Welcome to February’s edition · enhance your communication skills. Finally, we discuss how...

Post on 09-Feb-2020

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Welcome to February’s edit ion

of Peak Living! The f irst month

of 2020 has come to an end, but

we need to make sure we are sti l l

committed to achieving the goals we

set at the beginning of the year. Are

you taking small action steps each day

to get where you want to be?

Each monthly newsletter is dedicated to

giving you t ips and practical strategies to help

you achieve optimal health, work and play at

peak performance levels, and to not only define,

but also to f ind the courage to relentlessly pursue

what brings you most joy in l i fe. When you can do

this, you wil l truly achieve a sense of mastery and l i fe balance.

We focus on three areas of personal greatness: mind, body and

soul. In this edit ion, we look at how to tweak your att i tude for 2020

and what the Journey to Personal Greatness podcast is al l about.

Then we look at what foods can tr igger/worsen arthrit is and how to

enhance your communication skil ls. Finally, we discuss how

journaling benefits students and what Fascial Stretch Therapy can

do for you. We could not leave without reminding you to check out

the programs we have highlighted at the end; Mind Your Business

and Younity Yoga.

We are open to any feedback on how we can better help you achieve

your goals. Unti l next t ime; be relentless in your pursuit of personal

greatness: mind, body and soul.



@selfmastery | @mediocrity2grt

@THCPP | @mediocrity2greatness | @awomansjourneytopersonalgreatness

@thecentre4healing | @journeytopersonalgreatness

Journey To Personal Greatness

Does your team, organization, school, or conference need an uplifting, inspiring, personable, and motivational speaker/presenter?

Be clear on your goals Focus on the positive Think big Keep your eyes on the prize Be consistent Practice gratitude Have courage Be committed in your goals

The New Year has probably got you thinking about your life goals. Amajority of us even have New Year’s resolutions. However, did youknow that only 8% are actually successful in achieving them? To beat the odds, begin with an attitude adjustment to create thepositivity and purpose you’ll need to achieve it. First, you must beclear about what you want. This may sound like an obvious statementbut the vast majority of people are totally unaware of what it is theyreally want. Their desires are not concrete. Here are some steps to consider to make sure you achieve your bestlife possible:

With a little attitude adjustment and a lot of hard work, patience,consistency, courage, clarity, and commitment, you can meet any ofyour life goals.

Journey to Personal Greatness PodcastEpisode 1 - Alvin discusses discipline, which is the bridgebetween your goals and accomplishments. However, without thediscipline to do what it takes, it will be hard to move from settingyour goals to reaching them. Episode 2 - Alvin discusses potential, which is having or showingthe capacity to develop into something in the future. We all have it,but most people can never reach their potential and some don’teven scratch the surface. Have you tapped into your potential? Episode 3 - Alvin discusses stress. Thepressure of life affects everyone. Everyonefeels stress related to work, family,relationships, and more. But how do youhandle it? Do you crumble under thepressure or rise to the occasion? Episode 4 – Alvin interviews Rem Jackson,Founder and CEO of Top Practices, LLC; acompany dedicated to helping professionalsreach their full potential. To get the full Journey to PersonalGreatness experience, Alvin offers bothbusiness and personal coaching as well as aself mastery class. Start your journey todayby emailing us at self.mastery02@gmail.comto book your FREE 15-minutediscovery/compatibility call.

Foods that Trigger or Worsen Arthritis

Fried foods - These kind of foods can add up to the body fat which inturn puts more pressure on the joints and heightens their risk forwear and tear. Examples are doughnuts, french fries, and friedchicken.Preserved and processed foods - They can lower the body's defenseswhich makes it more prone to inflammation. A person with arthritisshould not eat the following: hotdogs, sausages, ham, and instantnoodles.Sweets - Eating sugar and refined carbohydrates can also bring a risein AGE in the body which triggers inflammation. Foods under thisinclude: soda and soft drinks, instant juice, white bread, white rice,candies, chocolates, and cake.Beans - Their protein-content plus the substance found on their skincan trigger arthritis.Mushrooms - Their ammonia content can trigger and/or worsen thisjoint ailment.

While there are foods and spices that soothe or cure arthritis, there arealso food items that will cause arthritic pain to patients. Here is a list offoods to avoid if you happen to have this joint ailment.

You get one body in this life, and you need to treat it well! Taking care ofit means not only exercising and pampering yourself, but caring aboutwhat you eat every day.

Language has a powerful effect on our daily living, our health and overallexperience. Little words that we throw out there each and every day are akey part to creating that experience.

There is a tendency to be lazy with our language and how we choose tocommunicate, then we wonder why we end up in confusing situations andsurrounded with misunderstanding. We add our own ideas based uponhow we are perceiving the person and the situation, combined with ourown experiences in relation to them.

Our vocabulary has weight and power. It can literally weigh you down, holdyou back, or it can be light, fluid, assertive, powerful, raise you up andpropel you forward.

People spend a good amount of time focusing on their frustrations andthings they are not happy with. Although it’s important to know what youdon’t want, it’s also vital to take from all that and begin to create otherpossibilities. Once this happens, you want to start incorporating habits thatmatch this desire. When you practice this consistently, you then start togenerate the feelings associated with this want. Once the thoughts,feelings and speech are in flow and you continue to take action, you are inthe becoming stage and the rest will follow.

