brazilian! 75% of population are middle or upper class!

2nd largest Oktoberfest in the World!

And also BIG companies, BIG consumer market and technology:

The seven Brazilian companies in the Fortune Global 500:

Energy Multinational Bank of Brazil Private Bank

Mining Multinational

Food Industry

Financial Holding

Fuel Holding

Embraer is the world's third-largest commercial aircraft company

O Boticário is the largest cosmetic franchise in the world. (3.000 stores in 8 countries)

World’s 6th largest car manufacturer

World’s 6th largest mobile market.

5th in the world rank of internet users. (80 million)

Electronic Election since 1996. Result in 6 hours.

Hey! Rio used to be our capital (51 years ago), NOT anymore!! And also is not the only city in Brazil!!


Florianópolis São Paulo

We have 5.564 cities, 26 states and one

Federal Capital > Brasília!!






Brazilian People: Yes, We were colonized by Portuguese and We had slavery from Africa, BUT We also received immigrants from the whole World, that make us (192 million Brazilians) one of the most diverse and mixed population on Earth!

Portuguese African Native Indians


German Italian

Polish Japanese Arab Spanish Chinese

Music: Samba is very famous here, BUT is just one of many Brazilian music:

Pagode Sertanejo Samba




Frevo Lambada Maracatu

Funk carioca Tecnobrega Brazilian Pop Brazilian Rock

Chorinho Bossa Nova

Vanerão Gospel


Are you already surprised? Calm, you didn´t see anything yet!

Let’s start the show…!!

Key points of Curitiba!

Population: the Greater Curitiba has almost 3 million people, the 8th largest capital city of Brazil!

Economy: The 5th largest GDP in Brazil. More than 10 shopping malls and more than 30 multinational companies such as: Renault, HSBC, Electrolux, Volvo, Volkswagen, Exxon Mobil, Kraft Foods, Siemens, Bosch, etc.

Curitiba tourist attractions:

A modern and developed city…

Modern Shopping's Modern Theaters Modern Universities

High Buildings

Touristic Double Decker Bus

Modern Buses Modern Bus Stop Segway

AIESEC in Curitiba, 137 members. All engaged, energetic and excited about impacting positive the world and transform your

Exchange the best experience in your life!

So what are you waiting for discover through your eyes the amazing things about Brazil and Brazilians that the news, movies and teachers have never told and showed you before?

Seja Bem-vindo ao Brasil e a Curitiba. …your next temporary amazing home!

Contact us and match with our TNs available!

Igor Ricardo Pizaia Cercal ICX-NC Macthing Coordinador igor.pizaia@aiesec.net facebook.com/igoricardo Skype: igoricardo AIESEC in Curitiba – Brazil facebook.com/aiesec.curitiba