Are you ready and want to synchronize your thoughts, feelings, energy andlanguage that are aligned with your intentions, goals and desires? Do youwant to refine your language for optimal health and peak performancepersonally and professionally? Schedule an appointment with me andtogether let’s enhance your communication!

Communication - Part of Our Human Engineering System

Sarah J. Palumbo Integrated Peak Performance Coach and Advisor | Neuro Linguistic Programming | Energy Medicine

Benefits of Journaling for Students

Journaling is a reflective process that enables students to take control of

their emotions and thoughts. Research has shown that encouraging

students to maintain journals can be beneficial as it can:

Develop an amazing learning tool - Journal writing is a useful learning

tool as it enables students to assess and rectify their writing processes.

It also improves memory, as students must recall and write about events.

Inspire students - Journal writing can inspire students. They can be

encouraged to maintain gratitude journals. This way, teachers can help

students focus on their positive experiences and use them to overcome

their difficulties.

Build confidence - With journal writing, students gain confidence in their

writing skills as the strategy helps find their voices. Regular journal

writing empowers students to become more vocal with their opinions and

thoughts, and encourages personal reflection.

By journaling in the classroom, students improve more than just their

writing skills. They learn to reflect on, question, explore and find

connections between themselves and the world around them.

Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is one of the fastest, mosteffective and pleasant methods to eliminate pain, restorefunction, move and feel better in activities of life, fitness andsports.

Different than most stretching techniques and routines, FSTworks to decompress the body in a holistic manner. Throughconnective tissue, this relaxing passive stretch therapy targetsthe entire joint, muscle and body from head to toe.

Stretch to Win , Fascial Stretch Therapy is a complete systemthat is being used in medical, fitness, sports and therapeuticfacilities.

Come and “Set it Free with FST!”

As this is a new service, we are offering a discount of $20 OFFyour first full session with me! Make sure to take advantage ofthis offer before it’s too late. Angela CurrieSTW Fascial Stretch Therapist

Physical Therapist Assistant

Registered Yoga Teacher

Fascial Stretch Therapy

“They get to the core of what’s happening.

I’ve been a client for 15 years. I believe in

their philosophy and skill. I am now able to

golf and do all the things I enjoy doing more

often." – Bob B

“The Centre for Healing and Peak

Performance is amazing! It is a must for your

health needs and I highly suggest TCHPP to

anyone who is ready and wanting to care for

themselves and grow. I attended the goals

workshop held at the beginning of 2013 – it

was inspiring, insightful and very helpful. I

love that I have already checked several

goals off my goal list. Meeting Arnold

Schwarzenegger at the Arnold Bodybuilding

event earlier this year was one of those

goals, and I am really excited about that

one!” – Valerie

Mind Your Business is a 5-week workshop that empowers

kids by teaching them they are in total control of their

emotional and mental wellness. This workshop introduces

meditation, emotional learning and mindful awareness as

methods to develop self awareness and emotional

regulation as well as initiate self learning.

For more information on other workshop dates and

locations, please visit us and subscribe at


*Please note that Mind Your Business focuses on mindfulness and meditation, and

does not provide “therapy” or psychological assessments of participants.

Mind Your Business Workshop




Does your team, organization, school, or conference need an uplifting, inspiring, personable, and motivational speaker/presenter?

JULY 2019

Alexandra Shiels

Self-Mastery ProgramE.A.T. 4Life programWomen’s Journey to Personal Greatness

Welcome to July’s edition of Peak Living. Each monthly newsletter is dedicated to giving you tips and practical strategies to help you achieve optimalhealth, work and play at peak performance levels, and to not only define, but also to find the courage to relentlessly pursue what brings you the mostjoy in life. When you can do this, you will truly achieve a sense of mastery and life balance. In every issue, we focus on three areas of personal greatness and peak living; mind, body and soul. Our goal is clearly set and in motion: we want to helpone million people to live optimally, alleviate pain and end needless internal struggling. Here’s what’s in store in this issue: Is positive thinking only in your head, or does it have a tangible effect on you? We will discuss this point in our article:How does thinking positively, affect your heart? Then we will look at how effective physical activity can have on your ability to attain peak performanceat work. Finally, we pose the question: can you improve your life through practicing gratitude? We are always looking for practitioners who can help us to deliver the goal of getting you to optimal health, and to that end, we want to introduce a newpractitioner to our team and tell you a bit of what she does. Find out more about her in the pages below. New addition to the team:

Finally, we feature our three personal mastery and life balance programs:*

We could not leave you without reminding you to check out our highlights section to catch up on all the extras we add to the mix each month. We areopen to any of your feedback on how we can better help you achieve your goals. Don't forget to share this information with your family and friends - itmay be just what they need. Last but certainly not least, like us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.bit of body text


@journeytopersonalgreatness - @thecentre4healing - @womansjtpg

@selfmastery - @mediocrity@grt

Journey To Personal Greatness

https://www.thecentreforhealingandpeakperformance.com -https://www.journeytopersonalgreatness.com

@thecentreforhealingandpeakperformance - @mediocrity2greatness - @awomansjourneytopersonalgreatness

CONNECT WITH USDoes your team, organization, school, or conference need anuplifting, inspiring, personable, and motivationalspeaker/presenter? Email us at: self.mastery02@gmail.com